TrHE. MICHIGAN DAILY Ice Cream Soda 5 cens All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate Soda 10c with double portion of Ice Cream E. E. CAL KINS, Druggist. 324 South StateStr1,eet. AMUS5EMENTS Majestic Theatre CALENDAR. Atrint 8--Sophitlit smnokrrt Cnion. Aptril 9-CtirnillesI"Hotce," letres and~ readinligs, liy tProf . teiajt te IBordes tinder autspies f CererFraitais. Tap- pan [fall letutre roit, 4 p. i. Apilt it-Craftmnr dace t Barlor gymitiie. t April iii- iReess lbegini-.evetig. Aprlt 7-iii Itetig itt American X scciatitt t atlogists antd ateri- olois-i 2ii P erises restinr. April 2t-"Theliis toricat tBakgront Dikcholtfiauspiesitt Detstcher Verit, Tappn Hliltlcture roomti, 4 p. I Apil 22-'-"Thte irattotie Tehniquetiof EggrtITappanI'Hl tteure romil * 'inn tvuon it riliet, ' Prof. tMnx \VnleTppan Nal tlt lete rotumt.4 p. Ill. Decheel5eiii.Newi uWhie thea- 2 7 -eirigirlstplay titd ater :Apit it-iTs hle City tif Paris," ilui- tistices ofCt C te t raiiititttte tracias ini iSaralt CswecllAglt Hal, 8 i. in. May8-Sudetst' A\trciat society en- tressliy Dr WatrrCutey, chief sit- geiii0f Norterni ttctiicerailweas. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Soiphi ltibasball tamtitratier at fair p enttitid 4 P. i. tdayi. tEllitM. i. .At1 setnitrsterutiei ae tiiasre iens fori cits adtiigons at\Mac & C.'s by Aprl iat ati test. \irritip iof teecu tiv e ctiimiitte of the Coutti ir au ot 7 p. m., at the offic; i Aut 5- ro buidin- v, thle result f ci sr licilittifor elction oftttprcsidenittt Of tiiiccniteStale, ittliticalcl ubHu hghe ruvsdt-elbeitli No it-is thec itiett ive ou tir rooims itpreetiortei tiepaitted. 5CWec- maigsleril ris ito sttts. iHicer yttir roostiid teratdlduing va tcaeti. You-r cretdit ts oodtt. C. [I. hiajor & Ci. Both iiphitnes237. 435 FRATERNITY 1ItOUSL FOR RENT -Large tituse sitabe for fraternity or rlut,onitNortti Division street; ispec- titti inviied. Dr. A. J. t-at, Lawrence butilding, coriue Fortt avenue an Xiin steet. Bett ptone 78 37-44 MtORRIS CANOES-The best canoe bit. Sec G. Css Ligttner about ttei. 79 South Tthayer. Pthone 98i-J. 40-3 Since 1588 we have made IWl h Re- pairing one of our strongest f atures. Hater's Jewelry Store, 26 S. Aain street: eod I are a good proposition to offer to onie or tn-n students where they can nake teir cotege expenses. A smatt invest- intt is required. Warren H. Smith, real estate and insrance, Ann Arbor Savitigs Banktle iock. 39-49 Stitdents are atl-aps wetlnnme at one stores. Recid ttuc pa-, - pers, use tpthones, smnnte, meet ynour friendcs. Wec try to trett you right. BILLIARDS, .BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, 'T'OBACCO. A12 S. State - 311 Maynard 0E*S BARIBER SHOP TollNorthI Uutveest~y Ave. O. A. MOE. HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS The nattiest and most approved fash= ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. Stein-Blo ckClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THE ACME OF STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCHMIII, APFEL & CO. New Whitney Theatre BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 S)aturday MAT=INc'April 11 TIHE LAUGHING SVC CESS "Tfhe Girl Who Looks Like Me" WITH THE TWO LAUGH PRODUCERS Kafthryn Osterman and Anna Belmont Prices MATINEE rra 3-50y/0 flt th e lyt~suug r ns areich SThur patlt la s aterno . clu s evri- ise Ittto itl- rip tnoiphto in satiisfc them andner hm.The wni quaN ae ici tat v teer-plattedi bruss. is teen heycs ny aiqate t uICottr ealuer ca'til sutppicstna a paiRenire r uar inietibeienuponiiieeiiptiif triee. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO .718 MARKET ST, PtILADo, NO EXTRA CHARGE'SOR HANDSOME HOLIDAY DODES MAKE.RaS OPIONEER SUSPENDERS TO KEEP IN THE PROCESSION YOU HAVE TO KEEP ON THE JUMP IN BUSINESS OR AT PLAY This means that you must be kept in the best possible msental and physical condition. TIhis end is best reached thru nourishing, easily digested foods, conmbined with rational exercise and a careful observance of thne laws of hygeine. SHREDDED WHEAT is rich in tbe proteids that repair waste tissue and the elements that build the perfect human body, it contains all the nutritive, strength-given nmaterial in the whole wheat, made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. A tbreafan st oSpoi ttuI) ustittx'rl CUit w C uit otcrecold iljkorcemwl supplyethe energy tot a hatf cay - ork. isithe sautte asithetiscuit,ex atfu-tite e flo rrad. At rers 7 ' "IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS" THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y. If you don't want to tip your friends over when canoeing; investigate the Mlorrmis Caoels before placing your order for any other. They are the safest and most service- able canoes built. The lar'gaat stock of Eaatar-.s bal~t easoes to ca N~hiars Re at at Ileada-3a Ave., Detr-oit. Call. 981 J aasd aak abouat themw 1. R. CORSII, Western Sales At. 0. CASS LIGHITNER, ARn Arbor- Agt. 66 Waatlsa. Dete-olt 710 S. STayer, Phone 981 J PharmseN0 937L1 Over 150 in use on Detroit River. R I NEW FILMS THREE TIMES A WEEK T l i CASINO . MAIw T .E HIGH GLASS +ENTERTAINMVET