'i MICHICAN DAILY - ,.. G. H. Wild Colmpally Our Spring 198 line of fine imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and UptoDate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, (Brays and. Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 0. IH. Wild Coumpany 31 South State Street The New Hackett & Alexander Racket is scientifically "Perfect Oval' model, the strain of stringing is ev enly distriuted over the frame and the reforcing strip of dogwood onl inner part of frame is the est ever devised Each one is guarateed and conies in waterproof case Price $8.00, Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores . A.GO. W YAY & BROS.. \~ The LargestManufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Bal, Foot Ball, Glof; Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Offiili Impemens'. tor Track and Field Sports "Uniformss or aitSpors. Spadig's Hadsomelry Illustrated Cataoeue of ait sprts cotaiss so seros sgestios. Send foritI's ree.- A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Minea lis, Denver, Boialo, Syracuse, Pitt- brg, Philadelphia, Boston, Cicinati, BSadl- more, washinogto, Kansas Ciy, Clevelao, New Orleans, trt, Montreal, Canada. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Eilr-ARCHER F. RTcmie. .Busies.Mngr-C. E. WNSicEAus News ............... HirasoS&..Couly Athletics...............Lee A White Exchange....:.. H. John 'Vamnbold' Music and Drama...._Roy .D. Welch Women's Editor. ...Loie Van Voorhis EDITOIA. STAFF J. W. MclCandless Elmer C. Adams Russell 1McFarland RIGT EDITOS George H. Hobart Leonard C. Reid Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vissher REPOTRS M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mei ntsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewis 'T. Kniskern Robert Morelandi Pol Greer Samuel H-. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding Theron P. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam Pl old P. Gould Address : MCmIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Manager's Hours : 1-2 p M., 7-8 P. i. daily, except Sunday. Both phones I- iI)A L l110 Y, IRILIo s Io8. Tihe eteunsi of 'te Casngie fossici= timni Storcsver teedcsss of sliteelisisr sitis Sitesoat of pensiSos m0555501 is, ainteseiefife I hv ee ,beensinii tle vere0e ui , oiSS eaills sitS tepst yearslhasvc sen us s ot heaily fo c f,'iii pses eiscuniainduceii -}i inesst o.our ses 'ta eris Althogh oais remin whitroici s ( oidtathiiii against Sihe greatest iin Site Iasid, a good: numbsierlooe .gone whstee qualitis wsisttis have hleldi str standisard iatssscli tetitti ~e eel. Iesdes aiftrtitg astsi-clsrit resoutre fsr miens soe ericssrin1 spent,ut whioie int s becns reett iesi byS i ieiismpetiencyfitsrte dcla- iing y esoflife Se et lfutdist"sciife- coiusrage 'ouger mies of isleit ruste here. Possily , il geserlit' ma~y gis soeway tremsoie te rerachifrtim tlit teachinsgurfessios thatsitis isthe msutSforty aisi (f oil, an ilsisy 'attrsict =ouir f te exeiesie soici s litsonis inonlystisses-stsiml uide tlstOfhr eists f swork. liser iitest s i te lae l,ts %oecr flue smessorira rosmisesto le as ecitigg as it wos, amosng thcits iencd -iginers: The, mater was treshedtutiiia ir colunls o those forsmer ocesiuss, id it is lsiardiy worhs nir while to repeal's te perforisascee, We coscsle-aiid, 'soc beliee, sssasweraly-that a o- 'limed smemoria of ol te classe was preferablse to ;separate gifts:''Ic vi- sessecadducsedti is stiltsvaiale fr tir eyes of the -cuioss sr the isitrested. \iit of the seprate chos tgitsp~est- st ini Sitefissasec noseesns ii, be rdico- los iiresectbohsh tif lrsr iiure and their ulstiy.'(-1Grantingsig cusswe felt rconvtincred thatilia 0joinit mcsmorial colc lie.pessest.tsio thel.,.niiiersity sawhole lisue ne ,y'ai~lv 411 ,the jilmihigs sare depariitmital xcept the gymnsiumiiaid sue ,Iarss.therusmspss aone .is he 'L'sirezsity SBut gifts to the -cimpti- such is a lomssstn-iiclsaS ltleic ppova;, soIl, ire shinisi, dc scsi es less. The t,'.isois arpcesetis th e cai..15155SO0acol- ret.tasigilie formin fo'favor i is to favor te tUnisersits directly :antI surely. 'fertits andotesgineers shsaserecognized these factsasitusoesd thrie-fourths of their donsiationssfoi, aS colohllseogift to thte tUin.'We trust the laws visil con- siter tse matterlgraseciadif they cOl see lit idecide ti signs he coeisntansI hlpihtoi isake i Slaimouttlts :l SWAN SN. With this issuie te estof ipoh sever thicir connucetioniiwithVTe tDaily ad lay asidle, autit. swit regret, the responsi- biliies Itsihitsave hens theirs is the years tiSatuhave gose. Theueniits eliot ave knowit theistwilntswiasthesis no losger, autu they willinsoisore ave the plasre ofConngo trIhe sorin ssg paper for tlie stIole stndavoeduuset srpse of "Seig sow omy stff los ii prit" To he younge r imenson se staff theechaige weanas ofcorsr eadvancemaentad te oppotriiiitto tis mt ew lnssaous thceorie s. [ tu.eans ine ansulsin tde machlisery' is, -manysvcssc, issd perapts inc. mi ahiniry iii, grtefully respnfd. Suchl is tewa ymcii proress aiolfar lae it fromsi its for ails seimenscital reasoiss. iii standiniits way andsio initepisea iete reelst haindi. Git let it pause a i- t1s, bpay, to lettic sdepartiigsesors slug their'sabsongsouf egiet aisdito 'I ,t uise jotesesilistc tiioli' s they pass NgtS se ut il ,costess' during te' icimsiofhssevice 'sn The Daily, 'to lintg -i"esi ssweps Offsis feet y'te lstitiiti gamotr tuatissheres in te atsmshiereciif te newspasper sffice oid t hasinig ifslless sdeply ii oe with his irks.Tue iDaily hasimsauit-imsire to Omti o ts e hnth eeopotnt %t oacertisisaperiosdil gridi,' or'to enjoy te issusslris cy oi one of -those siadorspctessinossssas"coite-gebloss srs.' Ithisismienlttn opporuity, 51s s's hire 5softess, prchstes isthese col- unmi s itnsps saer year tuat is gouie. t Isat geciuine serice to Mihiga, adtso ate lustise force isssvssciig usc thsins than s were for ter gootd, alstsl. firhts ti of _lire isusertis' sors a(! dausghter s It ihs iees ieious tiiig to havsicaticait thSe tsartissl resios:isiility of sitssi hesocial' tprublemis of the 'icampus, andthere sre sini of hisc d- sating Sditeiors. whioItaveint fel'ttue. shareinsi this responsisility of The Daily. Tthey insve seeni cleary is a ,large way te ifisuieice Vie Daily sosld e made iii evert, aid ave tried to live p to tisiuons.Vie cnsspsionshitp wistihsmes of a siilar vsionos ad sinilar ideals has heeiniispirintg anictvssluibhe, and(1lis. tro, they sre loth to treak. In thin, last' issue they linger topelessly over their tast. '-he type is set-S=te forimss are heinig locieem,-tte.tress is eginin so swhir. Vie last synch has bees done. T'hh- lpls hatad poilts to the hour ol dpariure. Qossthye Daily, aid good' loq - to tile staff that leluisis to guide your desity1 May they see hat The' Laily'"-as a deeper meaninug, ansi a stroiigr ''!ratsosssidetre" ths he nier r{plc'i iol a and dtatiru'tion ,of nearn-.and ,doiceis; 'ff clippitigs aid comisents, asd may they lise siurdily upwarad and out- -ward' to--shat. laiger meaing. This is the bes1trish of I 8foe The Michigan I)EAN RED ADDRESSES ALUMNI ORGANIZATIONS De)als Reed of the literary deprtment is isisch in demand as a speaker at an- qulets of the alumni organizations troughout the cosntry. He iill spesid 'a part of the spring recess in Indiina. Dii Thursday eveting. he will attenda banqeiuet of the Terre Haute almnii. Oin the following eening e will speak e- fore the iMicigans men of Idinapois. Dean Reed has recently addressed lthr 'lumni organizations of several easterns eites. MICHIGAN ALUMNI FORM ASSOC[AnTION IN MANILA 'fle Michigan. alumni ini Manila,,hil- ippilse Islands, recentlylield a useeilg for the purpose of. forisnug -a graduate associosiuom._ There are us numbher of Michiganus oisi in te Philippines or cupyng prominent pesitions,sanl te siuceessi the, torganiztioni is assrei. Slth Coruell aliiiniiiaudhUniversity f Chicago sluni owIsse grduatoe osit ciatious ini the isanids 'fle originsal. songsg by 'Williams Hosw- hoat1dg~wcee.nefeauretof,last inight's Foesly roncert. iMr. Holaud exhibited taste aind verstilty 'in haiding te texts lie 'chose. H lis s-mgs were of bouls thse sophic -rd. te .adurcltcomnsiirt style, auS of agreale ielodies oust ii a varey sof irsason , cuite msodernin i effect. Let Mr. Howvlaid appear ofteier as interpreter of, Iis owns songs. Mrs. Samuel Lockwood -played with Mr. L~oekwood' ivithree :vioiii duets. 11cer hsn'aitiul f~in -aid her grace tii puyiig ave giofli lie a asting place il the eflteii ofFarutty cocert goers. Roy'l). 'Welch tradelis-iiitil' appear- ancetons Focuty concert programs ii a duet'witiel ansel -Lockwood.- Tei. 4pgIyiiig of the Dvorak sonata was credit- able and, atisfactor. Albrt drckwood -has ''infretieuithy payed to, spendidlyeasu last night. The Chopin Maitasta as played in :a style at gncc delicate andg powerfu. Miss Dais Was' as usoal Paofciet in accon- panmeint;.-- ALL ID 1S.FOR PICTURE PRII- LEGE,0OF COUNTYP AIR MUST BE SUBMR]ITE)ITO ~QGEN. CHAIR- MAN WI>STEAD#1)BV FRIDAT NOON OF' THIS WEEK.Lr Address in codre of The Daily. TRACK. GOODS1 Aniything you tieed hoys. from a 16 pound Hammer or Shot, to a pair of Spike Shoes or Chamois Pushers. Every article guaranteed for quality and price. WAHR'S University Bookstore KODAKS!N Not only g or 6 cheap ones, hut a complete line of the latest models inicliading all the hest values in Eastman Kodaks, Pr-em'o atxd Hawkeye Camteras from $1.00 to $78.00 Photography is my business LYN DON I4 IBEAILEY & EDMUNDS i21 EAST' LIBERTY STREET [Y[6GLASSIfIS Eyeglasses Ohave becunuesuchs a necessary nuisusnce wituh stusdentlsat hate that Sthey will woelcoine an eye'- gloss thsat gives comforanid servie. Hare your opticual worku dane as ARNOLD'S and lie will fit yoa cam- fortably anud guarantee resuits. Quiek Repairs. Lenses Ground. EMIL H. ARNOLD Optical Specialist withs WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220 South Main Street .; _. ,_ ,: :. ... w w ±. riot _ .' . r.r , ,.y ..., . Going IHome? Pillow Topsj All Pennants R'ue Novelties jRdU~ .: k MAY FESTIVAL, 1 ty 13-14-15-16,., Frederick A., $egkCooductor:e CHORAL UNION (300 Volces). Alhert A. $S niry, Conductor. Ivlsialpess.I ClseI Work "ttrealion" - BHydn 'Fasust'; - onunod Art~aet. Moe. Carinne Rider-Rolsey Thursday and Saturday Fr uenings' Mine. Ernestine Schuman.Stetok, Contralto Wed. and'Pe . rovningu 'Miss Janet Spencer, Contraito ., Fri. Alfternaon snd'Sat. Ewhii Mr. Edward Johnson, Tenor' Thur, Fri. and Sat..Erenings; 'Mr. Caude Cunlningham, Baritane Od.Ere Saturday Eroning, Mi.EreG iiieen,,aeeitone Saturday Evening EMr. Hterbert Witheseepoon, Bass Thursday and Satuedoy Eventngs Mr. L. D~e Mare{,-French Born , Friday; Afternoon ' Mr. E'L. Renwck. Organist -Season Ticlzets,(ungeervdm:$ " Season Tickets (reserrred)l$4, $5,.$6 "For Sale- at' - i - -Shss1 of Mussal Ike: Students' lecture Association. GQV. JOHNV A. JOHNSON A -il 30 Siie Adtr lssioft iciation The Students'lecture Ass Co-0p Store ,. ' .-.~f , __.._._ . . .. . . ._ _ .. _ ,.. .i ._ rt .. . .. , 121 Washnon o. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598.