THE-MI.CHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wgild Comfpany Our Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and8 Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou 'fan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street A Jersey Vest Sdtonor V Neeck Is just te garment to wear these days. Ours fit well, look good and wear well atd the price is tmoderae. Glad 1o show them to ou anytime. Sheehan &Cos., Student Bookstores A. G -p1ij SPALDI1NG ii~ )& BROS. :: The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Gof, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey Official Impeets o Track ad Field Sport, Uijeforos for alt Spot. Spodiog' Hasdomey tllstratrd Cataoeue of alt sportsotais n- meosogeetios. Sed o, it-Its fro. A. 0. SPALDINO & BROS. New York, C)hicago. St. Louis, Sactractsco, Mlinneapolis, 1)ocer, Bofflo, Syracse, Pits- har, Philadelpha, Bosoo,ficnnoti, Bal. more, Washing to, asas City, Cleveland, New Orleans, Detrot, Montrea, Oaada. THiE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Edior-ARccnc F. RTCtcn. Bsiness Manager-C. E. WISTA. EDrToRS News.. ........ ... .Hirain S. Cody Athletics .............:..Lee A White. Exchange.......H.John 'Vatoold' Monsie and Drama..-Roy D. Welchl Women's Editor.... Loise Van Voorhis EDITOIAL STAPI J. W. MhcCandless Elmer C. Adams NIHT EDIORS George tH. Hoart Leonard C. Reid Chauncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vissher REP'OTRzS . B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Mainine Roert Montsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis raft Lewis T. Kiskern Roert Moreland Pol Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto ~Enget Fred E. Gooding Theron P. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gold Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: - p. i., -8 p. m. dily, except Sunday. Both phos SATUiRDAY, APRIt .4,1(0. NOfICE. 'he .11100ailOeting (fTie Daiy staff switl be11e1d1today ill olllC. tUniversiis cand1 idtesl'for11tie postilo I of managig editor, and11tile transacion of slc other business1as1111110cimeefretil met10- ill,'.A. F. Rrmmi. A \F,(51(011 0lll FR cl.l(00 s' CIIY. I1,lthe noltahle sries(f 50e1mon11iusl tocuel l l inh tIllcan(Ifhe0(nio siderteionilwhsishete tlealverge M'iciganI und1iegradual(te- (as sarcly eI xlored;~ 1110 itis(o1111 1f te till 111 e1 tabll e(t facts 111(11reigious (as wl s all (ttseula ice 'thou~ghtl has 110vr as yet (attained a 1lait ill 1111-lcurriculumllllwhicl is ill anyl wiy c((Is iscoso s wit iits'ea cl vlue.lci tile IlltimatellOsuccess (f a Iliersity iby the (0 be ssmofoc ell s'ch oledttengiees 11ur11.outIi;1111t(lily 11y the visio, tie ideal11 of ile, whtichli(illds p 11e10r0its 1110(1.'tile lctlrr11as5d(altt s'h the 0es01100 (freligionI(as tie111(1t1simpe p ulse (10 ((her. Fi 111as 111ut i ffrot theology, -tie church, tible11, ((lil alt the looms ill shichit'Mifeillsts itself. Heo thas sid,. '''le liithinkig 1(y setich seobtlhainll tigi is erey the process of comling ill s1110'practical 1decision1 about111Ilt, tie dicttes 'rI'OsclOe.i' aindllthe clim~s(f ieronia' eief' to ((ally 1f II. te iew0 lliilt swhicli shos itself ille0e000 ill of(If rl tois a famiiia abjec: 1(1ut1to ((niy tie sntimiets 1100 (1010.and(t IlLitter varianicesitl the stal- io6w' nmlocy. and sel-sa~isfied.Phr- saislO ill shich. most ef otr .so-called reigiouls experiences hasc een mired." Aoy sho hale eardhthe sermons can- 1(1(1 1(111 foci he sigiicace of teir menn;cnotlllbu11(1seill1110 attitude expressed, a potent 111fore 5whicih will our11on to11 ill(~lis'cll(Otsill11010files (1111 (('ici al f1(111 til ll(111ill soel'adl sipltdorIour ,iaccompllistts ill tie 10110dstioIlleconomlllic grwlth orsf 'poli wiseat - nau lllght tiosecritics wh110for soIon (hav11150clollcllllell 11s as5a11"111- reigoulpople," and111 aitltrnsr tie emphas1isi5from till-a1s11w55111its ipreceit ((((Itpraie, 111(1fromllt110 distn~t future wihu(1(0ra(ill proph~ecies (f what it sill brinlg foth (anillwilt l cer ll efortonll til esenlt (luly whiichlis 110r0 11111 110(0 1(0 realiedi ill til e lief 111(t1tie tiie11(1stlrned~. He propihelsieshat we01'relon 01tie .00 1' aI greatireiiou~(s rjuveation 1of te hilieilst (andi 1hrodest dien~sinls; a0 r0- great1 chan(ge. wiilll mphasize tie simlpe religliouls spirit "whichol fashions all is make(otic l e (t co leiI., tile'ins-piration'111'f1hi takearc mttes, (lullthelcommonll wal o0ll(f (oIlrcampuls. SENIIIR MErDICS WVIN HIG'' HOtNORS IN EASTERN EAMS 1.X. PBareowe 11111WilatilIStcy we're' awardedO f irsi(11111fourth paes respiv 'lylill 1111Pos-Grad iate 11sp1- tl i llNess YorkoCity, (oIllofI 150 00o1- petitors. 1Both111e10(1r(00at lreseli' mcmil- 110rs ofItile' snilo ((medic clss. 'T'h1re0 5500re11only' four(vcancies 111 e 1f11011 1b' co'mpletitive'e xmlliationl, 1wo(1o011these 'heloe sOt-Grauae ottlsitlt (f Nell '((ohkranks amonI~lg tie foremos1(t illthils counilltry 'andt 1positionsl.ill i a(r1'greatly c (ol '11(0The 1111i1(ill(115areforfletw1( years. The fist honorl(11mal; 11a0005. 15111probalyatssume1110ils dultis illNess Yorki11111ii lily (1111r0geadua~tionl, 0ill Stucky il XI~go onlabool' 1111mo1t1 s 1100 F'. 15111111. Ilie too1k irst plod ill Illn'exam(ition((for a 1lsIitihin (0tie De1111ndsIlo1110 lichigan mete cllne 11(111 all parsoIsf tile country. . . Sciltiot 11a( (11s0 landedl aIgodlihospital pos1ition,1. being pol1~itedlitere of the ClevselandCarity 'hospitals 'for .I i5X tollnIllothls ' serice. Schliinko was fa- voIredt because th1110ilsiiont &l dsiret a MXichigan internle oil its corps of ihysi- cians. 'ile oter eleven-e n11101n11te sta1ff 1100 gradualltes (f tie Western Re- serse nmedica school ad gaiied their positiolls throiigh 'compietitive examlia- (fonls. The City anid State hospital at New' Castle. Pa..los selected I-. S. Edniunels. of Michigan, as house physi- Siail. flu5s1post Ills 110011elsehitheo1 tsy craehi ices-.of easern1 schoolsh cGem w X. lto~hitmtr will he I isist-iMai l Orc. C.: X v sit . of Oshoh1is 1ir a hospial of 1>0 IbdsBomnr, W.New 1)1011has ,s cotrlat mth a a mlacufetm . fog' 1 r f.m allas :Teas to treatitS 4n1)!aphlyYsThese exceed fiselitndred Amosng (them '(imhigaime1)10(v011tossa10 receis-ell-hospitaliooxtols arc tee 11(1 lwni 1g:. CharkesiH. hBailmyProoildeie G~enerllhostal ;Chares X. Miler, Alleghmeiny hospital ;George >11 Ia (101(10, 111111Clyde Kifsinef': Northemn.acPific: losials'at Bra6imard, Mull. FACUL'TY.WILL LECTLRI'01ON' X1IINNA VONlARNOI I Xl1 'Thre lecires ly n nehms ofite Gimolus facmmity withl begivemn aftm vaaI tiiam tinder00t(lieauspicesi of the Doystoter Vereill. ntpise liisg owthvo io 1)'s 'liimmo '01(11 isolm" whiichis 'o .sbis presomel is '' he' 'Veren at 'the' Ne '(Viitieysomm Fmia eintn15011g Aprsl l4 - IBetdsTieinSslg trl (11(110 10to '111(1( sons 11ri1141111these lcsireswllso's1poi plementl Itie,10worklofesm 'lrg imolesof classes ahichmols iso siiylg till faioos eoiedlf of 1Lessng, I e eoliisom os isio (100 free to 'allosilIso gvsens is helohoc 1t(00 (10(11of'Tappa-ill-liall 'st 4 oclok os tse afteroosaof fTesdy"Weshmo- say 'ands Thusirdos, Apsrl2122a amm23 Prsf.'T1bslsmsDieskhoff: sil givc-'the fSsi Ictes sof the series-0(11 "'Ile lis-' tlllicall 11,1 oa sicC I musMinn s'somi'ar-ii helm... Isn' Xlmnms i loss [am'setmmf' Lessimg ro'soitotl aIitmssmmg IpicureO f- th use riodl Isucceding'hli" e Svenis Sar' war. ortsrymng "te-so sldlly irisms sle soo madl hd -rosItoshichif h 'ad irotducesdiisel ecalithIsvicthories ssf Frederick 11. _Lssisg's silfein relass lasd affisoslothilotire'best oiirfinmify tos colect the infor1mtion 1roqniiresfor ''Missna svomstain isielm: "TimeDramaicoTechn1quof'. Minssa v(11 ltarslms soil iso"te siict of lUr. Carl P1',1 ggrt ins XWodnesday April 22. Asoa fiishslet idrimtm ic rodlsstul, Miisn111v1o1(11 i 0llhlOmoanslfsilst aionlg Germsamn comes: he'IwIo slsle'dama is distingtishledl ill 05ety pa11r0ifi111 fr tse ihoouoghnisss of is concep tinl 111( ths.cael andI1(11rti (silo0execution(((of its Pool. Mxin X mker.,hstof th Ge- ((aill toepartmoent, ssil dl15'00te 1(st lectsurcsf limoseris oo .ThoosO-Is' 'iscuf 2.-is sll~t helnimg ;"Te Noisosm JI lms 1(1(t1 f 'Slimraomoasa0(1 lilmidl(1 oIlis coedlsy l.05i1g b reselliclI chltomlml(rhl 01)00 hif0 amslliberat'esd leem sonam n o fross tie sasish'iuiifaioo of theso Ps o10h; Th'oss" Minmma vsoso farmhelsn" ms .1a1ra- tionl d tram~a, its caracters iissgtyme-si florna (ls (11(0 1111'of thecms-111(0to itmo the seati sale for this 1110y -segsat Xair's' bsohk store omn Stog stret-Taes (1(y ati 4d 1..:,iands ill escontinumoel. d sil thereafter, except duinhg vcatoll foim 4 10 6 p. iTh'le priesare '15isfollows: Parquse. $.0, 75 cnts:%'bltonsy $i 00 ,50 colns; galery, 3) eeds' ox setm, $1..yo. lese and0 1111by a set of Lynons 2. for 25 cemnts eolored posld crds ( thi new views). t-v -10Dou 'ICUNITHAT FOR 10- Cents YOU CANBUY A Students' Telephone Directory * 'That Will aVe on dollars wvortim of time in the next three monss WTAHR' S Unaiversity Bookstore B.[.ARIU[M Law and Medical Bookseller IMPORTANT LAW AND MEDICAL - BOOKS iighy's 111i11505 of t~e tiwof s tioal ro..."ey - - - '- $3.00 Oammleiscin's Eli1 ot '151 am's LtirusI 15 erO' - $3.00 Nit'ining".Oll((lins' lslia Propelrty; - - - - $1.00 lilsloiss lhireclihshand m >cs. Ch>nn~ilaActidmss.'- - $.00 Bisiesos's rinsimss ' nl hiord - -roll. - , $12.00 l1lylols Theo;;oryatl ideco. $2 00 .tep h<Uvenlngn Mmne. Erhentine Sohuman-Heink, -Contralto 'Wed. and Frit Eve info4 Mi-n Janet Spencer, Contralto Fri. Agtenoonand Sat ventig Mr. Edward Jaomnon. Tenor Thor, Fri. sod Sat. Evenings Mr. Claude Cunningham, Baritone Saturday Ev'ening Mr. Earle G. Kileen, Baritone Saturday Evening Mr. Hierbert Witherspoon Mass Thursday and Saturday Ev'entngs Mr. L. De Mare, French Horn Friday Afternoon Mr..L. L. Renwich, OranityEvng Season Tichets (unrenerved) $3, Seanon Ticketn (reserv-ed) $4, $5, $6 For Sale 'at Soho.1 of Must*' The Students' Lecture Association Brander Matthews, April 6 Sinigle 'Admissin 50 Sc Gov.-John A. Johnson, April 30, *ifrgi. Adm~swion. a- -soc The Students' Lecture Association, il_, 121 Washilugton t. The Randall Studi ~~i~1A~ Pr~p~prnn,& - Phone 598