The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. VARSITY MIEN WIN : FROM PREP STARS First-Year Athletes Score 53 1-2 Points to 27 -1-2 by Detroiteis -Cross Country Runs Begin. lTe frestman class attached another scalpt to its lbelt last iglt by defeating the Detroit Utiversity slool ithie last of tlte idroor meets. At no ttte was the score in faor of the slool boys atn tteir ttost vatttted atiletes provel of little tvail agaitst sle first-year men. Dawskins faiedl to swith ie igs jtttp, goitgott at 5 feet s itches. ' 1-,1 P. Stmith, for te frestmen, not only cleared thte tbtr at tis mak bstttweetttan ittch etter, etsalling the recortl-of this sa- sott'sork. Michigato got her sttrt toward victory tent, as anticipated, Horser attt Be- rook waslted off witt the sotttt score. H orner eat Bettbrook's est pttt by 1w0 inches, his highs"nark beitg 7 feet 7 inhes. Spiegel Colt tot ctme within eight feet of tis mark. Then the frshtman score was futtrher ethantcetdwett Horter took te dast from the Detroiers, with eck rat- ing thirt.. Horter also wn first itt the hight hstrdles attt secorttlithle low. With a yart more ttt rutt ftcwsttd ae wott ttelatter. As it sas fte gaitet nearly a yardl after tesent ster the last stick tttd was alnost areast Spiegel ait tetale. Thes lowehtsrtles swere rutt itt5 -5 secottts atd the higtin 54-5. Prostaly the iggest strprise of tse erveittgswas te rctory of eckoneet 'sils inthttcqunartr-msie. Uttil te tsro tttntsrachth le stretht Mills ad tte est of the argutmenst, bt thtere ftc egar to rttttutfthill atttlKeck tdrewe away wintning ttceeentstbIy aoutt two yarts 'Te crowdl hat ot expected eck t switt fromtheo olt Cicago sttr, atd wert othleir feet stotttitg t te Close Sittots for fle freshtttesn antI Spiege for D. f. S. tiet for third place. Tet time was 54 3-5 scottds. Hatnevanttisflayed rttter poor jdg tment itt his rtttotitg. He walked awa withlthtlenile, butttutnsatisfied with wits titg. he orexerted in order tnt gait s htalf fats on H-all anCapin. Cotse fluetly whets tcesnteret the hloff-sil ftc was its poor shape, fiishitg thir' when he nmight ave arget first wi[ Blallatcet. The mile was rn in 44 3-5 atd the half its 2:7 1-5. Thle pole vatlt sas easy for the first year tten. Hawkits had ot vanle before tis seasos, ad ad to hae t -bar lowered to eigt feet in order ti score for third place. Fitzpatrick l Page and Saer vault aip to to feet an thets declared a ti. The relay race was gotd, ht t: freslstten were not itsay dager of lo ing. H-orter led off for the first-yet met, opposed to Spiegel. He hal n troublle dispsing of Iis opponet, gi ing Goet a lead of abot five yard Goet took tabott two msor frotn Shra tnd was scceeded by Wright, oppose to Hawkits. The freshmaan was near: a tfarter of a lap to the good wht thte last men took the tonc. Keck set opposedl to Mills ad held his ow. TI timeo was 54 2-oeon c h relay d ot cont for poitts. The fial scre was 53 1-2 to 27 t- its faoe of tle fresmet. The sttr mastris follow: 35-yard das-Horner (M), Spieg ()), Keck (M). Time-:4 2-5. 4-yard late burdles-Spiegel (D Horner (M), Tilley (D). Time-: t-5 40-yard igh hrdles-Horner (M Spiegel (D), Scrans(I). Tie-: 4-5 44o-yard ran-Keck (M), Mills (U Spiegel (D) and Simons (M) tie. Tin -:54.3-5. 9-yard run-Ilalbatchet (M), H: (1m),. Hanneean (D). Time-a2:07 - ANN ARBOR, MICI-ITGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL, , to8.: ,Mile rtn-Hannevatt (D), Halt (M,), Chaphn (M). Tine-4:4t 3-5. t2-lb. sotpt-Horner (M,), 47 feet 7 inchfes; Bebrook (M), 47 feet5 incies; Spiegel (D), 39 feet 3 -2 itches. Pole vault-Sater (M5) atd Page (M)1 ti, Hawkits (ID). Heigt-to feet. H-ighs'Ljutmp-Smsith (M), Hakis (ID), Orser (M,). Height-' 'feet 9 Relay race-Freshmnswsot. Times- :54 2-5. Fittal score-Frcsfstten, 53 -2;ID. U. S., 27 -2. Aspirants for hosors in cross contry runtning sil ae teir first opportunity to go outtwsithste varsity pac-msakers ott Mosnay. The sqad wilt leave te gyms at 4:15 esery day from ow.otsntt ft swill ftc divided itto two sectiosns, ote for the secdy ad onse for tfelisrly class. The frost is stfficiently ot of, the1 grontd so that trainitg is safe an a large nutmbsfer will respods to the call. Aot thirry mno are rtnnitg ott of the ffy0 nos, ht they arc goitg in sqads of tseo and tree and sitot coaches. The promoise of at tensnis nmatc itfo Cornell and several other colleges, adt the cmspetition wift will probably exist for the places othfe -arsity tsatm, is restlting in early practice for varsity catndidates. Enottghstaco see ot yes- terday ott priate curts to larttsha gootd dohles,, it if Cataits SIto g intettiono tot-develop strong don- blsrspayers, -if possibtle, it is proablse tht, ttcontrary tos the lst seasotsfprac- ttrrs addedsftitte' till ftc devotet thtfis sart ofthle sswork. rTevarsity corts sill e itt coni- tton for pay te ndty thtt scolsssb egins aftr the sping acatiot. The vtrsiy squand gt ack at the scrtubfs yestertday, defeatitg temtoittatn e rtghtttnting gtttme y tt score of 6 to 2. "Sully" instilledl Iis mnctwsihs terc nIjtuiretl"gitger-fiz" adoth te resltsas assnettsy victtry. A slippery baltl antI smtetitg of a cool breeze prevetnted te twirlers from tldoing their est work. Barr and Listhi- I- cue, with Risersoastn tcath, swited aover to the scrtth sqad, atd Dotahe atd Aheltoan pitched for the Ht"omt, w sitht Enenroth receing. The infield looks great; bttt so, it N fact, does fle whlole squad. As te Itgenial captains retmarked, it's atbtnc that wold be hard to beat. t-Otly otenore week remains before .d the teamo tost leave for the south, and lthey have not beets able to work on :o Ferry field yet. The weather next wek t will have mcft to do with the team's ,dcotditiotn for te sothern trip. 1C KNIGHTS OF MORTAR AND s- PESTLE HOLD ANNUAL FETE ro C. A. Hottser sas toastmaster at the v- pharmic batqet giets last night in the s.Michigan Union clbouse. The toasts n were as follows: "Otr Aspirations," J. d D. Busy; "The Parmacetica Cens- fy ist," J. J. Riley; "The Visible Reslts en of the Presett Agitafiotn of Pre Foods to and Drugs," Dr. J. . Schlotterbeck; e "The Pharmacy Department its Michi- id enda," K. W. Tracy; "The Otlook," F. F. Ingran; "Or Gradaes," Dr. A. -2 B. Stevetns; "Te Pharmic," Mt B. - Smttith. ;lALPHA Nb' SOCIETY elCHOOSES CUP TEAM The Alpha Na society at last night's to meettng chose H. L. Rotel, W. L. Lane 1)and J. J.Devos as its cp ean, and F G. Stevenson as alternate. The debatt '0 was holy contested and iteresting, and the decisions of, the jadges was very close. ')9 The qaestions debatend involves 1he dis- :ne positiots of private property on the seas in time of war. The Alpha Nu tease all will debate the Webster team in the firs: -5. prelimsinaries.. i No. a4t. NOTED EDUCATOR TAKES UP SUBJECT M f-n W1 let 01 its C l l ts 51 DR5. 5555555,5555 sMATsTEWS S a r, I 5 r e d s n >t Ns ison,,SisgmoatAlpha tEpsilst onfoert FRESH BANQUET Itl s tt PiDltas ht;jia Th1< om sony, Gystfstttt et - onl d v 16 Al' 1AM) Annual Festivities Will Take Place Tomorrow Night-The Toasts. A stonsthslote, dise oossosal frnsthmanst bassntuet will sector tomorowessssightt 1 8:3o. This sannossssscemsesnt iltltoemd to Sftdentt CounscilmanosoHarsold Humph rey at thoe.'Alphast Deltss1 111siosess ths smoortisng sat oaclotks by the freshmansos commtoittee htsvingtgh~e banuett its chargte. Thoe Sttudetnt Csoutncil repeenctative will tnotify thse fratenoity ssohomosre s tthis moornintg. Fstor ateitof those freshossensott ftully acqusainttedt siththle seeransgemesoot tmade for thteir tbatnqfust, floeDllsiy wishoes to antnountcethsat thefolowsinsg tarocramo of toasts hassbects aresangedr: Toasttmasster-Hutgh-1.. Btstl onets.Phil Kappa Psi. "Michtigano," Raymsondo K. Dykematt~, Psi Upsilon. "Otur Gtrls,"Phlipt Ksisksern, Betsa Theta Pt. "PrestdntAngeioll," Johfno 11. Bresnnan, SigmaosPlot "Indefpendrents,"tWilliamttFf. (Cetiaro- snr, ClotPot. "ThoeBoys,"Hlen Draper, Aslphta Fhi. "Clano of I9t t,f ois R. Clatrke, Zeta Psi " The Faculty," Stepheno -A. Goodmotan, Deftas Kapp-tEpilfon. "Frstertittn" Herboet A. Goesz. "Athlettcs, Johst N. Adfamos, Phi Delta Thecta. 'The followinsg commttitteeosnavecharsge of the batnutet: Gesoeral ecsairmoansal ~ter G. 'Whfipple, Alpha Delta Phi. Arranigemntts-Lsane Summsoers, Delta Tots Delta, choairmaont; IHarroldifPoundto, Delta 'Upsilots;IE. R. Finolnsotsnenf, Psi Upsilono; Chatrles C. ltunnsscfnoo. Ksappa [Signma. Decorationo-yooo Buney, SigmannChti, s airmoano; Raty- B. Wiggiss.Phoi Gstmmna Delta; Williatmo L. Sauner, Chi tPsi ; Ralpth Norringtono, Zetat tsi ; Julfia it. Willisamos, Kappa Alphta Thefts. 1 Reception-Frantk W. Itrookois, 1Dltat Kappa Epsiloss, chatirmns; Wilbue S. Appleyard, Alpha TsausOnmegsa ; Dncsan sJ: McNabb, ,SigssassPFi;,Russell iBono- stecon, Beta Theta Pi. t Inovitationo-Richared W. Ri~fcktmstn, Theta Delta .Cli, chairmnoss; Valo F. s1ns:'larseem ->, feraternoity reporeseta-V tit, o m lesos heo tos'lasses mtassStu-t loot Counscil r-commtteestndllst attemttts wa aeto rlimtinatte the prnolongedt 0 sctivities previous 0t5no thens ualto frleshn- otosoot~~~ ~ ett. .coeitg agreemtenits tere fitnlly madner wherebly thte htosilities' wsuld ootsbut irty-six houorsn. Teff f rest noonno, tonsidtetsagreeng t tooify thnel sohmrs ofl she timte -and I place nsf the batonuet a sdsy astool aosl foreorn,1 taeotter toverturset . 'ihey pledlgetd Iottmselvessnt to feate AnntoArbor be- Store 8 o'cloock tslo ornoeinsg ; tonewill th0ey stteostto ::roos toen itnstotineloots quoet Instllfbefoore ,3 'clockis olafteronoon. too agreeinto : ~tee plans the sophio- torsortomisedi not tnt caturlneaty fresh- onsets before-this honings anoonsce- ontt. Thoey also releatsedi three freshs- sten womn they hasoot lntoparoole. Their porovisto wasthtlthelongyoswttoldsnot toe usdor he oebansqtuet. Tn thtis sloe first- yeatrinen readly tagreedt, sisnce President Antgell toni refused sloe use of atiy of sloe campufoss busitligs. Sintt h le contsilliationaltlfpreparations for tine oostilities hare eInes nsspennded lay botht classes anthsere hbtt aets no booltingogsf classes by eithoer. Mosnday swill foe thne onolyslay offeredi. President Anogel lthas expressed hIintself as pleasend weithtshe smicable arratngemoent betseen sloe tao clasoes. "Thoe Stunt Conscil otsesapted to boringtabaoutts obagreemet," said Presi- odesot oargno."becautse it reatlizend that frelsmanto lnontots coutldsoot be told if sloe acetivities contisntedl to he as strena- toots to they save in the past. The oh- jectionable featue swhich wee were try- ing Inn elimtisoate wats thoe indiscrisainate booltinsg of classes lfor as week before the batnuet. Ment were obligedt to leave school lstsyearseiceauose of ritexersoed ablsenoces. The Couticitlfeft thatt tfhosta- Inset usnoetof stelewn resooaisoisog troth- tiossnsof the Usiversity atnd that it shossld toe mitined.sfif ponssile." Sisnce sloe, recenst riot camopus senttimset Lostsassintedf toweartd asnore orsderly ist- qut thIis yeasr thsant sofreviotus years. 'Two of rte speatkers asnd six other fresho- moen were cautghotlst tyear by she seary tssophomtorses. 'The toastmassster effectedt tin etrace Ins she gymtsthroughs atheast- Siss~lgstnnooel. Dr. J. W. Cochsraso, of Philadelphia, sdeliveroslohe fTappan lectitre at thec Pres- bsyterianitchustch this eeilig at 7:30. t e c c 1 1 i atthews Will Speak on -The University and the Drama" Tomorrow Night. IDI. Btrandoer Matthtiewsoills tthesntxt the latssegagementttfosete Stsdets's _cts ne assocatitono ttotsn tomorw ngst, te e IcoesseeerfSrontNew N ote k tylo itreonthIon' Univeersity andtool rattts.' Kal~sier i lte cvsts it ws iderstoaodslthat.thelontss Irsucaltrsornwould ewak on "SimpolifiedSp -elln"oSwhlihi i ths leadlts ig advote. Butlion ce~t i ftUiversiotonha lien sparretdI on ins srosdnsratmonatiseforltslbv Jamst 'Dnnooel fennitt, ramts at50 ics crit. iottoe hicstgosRentsd-Helt it soought tt te letes its sste sinmnoonsuoldlIt ore interestisngtoantt t on spe~llig. IDr. Matthenws is iirtitnntl fitteod to onstko tsstsjsct.s1nno insowpo -stosofsdSaaticts terIn uro ini tnmitoas nivesity, Newv 'sool, iso le loss- nlsisesl cariosolumeosiiontosstlsdramaio nsf is ai sccessfuol playwsrigs, havsing llabortastedlwish BronsonsH owardsnd to elices. iDr. 1hlstttlseo stories stfevery- sy Ne Yorknlife seecnoiely rests Insmucshsnelaso James55'D~otell iBennestt iii JohstsCorblisn, thesoSrtersa Ciasgs sssssosie ctil icadtheOlattero asNess orkn critic, listse epretseriloposit esw s touilsersiy odrsasostis, IDI. Mastthtews'iiopinito onuthesloe ssiubjet il be oSfeeial sinteest. ?Mosesoer, stmelrs of Sle fsaculy elexet tat sslI selosin, wllt latse as vsst iflusenott it dramatttics as thehatee tenstarltedni. IDI. Msttes is rgrdedois inuh silly saso~n he nglisIh5 eststos, niot otil i Aminerica, sot aslot insEnglandoi swhere Ihe ihs delivered several leuelsbIeore slot Roysal Intiitte ot GreatIsitinio. Last esrts- slegi'ino o nor waittsticstsered upon him bth le I"rench Isgovernissmet. Ur Masttewts is ta gadutifoe of te tl- ersitye ~rrse e srnow hols sa 10 Sssos- shp Ifs gaduted n1rostsn ssColumbiswith te clats s oS '71aftereinving sa ssco- oonschseoolsoeduistsiosnoin Prow York. Atltoughsloshe snedlawIsie prctiedt sooy Str afe yar Ie soosturnedoo rot liteitreoondsiohao srmintodlins tast pruofessistonvrs ince. Ilit sasorbns lo Nesw Orleassin 1852, ad'sit osbee coo- oecedithoinoC ootlmbia 05100ersiy sisee 18g1s MICB ICANI NYXN CONTESTS BING OUT' MANY JUNIORS The elections foe the memboslersip of she 1Micbigstnttsiasislboardf mroed1to le sle mst hotly contestend fight wihthasi beesi carried ni toStr tesec posiiossin t years. fInthe fit snt lw ndeartieti'st' there was antsuasitsl sdegree o iterer manssifesed. More tfan tre-ourths of sf5 thse juioors voted. 1. C. Miller stnt ArminsitRicelIwovoto the fratersity electioss over If. N. Da rock asn Sayre Broadheatdlby astargeg nmajority. 'There were three tikets ito the field inthle lose deparsenist. R. C. Mfsrchie atn G. G. feyfroso defeated F. A. Olds asn Arthur Clrk, atisdlSwant LinskoldfsnttB. A. Mnyrsa t h fre- cornered fight. Inthes literstry ndeart- mient B1. B. Vesder atnds A. E. hetee wons front J. T. Ketity ath C. J. Agiew T. D. Gordon, te sccesslofiteica cassnidatewonont soAnre Ssnss ntl R. B. Karkeet. 'Ibe cootest of the dents resuilted nt the eictory of Hi. ,. Lockososd oser . 1..Roesomssn. TI-IF DAILY STAFF MAKEfiS NOMINATIONS FOR EDITOR Archer F. RitcheiantushaCsuscey S. Boucher were soointatedt ysterday by the esitorial saff of 'T'he tDaiy, as catndi- ndaes for te position ofsmanaisgig editor. Accordnisg to tesew rulnsgs, tle bosrd of control sill select ouresalthese cani- didates.