The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAtN, TUEFSDAkY, PRI4 7, 198 No. I42. VOL. XVIII. CROSS COIINTRY MEN BEGIN EASY WORK Coe Coaches Squad-Records flay Be Broken in Girls' Track feet Tonight. Yesterday afternoon the cross country men tonic their first jaunt of the year. Led by the reoubtatle "Spicer" Co, and fanned by a warm spring breeze tat made the blood jump in their veins, h af a hundred anbitioss ones cantered in the sunshine. The tace sas soi, te object eig to instrct te men ny to the game andI to synch tp a little per- spiration. Coctias everywhere. Now lizetas tp aiead siosig te snovices hwtoisstride. Againlie tasieitd instrtctitg itfre-sh asan sitw-to sighiss uais; atd ait the timie leeit te ssuasd ii godi spirits withs lively talk. After about two smurssari beets csveresi the bunchel struck te trait bck o the gym. "TtueIciible is" retouced Coe, "that they are liutble ts overdo it the firs time out unsles there is smeone alo nsg to watch thesi. Tets they feet stiff and slie, lecotme ditscorage,. utnsiquit. Of csourse they wil all feel rtter stiff us firs. ut they sooi geltitver that. A tintshuitlslld -tutm slsie, lie sol slartsout wis-ll te saandtu hus get te advatntage of te caucig fro the slde dse, stiho tiill hose htsfo nusd kuep htm frum trinintsg himissel. Aniy ian thlistliytsan i ltiltyit ll sussl 'tart listswit us teveery afteroonis, le- cause te msens whotighseastnstal fl lnutst le ickest froststhis liutcl.' It isprlballe ta t anyorttlstwiil joistit the sualiesisssthose stlis stens out5yestecrdiay. Et-sry-freshmasuns shti crss truts isill bis-c uciseifrmuisIi gyilsses is si-si. Tintssqussiwsill le formsedi, a fast -sit a sowsieot. Tos ti-ioidoitsnot felinisclises ts gtusfast pases cant rit alssigwst-ilste lttesbunch. tOne spurosse f te crsouniittry 1rust1 stingis t inhut wishst matstialicih~l- igutthasto1s'seistcstis--t fsll. Slit litas epust s tiionlsuphol,iaisg tkien hoosrs is inte sdistanscs'es-ents sirig~ iasnt tears, If 'Micigian is -ictoriouss is te esterns cross5 cutsr- see, "i' still prbaltyle awursest tetemsi Thie seel is ts beihelinitsNoemsbe oser te Priniceonscourse, whlics mes- sres tise miles Thestin taksig firs pluceswililb ienlit-cit i t, secoss two, and so sit. Te teamsaivig th lowst scsre takies tesee. Cross countsry- tor: will cotisue ench aftersnos frostsnoseott at 4:5; asssa o u. it ursay. 550.55CC .sttl.tttFS siress ECRS. Forty girls sre esseresi in the girls track seel o le held tis esenisga larbsossr gymnssasiumss. Accorcig to th oteiasdesisst st least two gys ec trdstiill le bettered, with a strosg pot sibiity- of tying a sworsd's recor. Miss lEsily Stark lint dose 4 feet 2 I-. iches repeaedly ithie igh jump, wic is oniyttywso and one-half inches belo Fthe est mrk ever msusde by a wotan its the sopst Miss Margaret Tunict msade 28 feet, twhichs is a treteing psi for the local gym record. Amosg the oter eests are the vaul (ny style), swing jump, stationar risgs, igh jump clinbing ropes, travel ingrigs, santel38-yard dash. Inthie prelisinary meet a week ag the eniors defeated the fresen in th relay race, asd the sophonores wot from the juniors. Tonight the two win ters, as well as the lien losers, tll meet in the 'relays.- VsASYAINDEVATS SCUS. Despite a soggy field the snine win through s lively a game yesterday a could be asked for at this time of yeas Playing to a tie at the end of the omit ininmg, it was necessasry to go on to tis eleventh to break it. The svarsity squas aga i on iy a score of 9 t 7. Abeisisus std Ditonshe pitchedi for the varrity. Fozetirotis tas ntslt, so Coch McAlister hansdedt the big glove. For te srussBtaer asd ,isticssn did ti-e twirlisng andilEmermnuicaught. Doa- sie had mucshisbetter cotrol tituss he hat last Saturday, picinig a cossistest game. lie liss eerythisisg irs the sway of curves, andu a soic bailthtast gets msot of te btters. Barr stnd tistiicum are show- isg clever formt, asd most of the staff will bec able to pst up ass arguensst siths the best tere is about ttis nec-o'-the- woods. Essersssus is bteter swiths he stick this yearthanshte wsalst uand twil e so stussh the msore vasabe o the temt wisest in a ole. Ssllivans was the heavy iter its yesterdays gasme. Snow aendssiOlsons are putisg cupa iig fight for the utility poitions for the sosutherts trip, asd there ist'tissch ctoice beweens thesi. Both are good fielders, strosig atters, ands old at te game. tt is srely iossiblae taut oils oesswill c- comitpany the teami. Ilist eet there sil seer te a sosrtage of miess for ay~ of the positioass. IfuHavig cmspetedi all te ig ste- sisses andstsette bausealutemusssposs its feel for a strenuousss sesotsn, M'anatger Batn ilt s retrnedits Knsasito itteds Its personalsusisinssess. He wilt remainss tthere tilt shortly after the srighoio- dauys, but itill le ack for te firs gsmses il to e plyedtat homtte. 1COINTY FAIR tOSTERtS MUttS'h'BElaIN AT (ONCE All tie sdrawsigs for te Cttunty Fi t potercompt ietilitttton t st t'e iibeftr 6 Isll i. totdaty. 'T'his is abuttiely eess til, s they gn itote judtges i t7ni .iawly. Asgretsinisserest listsbieenshowsnt-i 1inte sis'sontestsuind sme st r-ng drtwsis e shaveisbestniresesstesd. 's'essssty after- t issonsthsit-srasisgs itill bes'plcet It exhibititin it somelttStte street twidowtt --All cottsszitors tre urges tos see tiatus thteir wourksis inth~e handuts tf iH.- J1Watts shid, t4 Eist Utiviersity avieuse. DEUT'SCI IER VEREIN ADOTIS a NO)VELiAVERI'SNG P,ANI Fosters anunsstscig tody's set salt rfor "Muina s-stsnhBar diem, swhica is is b he presented at te Nesw Wititney by~ t te ileusesiVsrisnutnApril 24, serer d sistriutedi esterditayThe sale of ticket e beginstlistsastesnto st 4 i'cock, is W's book smttssort, and wstill cntuius hdaiy-IsOtis4 inof6 o'sock, eceusrinsh t vacationstilt hesseningsof Ari 24. A d uearurse front the usual widso poatesrs las ben made its this kidof adrtissing by thus Vss i. The pser. are it thises colorstrd whie,anud sack tthe natonalu colors of Germansy. A bnt e of red reading"Mina -ossBartuteto,' extenuds frsomasoppousiscorners acrosso w ihitsiackgrond, with the body of ts aanouncemsent in bind. IJUNIOR HOP WAS A vFINANCIAL; SUCCESS r The -Junior H-op this year nettei ove it eighty dollars, with sealy alt espese tain. 'Tle fete remaining ills in hesie Itwill nt materially redsuce this amtuntn yFor some time the contmitee in carg I- fearetd that not enought would be md to clear expenses. The financial sces oof the affair is nows assured, howeve eNothig definite has been decided itt cc us gard o the dispositions of the muoey, hu Iit sill either e presesnted to the Micht liganUn iton or given to a fusd toward tweetinug the expenses of se-t year's so cat eent. musHAE, OU SIMNPROFn.VAeTn-s eSitMILE Is Prof. . H. Vats Tyne is the appies r. isacnsn the faculty. It is all becausie hs Van Tyne, Jr., arrivedl in Ann Anso: eyesterdauy morning. FORTY-SEVEN FRESH!t ENSNARED BY SOPHS Toastmaster Escapes and Is Firstt to Enter Armory-Militiamenl Force Aid on Freshmen. The freshmanussstoasstmsaste sas te first of Iis class to eter the ligtt us- fantry a rmioy where te bnusuttet was hed last ight. By 3 o'cock yesterday sutercsnonabonut sixty otes, icuisg eight whoss ieret eisatetoass, hatt succesfuly rnthe gautet. 'Thie meanssethc emplotsydiswee aies. During Susiuy ight ua usnsumber seren aile this sjp's sthroughsthe swidows. Out thiotitiu suie scceededin u geting its by sttinug beideteivesiitr of a delisey waugosnsand sp1rtndhigts be iis assist- anut. Whtente doosris-sitoenhe afet- esd histart un loadeuig the swagonusamd then rustsit. Severalh hathemssevs shipptedinhisits boxesstund baskpts. This wsntn aliways sccessful. Twos were captuhredin it sboss sehichites tulilarge enoisugh tohltistnie cmtufotablthy. Aout 6s o'clk nutusomuoile soe iut the frostsiliur.-Fisticenssjumpout mstof le toneus andh atuemi t ied tosilhisorceether tesy it, lists izt-e ens- suittaken. 1 te uncdatsty safternoonssuthz ls- mosusucwhio swee guardnmg te armorusy smithcrtainsumiiiamenssu umggedluius it if l usts hshhgfigh hz gurdismenshatt stems it-criringth-iisthis-proc-eiigs lt sisy i-og. tudhfhnallyity uw iemt sfuss as ts rescelstusfreshmanmuuwholushlutstbeets catuirs-ith itdtslets'ofIMosunst sres-. Tier usnwtia ssor t ights itswichsaeurum- sber onii bthtssilts'swters-cuher badlyi rtist's. u'( sphotmos te lzsneiret is tsdsiscot'suisaislhitiy f givingiu -thus'coint est asmithinisg'te fresh mes mu unmoltsisehd. itsliese. they deietoii scot im sui site ouu'sf thein-tertfs-tes'e of -this-townspeople.i Whi. (liii'they'setru' gnt, u-howverhessophomottre'gurdl mufruits of thiss'rm'oryus s est ruy' smaltl, smithu t sunumseusnositfrzsts-isntuedse'est itsrushi -ing sctss H uni sresei frmthits St Jamss hosl, asuieter-ui'ng te useiliniig. T'hes-freshmenssuIdisikedi the itefenssce it-slithe is-sliias s muas sthe sphoss- sussorss,tush lter svoluitartiy flutes utu this isuswhohadlies-tirescuedthehis-t. thOl us ndayshtsmornsing a umberutot'sfirlst- yar n sctrzeahedi ts-' tpof the armortuy laby sueuss of laddes. They sere thus esafe smith is a potsiinto utget itsthis b aitlc-iems 3 s'chtck, ue tisse set titstie rstruls, cts. Set-crushastemspts were e usmade his get thissit, uithe sp~hhomtiiaes g seecbeatensoffseasht uestimeute.f stthese fell intctmte misdle ofitie soin~sg roof Istothe groundii. tewsitout ijuret. , esMembers of te mliias company feared stuat te frsssmnulttshijre teir c roof, smithforcedultlure ofiemito ineu dustswusmash cuter thiss-aurmory. Thseid "sit again'st tiheir witll, sd tfter two a esouncsilmsens utstdoue doswi anaruraged e mattiers lucy wtettactuointe roo. Sstun aternoosnstwo-ufieshmnmswere us A. . Slassi's rss. A numbstier of sophomoitttres wels hiter to ecapture thems Sif psssihte. After takiginn a time, oe of the sophs sairto hiseh freshmn: T"Well, feloss, let's le ginig." s A fressmanasassertd, 'O, it's cult- huig too ars. My feet ae see." t."Well, h guess st-sit have ts take yu," ;e was te aswser. ieHere Schulz chimesinhi, "Yostclts try 5s i if youi wanst i-they're iy guests." r. The freshmens tere not taken. Frosts 6 o'clock on, the freshmen madse in organized atempt o ener the build- r-ing, alt of the activiies heing cofied in is smalli groups. The sniosooes tatroled >tie neighbtorhood unstit9o'clsck amd captured suny freshnen, several of whlonm atenmpted to effct an entrance sby imasqerding s girls. Most of these it attemsps resultedi disastrously. At 8:30 a sveeral freshmnszswho bash been confined ris a farm house outside the city were brought in and nudes tho time captives alrneaduy taken.The enie nussuber iwere this-s sins sted tu itsfantasic costumses, sasi after ibeing phtougahtedt by Lym- dloms miarcedtitte uarmioy. Isusll, frls- seienfs chmsens serecapeturises. Of this nmbuisrc, thsie havuingtoass uscplsh- humuo us ncosmmie'st-rc: P. W. Rut- kern, J. H. Brennans, I. Get, J- W. tAdaimts, L. Sumomses, C. C. Iismsdseimu, I. lintsicosu, u-h. H. Aplardsus,ID. J MctNabbh, ID. L. Kinney, R. M. Mornig- stafund tuidR. E. Kustuere. Ini spuiteof the unsitbhiliy ofithiss armortiy,useth eecaiossswec welt car-n tieil out. Abuiut e hundruledh adsitwenu- ty-lise cuplses wee present. Tiemsusie uas furnishedt hy Fisehunsusorcheshnra. I CHIRISThIAN AtSSOCIAThIO)N OFFEiRS SCIHLtARSiIPIt'n The Unitesity FChrisians association has authoisrizdHalduhP . Gsuisd, rus appittiedi mange sof tie Micigni iHands-book pusnlised uby the associationu ts offer a scholarusshipsithie tUnivesiy o the staistwinning thin'comp~etition sisosn tohi st aiest lir te assistati umaager shi. 'hitschtoarshtipsisill he equalsto I te tuitions ml tie deartmnt ihumici thus' witter is enteed, adh silhe icgisiit fornox mciyear. Tie conte till he ope tosostphomitores usndlfreshmuen, onhis men ushumsuwittlhe itsthis'Uniersiy his-ruyesm sistieubefor'grauationu. 'Fle witchOfui shinsug tie IHandbooksss luss assumedmzmsuch proprtiousns tatsithis helpi stiammmiassistant is neessary, tand the mnamgementitake'liits methoi of securinug tiepouer mitsu lir tie tplace, at 'he samue tisse givig eeahcometmsior a u abletmm tra'nsuigtwhich muty- he of sstice-o hummsslarin'scisis tinelisusthsi smten caumus puliciionhsms. Itnniannouttctingflthis coptitinithis assscition andiith ,'st anbokm anasmssge menmt hissve in mintisihits'osidsiera'bls numberhsssofuI iemswiltsavhunts'putist usit cutmrenin smthissu lst-tunis.ork sme ml suoms, ,atilhus't, mighti mak- ussmof suhi ex'erencmewtihe uil itetUnivesiy. 'Thecumanuager' cithe stIhis sdes us A'utcstiitut n ital Insistsgtim Is o'lock Todatity summt Wednmesayi, ts seetany shussmust itssie furthr inforhmlant tintsimuregari ts te cotitiion, whichsatess itutlicteis atsil rsaing svacetionm. "lie muy humrech-s edi by teletphone st 5137-, usc mt tie tilt-s.houscast 82. JtUNIORf PLAY AROUSES C'URIOSI'TYOF 'HIE thEN 'hue mytsteres saltheacjunsirn play tiill be reeaed out Wednesdauy unigt. 'iss prograrn with beginm sum7 :30 o'clock. The mauins flsanof SunsuitCawel Angeltintl swil ibe reservecutfor misc senior snt junsisr girls,iwhile the sphonoes ad fresh- muest will he allowedsiisathe gallery. 'Thec affair is givens annually in oson of thae senisoi girls. Alit senior girt whi, ly mistake, tas not recivd a wites invitationm is tiged o come anyway. All she junsiors amd undeclass girls ae ass cordially invied. After the play there wiili he sdancing isatie gymnaussium par- 'Tle comsmaitee its charge of te play refuses hum discose its sature, ut all stussle matialy tit it wil be etiey different from anmsy fguen heretofore. '1hz play this year is arousing an usa msual amounmt of isteres on the part of the sem, especially certainm performers hut 'Miciigenda." Dean Jordan ws i- terviewed by one tian of the junior class, u-ho, s spokesman for a numusber, cc- quesed tat the play shomul be repetei for te benefit of the meac. Den Jodan put the request before the cast of tie play, bit tie chances are that Mr. Fis- cher, withatwo or three of his helpers, with be the only miers ho ee the pronu- iont. DEANx REin sIVES TALK O O PHSIC. Thse Educationsal chub aid its mseetintg 5551s evening in Rooms 6, Tappurs Hll. lThse general subject was physics. Dean Reed was mhi principal speaker of thse evening. GREAT PLAYS WERE WRITTEN FOR STAGE Dr. Matthews Speaks of Play- wrights' Limitations-Classics Too Difficult for Undergrads. "College mundergauateuis tre mut giltsd sills suficnsat t na blume thus-cutosisy th lassisell." 'Th isse of lie sttesumentssofi ti. iBrandser Mathies hum is eciturnt-musTheUFish'srsity ash the Dhrama"ss" tshevenuing. 't'ndeirgradtutte swrierstre btener sase to fin pars inn tem. Shakspeatre- musvsrn ntuitthus pias- ticr1o1 kins-ug tie udersgradmiuts." 'his wsatll ta t. Alatihiutst'swsuldis ventsiure si thie subjet of stllsge dr- matichls at hiMichigans. D~r. Mthewiiss pke umiin asw, altmosst ceom'rsaionasi lts-e tu tuiihossut gestur, yet s's-ry uswsrds I shseasrd asith appre- ciatd. lit t liii' Iis tex thsim ettt tatemnttha'u t uh"'vserygrsattdsrmtuist isa historyhis iswritt Ihis misy' sithsthut intent sms tuiono aig it atedcin ustlthete beoreanmumdmienmsmus'- Brokensm up istoits 'u patms Iis sttehmmmentis sh im-the ptay - mi-ight'slimtahtionuts. lieis limittd y' thus actorms, this'theastehrntuhe is'audtiienmc". Tainug' susfitstthies'ctorhss, him - iS tu-c's sitoiwsdtihowshelirwrkusselseitu son simmnd necessariily de i lt iithism, laintsmg omusthistrhmlpuh tatins "Thisgeat diramutist- s hts'fospar ticuar ctos hak s 'te rot- fist hisi owni coi~many, haingtim hi ss onalstu imttithttis iofhis ator s ishmusdInit 'Thus-Scluhliior Smithdal severy sut wias wrenu ht sit icular ac tr-stiltssmwrs' ts tilets'hisspmits. humn speak'hinofthehi ate~r h'. Mitu- thisits' tausdthehis husst sof til t g Siom t'moldhi I iuit amphitterstolthill presttplaithoumss w'sithisihiriar'tisic decorasttis. Is regard i t i usisen ' he shosiuedst htitwt'ssituthums iditsern t agesandith ifhilrsu'-st cunumtris's wosul mtt hlttusu-thie'tauhinc of 'suitthli's siusu is' sum anomtshersntionus. ''FTse dramtmuist mitsas tthily oft hit actor, s ietheter, sandtiusofitthis''itndi- tes-emofIis otishms' 'smihfhitsthes'wtholes pbi.Is islimt sshicheigisestlidme it' sren'gth. t: seiksthis--gratest, om mo enmists Iof hissushule tssong, hius mamttigu it thissmust initersting andmi demctmsrtissof tll rs" FORIGIN ,AXNGU Nr IFiUTfi Fill tiPERFiOhRM.IiN F ,, Timheuthatlt iimgummtits prbabltiy momreiforignustsuents lan tumy oilen Asmericanmu miii rsity' till liz esitblishste inte hismidus iif tltwsete pliertaformu- sncez igtvemsby tie language lits. Thie ercfssrsumc eil mundobtstiy dimeini mc cry prtiof nec c-shsosoytar,its tie luli ofi tiestllsge theautricalt worldi be lire hun actiiies of lie differnt o- gaitioints- 'limee-cus unsutlonmgr us possiiliity, sut a certinmtys te setciaforeig tlan- guge cluis hatve uientfor its pesnt- muent. Thus irenchiatutuCostmoiplitnt litis, lt- ~tsmicr YWreins adute Junmsir Detsmesr Versiccresspeiecse suitng thli lutlt this Sandsiavitn, SpanutistntuitUltra M'reltushswill make their initilublins atmt tistia. tFor ignesund mshsudments stihs htve studuied absroadmi eil s appetr hutshortskestches ii theuir resetive. ltangugs sumit drssdi ini this-cotstiisineofthue coiunry thy rere- sent. 'JThurograum swilicosisst ml sort sketchsi aacs ud smevile urs, olue its foreigns languagssunt sme in tEngish. '1hz MichiganrsUnion swil reenethe proceedus, whie the litist with gain pub- licity anti gratitiude. At a naeeting yeserday, at swhich a majority of the litistseerepresented, F. R. Johnson of tie Sancdinuavianu clib was elected temporary ecama. lie iwilt call anosthaernieetinag osatll thineclitis ssonu after upriing vahaioms, ho choose a conmmittee andmaunamger,