THE MIUIGA.'N DAILY.,.,,. - -.-. .... SminBurchfield's Fie Tailoring Trade Can Deliver- The Goods SamBurclhfieldl & . U.O EAST HURON ST. B EST STOCK OF N THlE CITY AT B OWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. We ave Pipes to sell too-lots LW of 'em at low prices. ALAI01fI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the bestinakes and fully guaranteed. MdlI( 4N PINS AND FOBS 25e tp to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A .SPECIALTY. Wtch lsaectr or the An Arbor Railroad J.. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Braethl 304 S. State S. Cigjarettes Turkish and Egyptain AUL,THE LEADING BRANDS -CASH PRICES 1c4g,.. - - - 2 for 25c 25c;Pkg.. - - 5 for $1.00 R. E. JOLLY 308 S. STATE ST. MRLS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI FASI*NADLE HAIRDRESSER Hal 0ado, lHairresing, hampooing Mae rlag, Pac Massage a Specialty. anf8. tata St. (lip Stairs) Bell Phone 889 BANKS TNUTARMRS AND MECHANICS BANK M1AIN AND HIURON STRETS captal.l.50,00Surpneand Profita, $6,000 Gneal Banking Business. 3 ercent paid on Time and Savings Deosits. Safety De- pois BdXs to rentat 112.0and upwards K. H Kugejra W. 0. SEVES. Vice-re 5. H. Bamaau C tash. . A. WILLIAmS Aat The AnD Arbor Savings Bank Osidlal toci, $50000. Surplus, $200,00 Resources, $2,00,000 AOaaral Banking Business Transaced itiwcaa: 'Chas. E. Hiscoc, Prs.; W. D.. 4 artman, Vice Pros.: M. . Frit. Cashier 1 STATE SAVINGS BANK DtIECTOS: PW.1 B. ooth Jun. V. Sheehan Som. Nrod 'Dr. V.. Vaughan ia. .ade° E. F. Miul 7 ho Barer Jno. och P'rf. $85. Carhicet Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin' Dan F. Ziomerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANx Aesox. Mice. E. D. RINNE, HARRISON SOULE, Pres. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cushier, Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, §110,400. Germnan. American Savings Bank Comsaeroee1 a ftd A.5vfnsf. ECONOMICS -ESSAYS DRAW BIG PRIZES Undergraduates of All Universi- ties Are Given Opportunity to Compete. Prizes for essays on economic studics almounting to $2,000 arc again offcred bty MLVessrs. Hart, Schaffuer & Marx, of Chicago, for tile -fifth~ successive year. The pturpose of thte offer is to arouse ton iterest in the study of topics relating, to vottmerre antd indutsry and to stitt- late' ttose swto tare a college tr onng to considiter the trohlems of a'incss career.' The commnittee in clege of the~ comttetitiolt is comtpose of Prof. J. Lawrrrncr Latigkin;-, of Chicago univei' sity, chairman: Prof. J. B. Clark, Co- liumhia; Prof. Hentry C. Adams, Micht- ganll Horace Wh~lite, Nesv York City, anti Carroll H. Wright, Clark college. T'he comittee htas divided the wvork nto tree classes and unuder twvo general bezads. Thteyv ttll attention to the fact thtat tis sear a comnpetitor is slot coli- f'neil Isosubjects oteiltioned in. thoc an- ..I lltllc t.'"btit 1110) choose any othser sublject whlicth receives -the comnmittee's Under thte irsvt Ihead'--are. ,stiggesled Ihereswith:-a* fewsv ubjects,;itntrded:, pri- matrily for Itose swho have-.ltdd an; aca- dettoic trahing;' ttt 'she -posseasion of a t egree is loot required'-of any. contestant,. rri an:- uige limoit set.a r. 11mt:11 d'Atnirican meitods of- TG'Il logic of "Prsigrss--an1 Pov- ;. ;'What 'ares 'the -~ultnae -ensds of Cloting trale tniuons ant Icm these be gained by any application: of the principles of mtonotpoly? 4. In viewe of existing rilsay prog- ress shotdd the Untitedl States encourage thte cosruction of waterays' Is it to be expected that te pres- ct and recent. prouuction of gold swill cause a higher level of' prices? Untder Iis head, Class A includes any American without restriction; atd Class B includes onl those, swho, at te ime the papersare sent i, are undergrad- ales of any American college. Ay nembher of Class B11tmay comntete for the lances of Class A. A first prize of $60, ad a seod pize o $400 are offeret for the best stdies presentedl by Class A, 11111 a first prize of $30, and is seond prize of $200 are offered for te best studies preseted by Class . The comttitee reserves to itself te'rigl t to asard the 'tswo pizes of $600 'and $400 of Class A 10 tmndeigraduotes inClass 1, if te mlerits of thte papes Idemoand it. Unde tte second eadi are sggested some subjects inended for tose woio nay bhove had n ocodei training, and rho rnt 'Class C t. 'ihe Ibest "shtemellof un~iform coer- poratil~oacelxtliuls .. lesn lle'ie utlbos dof imp~roing 011r. ts'ude woviloChiutI 1.''he prope spless ol fie' trus coflipiliandithIls'cotmecill battlk: . 'he rlatioios 'of'ortetal 'ioitnogra ion to American tnduotres g: The relatto e eflicecy of'A eni can andEropean laoi 'in'imfanfactite iog indstires One pri ic iii $so is offered'i for tile I si studlv preseileil iiby ClosC; btt it Class AX Tilt e d Ipi ss ao lie 15Jl1c'1, 90. VI\ . PiIculrs 1100 t e"ollfallelfrom Prof. : I I OtughlliloUnivrsity ofhi csogo. ., Iltotnue rorl !ae iyie. knoledgesll o f Germanii 1111 Iisapllpitig r~olarks 1110111:thele r911p1. lnguage,: '5111ch11 lie cols .1111 O.iI Sileuk," .swili atlseuys 5excits lnielles t a~ltr J1151.le Ihones fellosw 5Wh110c~o ares hiInls'lf to it Ilpoole and Irallzska, 'Ilitds cnill .111.11.1,w shio il es to 11k 110 'elif, 51111 wou0d1111kIlwII It'll' Ilrsdee thle' iinq~silis e I Illl ni I."t 15111his 'r '1li0-caet s 1s05folows ilOjI.on Cel0011 r[Crl wn~rt ot Brnhilini Ilfr ilo 'vWeit Grf oni [ruchsol feI 11 I W.(Ciursi I rondi .. . rac~i Baker Juist. ..Sttphn lso itelet 1P011 Wern.....1 ..Ben1 II Eggenolt DlI Vit "StodtardlMoe Piini'I)011e i i leri. .Anna hcKaIy 1t t X fldj t'get .....Robert "Monroe' Riccuitte ItI ililinire. . Bn.Iowen Rteni uiKoak-lo rels per dlay. ThIESIS' DATE APRIL 1. Make a dale with Jolliffe & Kitmiller a:Once -foraypew itig.yur tesis, and jjssr f 5tin Liu n tin3e.,Above 5,Po-o. Bohi phones. eod-tf '11 slfor rep ~sefe 'o n il the io8 Ali rihaan gsian anr late and-'payable&a on&, . 'Treasrers of classes, orgaiza-, tion0, Aod teants are' reepestd to agteioii to ,fis matter.t Adress, 98 -Miehi g. unsian, Room t An'n -Arho e rss~ Bldg. Office boors, I to 2 p. 01.- daily.I j. ;W :McCandlessBRtsiness -.tgr. 46-8 hoe lest of "the Mficltigenda sa 'hits ; is nose ion sale "at 'orot' 'usc -Hotuse. Come in- and hear it 47-_s0 I f 1 r I ., : " - T YOURSPRNGCLOTHES You may not believe that clothes haeany influence on the actions and character of the wearer-but there's no getting 'round the fact that appearance moulds others estimation of you. For this reason we say Tres Wll Be sure your clothes.. are correctly stylish- be l sure they are really clothes of quality,: for either is waste without the other, no matter what price ,Xiyou pay. Our Showing of New Spring clothing Spiendidly Combines Style, Quxality an~d Price S.,taebleir (ft Wuerth Co. 21i1 S. MAIN STREET Walk'- Ovors' For Spring m I Orfod imeishere and so are the variosus stsles lf Walk- Orer Oxfords, Pumps and ties in slack, tail and latet'i. t a an leother will predoininalc 0a111we have t'akenl all pains iposible in selecting the tiuwest shoades 1aswel 1s exclusive designs~ for Walk-Over Patrns. 1 '/ 7 y I (] See windows for uinliimitedl supply of Puimps; Street Ties wvitli gootd street soles suede lined-lieeIs to prevecnt all slip. pini onx heels: in buntton andl lace.;for.Men:s ond Womni. Walk-Over Shoe, Co, R. J . IIOFF$TETTER Mgr. Hart, "Schaffier & Marx -All Wool-Harad Tailored J L SPRING CLOTHING The Clothier Ready when~ yous are. '® Nowv is the timeno h ave vour l lroom paperedl, decorated or paintied. We aire TH E1 iiakiiig special prices. Yottr credlit 1s H-ood. C. IIt lMajor & Co. Bothophlones1 I have a good proposition to offer to oneo or two stuldents where Itey can make 'thee college' expeinses. A' smiall fuvest- m;ent is required. Warren H. Smoith, real estate and-'insuranoce; Ann Arbor Savings Hank block. 39-49 oFFIr]CE HOURS E xecutive Committe ' County Fair Carnival 4 to 6 P. M. dally .Room 6, Ann Arbor Press Bldg. Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS Front Every Countsry -2l'112- S.'Main St. .: }" I .... ., , r = .e ,. .' a .. .. _a .r } " ._ - I 0. ~. Iatiu ~iRETR Office 2001$..4UI Ave. Plaona:.8.; Residence '302,$.- 5th .Ave. 'Phone 514. A1MBtLANC1 N AL i W.Wlk N100O ChineeCoISy Restauralitf awe's Launid ry Chljoese FancyDishes, Amran 'utLunches ht: r. ia~hnda.' E verythiog first-class for 'TIIOMAS RO EPrp Iadie .asdsgeFeollmen326, N OWE, Prop.e Chioase and.asns0Brie-a- ' 326N. 1.thAve uip Stain~.ona door S. hastes Bross, 3143S. Stole St. New Phone 4l5t Sell Phone 45t7-L F ...... .. ......... :~...,.. c.. S5fiJDIO- : -" al stHuron Street