The Michigan Daily. ANN A1ROR, MITCH FTI)A X MAA-PliI3,. ce VOL. XVIII. NO. T139. UGH! D. U. S. ENTERS THIRTEEN ATHLETES All-Fresh fleet Promises a Close Contest-Class Baseball Starts -Walsh-Loell in Handball. Superstitios track fans wilt find an opportunity to (ope out the result of the D. U. S. vs. Al-Fresh neet on the hoodoo basis. .IDirector Knickerbocker of the Detroit trctp school stnds wort tit he wilt enter thirteen men in the contests tomorrowi night. The men to be sent are alt good, several having estatlished eniabe records. M'ills, the Morgan Park academy star, woiwnstiifirst in the tondrect. two- twenty, an the qtuarter at the inter- sthoastic meet held here last spig, is io nstrolilstcciat . U. S. mtdsilt con- ete tomorow. There are few tpreit athletes is iti more ensibe recrs than hils, anidlte may ct i eely its the freshsman score. The first-year ment are stonig ill the dstsh, lbtnt particularly soinithe qutate. I this samle umeet Botity IHawklis ted with Dick, of the Mu~skego high, scosol, foncflrst i i thigi atol. te is onty 5 feet 3ihes in Ieight, but he gtuover the ar at g feel 7 iches. Sucti a jumti as this is certaiii t win iim a ateti the etent tmoruiw. t is entered for btisihtirles, the igh jump, the ole alt, and te relays. He is pofiicintill all of these evets. At the itdoor mieet in Detit last winuter 111111 Spiegel atd Sthrattist- lanceit Torrey, the fresmtian star, in the hurdles, high and liiw. AtidHawkins tied with Torrey ii the high jmpl at the same met, at 5feet -2ihes. tattievai, the D. U. S. miiler, hodst thte ituictoigan intursctttsastic rectrd in fileileunit dutc is giiiid for a few points. II It~ will also rnt in the hialf. The prep scootsl is only~ weak ii the weight eent, ut tey may teablie to will~ a place in this, cstceitg it adc sectnd to Benbtriitk aidlHtinner. Alto- gether te mente promtises to be a fast I one aid te freshmen are figlrig ott tirning nell ii full force. Ini order to ave sonic orgatized root- lng tiy the freshmaen, a bltck if seats a been reserved for them aid they are retuesed t tuii out its their fres- maim caps. Special fresh yells have beets arraisgedt andc a yellitaster appointee to lead in them. The folliswing are le D. U. S. en- t ris : Dah-J. Spiegel, IR. Mills, W Spiegel. Low hrdles-R Hfaskinis, J. Spiegel, R-. Schmit, A. Tiley. 11igb hurdles-t. Scsamt, J. Spiegel, R,. Hawkitns. Qarter-milie-R.t Mills. XV. Siege, A. Tiley. tlalf-mile---Seyumor C. Biri,1an- Mie-Haniteti, Seymour, C. Biri. 1Highs jump-R. Hawkins, (G. Smithf. Shutput-A. Tiley, K. Pikel,1.Spie- gel. Relay-R. Schram, W. Spiegel, Ra- \inTilley, R. Mits, J. Spiegel. .ciAsos.ssttiAiLicANttir.Segs t. According to the dope anded out by the various class baseall maagers atd captaitseacteain entered ii the cn- est expects to till away witht themax- pionslip. At this stage of the game, hotwever, Io one enin has sowt a de- cidedtatvattage oser ele oler iiptime ice. Five teams, the in atd ii lit, io atid 'ii etgineers, sind the pharmitis, pt in'their iiila practices tis week. The fresh lit leait, aliays a ark horse ii the rae for chaiipiinshlipIhotors. was irsitpons the grounds. Aitsut thirty mni reported to Manger Craig. I practice several of the meit have shown some imarkeit aility, and if tdoeos not go wrong the varsity teani may pick t en- of itese min for the pgop team. Sleepy H-olow is also used for prac- ticitig purposes by several of ele tens. Flit remuaininlg teamis will commeicee acive iworks iet week,It al, fosrteeii teaims silt emrtincompietitioi- A schedule nill be preared and presetted shortly after vacation. The series sill lit cmmenciit ntili the last swek ill ittrrii1,1. tunic sniiti. ' 'l'itlistg drainctin series of diules in he handbassll tournamnt wat tin iiset nat iigti b- Walsh asiLoell wining two istraight gamies friiii IHoag ad Leid. Iothi if the galieo iithuseinas isee faster andticloser itintld ibeei expetaleidadi for anietiiiie the result aas dobtfuli. otsI,iell adc Walsh were ini reitarkabile fo ndiilwn y the close imargs of 15-14 antI i5-0. The winers of the totrnaientts tins- biein awvardet h le folswitg riibois: Singles-WVash, first:tHiitg seciid; Vaughan. tirid. Diubttles-sWalsiatd tLiel, firs; IHoiag atnd Leidy, secund: VauighaiatnttLelfugset, thui. GIL S ARE ON EDGE OIVER COMNG INDOOR tMEEF;' With the pssssbilitiy of a woertls rec- ord being broken, machs interest is beitg shiowniaimoing the givls ii te aniutal itdoor meet whtich occurs inet Tuesday iight at 7 :30 ii Barbour, gynliasiumtt. The high jumtit especially is the event abottiichs-il the itterest centers. Miss 'Emtily Strk, si seior metic, bid fair lto establish ai wurd's recoru, if ter wrkthin practice countts fr muh. Se tis cleared d feet 2 1-2 inctes repetely. swticht is only half aniich beow the best womansmi itark. Miss Margaret Turner, tolder of the recori in te ,iiot- put1, wilil try hard InoIspas te riisark of 211 feet. A 3-yarit dash, cmpetatitive ti-risoni the rings, anit vaulting are otecr Iea- tres. Probabty the most1 exciiing eveits of the eeting wilt be the relay races which will teu last on te prograim. The for speetiest sprinters ii their respective classes will take ptr. PROF. STANLEY JAUNTS FROM VIENNA FOR MAY FESTIVAL Just nat for the May Festivat'tias tProf. Stanleys slogati as te reached Ansn Arbor yesterday afternon. Why should't it te his slogai, swhen tetis come all te way from Vieisma to take charge of the festival? Mr. Stailey tis beet absent oii leave alt of this year. Ile has beeii in seeral "Europeaii cities, Berlin, Vienna, and otubers. He has come at hist tite to comptete preparations for the May Fes- tivaeanati to direct the performances of Ithe choratsorks at the festival. Hle w sil return to Europe late ii May tn rejoiti his family. STATE EDUCATORS BREAK RECORD 1 Unprecedented Interest in Con- ference Draws 1,000 Persons to First General Session. Onie thosndiistpsesrsostndsed the firrt geiiera.l sessioisosithtie Schooslusias- ters c hisichii wsnheisn UnViivetsity Hll ysterdanyminilg Thsistxesstl t- recrds sitfomiriwisls sit osli an1 iiiihitsuhtin ss iiteret ith ssiiife- Flit generaltiopi fr isciussionihhwtis 'Fornual Disciplinin iithe Li--tt sitVioi- ern Psyholoigy." hiPsit.3Ja isRI Ag-- eit. si theslitvsersty it Ciii.go, s Isi isis foiriiirly oilthe ffsisltysof tisi- lu versity.tilspke on "huttBeariing o Iei- eril Psycholuogicali Pricipitls pniii Docterune of Formal hDiscitsin. th4is adiss as esfoloisedi byvta tfPrui. W. I.tPillsburmy, of le seprteti of psythology oii fifects f ECea Traiinig i u icinoltry....Triniiiig i Stiecial Siibjecs as Relatd to Geueftl Iitelignice andtuCapacity' uasihlbstopic- treaeid li- lPrf. Charles I. Jddi, of Vale. iitesediscsisniiichtutoltowised these addiresses the treituoftisnliioiniwss in favor of trinnhg ii stecial suijects s biteneicial to gener nitligsii t. lurof. t1. J. CBartoh's lls-tosmakelu ele first yas oitnisredng mt-oore interestig iiistuidetitswisnithic lentir -of yesterday aftrnoon's sessiont of the Schosolmaustrs cli tSrauhi Csetll -Aiigell hHat. Prof. IBartonus sfrusinthe Univsersity of lliniiois. His lecture was ous "Lathn aitu the Douctrite of Lests- Resisaceanth his suggestionu was to give puils- sore itersting boks to readthinithlieist-syears of the [sLati Prof. J.IH. IDrake. of XIiclog-mi, lre sided ststhe sftecioonusesssioin of thus classical coniference. Steceosticonitltc- tunesss-ers-delied csil Pr icicipal Gergs- . Swnu, hsty- City- high schooli, "A Visit t the 'Battsfielsos.t Caesrin iiGaul. 1Rgyp ansIby- Prui. .X. Sipley- Vsashiingtsons uiversity "'Fle Rotmassn Campii of Snnhhuurg : Its Reuuiis amdi ts Restorations," Prof. bWalter lDenisoin, of Michigan, lectuired on "A Proosed Visit to the Battlefields of Caesar us Caul, p0," ansdlhProf.Sileydiscusis-est "Soe tui ustiosRela-tihng tus lsteVMsann- scripts sit Livy.' k1l-Viu ('osit s-s--u its- 015515TOAY. Tindey tilt geeraisscsionussit the Schoolmtasters clitwill cuuntitue sith three meetings. Fle first isill be at p o'cloiin llthe 11igha Shooul auitorum. Fle genersl sublject siill 1bt " Hisoy ii ue Schools.' Fle adrlesses isill e folloiwedh by asineuotsssmletig. lTe secondsl ieettig silt be at 4:45 P. li. its Btarbourgymnasssiumus. discprogramn isill conssist uof youn~g wsotel'- cases in gymastic udrllsasiutu askissetbal ganue. It wil he oteus to memb-iehrs of the cu. The third metuucing will be hlde at S p. nm. ini Sarahl Casiel Agel Hatt. Thiswi-lith1ta juiut sssionu of the clsssical auth usodtern laguage ou- fereittes. Prof. MasuriceIfuitton, of the Universily sit Tronti,wivil give an as- uressonit"Thre Wit andut Wisdomutsof 1-erodotus."- -The mtodernt language couerence will continuue with as esion ill Room C, Uni-i versity Hat. The caircmasnu iill he Prof. Miax Winklser. The confecutce of physics amd cem- istrywi-itthold its last session at 1:30 its the Chemical laboratory. Pof. B. W. Pee, of the Michigan State Novma college, isill act as cbsairmn. The msatematica conference witlhost iti fistnmeeting at 2 o'clock in the let- fure room, Tappan Hall, with Prof. C. 13, Williams, of Kaaanzo, as chair- The history esferencec will met at 2 p mum in thie I-ight Sholtohaditorium. Puof.sf Falt . Dow wil preside. T heEnglishs conferencee will host its munatsessionu at 2 ocock ma Rooumo C3 ofi thus ight shool. Mssr.CornelatI-hll, ofi GrlandusRapiu, millsgnbethueai- A. iit coniferncee ottbiulogy tatu sienc tilts ihngisill 1st helu at 2 p. Iu. in Sais-hiCasiwecltAunget llsll. The shir~uumaim sithle Ptrof. S. L. s-slgrs. tf Ypiianti. Th'e cismuuercisl cinfeec sill tutd its fist sessionuit ita:3ts1) . it.ntsthe hihI schuool, with Presidenut . N. Fe- ri, if lug Rsapids, sis chasirmantu. Tfourty-thirdl te eting it the Schooiul- materst ' ctutbendu sihlia short sesuuon Satuurdaty uumings sith cinuferetce sf theusucommeurcialh teachers. i CtII H~t ENSI.AN ELECTIO)N OICCURS SATUR-DAYXV1\IOyININC [h lction of stndenit mtetbles dli the- l irhigniitsianitboarduuof conturoslisill us heldl tuohmhrowsvfrui t o dir2, ii Roomt C, Uniive'rsity- IHal. 'Twvs isi-u tre to ibe ciuosein fruoimteichtsitthis juhhiuhrlitri ary-. sts- -andt enginingtii la ts-s, onei from iithe mm'dictan thionesftimttheidental, joitlyantuwio inembieIrs frtm this- ft ternitites. Thue electiotts arue hliby theivarious huior classes. The frst-nity electiuin siill he felduby hty ebsmuembuers sit this ears hoaisrdtsitcosntrolt muttall Iboatidol -iiosar l-ceigible tohs'tefori-this-cai- diats ut thueir respecie clssses. Theue candtitdait-ss uts-u h uecuteinuuusuuceth irs- is tfllowss- Litersry-J. I'. Kenny, C . Agnewis, A. IE.Meuer, B. I. Veddue. Law-Robuert C. PMurchi; . . 1Hey ironu, Floyd Oltds, A5rthuri Clarkes, Swvsan Liskoihu, 11. A. sMyer's. tEngitietiig--J. X. O'De, H. A. Ll euie-- ''.ID. Cosrsdou, RIf.ItKatrkeete. AndtirewnStsanksa. Denitalt andulothers -H.-C. Lockwmooud, A. I1. Atkinsotn. Fraeriitis-G. il. hDsuvuuk, A. S. Brohreliad., hDonalduh iller, Arnim ickIfel. IThe tenstudnustitmeumbuhers rof thitsbsuar, withithitwoiusfauily muemibies, silt cse t'hets'mainaugitg esitor sandlusi its-usnuger fromtuhe juihrs is-lst re illsw in the rac. I. ID. M\organt,'op,. L. C. Ridu, 'o9p, and M. IB.MVclug, 'op, re ctsivel-y prmssing their cainss for hhanassging editor, mnd X. .M1 Catty, 'op, Chasoucey S IlBucher. 'op sitd o. I. Ihsinituiue, 'opi are iin hesfiel fr busri- nitss manasger- INtINIERINC SCCIEiTY I,:],1CCTS COFICES 'FTODA\Y Eleciont usf officers t thet Engieering shociety sill behuelsh1thday. The follouw- tg is sa list f nhhmuinatihhnsu:Preidethu, . C. Blalock, I.1-1. Norton, . . Hasruumn; vice-presidete, L. D. Goddtasrd, X. I.IBuriy; recordng secrtary, IE. IB. Nisiurer, If. C. Scket, X. . Shakle luons;5correponiniig secrtary, X. . Gcrnusuuut, G. A. jessoph, . M. Zeder; treasnurer, R. K. Mtuchaster, J. R. Pis-u bertonu, . . Posselins; libarian, F. S. Pasckard,Don Tyle; registrar, X. II. Kornascher, I.X. IRankin, V. Terry; chairman Technic board, S. 13. bWigits. SOPHtmt ITS XILL HOCLD) SMOKER Al UNION The sopih lit class decided yeserday to hoslu a class smoisker ext Wednesday eveting in thin Union clubose. Charles Good, Julian Benijain;itath Lewis hranes sere appuointeduto take casrge of the enteraiiments. Manatger Ellioit cattish the frst ptnist of the class basebal teamn for Mbonday aftemrsoon. te sal that nueary a score sit mets hattaready signified teir inten- tihhn of trying for 11mm teaisa. Seven of these hselpedh to wiis the championship last year. SCHOOLMASTERS RUSH TOMEETINGS Papers on Modern Languages, Grammar and Science Keep Visitors Busy-Last Big Day. Mrs. CotrnseliamIHut, fCGranditRaistil, 'hasirmanshhofsthfle Englishitcnfserec of 'lie Srtolmatstrs-s' ciu, clledt thinses-t sst t mrryesterdahy at 2z uso'cls.kii IfusuM"t (3 f t high schsosol. 'he first units-uru-siwal unitcitlud 'SiomscPobh- lesuits-mushtssibisiitiues- initim eauscing itt EngishG ramCumar,"ut by hiss Jessit Gregg, Katlamazoo.-s Viss Itreggtcussglip udvoate-uucsuuu h'ipitgt'-elsubjcthroughs its- cnnetion whiii sthuiheve yy lift. ''hits'chuil" nt11a itt, s i'houlduhrmu -ilt his itsstrut itsnhby massuf-Comth pariis-unis ahichuiiIll hiteasi-ly graspedtu indihu ituhivwould couesituin imtstie-scushe of hisunderm'standulig- colege, radt a perhoipilsut Ile .Nucs- sity ofia Reiewhu 5of t Gra ttmmar iithis itighs Schoolus." l"Gtrammari, tidrthu'le ciaed i h iiu'msghisthsit. 'he siuent lis ts- ou muuch udificulty inutppling ut-its- priipltoi th ~etpracica tproblmsuosi rilumlisi mpouumsiini." Thu s' s terI'Isin itherogam wamin "A Chaphter us thise IRemt Hiistry hi Cmglis-imGraimmariii'l'eh'miings," isp biss Cerirsudhe Buck,sit Vassamrustli-ge. Miii Busl uiutusiisuh s-shussm usof telis'mit- tionussitf hehpriuht syscemmoft eachig und upointushlimtueeraltpracical rcm- cuis's. Shlsots'hhiwuedItie iosisiilites sit Enugis-hs s-rammartl ituprstery deuc- irisf. ILcsi. sithideCiivi-r sity uf Mic- is-i llediito hordersItsthi.secondsulsessions of t'mmiehs umod s-slanug:ccnfercic. The metinug wss-sit mistede, estecialy hip shut schomsumistesses, dlhm-cu' being cci-s rosofitthis'omit-toilt uhre'sof uhe s mi. Miss I,. . Vis'lmsmmm sitthis'Detroit- Cenitraltis-gh schooluu, readtuheiru'ltst smndu motdicssd ptier of th esi onut, upon E'h ds'h~lucamuustion iauecofttie IDii's-ti Drylulltis' Me thod iis c h ills--of a Foircigni Lanugua~gu. Shut minI s-ucatmicuhemiteahemtisinofum lauseag- by menes os sf s-ies-ammmlay h s l-samching is-smus- anmutphraisestoith~etputil wsithomt tumy effortstnt his tpar. '"Alhough timi metehodus," shi sa-it,is ntusd esten- s-uel th iiltour countryic,it astprovcd very succes-sful for hepatfiucepuns ini boi thFrancusummiteCmnty BIy i- i pesoatsingti hes' Frenuch ptueo muintheir languagillts-'.tmeupinill heiteetedein i mtss isoristr tlay tuaud iilt endesvuom'to iumitahe ec inmmexuprsstio, voice, mush tacisal actioni. 'limo sytem is- its-t whenthd~e utt1 is st smtnimittis-eagei. hum plmig igammme this'pupiliust tinkt if whatmuhe deirs o extreis,amisthlust multivastes- am large socabuary. 'Toi be cosmpseleud tos memerie a oreignm sit- guns-c cus-tia tt ahmte tfr the lanuage.' n hum "i ducltve XMethods oeahmittrl- ills-FrenichsCratmismr,"Miss- Wigginss-.of Thret Riies, sid: t"Lamu-gc imeupiils shouldnor itt sis-em fs s t hard ruses ini grammasr.Ihi i-sct ut ilustrte thtuses of words amushIlen let the t- ultits formnlate tie rule themmselves. By tis hmeas'il'theileins'is- exiii'sseth ii thiir own weordls- muchis better imuprssedl in their mns. rammmar is lenued bh ltstuduy of the ilangsiiges-beter thanmu hip learingsus-rules." Miss Gaumbtle, of lie Detroit Home an aumlsy schouol gaitesn interestisng x- planasstionm of their mehod usf tesacin- Frenrhs conuvrsation. Thse last paper nas one upon the methsods of difert ptruofessrsi in their cases. The' amluhabeial setings-a- ransgementm isas consmemmd, as ech stin- teit shomsuldt be permittedh to ecshose his onueaitmate. Thme tesachers were also 'wsirnedt sot to shims-he attenduansce cardls (Continued on Page Two.) Ferry Lectures HiUGHl BLACK in Congregational Church tonight at 7 o'clock. Last of, series on ":THE REASONABLENESS OF RELIGION"