THE MICHIGAN DAILY " G. H. Wild Compally The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS FrGentlemfen's Wear Everything reqired for Suits, Overcoats, any esting, and Troserings, and ofi high class fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Companly 311 South State Sret Start a Collection of Penn. an. *s of all the Colleges and you will add greatly to the appearance of your rooms. We have a large and varied stock of pen- nants of the leading col- leges in various sizes and styles made in the official colors. Prilces c to $5.00 Sheelhall & Co. Student Bookstores M.. & BROS. ' The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Spplie Base Bal, Foot Ball, (loilf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey Ofiia Impement for Tack and Fild Spnrts Uniforemn fr alt-Sport. Spalding'. Handinnot Ilnstrated Cataoneeontal iparte containin meousnuggstios,.-Send fo it.-Is ree. A. O. SPALDING & BROS. New Yorkx, chago, S. Louis, Ban Frncisc, Minneapolis, ener, uffalo. S racus, Pilts- burg, Phladelphia, Roton, Cncinati, iali- mor, Wahngton, Kans City, Cleelad, New Orleans, ~etroit. Motreal, Canada. THE MIC~iJiAN DAILY. Miaaging Lidtoe PAUt. Scoci Mowoi ii Bosyness IMaagci--C.. F Vussrsi I 01100'. INens . . . . . . ... . . . F Rthe athletics..... X. llian-IFlGradolph11 Spoiling.....lorectce E. Eldideg Exchange-..... .X ambold Music 0and1 Dram.Roc ID. Welch Xomses Edior-.. Louise Van Voorhis EDITOIAL. STAF i. V Me~le scs Elmer (. Adams John F Won Robet eHI. Cacy Hira11 S. Cody George II. Iobari ('haneiey Bochr B. G. R Williams L. C. Reid Lee A White Rayimonid Visselec M. B. Mllugh A. L. I lainline Robert ilm elnsier BUSINESS STAFF John F. XXnre (al I. Adam Address: MICIGl~AN'sisixPress Bldg., M~aynardl Street. Mlaiager's Hours: -2 p. Ii, 73 p.iim daily, except Stiiiiay. Both phones 96o. OXEsEIA C TOBl( ~ER . [().!!! Nowin-to youlmnit iio the eras,-ofxl 01 lax' intiated, as iiit ee. to teruin ofi tlis- collg worxld, has s'omeii'the timt- to waeLit), lto throwlo1i=f tec ca~t -otf higian pitaaxions sdruol life' antoi acc1st1myou iseis to tte xxdI-j academic world of hic vliiiare a 1)111d1tyXxoiyoirselves anix-oxtlie liii lxi ritoxeliat' hlly wilattai xxixxtltl oxpeiec i5iiiitlixs open ii'lii'i'you. X'iii, every maniinte it'fre'shmianxixclss are en itig upon a four yar 1s iil nn- li itd ixssihlihtis, of 1111stetc xt tiop- po xnmi ,f eerif)xbeixricoteedxx Xxxiii' rt.for oleige'.iwxorl i- presentd to itu olytihxii.isc, adtihelii makx~igxiof.a sxs'ess xor' the' beginingxiof a lfailure m t ' eliete rminiix'x lxii. Si tox xx xi iii iii 'iimtll 511e itlil xxxi canxsitulytduring thle atiler ears.- inedIII eductionittoisilswitthte i xxiiie~ Itheii iflueniccx iwillsthegiaic' iiecaisi eer'yI branic'h. Six stdy' Vonlian siiioymliltntslips, hrilesxss xxii ivatluabxllc durig te isixtxxe sers lhot neer xagaitintanyo 'ii til'te (gay s'u'xiixi' itxiis. the ople-texrtx'xn iss. tlt firainknexss xof' axcll'e c tiiii. Six imas the most oficxeesmltithisxwhoii xxii come xxin iontact xxioucxxli ities in 11111' ndpusueiiatiilicis afteri' grad- uaionti.-iixdeedt eve ry xxelt-txxxtxxicd ma shouild,"--but neverxiundiixte li'stiulatlig silki ig forxilei'smeliperlctlxionxi. Six flowiosttiyuriatlti'es'n'l'ations, wondeirfu'lh cotllegi' lie'counit for slim.- thiing. Fill xxiii ie meintx'is. IDon't lhe paxssive;xbelan civexi k. ei, ireeptive's x'oilege'nail. 'Thei'seior iwhiuhas 111111- ing lit his aciemleiic trirning is aisillri sight tieirin 111111youir tile ineids ruoud- ing, ineids sioimethiing Ill esey angle'. So lire, live gloiousle.,eiithevery day fuil tolithe lbrimi, axii thenl s'hin the tout sextetshate paxssediloiokhackxeb xpoiicot- li-ge xas te themIsi complte -taeixxt ol youir tift'. ''he accoutxs xiirush inightin ou iitsitde 1p111'rs iwtri' a goodxiI deail iioce 11111t a111 eriaiii'letthaniin f oi'iie'i stat-s. 'the iiielee is xesrieidx't s les confulsted anid fsanIginarxxIy lxhxn lfootbltl, aiini lii' lhunted fi'eshmiiein tie 1101111111si tiransfiguiredllit tlaiss ptriti'xlsm andiit aidoi'atio1111111tle lxii'. In xdescirtibig arush lxx peopale Ii tihoexsleet it lix le lthe' s-ry riot of Fixv esri'self,. a seemilts'reserve is ino smlirtells. 'Ill(i'studen'iilcorresponisi- elisft hellli'outsides'pailer s therefore ut'- Sserv his limuitiihi coiiiendaltionl. 'thlle ir ieors le'xiialwa's i ipatxx bii lcauise thxey letemneixlaiigeslittlw e seshall appar lite sx x xxi xiste tin.Thi'ri teoetsis oint' inichits-if lies' Iholdl anv hlt'eIfor tie X.liia Xater-iioiesiy is s'x'txIdixiglyspoitlc' lit tielpre'sent cise, liii'shavxeibeitc nitherti iishion est ntre i'. F I'. iiOSitsli''.i. IS Qxxi' i Ii 5's 1 1. I e-sits of Penitsiylvaniaihixs lt-ielixiur- XAixutiitwoxx111111eIt'lltietins aredeineiiiid in lhe iinstitxuti, tutd iiedticalstxudents arci barrxed fri'omii lilt'cs 'Ills'Uiv'esity xofXxWisconisiniiniiiw'hias a'ixs'miexd ica x'ptent byiis'the xlitiiixizx- til xoihelst legislatuire'ofi ihiatlstaite. Onl h telierlst lxiiiyexarsiif lie coure stiltlxbe gi-en. theptinbingitigoxxalliss thte sltdents lxxenie' as juiiioirs xatiother icoos xiifImedicine' oiler the tswoyeairs spentlatithestatec uivi'esity'. eRi'-xt'ExxsNCx'OUNtIx. PeTxeus'ca 5Icxi;isi ST;\. 'liii'seniori''couiicil at Pr'icetoni lias pracxttically put111 axstip lto theiselinitg' of cals, chapixil tickexxts, st'..,lto tiiifrish- mieni itsreq'uiintg thaxitheii'soiphomor~xxes lerst sx'cureessigneds apexmits statiing the prceatihhe va'ixrioixis articets ire 5011it's AN ,' ii C' s s Ci xis. The ' ixsophomorxe 'class a.'xiihuti ves x i ile' ximtxiilIbaiiiieir rush thxrouxghx supior'Iix orgi'anizationx.althouxlghI lie li'tslixti clxiss oautiitimibtredl tem Ity forety. 'T'e'sophooreI's al-s'xwiithie annual xxibann'r sc'rapx at Lafaetixs laIst seeks. ,Y t r f 3 1 f l 1 t 1 1 Y. Ml. '. A. WILt. TRACIIf thttt, AXNDI) .hRlSANl'Y liRbBL.12sI The studients' Y. .\1. C. A.Iihis pre- B O O KI pared ai series of study courses do aliiig writh pirohblemns oh Christianity antI the Bile. Compsetetit intsructors wsill havs chlarge oi thie'soorb anid stuiiies will hi C A S E S hegu itsihuin a wccek or hell tans Tlhec coureses arc as follows: "Prohlents ill the bile of Christ,"6:43 Thousands of valuable libra- 1o 7:x45, Saturday, lMxcMillan s all.irhes are slatted every year by Charles B3. Vibbt, in lstructor ini phil-S3 Y Cistih. sttudetnts, thin foundationi being "Stdies ii tile ctcs and 11pishte, a few bouks and two or three g :30 a, .., Sunday'. hr. IL. C.IC IIpill ski, inistructorinil mthenmatic.Gliobe - Wertileke "Elastic" "Mtan iii use Light of LEliolnutn Bookcases. We sell this make Brtlent.' 1 t. Suiiday. GcorgecI for a reason. We catn obtain Bat It, .., listructorengtineer-C 111g. n10 setter.. "Soiaxil'Teachuings iof Jesus Cbit," 9:30 hex 20:20 Ia. Mi.,Siinidxy .Cal1-1. Smlih, secctarys. Iiiesp-rn llm'itiif 02 Xe, «'od o Aidditional ciorses tiill be 'given iniiico- opert'ltiontl iithi thei. associatioin is fl- hois's x ''hrescui tis<' FntProblems in thie I aiiii Field.*'"X'MIinofthe Mbiddtle Ages." B o 12 mi., Suiiiday, Presbtrinii ciihu.J o k S o e Ll~sie Frenlch, Phil1). Valus i OldTesamen Lier- Sole Agents for Glnbe-wernicke nyu- "Ri 'tiisi ~ rhs n-lt111 tree nf Elasito okcases and fifing at 1e 2 mi., Sundayit, 'Iuchkeirtill a abinees. rIa Bail. J. Feed Mlerrifichit "Chirist anti 1-is Christianlity.'I Tcbker :Mlemhorix Hatll. J. Frecti bicnifsiel "Ornigiin a11thDevelopmienit clfl teBook xoi the Bibile." 122lii., Suliday, Conigre[- Y N ' gathioniai chiuichi. FProf.Liudiwig LIrsnstLut N D A0 A ixisnumbe ofetiher groulps lxii stiudy H 759 NO RFRRTH UNIVERSITY AVE. and1 distussionl wilh hec coniuictcundlixter teleuhr-hipu ofiJtohnli1I. Snuooxk, X'xu _______________________ ecun F. Rotgers, Andrlenw l,endinh. XX. D). Frecs-illger, C. .f,. King, R. J.-R1d1, Ri~~ o 5FOR AXll F. Oliisteadh, XX. X. Bertsch. lists'sPRITeS n'sYetOilSAIl. That fotbll is the tonhy athlhetic sport tiat rexily tat's flutisehf is shownusin l th ent report ofthe athletic ass.- citioniiof thie bUnisversity of lossa,sehuich sttsthaxtthie footllireccihpts shsuti-etd a prti ofiI $tiroo. swhuihe losse'santilhex batsteball, trock and1th ennlis teamlsamuntil- ed etio $300. $292 ant $10 resptcectly. Baxsktbhahhreceipth owe101 helii'smxdh minixelii f xi$;; 1115thie righit sidhe xoi tii hookals. Sine 1858 re have made Watich Re- palining tne of our strongest features. I iuhie's jesweltry Shone, 216 S. Main street. coil 'he KemnpfiMuic l Studilos-Pianio, voice, pipe organ, composition. 312 S. Division street. eod-t8 Canmeras ansd Photo Supplies PRIThING) A SPI',i,Ts [BAILEY & EDMUNDS Zporttng GooUe 121 IIASIf LIBERTY STREET GE SARTED RIGHT A dme cqinte witrhol JWLRY STORE Lverythinin nsegePi o , Jl, c ary, Eta. iC rginated themt all. W. ARNOLD M'it.s I - - See our complete line of Michigan MO tSiTit isIt it'sT'SYRACtEl-i. pins,lotus aiid sotivenirs. IHahler's SmeIcese atuss ofxthelar xgestfleshi- Jellelry- Stone, 216 S. Maina street. eodl ma las iri iithe ihxx' i istr-o a y- Amer- ____________________ Germanyii elashtyexrueort-hxnedi45.,I3f6 studtis t iIts 21 univier-sitie-s,iswhile Rusahuxdx24,4134 atxienxii hislitlilohs. Sec tune comletexcline ofii ihhigan inis, lotus aind souvenirs. Haller's jun-lry Sture. 216 S. Mai sired,: cod 7 1 1 Good itenor soloist ow-nted fon church wosk in Apply at ionce at 312 5. lDivision strect. cod-iS Banitners of all kinds at Milts Lovch', 332 S. Stathe siredt. XX'ed-tf Xoiur patrniage isrecspectfluy solicit- ed. Puotuiar plies. Cb aniihcarrixiges. baxggagi- tranisfuer. XXttths' leery. 114 ?forthSitaie street. 13-14 j , Re_ 0IIFE0iE UBY THE O T°P ANYO CHORIA[ UNION~ ICK[IS Now on Sale $3,00 EACH Oct. 1 8-Siekesz Nov. 11l-Gadski Dec. 12---Flonzaley Qt. Jan. 28-Charles Clark March 2-Audanmowski Trio FIFTEENTH FESTIVAL Ma~y 13-16 .,_ r Z~be !tuaents' lecture association Season 1907-108 Premier Lecture Course of the WXest SOUSA'S BAND Emil J. Hirsch, D.D., LL.D. - John Temple Graves Dr. Win. J. Dawsont(London) Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powvers Hon. John Barrett Opie Read Gov. J. Frank Hanly (Ind.) Oratorical Contest John Graham Brooks Open Number See "Prospectus" for dates and explanation of Open Numbher S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall. Treasurer's Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Eichiets for Entire ctourse, - 6 2.00 Secure your Season Tiekets from student canvassers or at S. L. A, Office. 'Ij 121 Washinton F RANDALL THE PHOTOGR4PUI.R Phone 598