THZ MIC1N!(NA?( A!1LY G. H. Wild Comfpaly The Largest Stock in the Ci.ty o Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS1 For Getlemen's 'Near 1?eerything reqited for Sitt, Overcoats, F'ancy Vetings, and Trousering, and of htgh ca"s fabrtcand speiat styls. Full Dress Suits a Specialty 0. IH. Wild Comlpally 31I South State Street BOOKS Save half yor itone and buy Secondhand Books at Z~be $tuaent& IiVoohtore Unversity TextBooks fot all tDepartments. Drawing tnstrumeents for Engin- eering Studentsi. We carry alt the etoaie recommended y the pofessor. One pricesoalways thein et. ftectical Voohfitatolte't' ant' fftutcnt&sttapplieeo SntEHaAN'S LADER FOUNTAIN PN The Best $100 Pen in the World SHEEHAN & CO. StAtE '''Ci' SPALDINGS OFFICIAL FOOTBALL OjUIF y. Cotaiti the New Raes Wittll iae eplnaorny pituesi'. Ilii "li'ry atie oCam. Tiii.largeet "ot- 'bal tudc i,°re pulliet. toil i footbalinfortiisiiio. reiew, foeiicisitii'itidles'.ataisiis,re ordstic tures ore4,0iiiplyr. Ptcer 10c. A. (I. SPALDINGI & BROS. New Yor. iio, S. toiSlrnS. cu o- Sediiyour ne aiii'diigt trc eoqo hr 4palti tctlalnd Wite Aports C °ttkig c i ti l n, pte s andiiii pric's it Anthes new, rsousslli atleic oods THE MICHIJAN DAILY. Managing Editor=PAUL SCOre MOWEtR- Businaess Manager-C.. E. WtNSuTA. News.........A. F. Ritfie Athletics....William F. Gradolpt Sportingr...... larece 11. Eldidge Exchange ........1. John Wanold Muitsic and Dranma.....Roy D. Welch %Vmns1dilir. Louise Van Vooris 'II' 51)Vt. DA 21', rP EVllY24, 07. sE I is EsR u nissiers. wk ihithusissue, Te lDail ruers tiot utie iticiihiiyear'5ofits eistence We ar ao s ol., that is ts say, as sonic ofi thei't' i csty's smore preccious iresihiieii. kinid witl utodsity-or rallier. witls imuichimoidesty as clii ipropery blieixtecei of ai17-yar-ldt, -w ishirto adimiiiltiiiatswe arceit ou-ircoi'ious. F ric te eeysflst ie ere a sc- ces in our fC eele biiyiiiy51. Ilefore wre iweer a-dayuuoiiiiiiicolilrerao, soil iiousilyi, alhoughlloniithis poit iour meorails its. coulil urie, ill iell. Oarut iproementt. see elievelarcite,- I u sei-illy.Outiefinincilcllegs.iat one tie weak aiii tiiteringiithItin-i farct aniiiilsleiiier e liii ena r-llisowl noeintolisiiihlislartc1lils sioe rali seci'-,uiiisiie aid eiliro liiketr- isloinil Ilir eitorciial lricells have mutiledatoishinigl itt nieumes adarc- alsini ceasig, iehiipe, hlieffii car. even our1 quarterlli~5sovecolime to mal to cnti'un us sioSthithis tear lie aie takenthle iggst still of all: lihe' 111'st upihousekeeint ii a 11111dest ecnitil l aparstiet in Xfis ay- oardi sree. \V e liae now 1'gillto the porit w eee lie re' sell-'onsicilttiosneeCr 11b11re a kiiiiof ig itiltoticdress it i. like mos1t17-ea-olds, wsethitike ie ktii a thing or two:i aatiwe r te surey' grievd iwhtieni 11111illii11111lisen. We lio nt ia'sle souiitle agreec With its. u cii liketo latt1111r1ourtselves talt y-sli cris !ay t su iposal. kWeCwiati you u> 'ilauh'circielsts, tolintii uees- edi couri narraties.iiialdlitotick ovr "k:ropinons We ite lit 'noutg, it sees o u, o b alctoilliveture a remarin pubitli c locsiiinally erl1 'citie" elittaty., asi were. t it cia l li itoisop unioiis of ci' el's, our- e 1.1cc that11Wee'are' still iong, C'adsrong andlialel' t isitakes'. Yoii wiill fid itsbighearctedenotutigtolibli sryfore our' erts lowe'vte';catl if i cimpanyi siittheii'fresmisetiriie i sohmrs eshoculdl at any itte lbe focedelto cttli a tee. weshrial ell dcvrtio do it gcr"acefully. illhillel i curientiacitke itdIea tat staif. a canite uthaill-i'a "ull:11i tie say of a clege ace'inutace. kWie wishl t colireci'elthisimpre ssion. T onlytc wairtoiipreflermenti ith e eitoria depattrtet o f this paple istrotg I ails aleacer ntiltonily itt cimpus, ht r t Y r f tI c' E' C' ,Y rt e e inl interscollegiati',jourtalistic thought. In rier tot tditthis, see musstspIlocuetc the mstacicottmtlishedlstaff avalale. Titere is always room for oue ore giol mats. If you have ail newspaper expeien~ce, etr even if you have icina- title for the work, come to one office itti talk it over. It is one of che Daily's aims to see as a sort of cotse in practical journal' in. A college pater is of ecessity tmarkedt tff sonmewha sarply from i purey comosecia cntemporares;l yet it lhai certaint poitts is commnon with themtihtat malke it of geat serice as a steppng-stonte fr the jouraitc asiran~lit. AsIt useitmnor futting onte int uc t wt itht the sectsadi affairs of the University, it is also valtale. If y'ouit11ve1c iiy leanig towart newspaer wocrk.iditnot let tis opporuitiy sli y. The'masagig etioci will meet candi- datestodtusay at 5 p. 11. i1 Te Dilvs neiwiiffices ott Mavnallrd street. si t s'cAeCYvU iltte To si? Nosythat tere is or very shortly sill le. a ttngible expressionl of te V iclilgaitiUiionimoeet,-a real U..nion ictliubhttse of te sttdentscee' owni,-thesensiitwhlottnte student boty hasvCetrusted ithilthe Uionsmaage itett have a right to expect ceran very detii-tie'thinigs frimtth lat student oy. hitilectloyaty aiit adhlerece to te tticitihave bienititaiifestedl ly a sort f itip-servcee.d hulie purchase of tick- ets to a tbanqutiet eery twelsemonth. Somiietinig tmtre is notis necessary. The Clubhouittse sill nteid, especialtly ins this cilspota'. usedl iohetunaitinoslsy giveci athltiiis before te gymnsittim wastliected. It ought sotl to te a qes tio icocf "C'aic I afford tjointishio Uniosn, tiuti"tartiI afford itt to join the c'niion?" Moirever, when the sons of tie lUist cisb are troswn opes, it will hei icumbnt upotnliilthe mnstof this it- d it 1 tolitakiitierillvantge f that fact tini eeryeswas.FTheJiionst eslong ein hralidedItast istriiin tity tre ito genteate the blessitgs of sociability, f frienshslip. anit ofdemocratic uter- ? mingltig ttueentisetofcl 11 llsses, ll tsocialiransandsetcliteseemenstofsay alliancesii'dimen'(iflnone. It cni io cciiniork ts'ostiers foe thle sicial life sre at 'Aieligast.ut it cntionly doi s11if the mn ess msnseves totheir siarec i the waly of creatisg a disinicly IUioniatmlosphlere o friendiliness and goi-felisg. Te Unionvis ioit will le realiet uhess every cU isesite- matn isit Unitons tast. adi eaicit es earlteily isto the wortk oh t mainiitg 'tile'ltter fellow" feetlt osos e It i citstomalry', thus early' i the e year, lto croffer a ife seteces iof edi cicrailitdice tic frshmslen. We make lusbiene setoinited:it"Get sise" 'ir Kseis's home-meuade canies. 61,,, t Lst killieimtsstreet. -$ Killege Clothes lfoe Kolege Men- cto toi $2. Attesthue C('tile, Minti estreet. T-6 FACUlTY CI{ANGES - iTS PRRSONNEL (Cotined rns Pag Onei Flnew Arts ini Bostos. He is sitcceedel by Campbell Bonner, of Nashville, TPer. Professor de Laguna, assistant profes- sor of education, Dr. J. E. Cuter, as- sistant professor of economis, ad Pro- fessor V. L. Dunlap all leae the teach- jog force this year. The latter ecomes ose of the expert cemssists of the Na- tiontal Pmure Food cosmmissios. Itt additionu toth tese, oe more yelr' leve of ahsestce hes etn grated Pro- fessor Htenry C. Audamss of the ecoom- cs deartmen, st-io is wils teseitser- state Commnerce commsissiosn, and Pro fessor Csnf'eldihetro teufe upartmsent of te Romccien ugiage s hacs it yar's aloencec for studtye abtra.l ie' is ntoum hut Euope. H arrisont S. Smsahey te cous-,asietnti professor of ecunoics sw'tie huh -Levi 11n111Chrlts P. kWager huecme tprofessor and suiusistanst irfessor respectively- of theidtenltuho ft- smaside'hanguagis. The rturnu fPtrfssr Frett N. Scutt. he-adof te rhetric ueprtsmentl after ca yearepsuedinuIroipe.mussite espseciilyunoted. All inialciishie stusme f ue lites russiaiseditiythin facslty ticse caused regret, te geseral opinioni of ther- turniing stuidents seemss to le th thus lessversity- faculty is ii saetfelutecus effective year. Let us take youur mieasre fete yur tesw fall ssit-$cO.0oOasdcitp. Fredt uW. Gross corser Libery anti Fourth ae- nuue. Exetiveie repeseentativ'e for Ed. V. hPrice & Co., secant taiors Chi cgo.edt u-6 PIANOS FOR RENT-A nisnterutl cttoice ess' pinous at Root's Muttsi tHouse on easy terms. Free tunsig tf FRESH'ktEN! Start rightbuy Purfhielud's' sos-thess you will alwaeys le ini syle stiltumoneiy' aead. tig S. Mist strit. -u Alarm icocks warranted for oce yer, l$t.tuo. tiller's Jewtery Store, 2u16 S. 'Winui street. clt Lauties' gymsnsasiums suits at Muiss Los- el's. 3.2 S. Sate street-$.00 tutu $.50. Stwimmingshsuists, $.0. ltced ior n- ter early. Ti-t _A ctoice hune of cadiies-Giiet's, Loiwiscys andTus ay11-oermsahes, at 1Qualrry's. 1'e puts'ou ostt comse udonstowttn for your latortory susplies. Godyar's I)e'us tr. i-ta Ness'freshmnsdental outit andutdeta eusngine for sae cheap. J. C. Wats, 33 East Liberty street. I-3 yIf you sats the best founanspen in the city, go to Cushing's, 336 Suuthi State street. f ;iT'e Kesmpi .MsiceStdtios-Piano, voice, pie organs, comustositios. 32 S. Divsionssstreet. oi-8S Why pay full prices? GET THE DISCOUNT We allow 20 per cent dicont on Drafttng Suppies 10 ter cent dscoutstous Draft-tg tnstruments. 10 per cent discount on Elntvr- oty Text-Book. We ougnt a large stock of Second-hand Law Books and wstellitat undsrpitee. Writing Paper by he Pound 20c 25 35c Wahres Special Fountain Pen, $1.00. Tvery one is guaranteed Malounstoes yurchaucartaes Waher's Book Stores Second-hsandtbooks bounght adsolsit G. E. BARINHEL Law Medical Dental Books New and Second-hand Largest Stock in Michigan Text=Books Dictionaries Quiz Cornpends C. E. BARTHELL Tel 76. 326 S. State St. GET STARTED RIGHT Auth becmi.acqnainted witt isisonlyy tstcss JEWELRY STORE FEvrythng in co.lleg PlnFbs JewelyEtc We rglanted thean all WM. ARINOLD °.o Mtnt. I le it _ L I 'Tle msant whsotenowvs tuuys clothes of -_______________ Groiss, corsser becty- asnutFoureth-, aye- Get yourtbanssse rs, tpenns su ansu rcom fusiue. eodl--6 dcorationss at Skininer's. t It's only Short Step IWhere ti Materials of Qual'ity .re Sold* Iri fact, Everythifv j for 'the Studernt. S~xpplleR of all kinds. U.oOf m. Co-wop Store 660 Store with the Bhao Fron~t --fir--- ... ti . I Ube lnfversft schooL of fIIu fc PIANO SIN GOING VIOLIN ORGAN RLOCUTION AND DRAMATtC ART PUIJ~C SCHOOL MRTHODS PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING Call at the office, Maynard Street, for fnull infornmation Z~be Stubents' 9lecture IAssociation Seasoni 1907-108 Premier Lecture Course of the 'West SOUSA-S BAND - Fmsil J. Hirsch, D.D.,-LL.D. John Temple Graves Dr. Wnm. J.-Da wsons hLotdoss) Dr. Brander Matthews "Leland T. Powers Hon. John Barrett Opic Read Gov. J. Frank Hanly (Inid.) Oratorical Contest John Graham Brooks Open Numbher See "Prospectuls" for dates and explanation of Open Number S. L. A. Officce, Main Corridor, University Hall. Treasurn's Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. zicIhetz for JxnalrecCourse, r_ " _ $2.00 Secure your Season Tickets from student canvassers or at S. L. A. Office. I f Washington E. RANDA.LL, THE P110 T OG 1?I$ Phone 598