THE MICMIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfied & Co. EAST HURON ST. The best FOUNTAIN PEN in the city FOR ONE D nLLAR at Brown's Drug Store 20 F. Liberty St. ALA RnICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Altlt teet mes a ct idfull1-naraeed MICIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.0(1 FINE WATCHI REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspectoer feer the Ann Ar-boer Rilro-ad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 SS. AIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. NEWV FE ATU.RE:S FI,ANNI) FOR cooS yttICtlIGNE'NStAN' Advance plantsefor tthe ynd Sicetigace- ettsiattsetm to asstere for it a great improvetnt over previousc editions. lotit in cetntents anti geceeral aptpearattce. Natmerott ewetecfeatre are planet'needn tttt tanagcetc'tt is evorkittgt hared tc pro- vitte Mticigancstutdt'etstwitl ite test aalttett vtcer istted. Protmittetiamntg tte'spttcialt featucres of thte btok cwilite titeevork of tite art detpartttent. \\as.i rattittgsbyicrpteoi- nent studtetttferttstsendb eoelof the trtists ontthie.'('hicago'Tribttetweiltltmake te ook esecially attractive. Stee- ttittg tetw teatewill fee offereti will be snaepshts. of cametptus buildintgs atttd scentes. boutt 2,0oeofitese wcill ftc plfacedtihcie atthietethtrottghtotitile hoock. Ine ebi; conecetioen ittae be saiti tihat alohose a e ayeoctaieenieitier et artists orvteihetogrvapers.. wiiiconfera treat feeorot tte eemteeagemoent fey ccl- ineg ac ien t eth eteet ics etet oefiice ilt tile! Pressetbiding. Ncriew edings"'aeeieneg mecetee ati te eieparetmtets.eTc h ceste elfebindtiing tees ntstyet ieb ee fullyeeidecieteon,. eet it etit p teieblfeic tiecitier test: ecitione Will teb eeciee tci af teecoe. 'ie eosessionte oftee tepiteratte office: tees aleitdy prie eed a gc ret ibeefit. Hercetoothie eworek itteberet conectedc ~iethitftftcultycin stomig itoee s.lice tre'ffic'etof tihe 1iicitigaetaesiaet will ecomletcely futrenihedi witie a seeffi itI ttetebereeof ciecksttif etabe adchaeirc, inc witie tech se.. cteftite thanttetefoet' IENi'S t f51 lf Et.LEf't'iON 11FORC.ACi f)t ItCERS Theie tiior candcifreshmaneece dentsc ite-f ceaer ree cionsc ter ciass, otfficers at tihe fenal uilingeceyetrdaetaftrnocont. fele ffotecce" t junioecticcietwaelecritd Pitet-tC. I'.Feefler. Vice-pcrteient-T. . Destectter. Sectretare---R.T. tkiensone. Aieetee freshman icaeeo er v tee' cfacs toreete ctrci n teed dthtet etetetetocselfec cted.i lhey aes eec P~rsident--J. i.f isther. Vice'-pidvtcvet-f eC. \Wa'rer'. Sccvetecvv-:Missc \M.. A. Certitri. Tever-it. iN. Sidfir. Th eior electiontakesitt'place tise eceerceeceg acc5o'clckci. Nocctnomtinaetionsc ree etie'yet. FRI NTING,--TYPEWRITIN. ' Vlectionca erdls ate cii allindes clfeprne itng ati loweet prices. Special price gienc for ticket orders. Michigant and frater- nity stationsery a specialty. Ifleatiqear-' terrs for typewriting. Joitiffe & Kitz- milier, over Co-op,.o TIE BEST EVER-A romptosite tic- tocre itecteditngtitefeashelighets of fresh- ceeph recit, for 75c. L.yndtont. 14. 6, 7 LOtST-(:oldisignetbreetwitheiefit- eec ''t " Sundaiey night. ottHurncerec ecte tear Stater. Rewardt if v'reet eeto ccc N. T'Crav. Lf ST.I-old signeetr-acrirt, maedevec "A/1'" Sunceday eventing. cccStater sevre trete e citeeritn aced 'ictitoeist chuerchte. idiytnttify cccl N~. 'Thaerc street. t14-cI; T0"P NOTCH OF STYLE -As New Ytorkers kncow it--is eteeceerd ice... College Branyd Clothes Colesrgeceree.aced otther youtngttme en, i and teugisle old mlecefindetice Colleuge Brandeefleecothtes cwhlich are baeyonthte abitity of niece tailors ccit eeltees to dersigen. Extirese incuee, yet geteel- -ready to peel oct --acedmoeeartielypriced. 5 4F 1 Cso ,t~fiie~cic Fortrait fratnes at Foster's. tf Twovocleltars insures yon against alt foss by fire. Geo. J. Halter & Co.. Real Estate aced tnsuerance, ae16 South Main street. tf ANN(lifN('EiEN-T' ttourc oef ectreigtti bowlineg alleys eve lowcecopen andcireatlyleer binctess. 1itt'. ceec Broethers, 31tt Sifaynat St., seconcee fetter. cc1-T4 Stuetcs wising tecf(ftoe CralcUitt ccind iecy Feseivticenccert ticketspae "III at LCeitercity Schoolof ccl .ttecee liberalf cccmmissicont alloedre. \gette eceetse frineg rcfecencefromecoe c ret ecnifleepersone. 1to t1 JkCKFET SWEATERS -Just rcc vTievet. Waegner & Co.. Stacte St. cc1-6 FOR RENT-Two large bonses suit- tile for clubheonses. George J. Hailer & oC., real estate and insnranece, ae16 S, Mbaine. if Aft lete bookc for rent at Foster's. tf 0. H. Lutz, Alarme Clocks, $c.oo. 205o" fasti Wasbington. tf Hantd hammenered jewelry at Fetster's. KOLLAUF, THE TAILOR. ceo E. Huerotn St. if-set 'Try Krus peshoamee-matde canedies.6e5 'test XWilianm street. a1e18 PIANOS TO RENT at Schaeberle .L Sone. Altlenusical supplies. New to-. catione, ceo S. Mates sireet. tfI A F~csll Lixe of Fuirnishings. Hats, Caps and Children's Clothing Staelbler r(I Wuerth. Walk -Over Shoes Me and Womren Special Styles for College Wear 'Fitis seasone we acre showing an unusually large assortmnct of Custom-Made Footwear. See Window Display for a Com- plete Line of Fall and Winter Oxfords. j We are showing sonme especially trw styles en Brown Cordlovan, Blucher cut, three soles to heelaced a travy larass eyerlet and large cuff reinforcing the tote Also a large assortmnit of black aced tact leather in celebrated eFrieh..Ccit Skidesin Button, Blucteer, plattae .c aced Strap 'tnd Buckle effects. Ifcot acquatiaed with otur lablco ask youre ft ried beow they wear. Prices, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.5t0 WALK - OVER SHOE CO. 115 SOUTH MAIN ST. WHAT'S THAI? PIPE THE PIPES JOI.LY'S ti0e+sect teState Stt r1i fifElN't' .5 'eric-tiy5moernievshiie I tt t.i etifttt n Tmpsonde et,ialli ceneces. J. Ii. ( itieret,'lThetor tim cn[i'ertteet, or y,,,;lThocmpt- MRS.J.I R. TROJANOWSKI -t~4-=' FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER 1(1St' bld noetiee ceceiceg, .souevenir Hair (Gsods, Hirccdessiag, Shampoosing ccr d CseftrieeeNorfolkSee. rcee iciec- Maaieciag. Fce Masseaeca Speccalty. itee eCris.andcaboteeetciglet diollars' 322 S. State St {tee etstirs) Be-lPhone 359 citee y fttt Phone Rtsece PIANOS FOR RENT-A number o~~ W &U coice new peiaeos at Root's MusicteitlflV Schaffner M larx t otte on easy terms. Free tuening. ef a Ifyuwn h etfuti e n I Ote city, go to Cesing's, 336 Sonthb u ( ' x" ltir Stater sireet. tfi C0, _BANKS lILE FARMEfRS AND MEHIIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURtON STREETS Capital, $50,000, Suc-pius and Pc-sfits, 565,6000 Generat Bacnking Bintess. 3 eercest paet us Ticeeeaced SaOsete Depots.OSfety tDe- pasiteBuses 0o-c-t at $2.0seed upwards R. KsEc-F, Pc-es. W. C. STEVISre, Vtce-Pre-s tF. . seLs. Cash. 03. A. SWILCIAMs Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank! Capital stack.$50,000.S uc-plus, $200,000 itesoac-ces, 2200,000 A General Banking Basiness Tranacted OFcFIaCeERS:eChas. E. Idescact.e. cst; W. 0. iHasricmansVice Pc-oct:itt. 2. Fc-tz. Cashec STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J.. Booth Jno. V. Shecehacn Wme. Arcnutd Dr-. V. C. Vasghan Jees. H. Wade E.. F. Mittsj Joehnc udac-ec- Jnto. Koeh Pc-st.. .S. Cac-tc- hiencrcy W. Dousgtas Chcistian Mactin Dash'. Ztmmec-san FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFe ANN ARBORo, MICH. i. 0. tIeNNE. tOARitiSON f't)CL, Pres. V'ei'c-r's. St'. N. Attt.CtctyCasterc. Capttal, $100~00. Sucrplusand Poftstceet. § 150000.'1 ' r r wr. -- ---- ri. rr ® rrrr nr ° ° at Wadharnvs CaCo. For yoxar Sweaters, in all colors and sizes. We have all kinds of underwear, Including the Oneita the Grand Prize, and Dr. Demiel Linen Mesh, A large assortment of Night Robes and Pajamas. All the latest In Neckwear. A SE-E The Palais Royal , 209 E." Liberty St. For the Latest Dsignes ic U of M. PILLOWS AN'D B ANERS ALsr~ Banners of' Other College Cozy Corner Fuiriishing in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Bric'a-Brae. SWADHAMS (Q Co. F'ashion Store, 121-1235S. Main St. tierman American Savings Bank o FUMrt N ERAL. rowo CorimreeI an Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. PtntLate Blsande withcvett-f H ot IL unch RaioaFes enee 102 St. 5th Ave. Phone 314 icatch yousittc-ree-lousse, 85e. Sc-nd ussa At Tatttn ns, 338 S. State I I ~piecteef the dcess geeds when sending;uc-de-. Co.'. me lm and Libarty Streets ABULANCE ON CALL THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. i Will Soon Open MICHIGAN UNION CAFE-Watch For It