THVE MICHIGAN DAILY TH IE MICIGAN DAILY. innitmedialte personal connection. With it? _ _ _ If indeed such a group he indulging their 1TP1~favtorite paime of political mniputatioii G.H. LTu ofipll ; 1lata rn g eitolr-AnCita.R I cHI .in amy departmnit, eeery fair-minded _____________________________ Business Manager-C. E. WINtSTEAD. 1111 in old reco~gniizeit todiehrits idtty .. ' .:,...i-t expose th e iriees and1 to over- Our Spring 1908 ble of fine- DTORS a heimthileii at the tolls. This is -err-. Neins. ........Hiram S. Cody tai1nls not consonan11 t witha the* lofty no- Imported and Domestic Atltc. . LeeA White tnl.o niia i~yi cihta _____________________________ xcliange. Ii..... . John WVanmhold liii versity was stutratedl a short linac N-usic and Drama ....Roy 1). Welch sine. it is certainty lnt consistent with Wmn'ttEdt5 eitor. ... Louise Van Voorhistheii stattd a College 111n11huldit take 011 W O E SEDITORIAL STAFF siiehiquestions. We "hope to see thr J.W.Mcanles lmr . daseleetions of Satuirdaysnot ol 0l Aaslarge votic, intticatintg a liar camoputs inttt NGTEDITORS terest in lhe organizations involved, btt Is now ready. It includes all (Gcoige IH. Hohart Leonard C. Reid a voteI that stall ittdicate 1)y its results the latest Novelties, Shades Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams thte exsisteite It 'liehig ar of a large and Up-to-IDate Patterns in Raymond Visseher 1 itty of indueptendtents tvoovote as thtey thtittk and no tathe heck of the first Moose Brown, REPORTERS poesoa oiiir h sste Caribou Tan, M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott le es 111 lfte~l i i sste I 0 mA._ -Tin1t... nhsri Mr11. ~ rfur their sttfrage. Leathner Shaue, Grays and Fancy Blues. Youir patronage respectfnlly solicited. G,.fH. Wild Comfpally 311 Souths State Street A Jersey Vest Biuttouiov V Neck Is just lie garmient to wear these days. Ours fit well, look good and wear well and the price is moderate. Glad to show theiat to yott anytimec. S heehan & Cos., Student Bookstores A. G. e V SPALDINGA'AIA6 & RS gA The Largest Manusfacturers in Elhe World of Official Atleteic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball,. golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Implemesir for Traick and Field Sports Uniforms for all Sparts. Spalding's Handsomely Illustrated Cataloguerof all sports contffaisnu morons suggestions. Seed for il.-It's free. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. New Yorkt,tChicago, St. Lousts, San Francisco, ttinnenpntlis, Denve, Buffalto, Syrase, Pitts- harg, Philadetlftia, Buston, Cincinnti,Balti- sure, twashisn ton, Kansas City, Cleveland, New Orleans, Detroit, Motntreal, Canada. Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft Letnis T. Kiskertn Rohert Moreland Patti Greer Sanmtel H. Morris Otto Engel Fretd E. Gooding Thterona P. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF John F. Worn Carl H. Adam Harol P. Could Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones F.RII)AY, iIllI, 3. poll. poltilI'ilt alciam lt 1he'fontan it is iltle inowl, it ever', itoapplys seitle mosi t imitpotantl liiversity electionis. 'They ' i iidetermttitnetterexecutive s if tile hiieltigiit'isialthe liStidenits' Le tire assoiatin, aitditile fOraitorical iasso- ciationi for tile iiimi-i ear'. Ruoir lls'h tleiof poitical illeansi and 1nthgi t s uittlysuntoorasy tosetttge aieks lit atitnd thecotgitnhati tatd sien ttiler tiofi a ttreu ttscielltttiatt m dIntheiitiex ciermenttao ctih. cm awe deitrecate a systemtiof electiontiwhticht leitds thle slicgttest oatdtt this tatitral teiuetncy itft attimpaigni. The Nitichigatn- ensiain electotral botardl, for istancee, is itadt andil we ace glaid to hieatrof a nina- iiit t recontstruct it frottm within. It lls itself to-lay, tnecesitates-tradiing atid cominatiitions lietweett detpartmentsa, antdi the jonintg together of candlidates not 1oii tle ibasis of ahility but of tpnliti- cal str- rigtli. Thtlndtttier such aI systenm saiffs of capalbility hiave in the tiast teen selectedl sats a happiy accident. buti what shall ave sat' of tint whol make it their pirofesseilbuhiniesi to ied- tile ini ciery toietiical camnpaignt atni stir every tatlitical pot, regardless of their CtOtU'NIT' FAIR COl .hI'I'T E' O)PENS SUITE OF OFFICES A Ihloe tanner. siretiched acrosas State street, anttiotunces tihe Cotutnty Fair futr flayt Ia'ndi2. tProgress is rapidly beinig madite in tile prellrlationsiifor lie event. lTe teecutive comitttee for the fair las engatgedl Roomti 6of the tPress hbuiil- ing, on\l tyilril street, fuir its office.- Herec tile officelhtaurasiwililihefromtoI ft 11. m. daily, btegininig today. The cottillite urges all orgatnizations tot re- tier stils Ihavting ideas for vithier thletair :)r tile' 111111ty Clarui ionae reqiuesteil to Tht woii lving p hc il tgv~ sP es for- the test layinig at- trcinathe lienotsu 1no"Vel Ipatrdetis- tilta' have ik'eeniordeceit aith siltlibe ex- hbtdsottntintate street. 'Tie privilegeittfttiniig '{phntograptht int tie gy'mniasitum it Iihg tie fair iit tie iatardedto itie tightest hbidder'. V1fREIN lthSCLiSS&S Ati a iteetinig ottthe imiens'seetionliof \5reiii hieldf hltsteveiiti thiechieft toicte ti us sioniwas Ltes- sinug''s '":Miint o:ar11 lutrelii'' "whichtis toi its presentedi at thle Neiw \'litmey tile' eveinilg OftAprhl24. Iteetitie tot th v' iadvalsantages, bthuliterary aid draatice.the DIitseltr er c tiiselectedl '''ii vtt oil Ili1 liii its its .innual a thay for *this sear. Hieretoaftore liean Wahlplays lhase always Iteen ive i Sarah Caswell Atngell hull. Nest 'liiesthar Itte tickets gnoion sale at Walir's booktl store ott State- shreet. The priees are $in.00 7,5.o50andI 3,cents. SCANItNAVIAN fCtUt.'B IOASTS OF TWENTY fINFE hX'IBSRS Thle Scanintavian clib, lately fortietd ini thue Un'iviesity, transtactedh its reglarc butsitiess last= tight ini the Altpha Nit rooman. 'Twenty-onie mein are novw ett- rialletd is its mtemtbhershaip. Prof. Swear- itigtit, whIo is 'atteindiig the Schoolasu- ters clb heeling, wais "uniable itill athd Sisteeni setninr its respotided lo thte call for t class mteetinig yesterdhay utter- itig lviote lack of a,ailutit rii.- 'SCHOOLMASTERS RUSHT) AlErTINGS k Cotined fres P"rOn.) o set' whot to clloni.''thesttdentishund lie kniotinii iia poton rther tantu"a pice of carboitar.''Sieakig f the mtethotdI of teaching, Prif, Bird said "I teachingtheapronnciaion I first give-tit those Fretch words that are most iftteni ited itaEtgisi literattre. ThenI tIake ip those from :whihtrBig- ilshwordli ire derived. This gives the pupil ati idea at the latguae lefore the utakntoiwtsiords are strted po.' The conferetnce of physics adadiemtn- itry heltd its secodi sesioia yesteray afterinot at 2 o'clock in tie Physical labortolry. Tet additresses were giveit tatil sie tdissidnihe. fOi the sti- ject tat the tachitg of igt shnl hy- sici to girls, Prof. 11. N. Cute.itt the Arm taAnrtarhigh school. said "'le girls in Aitn Arboratu re is itterested in phy sics. s the oys. Mrever they are tinre ind tustrious adthavte ighrt class recods. 'nlite Slie stubjec Prof. Crhart saidl ''rneit as tswhoele ro-dficiett in miehatnical etotscets. It ties ie is a migty godithliigt each these conicepts toi girls. Teaciting physics i thue est sway'toi(1hothis." trof. E. A. Strng toSietkigtofta Rutitat trd's itvale of Joule's equiaen it teliat. sti,: "Ruiiftrd h'is utittr- ,alliy hatedtmantat ntilthisudisie still 'liings to his mtemoary. Bit it seestato tie lat ie slthoul int lethis iflueice its. 'lTurstonuis sad to ate foutndI tutu' papers leth by' Rntnforel swhich "show'11tha t'swore ut 11jules diivi- tentnearly is accurately s Jute him-'i self fitly years befre joile's iork. if this is trite, it seems t to tat ue slieuiiuhsieakt it 'Ruttifurl's eduiiialet vttthtev thatn tat'Joule's eu'ilet.' 'Wie hu nhle ifiu'uened ib ' tie fact lthtuittoirulhas ibeti discreite.'' AC . Cobbl, ittfLatsig. exlin~iie somiue iterestitg uses Ofthie stp-attchi itt te laotrators.He sadullipartt "Thue stop-wsatch Iis teutl iiderininttg thei hisr se-potwer nf eachsutett. Itaw ' kniowu'tlii' heip'hti ottthe ightsho n the setiglt ot the studuetit.wee etutieasis' aworkS tu(u Iis sutpowteri'biy fiditg te' itte iswhicht le at ii ustius.Ths wigive thtm atclearev cnceptinii if the mdel anig itt hore-owuler." Afitier the adresses a sotrt buiiess -cutuxct. tiRpFssORtuSEtAKS. "I istnry andelGegraphy" ws the su- ectOnutwhici Prof. George Licoti B urtat Crtell uiiversity spoke ieore liii Shoolmiasters' tmeetig il.the ight ichonol auditoriuitailast tigh. ''hat iistorvy hts a relini to cerainu kids of getography is si,hatI the geographical fact that Americta lies west of Euroe is itt lioareation toInhisory. Hisry is'a sciettce that deals iithi the contrete aite itdiidials." The seaker thetolInd nt the kitiss of geography that siere f valuietohutlistry. U. ittAI. SENIORS are requested tt ease their measire for cals atd ons this week itshoit fail ii order tat they get thetitin time teor te sitntg-it. Macik & Cet. 38-0 BO0YS! DO YOU KNOWT THAT Ff111 10 Ce~t~ YOU CAN BUY A Students TIelephone DirectA That will 'sae stia doll tworth of tonhe in the inex thee monthe. WAHR' S University Bookstori Just Received 30 Brand new (never pub. lisded before) Views in el. ored Postal Cards. Amon1 them are- May Festival Concert New Squirrel Card A Beautiful Night Wintet Scene Push Ball Contest Tug of War Swing Out--and 24 others See the new set of 20 New Colored Cards that I am selling for 25c per set. LYN DON PHOTOGRAPHER EPAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 EAsr' LIBERTY STR E liv Hi ASS [S El hasses au v ult s "i a nees'usaay ntisance witit sidntuii a ltett tat ituty wiltiehcesiatuu ye glass thtat ines comfruut atdieie'. ARNOLD'S uadotillwfitknull ont irtahhy ad guarantu'e'results. Quie tepat;:s...Loses (runatd. EMIL Hi. ARNOLD Optical Speeialist uittu WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler t2n Suthit!Main Steers ____._ IVIOI's Furllishillgs The Highest In Quality. The Lowest In Price COp Store MAY FESTIVAL. IRy. Coraagrt' PIsy 13-4-I3it6 THE THOM1AS ORCHESTRA Frederick A. Stuohk, Cuntduetor CHORAL UNION (300 Voices) Alibet A. Staliep, Condsctor P.'ra.Ipm.1 Ckoral WYork "C.reaiion" - Hlaydin "as" - Gotunod Ar'tists Sirs. Corinne Rider-Ifetsey Thusruday nnd Saturdoy Evenings Stle. Ernestine Schtasiae-Seisak, Contraltoi Wed. nndlt'ei. Eventings Miss Janet Spencer, Contraltu Fri. Afternuon and Sali Eveninag Mr. Edward Johason, Tenor Thuar, Fri. and Snt. Evenings Mr. Claude Cuningham,. Baritonte Saaurday Evening Mr. EarledG. illieen, Baritune Satarday Evening Mr. Herbert Witharespoon, Bass Thiursday end _Saturday Erentngs Mr. L. De Mere, French Born Friday Afternoan Mr. L. L. Rewick, Orgnnist Wednesday Evening Season Tickets (anreserved) $3. Se'asoniTickets (reserved) $4, $5. $6 Foe Sate 'ops Schorol p# MIAusl Ihe! Students' Lecture Association Brander Matthews, Siigie Admission. April 6 soc Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30 Simgle Adrmission- -S50 Ihe Students' lecture Association' ill 121 Wash~ngton t. The R andall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 5