THE MTCIbAN DAILY? Our Sping S t 1lne Imparted and! Domstic. Is 105 lat s 1 1 tls aii'1 U1010-1 -s i atil Cjii C Moose rss I it THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Business Manauger-C. F. SYINSTE:AD. EIiTORS ANNUALI. WOMEIl 'S It \NQUET Thei sicsin i nnual Mtichigain seoicn tinque°ltlIelllasi evein ig at lIirl oir ,gniii iiaiiiii i acon cluss\e'pisoof thai slis Loisesi i initnien urt rsot lackitng .Il .......... irtaiiS. Codyiaiincollege snirit.-SluiTn e fronm niny hctiiis ........,e A Whits n 11 oin isiparis of the ecountry~, iticlis- Cch ange .... .I.John 'Vamnbol'ingi" 1t o, IDeiroiit, Toledo, Saginaw ' l siad Dramna..Roy D. \Welchi and 1 s iiiil id tssinteudite active It oms i N iior. ..louise Vanl Vorhsis "iris -at this reunion. EDITORIAL STAhFF le: up huhsuin iwas de coratediswit J. WV. MclCandless .Elmer C.. Adam syll sitandIlotish1ninig, a thuges Amir- can tlag ai unytheli'enutratice, stnt large 11 M c~artsuil hanges of ithe fotur classesItuntg ovr NIGUT EDITORS the s(ci)iiis whters' the classes were iii C ere It. Itoibart Leonarid C. Reidsit u. ITle tabules, wihich ein-re.tait fse430 Chauineey Boucher B. G. R. Williams ilaces, iiere arranugedl arouiiii a ceiitrail Rlaymnd Visseher tble at swhichtshte speakers sat, ile hopes -irsioildtse huh sitfti nheel. 'Tie REPORTERS iabltes wesre sdecoratedl witts pinksansi I.I.McI 1 gh 3. 11. Prescott sslsic eariatis andsuit nkitcetiidles ill A. L. Hlainlinte. Robert Mountsier glass cainslestickts. Thespseaikers, aluto- Lowell J. Curr Donald Li. Kitaneysiesiclsssalstsuss iii Ptlts r Is.rTowcors - Louis Kraftiselves. l-e -ts i'. hnislietO R\obert MorelandsT h' te- re-ci-itissl begatsiii o'cslick, the Pil;(reer ' Samuel.i-I. Morris receis-tg hue b eisig IPresidlenti Angell, Isttogel IFred I;.. Goostiug Mrs. I itilsi. M\iss Douigaiss, MLrs. Reedt Thserota P.;Cooper. -rnild e.Josrsdaii. The baqtiuscomss- -s niissttssaiibou tu- lte-u. Tio-si BUSINESS STAFFtusth iss John F I. Witre CartlH. Adam tatie sn sel- relite(lt (arldclubishoi-isalit soihadsaspecialtaisle. Pslsress 1 MICHIteN, DATt, Press Bldg., isait ti erittifilllsonsig.Ties-alsle Manant Street. ii inhe sinsmitg cifiswus licuitan sngs. 'lanager's Hours:T-2 F-,in., 7-8 p. -- Pius 559 tr.' wisich nwins sug durimig saily, except Sunday. Both phoneO h bgP5 t - TeYelwan h -'lsss-. s-whichltclosed sitie, sirogiriim. 'The tostss sere is Isllsows, isithMris. ('sr- ' Tr seliti Stekcetee Iilslsi sactig as loasi- -1 ~ I ~P 51111 t~sp Acitslss:,. PresidtitJ. i..Auis-ell. _________________________________________ iillns ltstts. -itii \ioisers.s Ysotur listron fai 5 IG.H Wil ~ naiS laf'= a5i 55 551 a I t I 14 si I tuo nOBoosto A.G. 9 FALJIG, i- The Lan satostresi h orld Base hl -is it,(ol .a-an Ofenis Baket Bait, Ilo kYidSot ItatetitCatutugos at .=iiiForti5cenotains nso meossuggaEestions. Sceudinei. It'sfrees. New Yoerk, iticats. s buos :M is n>,,Ie(,.V(,,535 . cit ?i. ' isc'("Pits- itueg, 'tu l l iusm ts'iti- isiti it ltit tosee. i -.hston.sit itss (it s -eetuet FENGINERN~s ELECT OFFICERS -it. 3JDENNIAN SPEAKS i. . 1)eiutait'm.sI ts iistking Prf. tJtunI.:Ahemn's upoisiin stiirtgte lii tern tleas-a itiabseitcestoke ii the .umt giineeriing societ rlue snigtuponit te platothie Detroit ison coma .'spay at Dlerap-. This tplant is butilitsver lsarge sati estsndl proisioni sas maresswhei the plist snas tplatnedl.oitse the ehausts steamt froiimte triiinies tfsr the aat- fatutre otf this salt. Tthe salt betshtae isis et liesn opteedi. 'lThe staiiii ssihh wais ittthere etrsiags is sai t stuisn the iitn, a 3000" kilowettitCutrtiss iirbsie atiaterofsi-bier5 ssi- prisitga ut. . .. At tie Ibusiiess iieetig ss-hicfolii- isiwed the stiltess iie soity i heis thue annuai telect itnitisitctisets Tie results were is folis: PFtesiset1,IH. Nr iois tvsic-tresidusetiW. .IsItirtley;ess- respmssiiiug sectasiyusG.sA. Jessssttre- corditingsectary, tip)I Ii Pstrer 1 res serer. E. . ossehuss: hut rita F- S. Pauckard;-r egistr atPtI- Tetry; chatirmiait sit Tlechici boasrd,. S Bt. Wggis. 'I'l' RBETA FtI INITlAIRS 5t'Xtl;tV'E IRE ENGt NFEttRS ThelIi tietigtnitchate riofTau'sttet ii hlitfisem-cani uaitsthitiition'n jsournedstoistts ttusion titsii si' whe' the' blittitt waisi servessI.Tiis it-si-tut isslitittettwee en' ltslssiig :'Jissti . C ie.- A. S. Brodeadets, W-. C. Baitit it N. t~tss~PicuC1<. S. ll .'iiinutillV and X.(I iissimt. iillo. Pt thee mesiti ine\S fistnaedtiis re juitsrtit-si gins G. f. -Kntutsnted s ss toatstmaiister, us t~ e follointgtastns st-r ie "Afatbiliitiy-an sst"-'Pt IE Cosltp. "We're Hreits isisiisWe'sre tHre B.' S. Tutuil "eteiiug Ihtute."C Sheison.stu "liitePWin t thelirttuwis . V. "Tie Grave flth Sniotut" I . tuBo it iriS.'ardneSlis SWXillams. L!NI'eIsRSIT(' I Pls ITONIHT) IDr. Josaephtt W. Cchtrtn, ittfttutittet- tulis, i.iitatddressthetsmens m teitg t- nglu t ii Pilitati -IHll. lDr. Cchtrsn unis for tt stg timte the tasiorsifat a it- vrity church st Msadisni. Wis. Fr ninue nears he wsthue ptuairledstoitt Prueshyterian tchurch situattedt titusthus Pencitstaus itshiadelhi. sast Jnei th- treacelde baccealarettesermonai st tituiusersity.The meet itg begits at 6:;;o usharp. UN IVERSITY \RMslEN ARE' tIlVEN SCHOLA.-RSIPIS 'Te Stonte shoautrshit utistcomtmittee constsintg sit Dr. Anugel, PMissCtrt Avsery-, oteroit adh DeaniuJrdani, hm aumwardesdthe Sonie sholasrsips for ti pear to Pss P14. Frtnces Brownt 'o. Lesershire N. X.;tDrothuy Bisho, 'op. Anitn 'ror Luctie I ariutti, '10, Toledo; MtasrpLynch, 'to Grsandt saiss. BOY S DOYOU KNOW THIAT FOR 10 .Cezkfs YOU CAN BUY Students' Telephone Directory That ill sae ,yoo dollars worth o imo in the next three mtoths: WAHR'S University Bookstore Just Received 30 Brand ieW (never pub- lisded before Views in co- ored Postal Cards. Among thorn are- May Festival Concert New Squirrel Card A Beautiful Nlight Winter Scene Push Ball Contest Tug of War Swing Out--and 24 others See the new set of 20 New Colored Cards that I am selling for 25c per set. LYN DON PHOTOGRAPHER IBAILEY & EDMUNDS 1 9 porting Goos 121 EAsI' LIBERTY STREET [Y[LASS[S squiruis ii te itw siwisuha beenthpt-fhhy ihlhhti hmhui siatti is i etas tat gives co ota ndittusrutc. Hav umoptial-wort doietu aiti ARNOLD'sisnd ite ti itt pits hith- fucithutandsgi atnt'eu ur'ests. Quickh EMIL H. ARNOLD Otia Se'iaistit. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 20 SuathMSain Steeti 5 5 sCC' S Wi'u s i ouu'' ii is sia 5 fi ii o eTI 'al}i 17i ou te e tir xc 1;iWei siuuit lsth i ttis 'smass fsin bys spomtesismust he is respodigl .1c5 . lu s' Isis -s a u-c 5 pi o s ort - 5 s s uusIrid olsh i gnsss a p os ort hiss isinisMito ses imate hi- I W n a einglust fct ofit .jIe i n s ihe su. tul is 1 th Pro phii n thigti hti susucsthut {'tthe coildno hha mpben tics-nsta -il '11 t yca ; r" T e 111 st s serte hussi l ti ile rel e s lude hts mo u sp thus _ lmv relized thisval teand tiecssitio ri m hat 'has ibeen taki sg uu'a e itaut rrllllcmiiioit uti'. ii humsdu te iumdy. l I"o hinIas mll asiforttu smeitttis us-us nlit.' nd m re eco nize t1soneththi II s pon~uutsitiities if this' Colliege P siusu Slump I,. inusdatle, "VXA.'S1. pt u('lle's hutas-a sRIetrostheet," Slits I.- ittttbakier, '08 us-tts.sp '4 Thoue si its it ithe stpstakers'tuable were ]s lii Psi ll. Phis. lItinst, Hiss titns- dite Bai hnstlip, Pisut iBakesrRuth 'Xii lesl.MisCerurumte hutck, Sirs. Jur- huml _Xiis huah. Plus. Deeil, tumumi Miss. Thecoumssmuittees its chatrge if thus-affatir suits s foshosssss: ('enhertul chairmanmu I mis ciKatheruieem ass;bnuet Ictom-is PPstm mis uuuummite,\ic Jh ee.,.cirmSiian, he u suit Stunsramtctmitee, I'uus. ink-it leuitsdSiss Cuthitp-lst eemIse Pyo;iitt- min; i'PtnsssCsuniati:Mecinighut, echtir- itn 1lI Nhw I umusm-u.LeonausCarletonmmanth ItI em-sit 'is I mitts recetptiuon cotmmitee. SisesP uay lakser, trtace 1l itutet mmmi tLu-suuSoirg;1 secetary summittretasurer.,PMiss lo ene arep. \utOStIcNs J? 'ts ummSssu1m1i\ tFIhusse. hut this-rumtms fisthte cutta sebttte heist I-triuttup igimi up- use Jefterniumuchili, 3- NV. XFuostookuu irsdit pthee, Floydu i~huhs secondu.c . Thomiasuutushirnts U. L.. Ilttes,.atternaste. 1I1ST-!'Lhrowntiocsketbooik, betneeni Pt 55s Lsuseit'n, out Statuestreet.,sad Its laust Kintgsley. Plasse rethurntoit Ethel y1u rcth. 123 Etust Kintgsley, anth receine reins-trd. ruilishilgs TeHighest In Quality The Lwes In Price MAY FESTIVAL. F'v. Concer-ts May 13-14-15-16 lilE THOMIAS ORCHE~STRA Freeseriek A. Stockt, Cuhductor CHORAL. UNION (300 Voices) Alberet A. Stansley, Conductor Prlnclp.1 Chor.1VWor'k "Creatin" - Haydn "Faust" - Gousnud. A.-61.ts Mei. Corinine Bider-K-elsey Thurday and Saturday dEvenings 1Me. Enestine SehumaR-BHeink, Casntraltu Wed. and Fri. Evenissgs Miss Janet Sptener, Contralto -Fri. Afteenuon andlSat Evening. Mr. Eward Jaoinson, Tenar Titus, Fri. and Sat. Evenings Mir. Claude Cussnigham, Baritone Saturday Evenine Ms. Eorte 0. Killeen, Baritone Saturday Evenine Mr. Hterbert Withuerspoon Bass riohrsay and Saturday iEventngs Ail. L. Oe Mare, Freneh Horu Friday Afternoon Mir. L. L. Benwick, Organist Wednesday Eening Seasan Tickets (unreeseed) $3. Season Tieckets (reserveed) $4, $S, $6 Foe Sate at , Sohloel of Mu.x1o Ihe Students' Lecture Association Brander Matthews, Single Admissio Gov. John A. Johnson, Sirv~le Admission - April 6 -50C April 30 -50C The Students'. lecture Association 121 Washington Fi. The Randall Studio, R'an dal:I Pack, Props. Phone 598