THE MICHIGAN DAILY If your hair is a bother, or you have any trouble with it, buy a good Hlair Drush AT QUARRY'S and get relief. Money Loaned On W~atches, Diamnds, Law Books, or othiei personal proprity. Watches 'sod Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office atsresideece 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Beours8te 11:30 a. .i1to 4:30 ad 7 is JOSEPH1'C. WATTS A. SPOONS SGIFTS T POSTAL-CARDS DARLING & MAUJAUX STATEI STREEST College HIALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main St JUNIOR ENGINE ERS PLAN ANNUAL SPRING TRIP Oxer twenity-five seniors will take the annoal vacationi triis to use factories and plaiits of Toledo,. Piitsiaurg, Waohing- eon, Philadelphia, New York, and Niag- ora Pa11s. The entire spring vocation, froimsApril is to 20, will lbe coissumedl. The trip teds originally itittuted over fifteen years ago for menmbers of the juniior mecaicail class, bitt tt the pres- enit timantyonitterestd is allotwedlto jithe pseartey. This yetar italf the snsti- tee are seniors, sanl the sn iter froim lie imechatnical tdeptetiis almost ettutaledi lyvtut frotmtthe electrical. Those inteitsditgtsitke the trit shsottis reposrt to 41 r. Knight heftir esitin\Wetd- nesdatyitsorderstat he stay ctottplete te arratngeimesnts for hsotel accoiosda- tisens. The party leaves Anin Aritor at 7:20 as. is. Sattrday, Apreil Is, for Ttsledo. 'ters they still visit the Fisrdelatsse Glasscomipassylte PotpeMotor Car ctmpansty,tatndte Toledlo Railwasvands Ligist companstsy.. 'T'esrtrillso fPittsbusrg wsillibe tisse Sunsdsiay. 'Mssssday the etngitieers wiil go thtrousglt the Crescenst Sledlwosrks. The Wseti'sghsouse islansts billli'e sinsectesi 'u'sdssav. 'lucystill sendi Wsesne'sdaty <: tse lisossesteadSel el swssks 'andsithe plint if thss'Natissnali Toos]ic'mpanssty, '.'ssissg t 5):40 uP si., fssr Washsintgstn, wh ee te still ise sishwn ttsrossghsthe 'avy yarsi. Piladtselpiais i tir text city siit lt'esoute. 'The Bldis n Locomost'ssssive sits is iwill he sthipointioi itteretitiee'. sh rttp tiltlit'esmadse' tso(7sitstett, . J .. whiere lte'Ness Yorkipuitldsinsitg companssy isisit tid. Nest fotrk sill ise te sext stsp. i see Cl5 'i''sill sisii t'e Watt''rsieesttin ioi C esteamtshtips Kesnisiisss WPilhtels. 'T'he journeyto Nisagsarsaals seill lit uit' isis Sundaisy. Diin .\foissisy they s'. ill e'xamsinse te power houses on bohs siftsif the riser sidtuhue plaint of the hi 'erisstiossssiPsaper compsiansy. throis I sffislis they uill retuto DItsierosit,sr- e'sisig'there eairly' ''uesday tmosrninsg, Apsril 2I. INi)IANA STATE CLUB EI,ECTS NEW OFVlCERRS Astsa iseetinig of the fIssdiatna state cluh hseldsiiiivsiersity a'ill yt'ster'datv after- soon tse foiiowving officers wtere clected : Precaitient, W. L. Benedict, 'rim0: rice- The Colter presidient, 'u. A. Ilerisebe, 'to: treasurer, Stad E. T. Thietiss, 'to; secretary, R. II. ltreyiserger, 'so; historiatn. V. R. Jose, Jr., 's o. 'hlit' iostcsitssmiteet ssiindeilin their foinl reports for tse yeaur. 'The quiestioniof hinisiogastsaiice wsibirostgist sit autd dsctsseed. it ss'ss iittltv sic- cieditut t'eclib 1tise ttii te Hois- sit's rush11suitdgive ast ey' stlt'e Coutriy iHARi'VARD'S FA'CUiL'Y OtPOSES MANN' GAMEIS DRINKiSINK LIKE A CAMEL To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dlip it io assy ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fitl its own eg. tank like a camel slaking its thirst, That's alt there la'd is to it!1 No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do it anywhere-any time, CO( NKLIN'S FILIG PEN "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" can he filled instantly without the leaist inconveniencee. Yoo could fill it with while bitt gloves ott without dnsger of soiling. Besides its c ovenience, is the splendidh writing qualities of the Cokin-the perfect feed. Leadiec dealers kandi- ikhe Cosklin. If veers does ntie, order direct. Prioes, $3.00 andaup. ;"end at osc or tohkandsomuesew catalog. The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio Tue 'lsiresirti faculty sit a slpeil ets tag thtlastedi till msidnsighit pis eithie lu s salnt ing ugtlssai momssentou t ssls ane J s Touch of Spring in Istesr tir s isstercollegiatse 'atiltis : "The 1I'i''lar issefac ity,ub i'sl i lei tsatithe frteey salintercosllegeiate g lits is it- juitustoe schlalyl itirests o5ichtil it lisschartge, ursge'tly s'eco etss t o i st-e 'otitenit' he lstregultionlifsitshsil- 'ici spots thalist s ha stll seeks by tmeast sfl sssrt:e'sellen is thtoil)etittscoettges The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc- trtherwvisetoIt resister ctissieralyin tory of the spring, we are offering a special ritlleitsinistests", purchase of beautiful new Spring French four=~ -- in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ends l.IS'-Sits'tru Iiss itg it 1t and in all the handsom'e spring coloring. 'i'rs R.R.fC., its \\'ssertssitt gymnstiumtt F7ridays. Rewa.'tlz. i . I a.pCitert6s 1 The new Spring Shirts make their first bow Cl erser sisisri, phsose 8394J 41-2 and they are beauties. The new spring styles LOtST-Oitros lPiisissill titliast in Hats and Cap are here for your inspection. .1 1.ty'n.'st' i aci llls it:stilets betweent too-I.. 41-2 LO1ST -lit Newbierry iHail, aitltite- thyst eite. Fissier please'cisetsn its lis Smtithi's sffice''atiNe'wtittrry v ali, tutu re- SENIORS, ATTENTION. R ue o n&Fee Goo to Reels & Nichtols to buy caps ____________________________________________ and5t gownsti. Bratidisesecaits atid gows1 isi ts lit yost for little store thsatn BUY YUR CP S C' ANDB rGOW NSr t titl tricers ofs condi-handttionrs. BJ ' X U 1F 1~J~ U V~ Piers $3.50 tsp. Dotit renstsustisl you'vt. setheir satmpiles. 36-41 WHERE THE CAP AND (GOWN BUSINESS _____________I1 BEING DONE FR: A'i'ERNI'lY I hOUSE FOR RENT -Wc AlEc SELLItNG AGl NtS sifte~ iir 'a''ttrr fca~ nl(( -Lare'hossuse sisuie fur furatesiiteor isll thit susuntry, aioututuewiehsart'co('us ad . n' fNeYokalth cltb, oii Niorth i v lsisionssstreet; lusper' tW. C. ieren Cu., ofCiCtsa-o. Any styles' s it i ierl- f itrasgaet lists invsitesd. ir. Ai. J.,1Hsll, Lawrente You ittiC 555' iltti'iishiort nticet. Is ihlig. cornser Fourth savessuetastd Pcicees $3.00 uP Auits street. Be11phonite 758. 37-44 MACK ft CO. Soiuvesnir tstoers ohMichtigridalfur tainisi isunsett Friiayit Rouot's. Ninse sontgs lute$2.00. 41-2 N OLF its Wateches, iliamuondus, .iewehsy. acidiall MONEY LOAN_ LII~IV *,*ED ItuuClsss Oattet and Clt'stiesalt e as lYIUI~Ll LU/Businesssty Basisurtsstric'tiy econfidet ii.i Ile tie usre abusy siset of Lyndsuons 20 (351cr Houors:5:30 tt 113Et 7, o 8:1,~5 4fr2 et olrdisatad al orhAeu;opoiecuthue fu1rsseutrdhoti ehs(l Two doors sooth of City Y. 35. C. A. W. J. LOURVIIM it-e viruss). 5s _________________________________________________ 'hucampu~insg otitSpasrtysehichttes toi W c re .1C C Ic ihelditsNeswberry Hasuitlastessuisug ___________________________________ st-hi psspedltuntilsuhisutel Fastre, situsu- Thtisawrdwic ewantsyu C'Mitt ofi te cotlsness iof thueeatherct. oursore.It os( W1, ~aetiht-ier yo '0m o ny otal tips. sde.-s, sNts 'suit. \IuutCs MPsI.Asi. dias,1,vuspc e iito o ouse it eus iilrstis inu dueul issthur list ofi use- tc iii,> sis . 55t55 i 5 tu t o iiytt ou isutS fessossitite tile univltersity csatalosgue,. itt ssss's-es'. it hiuths''e tigageilt eat sctiing 5or' tuitii - East University Pharmacy srauhiuuuuwihav lserlutsrerceivedh asiegree 55I) 15 . ii esity Ass-ust. i lige thans Baschelorhisse'hashd is'thee ft. M. BOYS, Pharmacist Igere osal 41stsreif :Arts cnferedl tt __________________________sus Wa'~ltereCanau,.Yale's sathletic aud- V. of M. vtu ist s 5ree-vhdSite 'Masster's desgre and issisdas tto toftrisWord's Scriei. ioueust deeas', or by mail. lde n etee.Sbcitostknb al hcdato si t t'ua t -5}:5 -tx..'u-nils-tuitptly otrguods- dii cclt u rept ofric. lde n ete e.Calendar in this laO ppsee book. Given away Susrpin taen sym l.heit-ft0 Ask loorou 90oBsetaiSat aiaogte-FR$. _ Chinese and Japanese Bi-a-brac. to stuent at the Unvesity Y M. C. A. Mc money order. A. J. REACH C., t727 Tulip Street, Philadelphia lpStais, one door S.lHusoBos, 314. State St. Mlan F1a11. STUDIO- 39' iEast Huron Street