The Michigan Dil ANN\ ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESD)AY, OC(TOBER 9, 1907. VOL.. XVIII. No. 14. --------- - ------ NEW LINEUP WILL FACE SCRUB TEAM Yost Will Try Rejuvenated Var- sity in Third Game of Series- No Rate to Indianapolis. Appaenttly the shIkeup of the varsity lineutp dit the team good-s the prtactice last night wa s the snappiet atd mtost satisfactor of the >aon, At its close hoth Coaca It aOcti retr Fitzpat- rick wi-ore stmileesnitch despite their attemtsteat nett ititstt,iwotull ot a- late themts-eles tolbe cneld Forat otlth liryc ninteste tvarsit ewas set loiter after the srts ated so persistenttly didthfle regeulrs plee troteghets ttttver rettttttind terscrth- that the sttmtotalifOfte sceritg ans six toutchdowcn ittd a goal romt fre kick --Ierbiegest escre ter arsusyla nae.eciatyte-ttthifle at. Ther feature ofiteepraticier tres ast!. ithe great worek at fellack byhi-Allerdice- TheIerfndiantepolteisl itws callel tper frtsjctetiy to tiltncetie ll, andthl teer filed to de lerc the tecesser gain. Ile hi tIerliterlow andcited lifehinleot:Isitt helpngtan ofree-ce teasses i's soIeebleriltiate Wasnteeee ceedelSllivanc eeaic cekook ieeeurnat queai icr, andtehlemieneseho-ed reelat-titt- reene ete eicitlre cits erfrmi actces. eN steecit It, oe nesietcet thtaneislifeatee acs tmtre accurate tee lie passnnwile ietllte teeItaeeliite d forercia faycte sitar tee elteeteen runer.ta he. li felet batebatstlee Iaet cutewasefutll ci tigt.adthee ughlcc le li notet feetec eethe gaeteutl tevr tst neerieeteaterly etaitt-dfel- ftht fieuree-scrimmetage-,lehereref loeeae -fi lite otf laseba lllatg wicttlekept il playeytr tfi ic ftin er atrgt leefe loeokeedgooe, mainget se-i-r-l rtre cfter kick-lef it it cueeocccten I cetgt the cll ite levareityetee- y-ref liteeIsuitereingthisitay treetg theroen-fieldlr-ai-le- ifeldf efogefe le wsentatked. I eeethe lee4suite bleefoncite.]eteel hafteeligegeled tee- fromtehis Ilacldrwen e f ellI is lifteed tee les feet lee lvineg cetmeae n-Iee crred imfeten tetiyacids ferlee efere ter Iell -s fertallydeaed ee adeee Chaenler ate f lst eats ptoetes ing candteftes oe alieeepesiti itr poredffoosrf.-itestertilesfeethfle first tinae ti is er ewsptillteeitleft guecref ttin eeac f fee metu h areifees-a sifted Itcketo te tsecendfsqueadef Hfw- eer. s Fe ier ttptparee-tle leks onlyf eeriento mlee imfeeee alufeetble mne fie thee-lie, ee we ill teeth liiges- ri ti-ee- ineee vlee Cacptafcini XI gectiete feti ani Loti iwere ieet fete itatie ieeutectese- ee slight ijueres terreeteea-lfowet c tegee into thter-scrmet --eexceft tee, wcele relic-i-ce Alerdieeeat felback the ls HIee-ser. tc tioie e-etntorcedf by a cetferroeletsctheft charley- horse- aout eil felLcd teegreaet glee. Nonae of temeecis efpectedeolz fpart ii todays gatmee This ficoteroon at terrieccrs lee thiedoith fee erie f exhibitin con- tests etween -ineevrsty- adelreserves Toeleys gameeris seledalelt eeethe lst, ut owig-tee tier efoce post ponetneet of ter first gtne, a otes wifflfe played ineeeweek freete toeay, at whliche tier esotntke wll ee ccceptee. CoaecheYot nwas slightly eouetfleeflas ight isfee therlitnefe ef tier tee whirl will refreset fle varity this aftenonee H-owseveer, iasmechl as eeisfes fo te te efficenecy of fas shifted ieupef it fleee to meake another siftifeIfnecessary before tiergmee with Waasthfeee i fitle lkelihoodi that tetieiaimiff e a ny differeet leentle game today that the one which trapled merciesf- throuigh flee coherts of Me. Wendeff fin yesterday. Miller will edof-lie henors at left ende the little Detroiter ated1. Casey canort ing sidf eby side.Elithe Peiea r o Chledi l lf geacfle lft wetg of tier stuenedous Sehulz, with Graham RheeineschildatdI-f.IHatontdlhned p tee matealariraeay ntetroficlnkof flee rmar ie ente trelWasmunedtelatd Sll- c-c itec lf sttleget a cckeeLat quiare scheI Liir, eaouglas aetti easieeeiilcii paeyhalecc iIf ol is aettioteget inteo fleegatt i ecwll play fulack ottherwisec it nill le tip to Allerice tee receele ft e liftom iee rimians"ate the- faeehiecks Directore faitd fst etgtedeteted fes inaieltity to secure seca ralreoad r as foe fle X aaftgaiterail itetteesp pears like that the vaetsty cwiliotutney toe lninoittefcsieeeaccompaeteeedfy cvimi fatetifc rooteren flee ralradsiwinc uyieldithg aetee r.Xlird'tensrefeest feet ate ecuitseteweas deidf. FPitFRCI\,SSMAN IDEAS CONCERNI NE RUStlES flee-pfres-celltg tpieioeetexisitg aeong tietheuperlassmenietcoecrningetiersfph- freshe ruslesitt fast FPtaytietltis tiat i wscthiecmtbes aleeeeaIfteeof its tutd dueringtetier tnt urteetr se-.raVarieees meeaees leen eichefeeptreeitevrels cate le ablifshede seer sggtdb svra sentiiers freeeietinte fle au isrfthe llifercisit. Dontealed liemtendcete mbteteleroitthfee boaecrdefcadeitecets f fleeAthfletc sse ciatfionieenteateittteecwusastee: lenos ccilees aendt utiveritiesctier-clssrasie is lehleliteuiieg tecifit-aneefsette tier afair is fhel teenleeoadeeldaylgt feit dthe couenten-tancescll ceerc- ae d teunesoes lifere cnt.eeThfee claeseei eteld feel ac settee cithInoreeaee teeheite itesswer. wo-ueld efl imeteteatee.fTflidea e- fpresedinteeourTuIteesda's tsterintee cel- tier seeteier tieksthatieifes retteesse wouldee eedoe a e y wteif upptecitss eeenereasie-ictlieright tleeIriak iup cll riesteeisaepoeteteeettete Iit notld eonly cieate moe tee roubhle -tn cntfeson JohnL. ISetlvatee caftineof iflee ilet baebalh lf eaieeesaid: Fleeh efireitt forme r yearswestereter cmeareiwit til ti ifs tehe posibsly I eaate unseteee particied. eel IheeStueneftttConecil shouetldi immiateltiei kIie fis matele i handtefateeh regelaeit sithtthfisfrtile ity might le doetsatay i til. George tGtcketeltetgrrJr, epresse te folloierngsetimet: Tomei seemiedl that flee eeetec eeryrouhnuiier- was dulie tee tier fee: t fleet tetencccts teer tote sephomoeteues fielfeetsntal pee ethdies-gintuiaeenuber ofefeel henet teethitt coitise showedf noisymipfathyioi such c-tees- fle rights tof thinet fpus t lshouldflehe etned ed yfle sphomeeeee ten tisunoeemoeu tien ighthtiithee t eencmters soue fil e 1te agressor, fee ses-eral istnes tieuertrclssmen tfinefrferedene-ficer are eshmaeeu nasre- ceivitg cuteunuehazItig. This shiine i ecerreciteend iitier ecil it cwilet uter leeo beaupilacll rowd-tiess rMiICII lAN HAS A ElIANT FROG. t fefARN; )ANTD A hALF EEI'LfONfG A large crowdnulafteded tirset nee- tg itt tieeunioteReserch clbth ere fee thee -ighig restaftehelle physiologi cal cemitisty hleoratory- last nigiht. I-ri A. . Reefhveneweas tlerspeaker itt the eveineg, hifs talk eitg oetelereptile fee the Unieresity tmutsemn. IDuring the senmere a colecitg expe l- iioateics sent to esternuIhenc. Tier- broueghteiback aboitut e 200 rare centelvalet ethie specimtents. A lrge collectioneewe e, lsie receive fotmeRanerun NWest Afri ca, wnheat ic known- as the gorilla regiot r(le of tier coleciion is at giatt fot ,,ueaseleeng over thee ade one-al ee teen length. This is the secotedoitthie- ekinde ever seen and is stich the large t the fin. In the colectiote are alse y mnty- unnamtedeneptiles antelamepibiiaens it Afieretheecrehre eaenelregeulaer hesiess jmeeiteg, at wheiche tames of newe mem. le ers were considered, a hanqu~eet mai uevedl to the cluh. GLEE CLUB NEEDS I MANY NEW YOICES e Tryouts Conducted by New Clan- 1 agement Open to All-Few of Last Year's Men Return. fhr try-outs for places ou thfeeGlee 4 cheb ftttier Unive-rsity- will feelfdelthis 1 afterneeon at 4 ochtck ii RoomteeCFee- vrseity Hll. Ihfle srlecfetin f thoseswhiteaee che hele h ee s memeres eelfleegleceuli feet thits year e flealily of thuervoctest andth terexpeerietcernll out..EIle K-ien oth le Shttolof Xruete teethiI i Gleasetnwhio heas feret heitit ler; will ats jutilges togetier it iit e of theembuerehs f thee faultecommitlc tee tututemusic. "The-eris teeterasote" steel Pir.e Ee- snt yesterdlay, cc-fy fles ueeeesri shul tutu e haieefas an oenaleeiclubh a: theree is iitthe counetrytutu ate abundetie of goodil seatera is ha fee fickedre tomt if theenewimllattlc comto etileeheryeus Ali ifthoecse whet try otehwill hfeatin requal citnieefete neeefevortsmeeis t e ceswtl N.o usetee Thiesteri eel es teehi oft thshereelu s o tee teethee heateth c h1r isllee. fluhe canitscestr ento eeetake the. gle clubere erreeiengy f-uorabelitheft yetr e le rtese onysvn oflct -eeli--r- eeelhave reteued toteefeh etesivrsiy. TIes tirwiill lae to fyoatejt ecas el- 1an tie ewties-tuiesh-tenoe-ttrs anite ce andh itaties aee ueefbaly.i Xe.eV(:chfpe tee haue alige numbertufu ce thisaft ernoonee tirfbesdesfbetng ace honotoe laMtctgnteenereteeeotuthles ge chil hiche i refresetatie of tue uivesity.eaciertrip wi t t utet ote- Iseocal evrets en poiesied N eelhect thetiter nor tereary- at thit yer' tiha bee efineettely ecierehe s cr1.ft wilflbe eitther duetig thee ieeestue oiay rte]:se nforeetneaers thee glee lite tasalas eetaetea lougtrip.teesItnty-cci ll theebersaeeen t tohDerroit, li- LeohiCleevteldanu ffao.uhe iest at year eftier last wsan ho ' uleFrt WaynerteethRepisSaiaw citen FlerChitag1.lier vear aa thee chibefsne tee CincnntiSptetrengfiele, St Jsefh Katnas iley, Fhicago ad ate v -enepot. At all these places the nembtlern haee t ehopisably etntetrtainedu. F NIO)N 1)1RECTORS SEEK Cli NIRhIAN t OR 1ANQEh Plats ae atrogressneg for thee lg X'iteiegte Uteeonthebtnqeet tue feeldefNet. tuei the gytm. Just ow a coennittee comanposeed of thee eirecters of thee Cuic s looiceng foetee aaiahle tatsoe get- rhis eeeeeuetee nill seete a reprtur Satuerdas- a wh-ieche tine the platseat tier banqeuetccilf he tider teeth niny. If our pashetsmateriaize, we will hei thee biggest banutet yet; seys President Clrk at theeUtiot. "All etcwcatt in dthee sppot andelco-oferaetioi at fle st- denti hedy." s Festr tearshave eetnomitetoaele fill the vacnucy inthfeeoard of cottrolt causeed y the resignatain of the menen- h er front the engneerrneg department. NeedStineson. The tominieees are Harry s F,. Coe. Merray Wendell, Franke P. Da- v ey and A. Letlerink. The eetot noccrs Fridaty afternon in University IHalttier doors opening at 5 o'clock anf closing fifteen mintnes later. Any st- edent inthle Utniesity is eigihle to vote. ,rM. Davey wishes o aneotece his with- a drawal from the race. is ver POeTSuvYnv Povxt,.. - The Tale foohall assoeiatioen clearetd is$23,000 fast fail and the basebeall asso- ciation camne ant $3,800 aheatd. CIFIfA -ONE C.ANDIDATS FOR' SiTUillNT COUNCIf Nineetne tiill herecee tee theeSu- fruit Co' utuiltod o ailu mesieetotgfifty- tier cndidtilesien ee seutng svneidte- crltenetscut therUnieersts Noatate wlit inroeneegutity ofcuasepolitis cill belee edaur t ltetessea. fle generaleeleetione feaure have eetn te oieeetheeuleineboard-us anth ae fromt ft Itp, m. fle elecetitoniwill ee fy alotteehdtjuguestandteeth elrs ittthee SituetCotucei uilelie epreset iithee viou tetsteparitmeerets tedsuervic ise flee eetion. FI1I.EGegotry teen arie ti theecitle seeft that tmeritucs iltihei lee eect hutcie i tmeber N et iTuesdtayeveningtefeecouncil temr eethd t tieat sesitonthe eleectionu ateet installait iof oficeresiffeccur. flue cmpete tcheis tt ea tuintiotstits e s followes: Li, . MrittitR. -I.I-ishee, eer de, td Siteowmaene.J. XW. NIeNcndlese msu Ct l N atacy At. W. Shermn Ptaue I tch. Nafineefletii -tW. I-mpbglleandi F. N. X SItutuenion. heff ciii J iN. I tAtiW. s tetee uiv ID.uehrald-e . 3J. Buithe J. Ru ittGeorge f3. Vhelert N. AXiDai)es J I.FColemant, tutu lectre fuded itier t I, : T. G.SaneheW.XIV Euuer- tutu J. GtDkecrnk . esXV. J. Xhergaccc:IfN. Iht ot tee XX.I. Tonent. teet N. AlNPet. Ml eis : J.1P 1 LoudeneeJ. 1) PecKin- tutu tG.NI is lleeuereeClkitence Snowcc, John T. ISampsileXV.I1,eCollins, 1. W. itrow incies 1,,IQntilaetand Je.3 (. Heft- ger Hheuueecceiu XX I.XXatitns, I.S. Wilon andeu eCel. if Xtfael D~enteel CF X.fiatIR. N. Simmuuuos, WagXneuIx. f H1) eeKe ekan -N .. 3.nnery, teet RicsellII ce. Ihris Wuneue N. F. Eilete N. I. Tae- lor, teet IL N. tioetuy. F. .AND ItT. TICKETS Iw moutttrie class e reethee-thrtes of politics gatututhee- tt egineeiwiti a 1reprtesettv iktldb .M eaadthee-freshe hts tethe Flotydh1. Fef, eterfcthelilt rutsitheacirs, at thee leea eelsettheeticelt. fI'leerenger ae an uusualy strng tirket tee thefe le elisth IN. P. N-tlenl eadineueg it fle titeis: Fuse teeesulente IM Xtl Xhr I eaniivice-ries- hunt J.F1 '1ewinweu seretruyH.W. I-teen tee r ieasuere1'I A Smitth; bacse- ball-manager. .N. IN.Xlrieet ;fotbahl taee . iee-et. fhtV . teethel;rac hik teat- atere -N . hMairkner;huasletbhathlumanaege, E' .T-e;sergeanet tees, G. XN. Floyd fI) kentfof thu r feslhits leads lerSite tuae ea"Itc keteth siff o- pose Joe reretTutu liii cket cotfaits thee foloingit nameees: t tee fresiet, fleesdeD.IICeet;ve-re iesitet,Peltr- gerai-udams:ueutreasruer, CarFletL. N-ede- kinde: secretarty, Orvile E.hcWhNite;ase- faultmanee reeRa lphC . Ferag;footbllat manageeerXXWileatutu is tieit ebasket- Ic-elfe Masone-Ig.rRoseri-i.seu ee fOf ITIKAI COkt SAVE~tS IFiMININE, VOTE IFOR EJONES testute femiesee poleeuietis in thee sofh itlaits tieay ciaimeemuchtl cedifor thee 1andslideee the Jittes tket ejye. SECRETARY TAFT WILL SPEAK HERE Presidential Candidate to Attend Taft Club Banquet-Will Prob- ably Lecture on S. L. A. Course. XWilliamaeI-. Taft, secrefary of mear, andee catnddate frtiehle repuhlican prei- detial eomtination, wiff proaly ffthe open numbueler of the Stfudens' Lecture asocieation. Wordtoh this effetfwa received yesterday fy the University of M ichigeen Taft clut. Secret--ny Tattt writitg rotm the Phi- ipfpine Islands, iwhecreceis at prersent toe gonernmenuftaunecs, states that her gladlfy accepts the inviationt of the Taftdchuteto fee presentt teieir an- quft init icheoutor. This has le the officialis teethee Studcets tecure aso- ciationusth assiume thaf Mt.Taft withlcet tier sauectmec appeait ou thel eturee platorm. flee faffrcfuelenhievoefetes iselftoteethee boeominueg itt hi. Tt'ts pr-esietiha campatgntasfue e ensi-- reef leaits effort tl eprsuaeee e itelg caet mue ucemer to nisf AnnueAbortne his refurntrout the etast Ifs emhers are conugraulaing themtuefes eathtin apparetfsurces XWhat MX.eTaate wtoul tae theterseeb- ject of his adedecsue shosuld fist onentu to speakc lea Uiversity-I-af, is nto knotwn. Na political discussineius are psemittcd fuomtefueStuencutsLectee associafions pafom Sanerfar has becceexteeduthat tfslintmutitaiont ill deteracfnuche fromttheeineeet oftfhe secretareysade va an thhcae witePete Bryan fast year, ft semts ta her felt gncrallyIhoweve, tha, in view it thee preset iternationua pominencce cut ther speaker tee queton, aythitg he coutld say at ths fme would e of lru- terne-cf. lisnde eprieneref affairs lee te far ast metulud etake TheOenlt- tat Situatione,e"inte oremuse ofeun et is tphases, a nt unl euikly- toefic o itt ursce, sey seomte of thoe whit are oef eouge tee sake cnjejcture. Bhuf that fee will gie such a cnuvesaional traeoguc as thaut afenptedulfastseasone y Pet. theyate is cotnsidlere exreeley imnprobl- Scasont tickets for the StfudentsfLee- tre association course are non in the heanuds of student sellers, cud a good tea of prominene is eng givete to tfhe safe. About:f1,500 tcekts were fut in tto the field yesterdfay. JN.)NES TICKET SWAMeIPS TARDY OPPOSITION The- Jotnes ticket mate a comple vi-- tory ilee lcposeponedfsophlut felectionm. Nary two hunedre vaes were cast. A large numer of flee alofsewn-ee "scrachede" Bohnsack, secrefary elerf, citd Shsafreoth, asketballmtatager elet, lieding throughut. Lan, one of the defeated candidafs, rant onsiderably ahead of fin fiket. Those elerfed are cue follows: Presidentf-Harry B. Jones. Vice-presidret-Bessie R. h-oes. Seretary-A. N. Bohesack Trerasurer-Lewis B. Wef. Foothaleuanager-Norman .11. H-fill Baebsrall maager-W D. Eliot. Track manager-J. Neil Paferon. Girls' askeal sate'ger-Sophie E. Stroleneier. Baskethal mnatager-Morrison Shaf- ' Thee pactturetoutp whiche markeed yes- roth. tceedays electitotncuas thec gathering of a Oratoriral deegae-Lee. A White. large numbueieeufthfee girls ittthee chuas _______________ cit Barbohuregynm: hirer thee painciepals itee N HI- toesocos : RUSHu. thr late proceedritoIistrenuct thee as- Pesidlent Van Hise of the Uoiver- secutlfair tem nes, atter wnhich a sortie sify of Wiscotesint has sfahed, in an itt- upon University Hfell was mnadr, with fervirw in fhe Daily Cardinal, fhat he thr result theat a heavy "straightd ticert" favors the aholitiont of inierclass ruseuus. vote was polled. Favoring iftudenf governement as lee doers, Thc hgsf endeaevors at thee opposition the Badger presidenf appeafs fo the ste- to stammpede the crond were fruifless. dent hody fo take the first steps towaerd The Jones supporers sustained a sfimu- subhstitutfing sonerofther farm of uteder- ins thaf carrired thuemto10ahsoetfe victory, class activity.-