The Michigan Daily 14 VOL. XVIII. 'ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY,, 1908. GEORGETOWN PLAYS VARSITY TOMORROW M Men Win Last Game in Prac- tice Season--Depart for Dixie Land Today. The training season for the nine is over and things have settled down to the serious reality of intercollegiate con-y petition. The squad, together with Coach McAllister and Manager Kennedy, will leave on the rtr :32 this morning for sunny Kentucky, and tomorrow will see a good or a bad start on what ought to be one of the greatest seasons in the history of Michigan baseball. The final practice game between the varsity and the scrubs was played yes- terday amd the flaws revealed were few and far between. The batting of the entire team is materially improved and the pitching staff is in good fettle. Barr will probably do most of the pitching, but Donahue and Linthicum will come in for a good share. Snow is the utility man selected for the trip. He is batting nicely and if needed in any of the field- ig positions will prove far from a weakness. The practice season closed most aus piciously. The day was almost perfect. ihe sun shone brightly and the diamond was protected from the slight breeze byy the grandstand which covers the north and east of tlce held. Linlticum, Barr and Sincock pitched for the scrubs, with Emerman receiving. For the varsity McAllister pitched to Enzenroth for the lrst few innings. 'Ihen Donahue twirled with the coach behind the bat. The var- sity won the game, 5 to o. In the first' oing neither of the pitchers was solved, but in the second the "M" men found" Mac" and clouted him around the field until the bags were filled. Kelley was up. -He caught the ball for a pretty single and two of the ten on bases found their way home. In the fourth inning Wheeler sacrificed and in the fifth a hit to left field netted him two sacks and brought i brace, For the rest of the gamue neither of the teams could score. Barr pitched a strong game, as, did Sicock. Donahue and Litthicum were a bit inconsistent, but their work was of such a quality that they need not be feared in collegiate company. Both En- zenroth and Emersan cttaught well, whipping out a number of wouldhe stealers at second. Quite a number of fans were out to see the last game, and there will be a good-sized bunch at the train to see them on their way. Fifteen men will take the southern trip. They are Coach McAllister, Man- ager Kennedy, Captain Sullivan, Tft, Dunne, Kelley, Paterson, Giddings, Mel- lon, Wheeler, Barr, Donahue, Linthi- cum, Enzenroth, and Snow. They will play as stated in yesterday's Daily. The tour will be: Ann Arbor to George- town; Georgetown to Knoxville; Knox- ville to Lebanon; Lebanon to Nasville I Nashville to Crawfordsville; Crawfords- ville to Ann Arbor, arriving home on the date of the opening of college. SENIOR ENGINEERS HOLD MEETING AND CLASS SING The meeting of the senior engineering class yesterday was mainly taken up with the report of committees. A senior sing was held about the senior bench last night. It is planned to hold these sings every one or two weeks after the holi- days. A double quartet will lead the music All senior engineers are urged to hand in their orders for commencement invi- tations today so that the orders may be sent to the manufacturer. Slips may be signed at the rooms of the Engineering society at anv time today. -T- PATHOLOGISTS WILMEET IN ANN ARBOR NEXT WEEK Those who remain in Ann Arbor dur- itg vacation will have the privilege of attending the eighth annual meeting of the American Association of Patholo- gists and Bacteriologists on April 17 and t8. This organization is one of the strong- est and most select of national' scientific orders. Dr. A. S. Warthin, professor of pathology, is the present chairman. Among the many noted scientists to at- tend will be Welch, of Johns Hopkins, and Hektoen, of Rush. Among those to speak at Friday's ses- sions are such men as Wells, Loeb, ZeitL Warthin, Buerger, Fleischer, Rous, Vaughan, Edmunds, Welch, and Wil- liams. At 7 o'clock in the evening a dinner will take place at the Michigan Union, and two hours later the Michigan members of the association will give a smoker to their guests in the Nu Sigma Nu fraternity house. ' On Saturday, Hektoen, Mallory, Nty, Pearce, Ophiils, McFarland, Bloodgood, and Christian will speak. At t o'clock the regents will entertain the guests at the Michigan Union. All sesions of the society will take place in the New Medical building. PROFESSOR SHELLING WILL TALK ON DRAMA Prof. Felix E. Shelling, of Pennsyl- vania, who will tell "How to Read an Elizabethan Play," on Wednesday, April 22, has a most charming personality and ts one of- the best liked mett on the Pennsylvania faculty. He was bornt 'in Switzerland and was educated for a mu- sician. Even today he is a mrvelous performer on the piano. His tithe now is .almost entirely taken ttp with the study of the Elizabethan drama. He treats this subject from an historical point of view. He has spent much tine n England and Itondon studying tlhe surroundings atnd conditions which in- fluenced the Elizabethan writers, ie also has made a deep study of the atti- tude of each writer and treats the play from this .point of view. He is an in- timate friend of Furness, the editor of the Veriorttm edition of Shakespeare, and his suggestions have proved ery helpful to that writer, Just reently Pyof Shelling published a book, "The History of Elizabetlan Drama.". His book is a. most compre- hensive treatment of ,the. subject andd many of the most competeuf. critics think it the best written book irecent years. MICHIGAMUA BRAVES HOLD' SMOKER AT CLUBHOUSE Twenty-five Michigamnua braves as- senbled at the Union clubhouse Wed- nesday,,noon to smoke the peace pipe and eat venison, in token of their pleas- ure at having among their number, Hon- orary Sachem Adams, who has long been toiling for the Great 5WliteFather at Washingto' Honorary Sachem "Heap Think" Wenley - and "Ftiesdly Chief" Cooley added enjoyment to'the pow- wow by lending their presence. TV'es eve g-twelve of the braves hit the trail with their squaws for a local bowling alley,.- Mr. 'and Mrs. Friendly Chief" Cooley kept watch by the ;camp-fire during the festiviies RECEPTION COMMITTEES- WERE ELECTED YESTERDAY At a meeting of the reception com- mittees of the various senior classes, it University Hall last .-night, H. W. Cole- man, 'oe, was elected general chairman of the senior commencement reception. Miss Adeline Carter, 'o8, was chosen general secretary, and R. 0. Bisbee, 'o8,, general treasurer. The remaining com- umittees will be appointed by the general chairman immediately afterthe spring vacation and take up their work atonce. r LA PETE'SAF MICHIGAN UNION OPEN DURING SPRING VACATION IS ANNOUNCED The Michigan Union will be open to the members during the spring vacation. ---- While nothing special has been planned Twenty New Editorial Assist- for the holidays, the club will be pre- a Are Chosen for Coming pared to entertain and serve the many ants Avisitors during the week. This is the Year. first spring vacation during the Union's existence in its home and the managers Following are the men chosen from expect that the many members who re- the t9qo class of the law department main in the city will spend considerable to be "editorial assistants" of the Mich- time in the house. igan Law Review for next year: J. F. The Anierican Pathologist and Bac- Bingham, E. B. Carter, Arthur Clark, teriologist society will hold their con- L. T. Crane, P. S. Dubuar, F. S. Duffy, vention for tnree days in the clubhouse W. A. Herbruck, J. F. Kiernan, J. F. during vacation. A luncheon and din- McCartin, E. A. McDonald, F. Olds, J. ner will be given by the society in the E. Ogle, J. H. Prescott, M. F. Shannon, banquet room. F. D. Stone, D. B. Symons, D. L. Way, Monday night the New England club S. M. Wiley, C. E. Winstead, M. E. held a banquet in the clubhouse, and to- Wolf. night the rooms will be turned' over to These men are chosen as the result the annual smoker of the soph lit class. of the election by both the class and the The two tennis courts which are being faculty Election to the Re'iew is one built for the members will be completed of the few honors of the law depart- within two weeks. The bad weather has ment. The Law Review is' a monthly delayed the work, the contractors ex- magazine published by the law faculty, pecting to complete the courts before assisted by twenty men chosen from the the vacation. The courts Hill be fast senior class. It is now in its sixth yer. and equipped with regulation require- Prof. Floyd R. Mechem, now of Chi- ments throughout. cago, was the first editor. He was suc- ceeded by Prof. James H. Brewster A. F. RITCHIE IS RE-ELECTED who has since conducted the magazine. MANAGING EDITOR OF DAILY The circulation has grown until at pres- -- ent it is sent to nearly every state in The Daily's managing editor for 1968- the Union and is found in aJl the large 9 is Archer F. Ritchie. Prof. A. H. law libraries. It is meant tgbe of prac- Lloyd, chairman of the board of con- tical use to lawyers and seems to meet trol, announced their choice at the an- with general approval. There are four nual luncheon of The Daily staff in the chief departments in the magazine- Union clubhouse yesterday noon. Prof. articles, note and comment on current Lloyd also presented the members of legal events, recent important decisions, the staff with fobs, as an appreciation and reviews of legal literature. of their services. C. E. Winstead, who has served his SENIOR LAWS DEBATE fourth year on the paper, was givens a MEMORIAL QUESTION gold bar. This is the second bar that the board has presented in five years. The senior law class will attempt to According to custom the senior men- settle the question of a class memorial bers of the staff leave The Daily after by circulating a petition among the mem- spring vacation. They are the follow- bers of the class today. This was de- ing: C. E. Winstead, H. S. Cody, IH. cided at a class meeting held yesterday John Wambold, J. W McCandless, Elser afternoon. During the debate the dis- C. Adams, and B. G. R. Williams. cussion waxed exceedingly warm. A Chauncey S. Boucher will succeed Mr. large proportion of those present favored Cody as news editor. a gift to the Union, but to this proposi- The business management reports the tion there was strong opposition. There paper in a better financial condition thans were only sixty out of two hundred and ever before Two office rooms will be fifty members of the class at the meet- occupied next year, one for the editors ing and for this reason the method of and another for reporters. It has also getting a more general opinion was been decided to have all subscriptions adopted. paid it advance next year. After the session President DeWitt That The Daily is paying off the old said: "We have a strong element in Inlander indebtedness is not generally the class in favor of the Union memorial known. The surplus is being used to but there is also an opposition led by wipe out the entire debt and until that Mr. Bird, which does not want our is done the publication of the Inlander memorial to go to the clubhouse. In will not be resumed. order to get a more representative opin- ion we have adopted the petition method. MANY STUDENTS TO SOLICIT In this way we will be able to know FOR ALUMNUS THIS VACATION within a few days what is the desire of - the majority in this matter." The Michigan Alumnus has mapped The annual class banquet will be held out a campaign to increase its subscrip- in Detroit on April 25. The riot com- tion list. For work during the spring mittee reported that tsp to date the class vacation seventy-five students have beens had raised $385o. enmployed. They will canvass the large cities of the neighboring states, inducing LLOYD WILL DELIVER LAST Michigan alumni to subscribe to the LENTEN SERVICE LECTURE Alumnus. These canvassers have all -- been given the addresses of the alumni The last of the series of. addresses located in the various cities. The states delivered by University professors at the of New York, Wisconsin and Pennsyl- Lenten services of. St. Andrew's church vania are among those that will be thor- will be given by Prof. Alfred H. Lloyd, oughly covered. A plan is also being in Harris Hall, this afternoon at 5 put into effect to canvass the city of o'clock. Prof. Lloyd's subject will be Chicago, in which no work has yet been "The True Basis of Morality." These done. Any students who will have some addresses ace under the auspices of the spare time may enlist for work in the Hobart Guild and all students are cot- Chicago section. Those wishing to do diAJly invited. so may call at the Alumnus office in University Hall at o o'clock this morns EMPIRE STATE CLUB ELECTS . ing. The return which the Alumnuss OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR promises the canvassers makes the work worth considering. The following officers have been elect- The plan which is to be pursued this ed by the Empire State club for next vacation is but a forerunner of the gen- year : President, - rances Graham; vice- eral campaign that is to be instituted president, Lotta Hobart; secretary, Ruth this summer. It is expected that every Bartlett.treasurer, ')rah Pledger. state in the Union wIll then be covered. No. 145. CARNEGIE FUND UNDERESTIMATED President Angell Says It Is of Vital Interest to Faculty Men and University. The importance of the announcement that Andrew Carnegie will add $5,ooo ooo to the Carnegie foundation, or what- ever sus may be necessary to include as pension beneficiaries such professors of the state universities as are eligible, is perhaps underestimated by a great many. President Angell yesterday stated that he considered the action to be of the most vital interest not only to the faculty members as individuals, but to the University as a whole. "The extension of the gift to faculty members in state institutions," said Dr. Angell, "in the first place will bene- fit these men who, on account of the inadequacy of the salaries which they receive, have not been enabled to save enough with which to support themselves properly in their old age. But, more- over, it will benefit all the state univer- sities also because it will enable them to secure better men. Sometimes, since the gift of Mr. Carnegie to the other institutions, men of exceptional ability have been unwilling to accept positions in state schools, naturally preferring to, labor where they will be snsre that they will be well proeided for in the future: The new order of things willsput the state university on an equality with the schools which formerly were given an unfair advantage to some degree at least. "The gift does not yet extend to the sectarian universities and colleges. It has been rather difficult to decide jut which institutions are sectarian and which are not. In general such schools as are required by their charters to have as their president or a certain proportion of their governing body members of some particular demonimation, have been ruled to be sectarian. Those also in which, by their charters the board of trustees is selected by the governiig body of the church are included in the same class. "'The additional gift will effect ap- proximately forty universities. As in the future the state university will prob- ably be the most important one in at least two-thirds of the states, its import- ance can be more easily estimated." PROF. BEZIAT DE BORDES LECTURES ON "HORACE" Prof. Andre Beziat de Bordes lectured Son Corneille's "Horace" yestgrday after- soon, as one of the regular 'Thursday afternoon French legtues. Readings from this drama were given to illustrate this lecture. f rnof. Beziat compared the treatment aofCorneille's "Horace" with tose of Italianand Spanish autsors who had otreated Ise same suhject before him. Corneille in this play showed noe or- iginality of inventio thassits anyother of his dramas. It was shown how the Play typified Corneille's ideas of tragedy, for in "Horace" the style known as Cor- neillian was typified to a greater extent than in his other tragedies. The next French lectures will be given beginning April 30, on the subject of "L'Avare" whicl wille tesented May 8 at the New Whitney, y the Cerc e Dramatique Francais. PROF. LORCH WILL TAKE STUDENTS TO CHICAGO Prof. Lorch will take a party of eight or ten architectural students for a five days' visit to Chicago tonight, on the so0:a0 train. The studtensts go to study metropolitan architecture and will give special attentionto. office buildings, fank, stores, museums, and churches