The M ichigan Daily .;77= AZW.4 $a MM-A J=.V.'04 44 9 VOL. XVIII. AN~N ARB0OR, -MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL, i 1908 No. 144. BASEBALL TEAM LEAVES TOMORROW Fourteen Men Will Tour in South During Vacation-Men Are in (food Condition. The baseball earn wil leave on t1e Amn Arhor at 11:30 tomorrow for the Cohtern trip. Thirteen or forteen ben, probably the later. ill board the train. The first gaie will e played next Saturday at Georgtown Ky. All of the men are in fairly- good shape. and though the trip is in a measure pe- paatory for the bigger games at le botoni of the shedle, they expect to return with a conparaiel clean rccord seet. The exact linep has not yet been determined hut all of the "1" men who are out for practice will proaly go south. lBarr, lDonahue andLilicm are' cerain tnole the reglar pitchig staff for thw tril, andl Snow, wo~ scents the- likeliest of theietilityl caniidates, nay accompany the squad aic do a lille twirliiig. Ruzenroh and Emnerian are expected to do the caciiig ad inc ase of necessity Taft can lbe used behini the bat. -Dnitie and Taft n firvt, with Snoni as sb, Kelley at secoid,, aicd Paterson aid Gidiigs a short ad thirld respectively are cat for the i- field. The outfieli will le 1\lelloii.-Sl liviaiiind VWeeler. Saturday the team plays Gergtowi, and Mtoitay aid Tuesday, Teiiiessee a Kinoxville. Oii Wedneday they play Castle IHeights a, Lebnon oi burs- day, Friday aid Saturday, Vaderilt al Nashuille. aiidloii Monday, Wabash. Th'is fills uitieve ry- dayif lte vacation aiid tie teatmt will eurii homce the fo- liowiiig Tuesday. Manager Kennuedy- has bieen layig 3ni te'nicessary siply o f slippery el, cew-iniig gniiiandI bandages, aid is ready-: for a fast seasoin. Nit gaiieswas llay-ed yeserday, biit the teaiciisill le ot tis afteriooif the sweather iwill lermit. ISACEx ALLNxTRAIN OcenucuixoS. Die e nicshoiexpect lto coiitil lI the Pennsyls-ania iiivitationi meet oi April 25 will le kept ott the go froii nose until the date of the trials, Aril il. All the distance mcii are looseiing ill iith the eginnimg of the iiiidoor woirk and should e ini rare shape 1o cope with tie easterners. Ahot seventy rien troted from the gym yesterday -afternoon on the daily cross country ruii. Teele, wo wilave charge of the bnch fromc now on, set a slow pace for about two -miles and all the meii stuck close by in. Today tie suta wsill bc split p iitic two parts, one comiposeid of the fast me, the other of the slower tnes. Teele will have charge of the former while Miller will direct the later huch. They swill star a :1. COUNTY FAIR POSTER PRIZE IS AWARDED Waler S. Lauderback'I, aid win- ir of the Micigenda poser coitest, nas last night awarded first prie of $o ill golt for theposter he submitted in the Cotity -Fair contest. His sbjet nas leverly ecoseic and representi a typical arker iic front of a booth. The ane artistic skill displayed in his earlier swork sas in evidence on this poster. J. Pal Slusser, '9, was awarded se- oiid prize. His drawiig was excellent and had it been a little mcore appro- rate, would -ave given that of the winner a hard crun.IHe depicted a senior in cap and gown with rainent fringet iith bells. Tile winning poster is printed in three colors and will be displayed tomorrow afternoon in Wahr'o window, after which they wvill be on, sale at ten cents each. COUNTY' FAIR SECURES A $o,ooo ATTRACTION * -Seveil iiore booth privileges for the Coumity Fair sere giveti last ight by the exective connmittee. Among tem swas space giveii to the Filipino cli swhich is to have a $,00 exhibit of Filipiiio curios. These crios are being seciired fromi the governent for tis occasion. Another feature of this booth will le the display of the several types of civilizatioii fiiuni in the Philippine Islandls. The Rocky Mountain cub'sas also aloued space ffr their celebrated west- ceii saoon. This Rocky Mountain saloit miade the big hit at the fair three years ago and also cleared the Imost money of aiiy booh. Secial preparations are also beinmiade for the street parade, ini iwhich wserii life sll1 eportrayed to its fullest extremte. Work oii the Claronc is progressing c-ry vrpidly aiit it is the wish of the matagers of ite pater that all those who are writing -stories, for this putibli- cctioii get thenc in as -sioii as possible. Veit aiitlink sketches poirtrayiig stiideti life- tic ainyciimicidrawsiigs ct all will ie very aceltalsl. - The exeuive comiiiiee has decided that lie silvercijvilawhich is to 1cc aware- el Icc lie'oig iiiiaioniiiaing tle most inciciey shl ll le gise totle bicoti cai-- iiig the gieitest iet rcilts. The faii comniitee-swill ave offiet hours from 'j,-toi6fi pn. in the Atii Arbotr Piess buiildig 'Illrgaiizatioias tlcha s iNcno aplied foie hooth space should io xcithis sseel, as the gyiciia- sniiiswill le diitetl -toilspacesc awrded iniiiiidtlilcly fteri lie sring'acaion. PROF. ADIAMS FINISI-IS CORPItORATION LECTURES The~ lasiof lihe series of lecres shich Prcf. .AuamytI'hAS icii -giving to Prof. -Smalley s clss in. transportation prob- emrs vsctdieliveredl ysterday afternoot. He. sipok ltefy of te tenttive forms of blcte seitcarreagetl by the iter- Sstate cticeree cotcmissioncwichc it is proposed to subitit for cnsideraiotn, adaiiscta. the effects of its atoptioti s:woildi ie. T'he balance seet, said Prof. Atams, "ough triily- iccrepresent teitacial standtincg (of the cororation. The evil ies il the fatt tat lte blahne sheet is tot aintlyed. The sigificait featre of the- Ialanc shreet is lte acutulation of surplus. It mcust ie utnalyzed it order to miate the sheet. intelligent. If tis were tdicte it wotld preent the reor- ganiztiaiotis which are so commuoim acd ie chief bject of which is tothin thile secre reserve itio negotiable paper. The secret reserve sotld be itcbuded in the talance sheet in sch taoanner thiat the legitiate stockholder will be benieiedto iithei exclusiol of those who only get control ii order to reorganize. A strict tdefinitionit'of operationI expenses is ieeded. The balance sheet is now uually- tot a true satetment of the finat- ial 'cotdition of the road. "The proposed canges will tend to establish the stability of railroad seur- ties. There is no 'feasoi.why they shold not be as safe as government botcts as they rest ott the general secur- ity f Ite people. Bt the credit of the railroads is at present: damaged because people do' iot believe the statement whchiithley make. But if the examiners siotld do their ditty.this tifficulty would Ie eradicateid. There is o reason in the 'world that railroad 'bonds should not be lte basis of national bond issues. "The laborers, too, do not believe in the statement of the railroads. If tey did it would be possible to establish a wage contract according to a sliding scale. This could be accomplished if the accotints of the railroads had the stamcp of approval of thce federal govern- mlent. Inl this matnner strikes would be averted." GIRLS BURLESQUE MICHIGENDA SONGS Junior Girls Gfive Unique Pro- gram-Song Parodies, Dances and Farces Are Features. Thcc cishicpi Miciigtse. scsecdec miuuonleui-sic cid--icc hstnicgt atBar horgynsicu, prese-nte-o h lie- seiccr girls ca icery giiimispse O cStue-tilife- i the future.Onci1bccrd cithecsipi. acic ad trave-ledhlie- tackssi-oceancicuteut lie siriig ofir2.,ccwas Prof . Scargzer's vuiiorc cicss cccskyocl-gytaing cc- clsccca-c tioncs fromiui inccithemilce er ccsi abovec lie U oI. campues. Sonic e c of t1cc sucdcie clnt s -c e-dacinge- cc-heu bathrciceonu e lcow c er die ic e Iocwc sco hariditathce achcseinucecy brikean ducriig thIlaccsy chichei cccueetcchiefoe the necetsstr rcpirinicg miateial cr-icc-c iy ccreesicteleigraphiy lie- passeges aimitsed themiisevecs lit sinigcsntg- and nmatintgilobseaion,, whlii ich, hm ccec -r is-c-vt-iii s c orr s ectc. tOnicfairtse t iior tuiht shc sweca cell tdressedilacw studentcmi-alcoctI iccc ccc ththeucfocudiaccnapcouseincith ccie-cc- guiceritig de-partet t hiwiiere mits takeni.kAtirdi disovced can ct iuce lookimug obcject ccion cctt I ifof Ie pcl-i oscipicydepaittvtt wh ilic sie- tiotcccli ci last yars bir's ccest, ii bu tion cclose-v oliev sationit udottoiil be mc utchii ingic tmtece tcicthnoe cat lirif. \ctihi-rclst year'slijoes waittng firdnit iyear. Grae efriscite-i-tle- cflScccchccc ltce etcgie-i-ihi-ti-citthetmusciclpoga withithe dratututic eleciion, Jsti lie- causc e oIcudn'ct Slg tiove Ae stitc the 'i'm i is "inetic, -t ch brough teais o eceryiycccHlcencGable.etc ac digifiedhsenioricsan' I WouldciftIi Couil ut IfICan't fiatrl[' ina Scniori Notw," i whcih sie iitod somethmb of theiciffiulieiis of lie clleg cuire-cd her mast lovescandi acloi ihc-ribh eriiii- sensatons cxheniisiefe-l dciiniitestp of Tppan tll (Oie cof hic ccsxieatcecis cciliiiemee taincment wascI'mcc liii v Plea'ccsedh io he Populcac," eimieredcI iy -Mhis He-ti Braecy catnd Mis 'iMargaret Mhch~cucch- ai. :is Bralueiiy appeaecdiisi a1th- gay collcge-wi-owiu-ammclsung abuhiie-i nummaeouscnquhtess. fromuctJ iimmy\'Wct kis to ll. Johnlambodicct. Iercouyis, quotedcIbelow, wstchugely caplauded:- "lint axifully- ulecse ito ie ipopulart Steve says tic likes my wayl Faith Miwer lioksa ct ie lhinhgy. Macsic thunsmbstuucicfully-gay: Ike Fsce wachties- mie 'ccitt-itanc Heichiych hittuhuccan my ciy. iii Algys mtinycinlmg yes, Agys cyt lite, Becaucse hes so ppulaicr. Thlacsesationi of the evenimg wcas Mix, McLaumchlan, wsolenlmmmaicucaredcs hcmii :rah-rath" girl froum psi antdulscuug cbotm her populacrity- at mte Tuesdaey night parties ct Grcangr's sum-te 1cricer sact- mg rundmmlempihacticlly dclaecredchatlsm she sas "there withmtie affectionim fer all macuiline cadimirers whio demacnded i. A hpretty lox-csittng. "If I Shoulmmd Fl ic Lovse ccila Yuin 1whichc liii-colored spotlight effecs swereuteeth withm great success cia the hmiceus, wcas gistenm by Miss RhcodasmSar. Dumring these songs mmuchm iterest sas aoumsetd by a subtle fliric- ion crriedtoh tic eenemRutc Greathocse, as Prof. Sargazer, uad Louiise Vanm Veorhis, as tie cptain's wife. The gal antcauptain,swhose part wsctakilen by Edithc Leoinard, won tie hearts nout only of the seniore girls outhlie "Miehiguse, html those inth ~e udmiece. Presenmtly lthe ship was repaireed au-telsileth of, afiere a fcrewxel chaorus to thea udienice. Tw~o attractive Swedishic ames, per- formoedtbyhaylss Ruhia reathouse amd Miss Aele Rabinoswitz, were lice nties nnuer. "Coedendha," a short farce, greatly resenmbling its name, wtas the next act. It. contained a mixture of sttis,eiicluigws ing 1 bymMIc'iliachEdithi le-etchlimeick eited byiii i'ss .Mte Iciclk Wise" timmd "Whit-itNi--ht Fals, iliac." Just IbiccleWis ee gave so- tips regardcig Im Artc Cuoss iir Hailo Sio l cc iie acyoucii tctiii nc h, mmii ''i ciiricbject cmuldii ie mcciiaticintil For teyrtiskft oldc cclii or holco m e soimei-day oielm hoi-to -i-tic, ;Amsp m t e h e ir i siho ld f a ll , 'fiiilctiheylhacciiyou i-itrceditcslip-- After wi ciis-theisonggoes, youiijus Sok iseiiidcletetheya run-ilong,- t uitsiHal wee.thybeon iacln s"osa"ciinu isihe her weea meu ifuiad otic c aclle.ebci crep vi-icninlte iniluciofuuiiieisiig ic alriii mie ilit itar yd i l ii- iiriihes cc tat -lice- iccbcca IuclesofSthe lcei ccii ti.cichce-cusofuhleu "bys".\ianSi Io thecliorccc aycociii tin tiof-ino 'hc. twIcfamcssu"Mcit'lci liitse ita Ic- -i ,-er- wrttnmc is, c- em cci \hsIwithtaisit tch oisslorecel cithii i ce c licandetLouise ccicc genira ill greisl ndbtdfo te u ofl this muiisic l hi iti. Auminfmii l dant Iiiceetllowedii the illa. ci-tt i cy scniiig hict c llarge ],,i t ciIccl of mik crnaions.ii IPcccl.IHennmsC. Aasiciwi.ocittacc, leec- lecturcing mee inconcc c - tinwitli Prhit Smalley ci ecidu i it)tasttsion 1 -hiis. ci lit--lly of hecc cucandccpiroc ccl, l te icia imon,1 Iuccu stlied [\am, Ime wai siteiarvlide-ali-icc-t-i hemi plasure oinsetingit citcciiirvrdio adchplenidciily eqiiuicie. Is ie ocite he li limitessos temretcld tmit ismtheslce ice wher cie i iclmic themmno mdrticmeis ccci eno agdgree ccl soci-al life. I is ai k-e-cithIium foriHarvard. Iiw1iii miceoe elieriymiici ciiimcstel cmnlie Uinhcis-e- iikbetphs ciiigroin-mg i lihe - maccnnemawhichmit hais doime, cd i cms cccli m mccgedi scd ccciitedci, i sill undoubedlyici one rfx hi ccuci liithis twardti aiic te-sccical lilt- ee.' Atitie-reguaricvmueiug ofl lieF-hcv estry cbhil ldscit:ight ii West HIl ID. I. Reynoldits caddressedl tieme mmebes ccl the lmib di lehoduics cci Fighting tFire- initie Naticonacl FretxstSM. ey nolscld ofh iitiemalxvcntages oehingc i toee-scccllipatrolleduI cwherever-itluy mcy Ie. Hei esxplainedlthe mehos Of bcak firincg, trenmcing.,cndchIe uimliziing cci trcilis, roacds, mmciiaurmmalcibsacles icc prevent tie sireadu of fe. ttire hunes sre cmiutcroud cs-ry setion ofii foret. L~ightiniug creessumss o hunters cnch sucrks flviiiciccmtaoties iet-clie chif - cuses ccl forest fires. A srge nmumablerccl tie cli memes atteeth ie mmetinug. 'lhemcelubiahas cm membelldrsiihipof sixty-six cnd umees ti-e ac moacimu im 1 com 4, sWest hail. LANGUAGE METHOD MAY BE CHANGED Plan Involves International Ex- change of Instructors at Gov- ernment Expense. Thrughtheeffris ccl.hit-.Kail Rein- Iadt ofi. thlii dci cmcemmlofinstuciton of Perulin,. a plancc uwhichc reolutcioie thecii mehdcfiprepar ing teaceres lirliii instru clcii ctin ifmden Icuguuags lua lice condccc a tciec. lhis laniumnvoles accmc leuucdaicuuc lecange aol isructrs echo w iill lie- suppotedict cigcvernmuent throughithmPrusianiedctionl nh 'ide hl rdiso a ii- cllege cof reoizdstadngi etecr f hes ccc iced u- ci n r eii le fr ccii iul ii (d iiiiiuicialilcc iin thin, hin- parletr insltinttions iiabroad, Icer 11cc-p dill cnductcaeteacin,iy cciii crcactdal cull ccl ci natciectnmgue. Dr. lienryiiisth it nche-i, cresidentd ofth iareie I tudtuioiiu, togethe 1 tlse(r n'm0 profe lssors, ii- clndm Cah in'1 ; terheced of the iG lip dlIiit iMiichiganu, cuil eprecsi I lr angoecnmet. The1plip c ciftesi ,edt it.chisj ahead in oeratin b (tcciducermn}'y, ofin i sdci nfreg aguagsandcmi thecoretonl csit-s eucaiohnaml- gcis ofbothcco ccntriest" ln te ci e cccl occesi islwhrthlie res ide an i ll rce i dcc ll cli advanu-mcg cc,_ h-i Ic- Sulhcel c holtu i ps. '.Ci plan \\ asi (icd -g -ene t-s parng i h -:tetuit.tduct-c'lii cci vieddraionf t thprfrlmiee ccii he g v n tt ec i i e uu tcily c-Inctin ing dlicti ididhliceesei ofa cthis cedccy, furnishes many oppr~tuc fors iiindi- vidiucl talceie inn echaracter cutcle iy liii cat, acc ic oycuuitt of -auingsitna501c- ii i te uuilcuec. iuiy rehecaras are- dicdw progracing twccuarsu finacl fie- iuucfo lie prouctuionmocumilimitcv-ning Of 'mpint2-1, ecccin isie ccl lie lue seededs ccichl i cntes cu tteciiidiueay thue- cure cclliiihe.recrsccls. "Mincna oni ilcucuc luri ffe' s caeumtugimeCtomial ace-ncs candi i iigtidil w 1,et-ti o iIs l iit5 anii ncicnccs i -it du -r chi-cwholie- cxvending. Ticetsaorte dyutt n sdiii ai S~'m hoks toee ciday froii dtic hi()clock.l lie-prc-de chsml that all ma b ai c-cl.iaed t lice- homieofutheinlinehudes parnts Sir. Joephe tutu iuc iliumsiy stitchMiss l'aicuclerile nlt nc cciwinemunuiedh i icieriage lIctedenuc in n i occl.I-ie. Ohlioi, uffied. Mr.I'Msly is a mce- leu ofcl e lce s- ofc'9de, a ciii is et lpes- i-icca ccinstumicrint timee.mehanical en ginering lass. Siisa Knouwlon was gridt cuedlwishii ilie ccsscci o, and s ac"Mmmbciiic fcthmie Collegiae Sorosi. 't d:30 i. andul shrs. Bilumeeyleft for inlie south. Thte wiiireurmn afeucethe spring cvacationucancumakmse their Ihome ati lice Cuttimng apam enh ts until Jumne. lTme summcaer cull ice vspentlsabroad.i