Th ihigaDily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1908. VOL. XVIII. NO-.z-40. FRESWD I. S. MET Of>J1RS TONIWSf Ptep Team~ Arrives TPhis-Noon- Torrey anad Crg Will 'Not Cpee--encgv*s -'iked. Detrot:Utoierity shool pretend to bentvr:hpf~l-eadn~oigtsmeet, and perhap they haven't mntch reason to. e so, b at ty rate they will pt p 'a good fight for the big end of the score. With Craig and Torrey out of the, mneet, the .-freshmen will e ma- terially weakened-in te hurdles and te high jimop, hbut aside fom these events the local teanm is as strong ao egpected. Benrook atd Honerlave te shot- put ntl ed, ht there is tnoo third a etred on the fresman teat, so the lDetriters. are certain: of one point in the :event. Knickerbocker, D. U. S. director, has practically, decided not to hae Mills. en- ter the s-print. HeI i fast in the hun1- oleol but a slows' starter,, and for this reason will proaly e reseret for te longer runs It is up to the Spieges to win points in the dash, if 'the res are, good for :any. H'orner and Kek ough.t to score in -tis distance, .Roth eing fast starting, and ;good till the finish. TIhc D)etroiters are strong in the hu- ies, Schram and Spiegel toing prct. tally certain tot score, ut Iorner is e- teedi for tte freshmen. ad:fight ropo1 away witht first hotors. Hes the only mntonlte first-year trout swho' lhas mtade good in te hutrdles this sprttg. Ball,'at-oldID. U. S. haf-tilr, orih disptte the tmile witt Hatnevat. Ttis is te first time that HallI hasero op tosed to his old prep teamnouate atd lto till make. -tbi effort to defeat te rec- ord hoder. His excellettsowitg it the fres-sopt tteet ittlites :te fans toward belief itt his chance. to owin. Beck is schedtled to contest the qar ter witlt;Mills, the old Windy City star attd Bgtllatctet will tovt tooppose Bir and ,latotevatt itt te half. Witt Torrey oot, tle'higl joup wil troably go to BoHl'awkits. Otly two freshmen are entered ithlis evet. The are Smith and 0 -er,.bth of whnn have placed io meetheld this spring. Hawkins is also down for the pol vault as the University :school star, hu againt' Page and Sauer he hant mut sow. As is ter case ,in the jump an' sotot however, D. U.. S. is certain tF score, for, ony two freshmen Dare eto tered for the vault. The prep .team will arrive in town a to'clock and go at otter to the gymna sium to lituer up. 'heomeutr, will egin promptly at } o'clock atd-the admission wilthr '.2 centts. Followitgare the frshmatories Slotput-Benbrook, Horter. 35-yrdl dash-Keck, Homner, Goet Wright,.:Mdison. 4-yad low ltudls- Horer, Smit Hammond. 40o-yard igt httrdles-Hornr, Han motd. 44o-yartl run-Keck, Martin, L j H all, Simmons. 88o-yard run-I.. P. all, Martit, I R,Snitl,Mikesel. Mile rt-C.°;I. BHall, Clapin, He Smith. ,' - Higho jump- Smith, Oter. Pole vatlt-Satuer, Page, .PtItNTi7 S C II :S . ( I- rm i crystallizeotfoormsothat snakes themotbeneo- 'tiil or whoethoer obey are valuoale solely on0 toccout ofotthor iosiglot giveno ty thoem inoto the fife of Oboe people. "If sooch isG bloc caose," hoe concluded, "moore "hetoficilth results maoty I1w' obtlainedolfromonthor choosei studty of thor Enoglish class'ics. -Retohit' anod Rutin'," 110antddress by1 Oitto C. IttoIrcktvardt, oafthoe Utnive rsity' odealt witho thoe failoure of thec sigh school orei nls ogv h toet tooequoate apphreciaton of the Enoglisho classics.' He examinoed 25o0 fesoosesoits. lois classes foor thoeir idheas of litertuore,1 toot gase Oboe resoolts. "'blo average stoodeont," toe saoys, "cato talk floenotly sootetotooot write lois' otoglits. H th insks onloy of msateriol facts, atool ooes toot see bloc connooectioon tot literatoore wsth everydaty omatters. bligh schoool s'root 0 taughtt tolove of thor classics, toot hoave striveon in doefiaonce 'of thoe itoclinationos andh natuore of thse stoodenots too force thsems to accept certaino standoards tont criticisoms. Thorfoortouitoos seoqooeoce of thor classics iso thor bigh schtool cotorse does toot apipeal to thoe studtenot anod itnstills toothy tooisgoost foor toll literary tasks." Mr. Sherpherod, of Michigano, spoke of the psychoological aspect of thorteaeching of literttore. The fact that the teacher omotst start wsith the basic knowlerdge of the ptuilanod swork top from that by tossoociationo of itdeas, was emsphasized. Prof. Btliss, of the Dectroit Univeroity schsool conocorreth wills Mr. Marckwarlh toohotObe futility of ther tsual otethods tofth slrtoody of English. He blamed the botch of contlinumity iso teachoing anodturgedl that chidren toe led to a love of litera- toore. At the conclousion of the moeting Mr. Bliss spooke iso praise of Prof. Scott's suoccess iso broadeninog the Enoglish re- qutireinentso for college entrancre, in New York recently. PaOF. 101000000 ON "MIHdItAN VISHtS."° "Parental Care of Michigao Fiohes" waso the susbject of an isterroting lecturr givens by Prof. Jacob Reighoard yeoterday 'afternoon before the S'choolmatotero' chub, iso Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Colored lanterno slides helped to make the lectore entertainoing as well as instructive. Prof. Reighard took up several speies of the donoestic fishes of southern, Michigan. The sunfisho, baso, do'gfiash, and brook' fobh whicho are all familiar its this part of the state. were shown and their habits explained.; Theri.smanner of breeding was the chief topic of discusoion. Atn interesting fact in this connection, was that. thermales are, thor ones, who watch the eggs and guard 'the brood of youmng aftr the eggs are hatched. The. annual ebeetion of officers for the O Cratorical association will hr held this noorboisog between 9 and so o'clock, in SUniversity 14till. Any-,man hoolding Ite season ticket will be albowed to vote. if any kindollist's toyitsttotn ivineo'righo. 'sheno a 001000imaogitoes tat.fathbrests to somo oictomo of sotomo'chouochb,toot whinthblat odictoom is disporove'd, esery- thinog goestoy the or ardom . Maoty a manot is shoipwor'cked'nthiIis sooy. ''bRightl lore in a tutivorsitylikthbis," Or-. iBloch conmtinuedoro.inutgitngOheo'stilt et hoomoe, "is whoere rigioom slohol fouroisho,if aonywhlere. tolanonevrs cata or ini soociety oviotoutreligion. ho is toot 'eligiomoor totreligiono. 'When religiono disaopears.,Oboe countotry tperishoes. Ma- teriaol protsperity is noot istory;loistoory Obote histoory of thetas. of idrools, tot coos- scienoce,-ino othoer woordls, religiono. If Amero'icai is not gotintbo stando for someo- thing ito religioto, thenotAmoorica amoutnts boo otothitog. 'Take Saint,swhoere Mohtis- tnedantos totnco' hidbtisionos. 'heore Ohio Fjoest workcts of thoat countotry is Oboe oandoi- swotch ofthObe i\ltttrs. Cross Oboe strait moto nuorthoernm Africao, swhore bloc Moors still aro'. 'They moonoger hoave visionos; tory stor etrishmeodeveon omateriaolly. "Thorchoill tot dobt strikeso every younoog otato, andmo wto'oftemwsocoeeOboe tragedhytot a manobeoitng crooshmedo wnhoss to lois ottnrenvironmooento. 'Ibis stage sreems to tobetootinevitabolerore. We bobk forward to sonme gooldeot age far in the past anod too somer goldn age away its the fotoure. 'This is the day of the Lord. I wisho oer lad the vusio to see it. You oboistthlinkh enough; inmagiue enough; orecamnoutgh. Thois is the choi of the tLordh. There is too other day foor youo." WOMEN HOLD BANQUET IN B3ARBOUR GYM TONI[GIT Fotor huonodrect Michigan womenoandc Presidenot Angell will attenod thor secondo annuosal Michigan womoen's banquet at Bfarotor gymnasiums tonight. The cc- ceptioo will begin at 7 o'clock and the banqoduetaoott8. The gymnasilums will toe decorated in yehllow and blurehaunting and class colors, amid attractive programs will be giveon for souovenirs. Part of the enotertainmooent with be tarnished by Oboe girls' glee clot, hcoich will lead its thor singing of college songs and will also sinog some other selections. Mrs. Cor- orbit Hulst, of Grando Rapids, is to be toastosistress, toot the toasts will hr giveno by President Angell, Mtay Baker, aond Ruth Andbersons. 'Tle tickets have all beets solod, 430 itt all. 1HIowever, there is a possibility that a few msay be returneod; threfore, anoy- ne swishing to get one with perhaps boe able to obtaino it frono Dean Jordban this morning at Barbotur gymonasiumo, or by calling nip Miss Kathoerine Dotuglass, the general chsairmoan of Oboe banqooet com- noittee, at 1278i-J. Reprcesntatives of the differenot lan- iguage clubs orbb nerO Monoday t 4, in Room y, Tappan Hlall, ho discuss the proposedl joint otoodeville perfoormncse. K A