THE ?MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfied T O*1 06 uL EAST HURON ST. ORATORICALE AND F.LU. A. E LECTIONS AREi QUIRT XWith ouly tihe laws ticket in the field, lie election of officer-s of the Oratorical associatio passed off 'quietly at Univer- sity [fll yesterday forenoon. A contest was cispectert from the fits, .hut at the us scinatios of candidates the laws wsonl 0o0t00(dsucceeed fin fillig;the ticket ssith their refpresentativs c. At theelev'- cnh oil uor tIlfits failedt to shoss up swith a tielket and5( the laws had no ofpfosition. The followriig is the list of officers I I 1 I BEST STOCK OF C IGARS IN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 F. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALARnI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Allthese set maes an t dfully cureseds. MICHIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch tnspector tr the An Arbor Rairad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Iassh: 304 S. State St. Cigarettes Turkish and Egyptain ALL THE LEADING BRANDS CASH PRICES ,5c Pkg. --_ - 2 for 25c 25c Pkg. -- 5 for $1.00 R. IE. JOLLY Ill S. SlAiTE ST. M1RS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Hair Goods, lHairdresing, Shampoog Maicring, Face Massage a Specialty. 322 S. State St.(i p Stirs1Bet Phone 359 BANKS_ THE FARMERL~S AND NMECANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capita, $5,00, turplusad Profts, $65,t00 General Basking Business. 3 percent paid us Time and Saings tDepsits. Safety De- postsBues to rent at 0.00m and upwards i. KaE~, Fes. W. C. SnovENss Vice-Fes F. . BSEst. Cash. H. A. W LLAMS Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stck, $50,000. Surplus, 1200,005 Resources, 52,0,Oii A tGeneral Baking Bsiness Trasacted oresICEus: Chas. E. Hisoc. Fes.5 W. D. Harriman, Vice Fes. lJ. . Frit. Casher STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jn. V. Sheehan Wn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan los. H. Wade H. F. Mllts John Haare Jno. Koch Fef. . S. Carbart Henry W. Diougas Christian Martin Dan F Zimerma FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANNABO, MCH. E. D. KINNE, HARRISON SOL, Fes. Vice-Fes. S. 0. CLARKSOIN Casiier. Capita, giouto. Surplus and roits, ยง150,000. chsn reid~ ens It.L. Ilessttl's'sss, 'og); vice-psre.set. '11.i:x.XXill ins, toss; secre- tasry,Er l Ass I sfssss.sls 50tresurser, It. ki. Ussllill.'ts-l.' . sNe tferforst, 'so, an Illls Ca1. of,) isere slectedt is deslegats to th ie Xiiirtherns tratoricalt leagei. ThelscS. L.'eletstsis ws al s ssarksed isy iletkofxissitemenrst.IThe osne tiecet wh icsh s s s wassi the fiel rt wsith 5n0 op- poisitioniand asstacis tedtl unanstiimtoutsly. t reass foillos: Usesidesst, (Gilbert I-ef iriss. 'ojl; sire-tresisdent. JsephttsRE Kselly. 'soc; recosrding secretary, U. J. XAgnew, 0)5 trustees, J. R. Bazleyr, 'tie, Johnis1). Jonie's, 'sot. 3James If. trimseass, 'sisl . 13. I.Saltisburssy, sdent, Jsephc Hofrt nie. 'it. Xrthusr W'. 1flhsitisck. 'so. ftl~uoic ana IDrama 11,11s; msi N ississ '~tto .\l' lavsosr ofsTo'isihi ws -pslrned last night. at lie X'litsss'sbiy airoatdisom- pally. t'~ prncip l's .racetabini i -hirsis'ntssuitd the choru ils astivses. This is irei h ls iit s csiocsinset r cver ill las.l The'f rformanssisice listnigist rnsimootlyandissleiasedthtie aisdience I'' s xt of iii slssi recalls Spring Cloth~airg MANY TRY OUT. 1FOR VAUDEVILLE ]lore Men Needed-If You Can Sing, Dance, or Act, Don't Hide Under the Bed. Thle In sstssforthe svaudeile sts 5f tise Counssty Fair, MaysseI aoot2, os-reisl yetserdasysiosnisg is ooRsism C, Unier- sit IHsll. Si-s or eight stnsts sre to te slugs', icludinsg dsnissesg sigig aiss 'isiselse' sts. O'fo suesio l t'doisor or soe pr flntiersishisshisditatsedifor lthecssssee to -sesisristrae' lrsis-eshi isisieOto as 15c-peribefore tie cmitsitee yesterchy sornisnsi. Thss'oissers-iasfustlitte ders--hatdliiiattachf sage fright sit hids issder tieir iess. Ac lest they sicrenut iisaissifor the tryouits. ilisisoselsho sit showt itsssere1. 1. Davis. Swsedishs smosnoslogse;:J. C. ige, sonsg sandt saise;: snitC. '. E sissii aus I.. M.lsires. sin ia .nisi'ecty st witi Tse factt hisst miors' 5diinstilturnssout sr tseryosuts doiesisnst smesn sttthere is no morei mastriasl itie Uietrsity, isis tlat the ivaudeinli is lit gsig't 'is'od. lit it d1es meanitit sl th eiss oftotissaiis abiliy s.iisiig'iiliibesc- 'its sisisiist i iis si ntrisig fromi offeredsistradis-IThese r: Sonsg asd user ,JackiBrioss andisiJ. I. lsge; Dr, Maiis sss an itsllr; ismoniologe in Sei siidiaet. I) D.iDasis;sosgs iy Is'srlushandsuiXissaI clubisqisassettes, snil by issMiss ak pismasssonna;sis lasso ''5 cli) st, I. XX - ssiisso sudtJ. 1k. 1Ii ~res' .-slrasissticsksselsh XWarren Town ssessdIasnitFrcst NXssisrsff; adsiin- pesntos'riaslogue by' isFssd Lass- 5' 151. Of thiese5and51oters ii prospect, ss sori glt sts sill lit'selectelf'or tre- 'iii' ptr'fisisissis re s''t ie givess cli so ti litisoics'esisgs, Mayl 'rIasd 2. Tecomit'iiitee i eisrgi'osithue adse- villei'u'ciis ompssidof i. At. Tirasis, chasir sisai, Hobbylils ohsreaisi, Casres Xees ]isst Simosss and.sitXilliamssI dres. isis ssiir s-.s's' . ssos-e. 'fhe Phi Beila-iss pa'sioii ciety uitliol it; first annuais Ilsianquet, islhonor of its ss'svsmseslcrs s inte Unionsisclshhsuse of Sstirsasse-ecinssg.XMa-2. lBesise she sicissiers sof the loescaliater there ue seerls'isliirs osithle sciety stdsyisg in te vaiouis prff1essinlscsiheossls of t U'nisisesiysasndisin iithe fsscslty, ihse namsssuses srenstisuiisssle iads of the lca oesirgaunizsations. It is sdesi rest that all mses emes of asilothsllercater.sswhose '~n s re t sktnsiosw-n, osssssssicssei-ill F L. Pasosuthue locssl secretasry, iii issuer stsit tiley miaysrecee ivitisi Is r thissosccasioss. ''hse Edsucstionasstclish wil hold its is xi regulasr smeeting 'Tsesday, April 7, it 8 p. i. lDesanReedsill iigive a talk irs "Phiysics" Al i sitserest hsosbeess shirsn of lase ii these metigs, swhics sic held twisicer'a smonst. Principal Msc- kise, 'of the Detroi Cestral high sc hoo, siltsdeier ass sdress efore le tussse tie iniAlsy. Souvensir scores f Michigesda for is king hiosse scxt ridasy, st Root's.' VSise sonsgs for $.o. 41-2 See our complete line of Michigan pins, fohu nd souvenirs. Haler's Jeswelry Store, 26 S. Main street. od -Re sure ansI uy a set of Lysdon's 20 'ue 25 cents coloresd postal cards (all scow. viesss). I-va See- our complete line of Michigan pins, fohs and souvensirs. Hailer's jewelry-Store, 216 5. Main street. rod Spring 190 8 CLO.-THCRAFT '(All Wool) Society and College Brand Clothes S NOW ON SALE Eagle Shirt from Loom to Wearer $1000 to $2.50 Fine Line of Negligee Shirts at 50c and 75c Full line of E~XTRAGOOD Children's Cloth= ing. All kinds ofUnderwear, Union and Two= piece. All the spring styles of Hats Staebler Q~ Wuerth Co. 211 S. MAIN STREET Walk-Dyvers' For prinng Oxford tinte is here anid sonsye the various styls ofni Xaik- Over Oxfords, Pumps and ties in slack, tutu und fpatent. Tan leather will predomnte and we have takett all psiss possible itn selectintg the tnewest shatdes as waste 1ldoritti designs for Walk-Over Patrns See witndows for unlimited supplV of Putmps, Street Ties swith Rood' street soles sttede litted hteels to prevent all slip- pin,. on heels; in hutton and lace for Mettattd Wnalk-Oyer Shoe Go., R. J. HOFFSTETTER Mgr. Hart, Schaffner & Marx All Wool-Hand Tailored jJZ SPRING CLOTHING The Clothier, Ready when youz are.a SE;NIORS, ATTENlION. Co to IKochs & Niclis to husy caps aisd gownss. Brand nest caps and gowss mosade Is) fit yous for little sisore thsan rentsal prices of seconsd-hsand onses. Prices $3.50 tsp. Don't rent until you've ses thiriesamples. 36-41 FRATIERNITY h-OUSE FOR RENT -barge hoiuse suitabsle foir fraternity or chits, sits North tDivision street; inspec- tions isnvited. Der. A 3 . ttufall, Laweee bildiring, corner Fossrth avensie ansi Anns street. Bell pshone 758. 37-44 THESIS DATE APRIL 15. Make a date with Jolliffe & Kitzmiller at once foe typewriting your thesis, and insure getting in ott tinme. Ahove Co-op. Both phosnes. eod-tf Alarm clocks warranted for one year, $t.eo. Haller's Jewelry Store, 2t6 S. Main street. -cod THE Palais Royal. 209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS From Every Country '"C/ever ClomkeAs~h STEEEoISTRaV"iCNssnc*sIs Wadhams & Co., 121-123 S. Main St. - ' - _________________________ Ii German Ame Coeansr S; Cpr. M .. z a rican Savings Bank 0. M. Martill DIRECTOR~. ,j Yoa caht %ercla.. l w~id Office 209S. 4th Ave. Phone 8. I Patent Leather Belts mde t vt H ot, Lunch i.vln Rt-esidence 302 S', 5th Ave. Phone 314. mtch your shirt or luse, 35e. Slend us'a At. Tu~ttl.'a, 558 8. State AMBULANCE ON CALL ptece of the dress goods when sending order.__________________ sns Llbarty Streeta THE BELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS. STUDIO,- ' , 319 East Huron Street