TheMchig n Dily ANN ARBOR,.)MICIIIGA.N. TIl'IZ; I) \N. l'III. 23, 1)08 VOL. XVIII. NO.147 TEAM PREPARES FOR CASE GAME McAllister and Sullivan Still Re- quire More Ginger-Track len Leave for the East. True o hiswordCioaciiNIcAlter putt h airball quad throughth-cc W~ialars of araclia, lpracic yestrday ia preparaton for thir ca-ti with Ca-c nest Saturday.-Thec loy- roiiiCa-c are- ,ai t h srog this yeva, adi a cse contest is excpectcd. Thei- aorb hcsti-icriltstartcd ith a lot sawrs oif teinfieldu ine '11 Then caan a ivoliy f shot smiashetoith r iic un--. a-lio -lioi the haii luw aiiidItiiictoi McAllistr at th lai. "Al c aily ifti-iltic-lii fromu mntiiu-chiugr tefo til-a trit t.finitthc aioiiiu.udclight-it te- ciiwdIof tloyat onsini te grandstad. iWhin tieliiigshai l iarim-d-upia-i thei-var-is ityiand usirau, croild ats ii at -ic-inniiggamei . tie liraer wi- ning to 1. Si nit-.whuo til liii tie rglar-s ia ii liii- firiii c-ha th cusat hii i, mc at al iie n onytlreelii h its w rigiteriilaginst hit ar n ithticuiwho id the tiae new ones fiiithir -cc whic thlet ali-t111at lihe ei-ensiioftillyt- si iti t-men.cily1111a fete caterdsiin- dlc, air-- iiade Ic- th dlve} Itulring ex-citingf-moments C 1 aptaini sul11 -ly' iap eal fr- "aiitt I-il iiior iiep' ireg iiouniiiid1 i n-santly1frontlt-e acn matladsin-gturdsI, Calliig fiiri gir. gingr. igr. The 1vasity h I rciiuerarkatitc itll in tic tield. 1th11u-gh1thy apiar-dt talic- beforc-Sturd-u'scon -tst. "Suity s-ii taken lto bttig cft-haidd, if hei imakei-i-giiiid, iastiliesowied 1sigi- f doig ysrdhis s-pc-c-t will muae h imin i- -altisitli- i-as a acrificc- hittr. ii ic- Hair or Iiuilicttuu witt akthelir-iibitr fr NI i-ligat ii tic Casec-gai-Satr- dayuu. Following i etedys as Varity: Siitinii. cf.; Snowta. 3.: \fltii. if. \1Vhciu Ir, rf Klly, 211. .: siuciicla. Scrubt:Li- hc : Vagcr. i. ;Cush- c-c- . : O1)1nca.f. IHaiesc.fc.: I-iiid r sonii. If.;iithicumup. C[Emptire-Rl-luridg. Captiainu Roiiecadl hisme-i ieic-lasti night for lPhiladelc-hdia iwheie lieyiwill culmpericfrlichianin theiii- iusyt- cani ini ic-i-ieetSattriax. The squd, hic iscopsi-ilof R, Cec. DullA~ay Ho s , 1111r11r, and11BCli- #I)rokicwint to Toldo, si-hirithe toks thic- iFocur fr Pitsburg, adtihenicte toi lPhilaellpii oiir the Pcinin-ylvaia- Alhocughi only i-twoortreercc ercat tie dptto isceietiuoff, it is crian that thisi itill haeitic intiigilo ith tlb5 iiuccsi f itic tam tiithe lg iter-- crllgae imert. AccimaiediictbIy Tain- ir lFitatlrick,. iichitietmsiill reach Pila- delpiasuthistftrioocandatiwiill 111t1 p at ltar Nrmanadie hold. A light work- outi will b he apIrogrmniforcFricay miorinig aftr which ithc mtn iwill rccii unitil Saturdcay aftcrnoonti. Iportanti couaumitee rors will lic prsnteidat ltii- icnior lit clssiieticng hisi aftrnooniati 4:15, Rioiom C, Ciii- ccrsity I-lll. The class tax will hr leieidi A large allttdacc is expectedi. JUNIORldVEREINERS IDANCE AVIT'R PRESENTING PLAY "igcusinntutheicoe-at comedty pe- seciidcc y tu-hat-Juniiior licisclicc Veeinu latnilght iniiSartihiCass-cl Agell Ialll. lwai- iell rccircidas ithc orgaiation's rst entertincnt. fli-fg to itical- iciicc of NI r. Scigtiisli th Vrin wstu unabl tIcp11y0ia Knopf." This farc, hoiwcuer, itill be gileuatI aitule(lac iiithi lroally aioher shot play Dr. Scholl, iic sokesmianiuof theicvci-- lg, iniiintriiiducing ilielly gvec a shunt skechcof tifelicauthlors life antI a riif iiutlinic of teilot111of "Cfgnsiua' Tec lot i iisimp ltree parallel icidnts oi stilubbornescs ini a family. 'harl iiici stubboirnily-istthda thir -wis sa- "Taak (God, tie tablel is s," ani their fraae-iiecufltly -as stuibabarly rfusito comlyli wi ithi ihiir awihs. ll thecparts appairrdlt Iaboaiut equa ly-wil1 aced. Frw of th snioir Vecrsinarcs atec-ndedl bacasof iie near- irss of thir Irticioni atth Witey. Aot ffty cuples rmiaincd for Ie rllcici au ian dacrwsichluiwere gicen to thic membetlrrs ofithe Gernman faculy anuldirhe Dentsc-her Ntrin. Thecatsiflliws: Afredu............lberiIL. Wek- 1' aiii-- - - ...........HlenitJaynet - erc ........ rthuur A. Aicli isbtrt ........ lrac fD. Rix Ausuorf- - --.......ILer A Whlit Katiiutriia - --.......Vra Pollak "DID111TIHING;S BITCR TIIFN," SAYS SHICINC "' Cuoe i a idistinictly- umoern ttouch il tic mnnriiinc--fw-hichi atrs ar handled inche icllg drama of lthi lEizathutpuiodutl-andtlyoii aill paroni t-for sainlg that luydidlinIlfgs ia biti bttecr thcn," sidulProf.Felix E. Shlig. f ticelUiversity- of Pnnusyl- -ania- iis le tcte onthur liabetant Collc-gc- dramta aapnlali la lailnight. Prf. Shelinig trctihe lcgadlual td- ielopmeitic o f tcacademaic cdrtama fromi is arly Latin firmii-traing se--eral f teuroiiduciuonsiat considerabl legh. Heidi hulc-hidcrnablec e amahasis upol thu ditinutuictiobtieenith lpopularrilamiat andulthe urelyurI)academiiic poucteion,. cll- ig telte "tii lue oler anileri-ifa- voedsite.rrHIIcdisccvered ut aloar pint of ccntras hietwen Iue io dirc- genu thic-. ntlthat on of no graimii- illunuc. Sreral of th udramuas, such as thur"Joury o Parnassus" Ignora- hut," ec. il-rcidesciied at soe lnghi by-tu theuspekcr i tanuexcptionally- ie- c-hung manneli r. "'T'cececdramiuti wererlaolucdl y tama- te-irs, aciid y)aauteursindauwsinaeseud lagelybstludenut audtincs"said Prof. Sheli-niug. "I cumpuaruison ithsulth re- menou iculia chivremenuton th popular sag of ther periodl they- look ixsignifi- c-t. -uetluivaluec to Iue producers thumcuuuc cicannotuulbec mistaken, and they formu at tiheursntuu tite not only au interestinugfilud of ivestigation,.bhI a i-iiurc f noittlinlspiruatio." cxtntnuc-USrv CAxUlAR taStir :RAD. Theuiv uuesty-calndar for 1907-IO, coplis of whlichi arc nown being distribut- cd from uthur secretary's office, spws an enrollmenrut for the past year of 5010. All thue prominent Europuean counties ae rpresented by at least one stdent. flue enrollmecnt of the six leading states s as follows: Mfichigan, 2,729; Ohio, 419; Ncew ork, 342; Illinois, 329; In- dianai 210; Pennusyvania, 178. Thur calendar this y-ear cotans four huuunded andtleighty-fivcc pages1 thirty- sevena utoe tanulast year. The nme- hercship of the standing committees of the snate is a new feature, aloe a list of th officers of athinistraion. Thue first smester of next year is a- nunuucccL to leglo out Sctenuhr 29. - Touight at 6: 43, - rtegular Thur-ho- revening uaketi ug'at NMeMillan -H-all. Islb- jcct,."The jndifference of College Meii." le,rtuulr, CMmer Adams. (;il f ld /lhiuuu siuu I l"utuhi-- - 1 /Nucuuuiuu byl !/wtu- / itschr 1cI -l EIGHT DIVISIONS TO COMPOSE PARADE Fifty-Seven Varieties of Nations, Traction Engine, and Woman's Club in Fair Production. reprolit Illthe huh - Ft the1111 ita gaiai ,t pae thehuh hI hut ; ;f(l Redgc cicuc paradwith<1 h chilith ciion hulln"'1cw Iiih - parthgc1ihcirulcnschtI,(,cii l it luc llc is I ha e a i f t im c7. M the1 foetii; Nllclisii -uhua t--put-; brc ucamp.iu e iiih h h i l ( u ii lien culu'ti exii- Tl c d( of huterli fe wsi ill he or (c tarin chili roghth ifd auccicult urcaiuuhh Ii t>>ii attrac- ctuudisplayinifts i i c Besuiiesthesie itu iimth-r floats -ucu < l iii I ukof hi 1 lI (- lr-iii i111tinstiathat1 1rtie in the prade wi ii ilIbelox istdln Ini ordec o getl paiei i; ill is- imtperattie thutth oii MZ~P illis parlau e tic o so i m pa rad uuc n mtte hefou r 1,uda Thcom itte 6 at n1 f ini thePrc s I ldnc Onr if tl iii- lii- , h;( foaund illithi n u iii ;, i l V i-fle. Cighit ghodluthl uuuuu 1 fered h-rginnuinug wiitith-tifc iv~t th time 5Clubi I ituit The It . Banjo qutt and hilpIiit (1 )11 ":Iltutu ti-ut1 B /tuuuiuluu Wilh-lu ill hi- (it Iit, -cNa. hi /ihiunI-- frt , Yv iuht. agtill us itwusthrel erc- .1cuc - ough tOis t:ilt purhasei asimltt ll-ilcenlt tickeacs i hei udesires aiticth tiu0r. wich- iiillad i 1111 o t<1Y uotu. Itflie tustu- ii- tickIcc-s ha.t liir eemo -he sighist-.. yli i ll beiii reemdahi INl(tlli;LiiiN hi 5t it. (huts guI 11l- tu- hsc 111 Tllc arc itet tlus-i- u ii-tooli ihu itta-- hut t theii spint; vacitio ntihcan ma- trigi Chi o ifder t irctgion -lof b i iuii-i(i-.fhtutu e neweii slii sch(),ls, he Uliter iiti- i thisa o n ma~ f h l ieuf\hiceibuild ings-lull.(h lull. hias sere tr- tas hall llds where t i iii t h uparty insc tedi liithis meh icl n ii-tructu-lc-au rs-c-atus thuli nd wreiiioli-of ithe iwelfarc rk hih isbing1do1e11n-ti iuhccstice \tte Ofcitsi)ft]-. tiuiucour lite hull, ~r th I- iimi f-ic ts t o theta ciy nldm hule1 purjectud ctdrie a surh(, th -tu was-the fuu-tlto tihe hat ii ctutuu u f i tAunneitiils u-icun e thf (utr -i iiiiuuutiw ic, -i n ic-chty builti itnpXIIa fa\ctrinlFi;ithhan mi X( I iiia i-i-l)'.l[,ach usilltnds,1 to t tea hitets-on a-t u i n t'ihe easg~uto Prof. It ;.i Iuoch-uspokeu bifoicc-is-c uicr- us tt chptelur oitheiii tutu-. tst itu ututuf :hi-utectts luc erotlat ci-sa bg t IiI. lli oit hestuuracof st ilvethiehut w-ii lay orthai-ti- iuu thr ulnthtus- ilt ndi fur 7 n dcciii- lnne il piig aif f)tundsusi.aeifoh 0111 i-iutoni etiiu s-ilwgl-lut-ist b thi-tthu-hutsi tin willuri i ve tu ef. fiss itl]( t l'-otui-. thut- sttes e ccrethary, ciii be th tuet f lonorc. All liar girls WHITNEY THEATER BREAKS CONTRACT French Club Engages Theater for flay 8 but Outside Production Is Afterwards Booked. \Althouughu the(Crc l nauuutithue ran- ctais hut-hut t scit conutrct-with the Nciw Nhitneytr-iheateirnfr thilugttof NIa 8, S.ntiltsuidithprIution-hiia lts been bookedcuhfor tuat dateiati the- downowna plvos.Thec Ccrless-umtm-tlatrily inifoumed c-las kti h --a tuits udtathatdt theeil canuc l-l Ind utas iiteduc huhslct anothernglut. Withits per1cmfurmatne ut sixeenl udtys swaythe alc tin uuc-mit-as iticomupete hurpise ttFrenuh cubufsunit had cosdrdti nedmu-contraisc a sffi- ccit g-urateeui-of gooduifthii. 'Te tgluuremnti i- 5-tc-iIsigeonii Ntucii2, ad it lu-il 111t untuil Auit 13 tuat thur Crcch ri-t-ce ildnoifhitcatuio11111f thbokcn con- ratc. When cusktdlcon uucrnig thurstep, MNauutgur Abboutt il l lunitbgthing tfor shatutwic-were gcutii o1111ofiithec-Itr-nichl. Klaws & liuiairimit aetll ounlbokigs fr us.n tuuu1lihe ctruuii offie filtoiln ohtuify hilie i miiot inicteuwhy lcaltu organi caiosdeiing hbooskings at thur thater us-rciliumdirect-eduh by- hihiui-& Erhtnge inI 1111of h lt-l manauitgr- Thlte-up huucc c-,asitproved-matuGod sedfrthis CectIt. Whle he latutr woumi huh vetuColl iscicuutiousiiti-stood bI y is Iig tdgrmentmm1,i its noutsehurl-utn abled to otain d thi Nleticrteatrifot t-til same ight, FridaiaNity . 'Thic Ni hi-itic isit thoro1111ughlyhu- t-d-uauite and itetll)ytattrauicitithetercianduhas thtu tuedadtagei ofiI hiill-- jutim- blck front thus-camus hits-m cicurh itusacm clnidehis ont hals s Stteur, thec citch hisswner andMilSr. Ctspa its u~mumng.--T he iiioust is placd atthecl'i spo-.sal 1fr rhar- sals till)yttimec. Achmplete-easal wsihuldt-hheimc lst civdiming. Ccupulon tickets- -raiifurihedi andithur linxffi-lct' dot mi comumandutu perfecht-cfiiviewis-ofthur i-tge -hill Ictors I mc- secusiin tht-,cut- tire l fls-ncrI arcin-upholsteuircd athd- sig-muhdIforu lcoifort, Couteiousmaana- geri-.coupuiledvithi coumumdious luntging rhoomsl and eveirci)modernuic mprovuaemnt,- rnmu ti-c th atic almoucsitiresirtublet-plac fill- campus ouiciittciutios Thm stalc if i-cats liii I As-trn will mpe net Satuntday morniinlgApril 25, at 1) o'co c, t tc Mjesticrhox office. All scts s-ilIeuplcrd onistie at that tium Ai-scciticmembutlers lmay otaint creseudseats withut extrta cost, hby preuset-mig hutinumembecrsip tickets Recheatrstals for thur alay tre luing mltI daltiy tanduhthu efforts atunuow ictined towardc Ismmmoiithinglieacutioun. Shecial trrnctmgemenshebenmi uis utmadetor ucotus- tutu. ndmautke-tap. IMPSONAi-iTO-R iuA [i. u.cuuvuucuu NiM. Cocan, ti-io ill apiea t thr Nehoduuuistuhn iiFridaty eeiug of this uweek, unutter theiucsulpics of the rpwodlriIthueguehats beenubeafore th publhuic for itinmbralt- of yetars s tirutater tnimiupersonamtor ndtuis cosidredo beit matui-i-cfiithis at 'feurecadtings of N Mr.Couchrnwsill hreiuplemelnead y i-ountlisolous y 'Nfs. Jessi lDiekn Reedth ofitheU niversiy Srhool ofiiiMusi, tundl by A. ADutliy. Pro(f. Y. .Willishtnt of th Uni- vesitylo-fiiChictgouuoie f the most proinenilrt letoloiigits inuthur coun- try. auil ice tutntaddrss beforlte so- ciety of SigmaXi itomorrow evucnuing at o'ucloirkin thucwti-iiamplhithueatur of thel New NMedufial uuiliung.The"tplici is inited.' )I h it tut Ihio A ii it u~tutul theun follows-ill hrde.1 -mmgad i, ig scill b haeulcfourt uuu ~ i. 7-.N tatd IHrihgr teli-ct ii ml 1>a') I u- uuuut t will cit-c-anii t-iii lfO m'd b sketch y WNouff ndu l liii I111 shtow Ic il chli--se iitu wuith - tu7it html shuostiingluff ithi-scamp~uus-cebrit-s it is sai hatthmmiis. alo ewl bov r th tadmnission. 'Thae const-ructionuuu fthe it t t I Grill bu~uiuu uursi WeNbctis y Tee vI- hue conustruinted i h i e - ~cl sauuuki ugrmuuuifirstheiteis ckt s and u ill soul-. of tobactusa-. iuuuul i -It - il bev on stileihere. 'The rail ticketul li uhwillbt ue