THN MICHIGANDAILY .. < . . ., .,__,. If ,your "ham- is a bother, or you have. any trouble with it, buy a _good flairBrush h AT *° QU1ARRY'S{ andget relief. Money',Loaned, Os Watches,, Diamonds, Law Books, or ther personal .property.° Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office st residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arhor. Bours: etoli:3e a. ms. i to4:30 and 7ton * JOSEPH C. WATTS A.SPOONS EPOSTAL-CARDS- DARIiNG- & MAUIIIUJX S~ TATESTREE T -HALL!RS J[W[LRY STORE, 216 S. Main-'St Thats icerd shih eseotyou to csee- is solto you when yoa enter cv' orsiore. tC se bt as thh i tr i0. maeesteAf d tha, P< th ue trtiilst f pece=sci so-icr ottoi Tise: oljecli5sei flhits the' two t-iee c inlferentes rs oosit soviichl les heest sic, siresd for tihree centuries so that the C6s 13Af Ltirf-i'tfi i'gltht e dcliisieore0 enitirely eliinasterl. 1t 1693 XWllsto Pennissrossghst ist sipilnfssr the or- gosnizatlioniof 0an iterntioiilltribsisssl tss settle- disputes" wthosst nus Pstiss on>to~ follsowed .Iso- i Eaitt, lSeeley, jso is Sftssat SIills, ost 1oienosowithlns having int ieso tihe Sti smeprpose :'Not bsut alsis sssss omi Cosigress thse f itso 4?,jr'ainiosnt. sei -use Ituvgitsi nessc shsveispusseit ressuttiiis iaiosfniig tise sc- ssstsptisiihig rof such a isessing. - It remaoineid for ttheecoar fRusottots -otttntoinhill tse tnustees ccreiiteto his 'courst Ip1 l isoietili sals c1 s geiher delegite:;.-fron thile countr itsstets resenttee1thttsermiisites Itos iiteliot- slte lsscesis1C "in soar.''- tts 18 u, it tste Scot essnferenscethe ,itdeostr s iss isidetin-firing asotisitthe s)ocefulst tlenirist of. stes ii tisittconi listS, its thetpoiittiicit of u-iiniiiiostfso o. iestigaite condaituio -s letw ootld end' t'a~r ild 't Os0110'jitsti cnIstof tisiges 'iS iritrators tso IsP-se"tlect-sinit ihti i ittis esucotleritede e tos submit. Thie seescdHigtue coifeulsc"\N~s'ists -'oiled till 'eight yerinslter, 'owhiels-i 11sot ye ii Piesoict -t oo-se t 'took te sitiiative ithis, sggestisigIsy cifesltis cnt""tosll theteacoilng nutionthit it so ilil he sdesisutble to ,I ice 'anoth''sos nut -settee - 'I lie 'ictioss takensiyto itesecoissi isiti feresie Colliiisjstcgl iiiothe cdrawving tsp ions'Istsr su.cffere-d 1to -ll the inatiotis re~stisseet;ciIelSe;'uhc. ll diawi'oi1t1lt its the fsormsoof Ii cities ais i re. cit ito the varirs tios. Thscy s i ttso'ise, isissibslig nulynitose'odin Isigti-'them.s it -.,a seo seopniqudediltla't loter cisit feressce_ be itettdeight~ earshenteiss o tisat crsslii ssepir stoie.siay, ti isse "MIy belie'f." soid Prsctentlrngetl, "is list as great. koin'-Isos s ieen .1eies esti I tie, mitigation of -proccitisse its mar. ii use o:rioiigcfsrent, for a rbitrotion couiets, ostd te fuirtherissg instincri-Issisog'of a lsoe fos peoce." Rentt a Kodoa, inc a slay. 1;yndon. if. CF:RCI 13 FRO\NCA1'S'TO IAVIo 81- ZR' PTI CON ,I CTE"' bES 'The (as i-cl rititt tise Fr,,tiettis ias sectred 1Prosf. l Loch stilt ibarit an.iss T'heodose sN'. Roeh to gise tn-n lectures iclci its auspices.'theselecetures,. both of sohIich a-re to be illustrated toy stercop- ticonvesnsswsill tsrgisvessin Sa-rah Coo- osel Oioell l-sit 'Nfrr Koehs sleelsise* osileit sill tie on " '11e City 6fil1"1is to isLus ie n iolesc'- St(fiy.c esiss"n-Aiil'8 Iiisisiiiessist~i ji5 : f tii-s'usiilcesiseg;sisujert \S1r. lose ositt nscosie tssssssti slsissess-tclime q 51e l)eos 1sti5:sit laseosit-ics3Osip .5ti ltobr. 'Thse s5 issss .iulsssttst of 55whttich te, suiaIsiscossrssssere sse sei i iiiahi ihs bsy-M.}loht ll ss lilstsbtrsadiilist sutiltmei- Sceietesossf I iiit lIlis iilii lifesowill.tie- sh,l s uch ates iscetestisints esitresets, parks, sissi' t~ahniss it islet'issloe btilsit-tritS*. - Othirrpictuies'stilt ipreseint -es ( if the l;Otloss[,IIse ti s ittte's lo;sixeisttr4g, assit stiser y'- istc-stisg. places. "Fressets Artiits'ctisi s still heise sis os- jert of-ai lecitiss' oli toe ius a cit ltssday eceiisg.-1Sissy b3.Iy Prosf. t?;1iit I 't Isit if ofuse-:ts'opartiosfit of -itssrtstre isn tile - t'iiseertt '.PIrss lo stlt sthstisd' its Patis o nvilos-it hsisse~esi Isis its ,sll tesialsi ttst h tiss - i. Itittsrattis soffaI iisr Frnc lor-ssrt flstssvtass' nisit iitt;,isigs