The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 19o8. No, 143. NEB DIAM ND OPEN and then etired to Ferry field where, [ inl t company with Tower, he did several WITH CEREMONIAL lapeito great shape;esrte"r. SRN Fizarci, "and switl aatlittle ottdoor triting 1I o't think tiere is a man ____ Maiden Game Played at Ferry ests ostywh casetho atIi Would Substitute Tying Up" dit aite He is improing in enutrance frRc tn -u etU i Field Yesterday-Track Ath- anl sla sssstrsarae srnnn o okSu tSggetU - letes Begin Outdoor Training, as swell tisi cool weather as at ay oter versa Election Day. tieatigcnrr ohsuulfr.T acsitisal game for tle ness Ferry f swe could osly arrange assotdoor Th Stdsent Cauncil discussed at fidaldciamondl sas ploced yesterday after- match bletseens im n dc Haskains this legtl the maatter of a suhstiute for te oon, st ssithout somncslaows of fitting srang Ithtliskase colc settle te qaes- "rocla stntat teir smeeting last cen- tkeemenial. hossecsec, far before a ball ion Of sueriority, I think is favor of tg. thc commiite hasmng tae taatter wao sitcheaeal ala rsity squadaa linacatip Co. I wish Haskins coauld compete at in carge reportel that the tying p' inthelair regalar posaitionss andsadtarted the teceasterna ite rcollegiate." sunaaseeced iltacmosnt practcal of the baall aroandas. Barr aad Eneroth swere The trials for te fourth place u11)0n1caatets fsaamittea. Thc pau of thisl thac batery. Iast years iaiela qarteltlah relay eanswichaelswill retresetl coaatest is to havae te tswoaclasse ar- lDaasse, Kelley, Patrsons asai Gicdings M\ichiganat atIhe Peasssy' relays till le ragea oppsite eacsotahler aisa at atgves wsiaa place, oandOlsons, Sullivan ana ldlalao01the 18thl, terSatrdlay Ireced- signaal atackada tie titsasaayaf ther Whelaeler filledl the garden. lan the gamsae ig tae openig of college. Mttay anal op~poent as possile. At thaeted of a wshiicla followaead thec sarsitycrisi, 6 Ira 3. Bohnasacka are msost lrmsiet amnsg fxdcl tie, aaesiae tyig tstaelarget if gingr'radc wilinsgness are aof any those wsio isted Ito comptce for the nuamer'r sill wini. Ntig defisiesas accounst, tie sarsty snshold avelose mle-raie teal position. dercieda. Te tdtail s will le arrage thinsg oa thdets a ll, asssdasy fasslcill assert Solsd Michigasswiltl tie fosr-ssie ter srng sactsio. thaat at teamt that is reody to lay' at all relay'sitoutthaisg to force te sae, Amosnssgaher suts stggestedl was tss timIses ad fisll fgngrr cansbeliepcaaenel it is iposibe tat Director Fizipatrick caiesotunt ad a flag sunst sissilar t uponi to pu11taatipte stiffest ipossible ight. wil eter test for the tw'o-ssile eetOte rcconcates, bust these cere' demsse 'li ar' asess res''alfllshof pepeandosealso. Is tisierace, as wil prblaly' e tiircticae far lihre aasssbersal stdnss hosh regutlr aidscrubssla iy'edlstll uh se ic ithe faaas-ssile, Carael wsudtli aisg 111r1. es'ry'sitntate f tliasternotoni. le te siastansgrs opaponetisel. 'lii 'ile FCouncalaecieapoi nt111 a Icosss lBatr 'situ Bascrsst fassrad y acs- Ness'or'tun stitutiontsis reutetlha v oe mitle's'o lalashargof' thei I'negtititini dlay's, eglarttselasary, wilsl,iatlicassa lou' tie) ale ts alithleiaf sssser tlastswiie'enitheii'stdenttlssad lthe ity ttl- ad Sisciclatirled farthlar'scrubsi, sithamitstes. If titleis true as lcaalasart e siis ii regordto thas'riot t tiii'Stat iftirtati ait e receiving sisa. Lter'in wouldl aire as hardlie carrying osilthseae.Pr'sieta MJog a ill ppaisa tlit'gave Dohuase tooslarrt's p lates'ndsirsal it'd bheth races ansailassKeene said. mnursafa'thisscomsmistte'astoay. liscentas'stlt lathe coaachistep'ia and as tch trien seonesa resac'r'skulelthatt ue smight A hpe'maaet reur'uofsalllUnsies'it forasttwshile.'.N''latc'' loaed lilacRusts's'geIsecondi, ''What'tat'111?Nthinisgat actiiitee tttuder cinloa f- Ilhe'Stuens Brsnaahta, fromi the tkin'ee ssssaw, ass tll. Just tlisaeasasoheantit. '' f'ounacil uwilhas el t itaits''. A sot htelitais aptel teeot'e ipa~sahllhut Ne51'55ENNI eSiUT'S' 11.1tOPN tSiON. tacount ifii'tuh eet , iwithitil objec' quaasls luasit isideliarNewrae ' Csats'l Fivie's.wlaces''151cotsteatntusix fsr sie htionsadhg''assains, eill ln eeoreda sascher' s Ifamola~elst year."Thae'e ilturamt~tenttoseillle ls-s-thrwnoensat'Iha s'eiin'otalCoustil enii hasveilua''nsg fe'l ists-businss sad"Mc " -Ater youastie csee (f theacations. 'The tourna-ither tiedsl oisI a recrd. getuetie's hstheist yu'd Inls'ser iknowa'yutt isestcortarte as'socatudtolsthe esiofiTt heis'Casatc iinatesto ia sll si iseeisst Iaiahthis-sinsassthe ig stats-leacthese aharselsdd tfts' sp~rng vasctuilssitthe presiet All the' fouras'itscesshowised iupa sesh hy hightairs's'fesce. 'Tle rest''stcon1- sitthis Irehm iat sphomora ndist unioii yessrday.BaIr'assiStsIicrksrhoweingsssrc steds-thttuiortaule leasstchrsi'stilshe csisse's 5iiin lterydeatmeni'50ttilnthelscaiu res1ecilly'"good Ifaustus Ionahisue ss to is- set tijustaustie, tafordiig ass eselest lisle fastthis pupse'osathaig the faa cind uo beaalittlewsldut hiat'ulc'' iewu 'f1tie gms. luingrue a las ectinsspre promsese t istI aistsoIhis lesiiuo sal 'iecgrouns ws uill hliesedosufo- tie s sesas beorie'this'ariusuti a sses thas titsasefcft eollli las atfhbisg ale'thasomsatiat mlte dursisgthe seltfews'sdays. irporass teal hysthrstsit this-i' esiecis tae itusthisoassigts"h eatsaser this'aluTis h'lerule restrictitng te ualof te curts csistlultlons al h itse.toatthleti assciatitoiis mecttbes'swilthhe u1. lTe eopectiveel ecstis of it Probhabthiithe 10rttiesltist safthedueay'bsler'vie'dltitleyear'asuelst. 1aovecl asss shttlioceuassituthde ift sals thi s' ue"etilsc'' yhss tt Patersonsi dads sac cu.reuts-s E cot tsuri. Satsuraytfter lia'essitommecemet o tstst ad liaie' worked. il atuson sit sllsat \iWithteserlnresid msencu ouct toathistsfirt semester. Nmsiatinssfos cat thirstad tutu bt."P"gitsi god ailyur egagedl itstie ariusasdepartmetisficaihers shill talie les'oaly'ontsi bgleaduta'stas 'the''opp''sig ipitherofsathaleics theteeduosalsithutletic lish- Satulrdsaay preceds'iigthe dtse of eecis thrce lash la 'ts r li downsautaneait ouse wtetishatsrouomsu iadloscaer tisPolls lre has he.suen ufrtutost 1la2i a.n little isustanstudtersonviiscored. Of agtairemphsiz~iedh'its seth undtcoubtsedly 2. try tieshal tat le usedi cosureeBait t asIcarughtllat firt, hiat le this'slet eterprise sitht swhictthur thecelections. 'he hbalt saduiedi theresas tauly' isse'ousuanusalthe pla associations aill hatey itself. iBots Alatn stanhalp haeticali listosathe 'andiateis ft snettedt the un1111It a sealy' donie, asselageryBairdi tutu tirectoar Fizpatrica rea- tie'varius tftics. w55 atsasb t eaindsiaitoithe fcI that lie the ieed,andsonotly la sfanstuaise- 3. Vating hue rax-shalli he also' te'mtenasre utsing their hla-suefromuthe opiate saousn t stamoey hstireleayesthetilritely' troitiithu. muinuste utey start has play' till the gamle cossetruciutsiofte muchueueesbuil- It isthe' itetionsosattheCeunili s ovher.5itg. tpresetig tie toe' suggesioss to t "Cat tsc excuses,'' salethue coach.sIf ditases, loeasluisa a uiformn say fc yssuusmaueialui error, all right; everybody CHEMICAL ENGINEERS FORM the hlig osalut clase elections ot t soosau. But do't muake oiy' excuses. NOVEL, SOCIETY, "AtCHEMSTS" campuuasas is tsc case its all sate ele just gct stuwnasd play harder."- ticis. The aolsitins of all party ticke ''le sell seemssto be taking him at Amnotg the eer orgasiationstla ap- is desigie to pecenet tolitical cicits Iis word, for they are all cworking like pear i thle forthcomsisg Mihigansensitans adslll cter formus of udesirahle pol beauers to get litio condiion for the is tie "Achenists." This is a semi- tics. soutern trip. The varsity certainly secret society composed of uppercass- -- suks goodi this year, and, as seseral of mns in cemical egineering and in CANOEING IS OFCLAR the felows on ihe teans have said, it is general chemical cousres. DIVERSION AT PRESEN the est eam thte varsity has had in Thie Achenmists cwere founded y Prof. -- several years, stid tat is saying some- Bigeow of the cemsical engiseeing de- Te snny days of the past week ha AFsissg for this yeat's team as the records parhsent. Te organzatioss is modeled rought out large susssers of casoes sa thue past years sow. alen rof. Bigelow's society at Boston Saturday afternoon they were on tl All f ue suens are etusisic aoust Ted, called "KS," or "PotassiumstsStl- rier its force, and ive of teis at lea te udiamusonchvichs is intrmuls a sneary pides," wicis is ose of the isost in- cast still tloie piters sass paddig fns perfect One. The poet of ueuie, as prtsnt clubsh in that school. Steeat Euead 'Whiite, for titl ma Georgie Weeeler hsosbeen kiowni since Membership to te Achenists is based failedho segtiate the swift runi he waxesd poetic at the beginning of the oss good fellowship. With te coupe- cater it the railroadl bridge. It is qi season,sasous trod oustchainuitio11of uthue ewCenical laoratories, it a tricklo a ss 100this ioitt witotit tat the ioriisg measusring it off asd istark- is expected to assmse a more scientific isto the cater. Nearly everyody tin lath it. The grandustnd is receiving its caracter. At present there are sixteess hoeever, beause at te oahosse I fiisisng cuat of paist asd cilibe itsiseissbers ithue suciety. Meetings are pavlers are sdivisel ito Class I a shapue fosr ue first gamne playecd at ome. ihel every month. The honorary meis- Class I-those wo have sccesful --- hers are istrtctors itscemistry it the passestis poist and tose cwho ha 'Fiss week has seess the commntsicemset Usiversiy. They are Prof. Bigeow, tred buaca or tunsed over Susd of outdoor track worka boths for the Mr. Smeatos, Mr. Zinsisersehied, Dr. there were tens additiostoi Class I, i cross counatry stiuadasd tose who work Hai, anu Dr. Lind. of ewhomsu wale a girl. uto00the field. Yesterday at Ferry - There are now ninety-seves pMv field fully secessty-five smess were atwcork, Rephlican, Htughes, Taft, Johnsson, casoes seterel t ue boathouse an asnd at the samse Iisse a satuadi of a sun- Bryan, andu Socialist cltubsho Iave beest ossehusnudred fusr ire. All hot a few drned asmitious distance rnsners was go- formeud at IHarvardl. Thse democrats are these were itsuse Saturday afterne, lng over ditch andl fessce eastward of issusing at paper called thse tHatrvairdBest- andulsmy of the cassoeits paddled town. Coe wresit out with this hunchsocraut. Ypsi, amnsg whsomsevas Prof. Van Tyi IT ha lau hy of S la e -tst d il ft I fo r aI it its s e t el Dsel ashV ny 1g ited y ' atea of I to en of Saturday's accidents miht have ( tid serius edigesbut for helpng Isoil otheIbaiks. Somsse envalherecortdsave eesnetde -caneists so far this spnsg. A party Sfour cane down frons Zukey ake tursday afternoon, a distance of at E as tihirty-six misses, its six iours asitd )LSIRE TO GET RICH QUICK IS WORST AMERICAN IDEAL" Frui. Vats Tyse, ini a talk uptont "As-ui 'teassIdeals'' iniHarrisIhal yesertay us 'aisedsAmekisscanissaistitheir tudals. lIts ussues that Aiseicanseehiitt sore it- c iitduality'luau asy oler itatint,iot e itistasscissg the fact ila there sre sore A reigsers us the Usitedl States lan i i, ny' uther erunitry of tie eworl. "Ihte fosrty-fve staes of lie Usnion,us aid Prosf. Vas T''y'ne, "tere is ut oer iilicauisuinmusiiteoesthlie horduesf fuss I igiers. No oiler cutry tae suhsa aniely of curhes, lut still there is umusI se Chritiasity. There are may differc tit lansguages reiresesntedt ia our rituals ry, yet there ie but ose trite lasguage ills all of these commsonsstraits, tyial ssra ealssre formsed asoveitsnhe issaus a 'lie questsiontf wis ynIs inusg ousa sy-stlt'typicatlly'AmtericanssasummifferIet 'suit thu other cunies, brosught sital le' questionssoat origin. 'type'st seath ' ate stck to hie first settlers. "The colonusist,"edcon iteditProf. Vat, I Ty-se, "hatd hetincagedsipaiaitt cowetd istricts of large foreigna cities suit usi arivinsgimuthe ewe'lansdi lutst bee fiaceduta to aopt lewu istls a'tushs. It Engandsleveryonse cellostuggling forat lad,asuethiere eas nstshenoutgh tohao around;ihandmmt asy little' ofesee case tius-f ohuahus' hy' imprisonmuussent sun death. hut he Uniteud States circumstanosce cere, different. There wales ts muchm ladl sald - tiot enughtaortt, 5so iiits aiedit keepures ,,any' ad pssilse tcessn, sald themeforssusit ositusons. 7ae'sswhschuss beens se emedtoluuserablse sers' tlerae,. sald weilte there wereehree hundsrei casest p unishsales'by deatahl i lsngtld, 1inVir gusto there were limt twelve. As thee arly settlers pushuiedh westwrardi theyhe- camsse indtehpendsenttthey kewr sa smutces rash government oustookeshd dowsupot thoste inthe citieschohiash less freediohss. "kit mnston this frot ierwseie eutaal uand ree. 'Tilppe srhattlhrtheiea theti te govermsent1 rciveditshepower rusts tile peopesansmith11relity wc on tastrslledh by use spepule. Thureisustlt sat ths wsl peace its Ameria "'Tieme kein'idseal governmsent is raie ewithlouts pecaliss fle ipeple ave ioon muuch cneno cesh inrt u xe sreneced mues. A-kfarmesoinumthis ountury is o- lowed inocwork out lassod tixers, wilie its Europe ass expeinesnid toots sakes gootd roads. Thlis is ass example of Am- ericanssideats. Itn business the Americans ideal is that everyone soud cose his owrn cainisg. Thitl is ssmewhat modified by telaor uniosns which are directly againus the true ideal. The worst of the Amusertcanu ideals is the desire to get rich qunick, but this is its some way over- shadowed by the ideal Amseican who sacrifices msoney iterests its order to serve his country. "Thee Amuericasn ieatsmaseis an tents est, candid eho is courageous, paiesnt, first, filet willsisdividuaity, who thinks attes speaks in his owns fash- loss wrhether it pleases others nr ot." GOOD SEATS STILL REMAIN FOR "MINNA VON BARNHELM" 'ickets for the Deustcher. Verein's protduction of "inhsna von Barnhen" were put on sale at Waer's book sore yesterday. As the first sale quite ainsm- her of tickets were sold, but mosy good seats sill renmain. The sale will eontnue daily till the evenisng of the performance, April 4, except duriing vacation. The prices are cesuts ; baroy, $1.oo, 5o censts; box seauts, $I1.50. ENIOR GIRLS WIN INTERICLASS MEET mily Stark Equals High and Swing Jump Records-Mar- garet Turner Sets New Mark. 'fle sesionerssos he itleasnual girls' tercisss seelIby thilaghs score of itt 'potints, settl the 'aa girls fuoeing tit 137.ThirdslatileeastenalcubIy the ophiomoruee'c withs a tunlshfst6 -2. le- ate oft the smsal numbuuher ost junsio girls tereat their etieswes-rc ewithrawern. Oatr the selet tile'ousing cup offeet .y Dr. F. Carrowe, osatoitl, ease hre- ctestohasthis-seniors satid great a- As as girls' ahlticirtee, tin uwlach oe larhosum gyimnsum sre-ordrasssbroken mesh levi equallhes.lst evensisg's seet case s-susatissmas. Gusily' Sain,'o msei', si- has ngto thus-juges' meassurementtsi ittla astel -thae, usae 4 feet 2 iches us thus'highs jassu. Takens frustm the si,-eird, yuu55 Slarskabrokle the ureord at } fee's 3 1-2tinches, sclaig tie bas wit ass ih r ltwotosar h mdgss, IHsoutevser, schanagd itemthd of misurment'ttt'bheforeth istevessltlbega. lis chanumge' mithsIe'it suessary farMiss Stak lasousalklemae tals, thus ting heselfet t $n liihurrecsrds clshatt madest' at 'YptsiatallNoamas ree'nstly, thus measure'esauah emma" ly'the sanduasrs, iald sitysalehay irrII . 'itsstrkeusocut he stdiltsdtil stashofthe rvenrintg. It he sueithg ajupsie eutalled at list' recrd oflit x fetl sald proed hetar lt Isis thi seniiors eiitheuremly ace. ;M agaretluaunteslarokesthe aoth gmt rerdulfat30 feelsainlte Sluaut l y I 1-2 inche, aftertrumonsid sstet tasiingdurig liar ye-tr fuss iliac eveat. Rfeay''' titus 115511 ir'sttluh n compouise"dIof theiks Ies hastly'Suak ElizauStarTs s hurerBrudgemuan, oust Carer. 'iusd.._-_4. toasts-S nSr-sis5v,1 Rops~ec stiso, ir slt; \kWilsona, se- suits iT'orsryituirdiPitos-Fsreshmseni 29, sop~thosmot~rs5 Runasist'' laghsjump--Ei'tly Starkl, 'o, firstussry, oheeond;l Lasses, 'u, thirds. Hihts-4 feset 2ainchese.iPiltlS-Sasnios 31' freshmsaenaIa Vauting--Carte, 'ASist ; Eia Stark '08, seond;sasla Itie-cate, 'a, disia. 'lie places iltis esemtwereegirdsnlas seniosecuseasof athisoinr eelent taunt. Poitus----Setiortl's 219, Iehen 25, spilt- 'Iraseling rng-Itniogetuo, 'S, first; 'i'hrrey-. 'a, secondul; Wright, 'u, tird. P~otsah-Seniotro s85I2, reshmuenm it1-2, sphomosres 6 1-2. Seumi-fitnuss sat 28-yardsehiu-Winnters oft three separate hets, ituhnnm, 'O, Whitmsanm'o Winanus 's Finals sof aS-yamd daI s-Whitmsan, ire; Rulioma,e second;t Wintanss,tlistd. Pouits-Sohsaomors S8, snr 7, fresh- seems3. Shotpui t-Tuners'o, fst; Carey, 'o, secomss; lorohnuinurs 10 third.hDisace -30 ft. 312 ill.,26 ft.91i., 25ft. 9 1-2 it. tPoints-Seisors 14 sophomsores . Flyinug rngs-Brsigemans, 'O, fir-; Stinusona, -'u, secondsi; 'Wrght, 'o, third. Poits-Seniors 18, freshmssens16 1-, sosphomnorese5. Swinug jumnp-Wort iby Emiy Ston. tHeigt-t, feet. Rtelay etue-'aWtno bpsesionteams frost sophsoore. Tisse-:55 1-5 Poinslmadoue mun ureiminsary meet- Seniors 22, juniors 8, sophommoes6, freshenms35. Owing sa he mistke its yesterdays Daily regardinug thee meueings htie Edu- cationeal clb, feer trnet out to te mseetinug last umight. ieanitReetd kindy will hire it the ue'sesday sifter raucatlion, April ,i.