THE MTCHIGAI . G. H. Wild Company Or Spring 98 lie of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready It includes all the latest Novelties Shades and UptoDate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou 'fan, Leather 5hade, (frays and Fancy Blues Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. He. Wild Comipany 311 Suh Stae Street Get a. Tennis Racket and enjoy this good weater on the courts. We have the hest ra ckets iii both the Wright (as Ditson and Spaldinaglies ranginig from $1.50 to $8.00 and will gladly show theim to you. OLD RACKETS RESTRUNG Sheehan & Co's. , G A. G. ,G (o(Sp i SPALDIING ____ & BROS. The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic S pplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, (olf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hlockey Official Imspemets for Track and Field Sports Uniforms for anl Sports. Spading's Handsomely Ilu~sstatd Catalogue of all spoos contains nu- meros su ggestions. Send o it-It's free. .A. . SPALDING & BROS. New York, Oblago, St. Luss, San Francisco, Mfinneapols, nnver, Buff al, Syracuse, Pits- burg, Philadelphia, Boston, Cincinnati, Balti- more, Washloetuon, Kanan City,lvoiand,' New Oreans, Detrut, Montrsal, anada. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY.I Managing Editr-ARCHERnl.RICIt Busiitess Manager-C. E. WINeSTEA. News .............. Chauncey Boucher Athletics................Lee A White' Athletics, Ast... C. E. Eldridge Exchange. .. H. John Wambold Mmic................Roy D. Welch teama ..............Donut H. Haines Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIA. STAFF Russell McFarland NIGHT EDITOS Rasmond-V~issclier Leonard C. Reid RMPRTRS M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Meountsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewis 'T. Kniskern Robert Moreland Patti Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Etngel Fred E. Gooding Theront I. Cooper E..G. C. Wiliats BUSINESS STAPP John F. Wre Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MCHIGeA DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1-2 p. sm., 7-8 p. mn. daily, except Sunday. Both phones FRDAY, APRIL 24, 198. Ini regarui to the actiotn of the Ness \Whitney theater in breakitng its contract sithi teCer'cle Dranatite Francais, one petinent qulsestioni suggests "itself. 1'itishotuluiniiversitv organizatiots be subject to such titfortttate itidrattces ssheii they tre giving perfomances for tlle 1bcnefit of te wvhoe catpuis.Wy ithers no suitable atditoritttnwict mgt be at att tites uvaiabe for re- hear tls tnd efotmances ? le claiimis of te Cerce Francais asd ma btsinsiess basis iwere entirey igoedt ly ttictmaiagettett of te WVhitines.andithtie disregart of the col- tiesrodutnus are regariedt as good tillers" but sworthiy ofto conieration istin iiterferig withi a tiore trotale If til.e xpecation", wich. friend of ,Micehigan diramiatics. hasec ffeqtt ity'c- tresseit tre to be realized-if Ann Arbor, is to tecoite a. center for te fostering atit dissemiinatioti of at honest love of eta-ssiraima atd at honorabe amition to build uit a rains oh our owsn, we cuat affirid to le baled by such dif- Wihtynt lhae a theater of otte own? In sich a ilace alt the stituts of the fulest oportutnity fr rehearsals, e- termeiis at itttntishedtproitctiots coli le enjiiyed. There is scarcely any con- ceahle additioti to the facilities of the lUiversity tha wold so broaden and advaiice the Untiversity tdranma. 'The Greek theater at Berkeley is one of te mlost famous and attractive features of the Universit of Caiforuia slnd it is resaonsible for a lively atd catholic en- thtisiast. Some of te mrin sui woten whlo ave been most closely identified with the work of the Comeiy clb antI sitilar organizations ave een long contiending for jst such ais opportnity There isa theater i Ann Arbor, welt equipped and accessible. It is at pres- ent idle and probably it could be se- cured by thre University for a fair price.. The combined' efforts of all the dra- matic clubscoultd pay for the theater in a fesw yeses. Outright purchase by tile regents would be an action of the greatest advantage to the gnra ed- cational facilities of the institutiotn. It is to promising a plan to be given p without att earnest effort to make it good.. TYING-UP CONTEST MAY REPLACE ROCK STUNT Representatives Ifronite undercasses niet withi Student Councilmen last night at the clubouse, for the purpose of dis- cussing plans for the spring contests. It uas decided to repeat te ng-of-war relay races, atid psts all contest of last year, attd te conmtittee is now ntdea- voring to' fittd a sitable stbstitute for the rock contest, which wsas. eliminated as untfair to bithi classes. Onuly one sttbstitite has been fotnd tip to this titne, and underclass nmeetings will be held in the different departments to dis- citss the advisabitiy of adopting it. The plan under consideration is a tying-p contest. Both sides line up opposite each other, stpplied with small ropes, attd am .a givett signal endeavor to seize and tip,-as tany of their opponets as pssible. Spaces sill he roped off to contaiti the capttred men, and as soon as a contestant is tied atd placed in otte of these enclosuttes, he is debarred front takitig atty ftrther part in the con- test.-Alt tte end of a giveti time the side boling te greatest ntmber of captives, vwtns. This plait has been triid at variotts colleges, atid as it tearly- all cases proveid successful. 'Te Stidett Cotn- cit wshes to get opiniotns fromthle su- denttbody-cocernitg Iis cotest, and any objections or comtst may e tiandeid to a Coutncilmnt. WINKIER GIVES L.AST TALK ON bMINNA VON TBARNIILMl In the last iif the facltylectures oni ".intia von Barthlrm" Prof. Max Wittkler showed the national imitport of tis teist aid greatest Germait comedy' yesterday afternoot. Prof. Winkler began by ottlinitg the literary history of Gertiany before Les- sings titme. He showed how the Thint- Years' war checked Germany's deveop- meni,etsn destroyig tmost of what hail been accomplished. 'Germany," he said, emerged front this calattity alttost expiring, her splet- did achievetntts lost. National unlity scarcely existed. The Gertmat langiage evets had falett into decay. Gerniatty tttrned for guidance and support to ter stronger neightbors, especially to rance. atid devoted her etergies to imitatioin. "Lessing became tritly te fouder of modern Gemtnt literature. A spiit of unity was being evolved in German lit- erature *blgg efore the political- unioni wvas felt to tar necessary. The great Germnauthttors msttbe ratnked with Bismarck .itt the mnsilg of tmodern, G;erttatny.. Lessing is probabaly the greait- est of these atid his M'itttia vots Bartt- htelni is otue of thle famous productiotis throttgh .which -this work was accom- plised. "Lessing," said Prof. Winkler, in com- mnuting ttpon tte great author, "is the to-t nanty character in German litera- ture. There -is- no clearer,, more vigor- ous, or logical thinker thatn Lessitig. He is easily the greatest scholar of li~s age, the first example of att intellectttal post:" Prof.: Witnkler thets shoswed in u-hat respects ".Minna von Bartnhelim" is tna- tional, and hosw it emancipated thte Gee- mutt dramta front foreigns law-i. Rackets Racket Presses Racket Covers Court Markers' Tennis Balls Tennis Nets Tennis Shoes Official Tennis Guide,-. M1URALT THINKS DUELLING GREATEST COLLEGE SPORT Prof. C. L. de Mitralt, int a recent article published itn Dee Deutche Vise kampfer (Nesw York), extolls the prac- tice of ditetling in Germatinitniversities as 'about the tie-it physical and meintal eiducatioti that a yvoitig nan cani le lput through.' The article is. reviews-cin i the _April Citrrent Laiteratuire tuder the title, "T'he tEthical Value of Dulling." The professor'stitteranlces are ini direct contradictioti to recent reniarks of Pres- dent Hadley of-.Yale, whlo praised Am- erican : -the expense of the practices _prevailing int Gertnany. Prof. de Muralt says,: in concluding : "A matlnwto -tas to go thtrotighi this test repeatedly anid has to keep in pter- fedt trimt for at least tw-i, or three yeairs, during swhichi te must fight aityw-hiere 'froit teti to thirty duets antd be readiy 4,t anyisiomnit to go _out -gatisit ata- versary of untknown i strengthstill, to say the lea-itbase been able .to steaidy his nerves. Most meti natitrallv aciquire a giaod deal oif- dctsiont thiriotgh this. Anid white there tmas' be obijectiinsto i havinig a mutt's facie sift'esiyet I cats- not hutthintihast it is prefer ihlet'oiihavue his tents, legs, or rib' tbrokeninitstead. I, ati therefore strotuglys of the opiiiioit that -Germsatsdutelting! sport is iii ttduca- tive feature at least' as valitable as Am- ericati footbsall short,= anid tomytindtiiii it preseits the oneC great adv-atitage over the atierihiat it develop-i strotug iiiii- --iditality-atid reliaiice ottsone's owti strethi, a :feature it preset to anyi- iluere- near the satie idegree ini foottual." Siuge t$58 we have made W~ai -,h Re- p airing one of our strongest fit-atures. Haller's - Jewelry Store, 216 S. iMain street. -etuId Buy a set Lyndon's 20 for 25C ewci colorcud postal -curds. 46-55 See our complete. line of' Michigan pins, fobs and. souventirs. ,Huller's. Jewelry Store, 216, S. Main street. eod See our comoplete line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. -Huller's Jewelry Store, .4x6 S. Main, street. rod Advance County Fair; postcards, 5~c each. Lyndon. 46-8 WRIGHT ft DIT$OM'S, corssplet. iris _&t University Bookstore j Fresh.,. Photo- Supplies. All the latest Its Kodaks and Cameras-*, Rent a Kodak 10c per day LYNDONr I2 lALY & EDMUND$S S2 EAf LIBERTY STREET j [Y fi[ AS S[ Eyeglassues luaseecoeumtsuch -a ineuessary tnuisancuei'witb :student-iof1 luite lust thcy wilt welusnue an eye- glass thtaiesuicom-fotrtstud sees'lue.. las--vutyur opticutl tenetdune at, AIINOL'Satd liei-will ft you cool- fortabityotid guarateehresuhts. QuIct Reupafirs. tLe'nse's Grunid. EMIL H. ARNOLD Otpiu'al Specialist with -- - WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 22t South Main Street WE HAVE THE FINEST :a - ----I MAY FESTIVAL 11w. Cpa.rt. THE ~TROMAS ORCHESTRA Frederick A. Stock, Conductor CHORAL UNION (300 Voleis) Albert A. Stanley, Conductor. Prl'raIPOI Cho0ra l WOOL $$Creafinn" - Haydn- "Faunt" . ousnd, rArtl oto Mrn. Corinne ider-Kelsey Thursday and Saturday Hobnga Muse. Eruestno.Scbumannleink,, Contralto Wed. and Fri. Evwblgs Miss JanetfSpeneer, Contralto Fri. Afternon and Sat E*innIng HMr. Edward Johnsn Tenor -- .Thur. Fri. and Uat. Eitenloga Mr. Claude Curnnnbamh,Saritoee :. Snlurdey vening Mr. Earte Q. Killeen; Baritone Mr ebr ihrSatrday Es ening Hr.. Hebr ihr Bassc Thursday aridSaturdayBE!notugs Msl, ,L. De Mare, French lHorn - Friday A-trosn Mr. L. L. Henwich, Organist . - Weansay.,Aventng Seanon Tiecetes nrenerved) $3. Season Tiekets (reserved}l $4y $5. $6 For Saeat - Ro'laael of sali. The Students'Lecture Associatloa..:-. THEAMJESTY OF THE LAW. BYu GOY. JOHN *A.JOHNSONTi" OF MINMESOTA Thtorsday, April 30, 1908, at 8:00 Pi. M. a UNIVERSITY HALL R.,*rve.Swats- -«50S, All seats will be reserved. Tickets may he secnred ate the --Box Office,= University Hall, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between: 5 and 6 P. M.. and Thursday between 7 nd- -P. M. Michigan State Telephone, University Exchangeu"8. ConOp Store I= Elm - - 'LI 121 Washlnnton E.7 "New ,m t & ac~kProp s. _Por 1,