THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Ice C ream Soda 5 cents All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate Soda 10c with double portion of lce Cream E. E. CALKIN5, Druggist. 324 South State Street. CALENDAR. Apri 3-11he Experintental View- po11in i lihniisry," Prof. Alexander 'smith I. . of C., physics amphitheater, p. im. Puhbl iiitetd. Apr il 3 -Anatiysisof Soap Ilark." Proif. W. S.Ieavenworth', O0isetrol- lee,(Itetntcii lahoratory, 1:30 p. IIt. Apil13-"Parental Care of iMichigan Fihes." rof. Jacob Reighard, Sarah Casnwelf Angell I fall, -- p. in. April ,-Approxiinations. antI Ap- proimaiitliont Processes in Elensentary ,\latltematic,"fProf.'. If.1I-ledrick, .ini- "ersity of 3lisouri. A\pril 3-"Sfan inl Test-N oriway," il- lustratedl. Prof. MI. S. \V". Jefferson.,tof State Normtal rolle e, in lecture room, writ eal of Phystical lboratory, 8p . in. April 4-ichigant \Vomen'' tbanquet at Blarbour gitnasitnt. :pril 4-Pharniacy departmienttban- qlit at lUnion clubhouise. :'\pril 6--Camping t ptiaItrty at Nenw- tHll. 7:30 P. Il HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every -color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS i AMU5EMENTS The Largest Stock of Eastern Made MORRIS CANOES IN MICHIGOAN IS AT 81 HIENDIRE AVE., DETROIT Phone N 1937-L for appointment or call Saturday between 7 to 9 P. M. Thirty specially furnished canoes just received. Cheapest on the market (quality considered). G. CASS LIGHTNER, Ann Arbor Agt. 719 S. Thayer, Phone 981 J H. R. CORSE, Western Sales Agt. 66 Westminster Ave., Detroit Over 150 in use on Detroit River. New Whitney Theatre BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 SATURtDAY April 4 MATINEE AND NIGHT 'IHE BIG MUSICAL RECORD BREAKER JOS. M. GAITES PRESENTS JOHN Lo KEARNEY hI RIChard Carlo's Mu~sical Triumph THE MAYOR OF TOKIO 50 - PEOPLE - 50 Prices Matinee 25, 500 75, $100 Prices Night 3 5c, 5 Dc, 75 c, $1.009 $1.50 SEATES NOW ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE UNIVERSITY NOTICES Tlryouti for taudiill~e sh oolfth Co. einty Iair, Satutrdati, April 4. at in i.m., Roont C,. Univeriity Hall. 'he girli' isetioni of the Jiiiior I~etit- icrVereiti will meet thisevenimiga wih \li sCmmeroiiat 1247 Wasllenaw are- Repliesenitatives if tedif lferentilaim gtiage clubswit i 1inecitMndtay at 4.,in (icon 3;. Tapipan Ha tll, to discuis the priopisiidijoiiil,, atuieille perforumance. I3. J. l)eitiiaii, iflDetroit, wiii atddres the I nigimirittg society ttiiighit, on "Te IDetrnit Etdison Ciompanmy'i Pltant." Mr. I.)eitttatisichiief electrical etigitieer for lie 1)eroItEiisoein ciiiipaityaiid this senmes ter has. charge if Pritf. J. R. Al- len's classes. while Prof. Aillenu is away iin leaveiii abencite. NIO)RRIS CANOVS-The btest canoe bitilt. See C. CasLightnier abiout theti. 7r9 SoitutThtayer. Pthontet981h-J. 40-3 Since 1858 we have made Watch Re- piinig one of our strongest fiatures. HaIlers Jewelry Store, 216 S. AMain street. ed j SU,.\t PIER EPI Pit Y.\iNT. Te best siitier propotsitio-the Scaroiroiught propocisitio. Call this after- u1ontotiSaturday. Jtamtes &13ositer. _}4t Scuthl Fifth avenutte. See our complete line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. Hailer's jestelry Store, 216i S. Main treet. eod 'T'HESIS DATE APRIL i5. mlake a dale wit Jolliffe & Kilamilier at once Inc typetwriting yottr thtesis, and ince gettinsg in oin timte. Alcove Co-np. 130thphtoites. eotd-tf See our coumplete line of Michigan pint, fobs and souvenirs. Hailer's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. eod Ret a Kodtak, toe a due. Lyntdn. tf FRATERNITY HIOUSE FOR RENT -Large htouse suitable for fraternity or cltib, oitsNocrth Division street; inispec- ltit ivietd. Dre. A. J. Hall, Lastrence butildling, corner Fouthiatenne antd Ants street. Bfell photie 758. 37-44 The nattiest and most approved fash- ion, faultless in ,finish, reasonable and seasonable. Stein-Blo ckClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THE ACME OF STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCIIMITI, APFEL & CO. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Hoserry Day at HOAG'S Anty pair of stockings in our Store at 34 tse regular price. Our stock is otne of the most complete, ranging in price from 10c to 50c Buy hsosery Saturday atid save 25 per cenit. H OA G'S, Cor. M~ansad Wishifntosn He Thte gri"d t iriltitis of the el,1sset ia1:le o i easy. It's titt ssersm l. tebs. ft-henly asm- .Titi'pat. eetis are lely ilat5Clujp gal-teernsetw, eelttstee-vari- s th~e i-io. 2W j - Ey e ety enoughitosatisfy thew w.1 ear hem. The ear s ar c ie t'l l-plateid beast. I You Cannot Get Strength from I unless you supply ma- terial for repairing b muscular waste-fo r replenishing the energy expended. The humanl engine must have fuel. . Strength comes from a nitrogenous food that is easily digested. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT is rich in the proteids that repair the daily waste of tissue and nerve force. It contains all the body-building ec- mnents in the whole-wheat grain, made ~digestible by steam-cooking, shred- ding And baking. No process has ever been devised that N-i1l1niilte ne ots or corn as nutritious or a, easily degesteil as whole wheat-the fnod of the human race f'or 4,000 years. A breakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CUlT with hot or cold milk or cream will supply the energy for a whole day's work. TRI SCUIT is the same asthe Biscuit, except that It Iasoompressed-Into a water and Is used asa°a-TOAS&T-for any meal,, instead of white flour bread. At all grocera. The Natural Food. Co+ !J I I Webb's For High GradeCade feI r~,Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 19 S. faim. St. "onad tolacco-kept fine," our motto. Bfrokeni goods and kept "right" in thou case-. antdbulk goods are kept in two large store rooms .especially designed antd arransgecd. SI.LLIARD)S, BOWLING, LUNCHELS. CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. ' z S. State - 311 Maymerd MO'S B ARBER SHOP I") North University Ave. 0. A. MOF. NIAGARA FALLS, N.' T. "ITS ALL IN THE SHREDS 1 1 _, NEW FILMS THREE TIMES A ,WEEK T~E- .C A5I-NO0 MAIN * T W 3ET HIGH CLASS . NTERWAINMENT