THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burcihfield & CO. EAST1H ST. BEST STOCK OF C IGARI4S IN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 12(0 B. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. "IND)ECISION IS FATAL," It is at practical issac. Will it lie said SAYS DR., HUGH BLACK of its, after all the Christian centuriesc, -- Ye nwitl not coitie to inc' 'The Hlabit of Indecision" was the _______________ subtject of Dr. Hugit Black's sermon in SEA' IOEI IIYLS Y:.I.E \ A the Congregational churchs last night. SIX TClhl) 1 Thtis svas the fourth of the series. The 'IELA CIIII)E tifth and last wil he giventthlis evetting tottiyseio isatnlda at 7 o'clock itn the sante place. siioiker it she licliig-ais Unioni last tight. IndcsottdD.Blc,"Ste ost fatal flaws of character. I dwvell 'The affair seas inifiirmial. 'isi Clancy upons it hecause it is also the weakness swas chiisein toastimaster andisi nifiirmial of oar day antd hecatuse, itt ass ittellec-. toasts wecre restiiinieditolby tieniriof the tital atinosphere such as see have here, it is oar temnptatiott. The moail of his-- tort' is strewnt with the wh~itettitngtosses of tho~se sthIo tare fallen hy this fauilt. It is the explanaotion oif almsost esersy fMusic afl rarna suiddieit catastrotphe ire read if.Ga ________________________________ risnantic tov-elists say that these hsappten biy thleiteitace of sitildenttemptation. A cOiPiNI i- " ii sisis iscissi.. imoral catastristphe neverthappenaedt in The iaiiia ICo]iiilisiicitarr recital sttch ttwsay. Is is always tir result if givens by iinmsi of' iithe fcltii h tonsg-coiitiiiued nmoratl decline. Schl tof \lI sic to tieS'chlmiliasters' 'That our age is an age oif transition cliiiwsii veni i steirdayliaft eriioiin is at caits thrase that is in every mithiitiIt lilSchliiha ll. :siiiuieiiiii n ap anii wsitht whtichtI 1have little Ipatience. irecit iii audiiiinieslicarut inescellet The wsorldl is alwrays init apriscess if prograimHlilefi cl1by Mrtsi teo-irg-eI ctransitiotn, soimietimtessmnce abirupt t tsnElseaitpaniiisitiiiid itiss ILeila .aln it others. It is trite that thisis onessoprano. ' tstii it lyitniis'isas, as if the abiruipt tithes. Everythsingsshichuisualit tes esti ii' inisliedtiiid artistic. soit fathers helsacreid is ini the mings'Hitss C' i "aitwelaot rtly list. We hare gotten iintiithe tabutito pestediIsher seers Tietproigramsis-us hlintip up ir msins isspteiisesswatt- huh idthle Soiiiii.i OpI loi 'o. 2,.o iiig fur tpriiif iefore seenstture a jtitl eliethvthiii re iue ChIitii oiiiiSet iiiiuiii uenit. Esvcit scienifiic siani, esvcrisbisi-5aiiiloiiii 'itcii iiiii It iiiiilies ,liss tFar- 'iess imans,ihis to suspstendiis juiigimentit inisangii 'ii iiti's i s Sarii Roe"alo 'There is alsoiittciie'siispentsioniii iii Judgengsiit inireligioni. Ithissbeieis iiptar t iTe ' iii Pro ispiector," iii'iheNiw if imy funamenaisital tiasis ini these lec Wiineyilast it lery ecii ices. that see hare gut tii sepsarate slit iciaiieiditaisit wa s lthetiesti"en-we essence ifthiiigs fronistiheforsu Iin husogse hr i l tisse. deteuy the sight of antyoiieitii force asicIti priieid tibeoiiiis te melowetus toi itdecisiiiis upoinquiestions if chiiichtirelos iiiiii Chlic"risi theiheri - tsscrsnmnst,-cif diictrinse,iir sif cieie.u is t roei Dityliiwl," it d 1 it religios--religiiiiias itistincet froni I i iii iiiIt l, t ir. \ttie Pekins tic forms i nlhichsit is. embiodiedi . BigtODwl-i aal t iiit oine iof those thin~gs up~onii sich youiisis I.are it right toisutspenit jiudgmseiit. Yoiu- sui't see sihere 5to drawe the lhne.. Ini t 1 Sf 'Ircsterssic iniiset swithliels. thiiigs ofiinitellect yiiiiare juistiliedin ii 5