- THE MICHIGAN DAILY If your hair is a bother, or you have any trouble with it, buy a good flair Brush AT QUARRY'S and get relief. Money Loaned Os Watches, Diamonds. Law Books, or other personal property. Watchoo and Jowoiry ropairod. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at resideoco 331 E. Liberty St Ass Arbor. Hlours 8to 11:30 a. m..i1 to 4 30asd 7Ito ALL BUSINSS iCONFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS 1e4 tOff on all siamped goods, including MICGAN PILLOW TOPS AT DARLING & MALLEAUX 224-226 S. State St. aCollege Steins HAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main St t ful i's::sai toyao v yt i entersrr ourMor. it dIoewt matter whetheir yo on::::ic o y po)tag.(xsotps. (it'og,-. East University Pharmacy 1:20 Vi::r.ity 5Av::e. HI. M. BOYS, Pharmacist V.of M. Barber Shop and Bath Roomis Evr-ytlaag Fit-obe Uar~gest Shsop Ira the City J R. TROJANOWSK(I, Prop. VFREIN REHEI:IARSALS ARE PROGRESSING DAILY The lDe::iclre rein xviii prcscent l.,r'sinig's faimouis comendy, "Min~na'yon llarnlm::,' at te Ncw Whitiney, Fri- day~ cvcnin:g, April 24. Thc Friday cvcin- in:g following Eastcr vocalic:: has bccin chasen becatuse of a desire co: ihecpart of the sltudcttbody 1tolhavc "Minna son Vi:rnhlm~" iplayctd by- thc mecnbers of talc Vcrein when iio otlhcr studcnt centcr- t~aiaments arcelbcing gien. Thic scat saiexvwi l cgiin at Wahr's holk store on State strcct ncxt Tutesuday aftermoon antdstill conlitie :-daily, froni 4 Ito 6 o'clock, cxcept duintg vacation. util liie perfornoosice, Friday', April 24. Th~e prices will be as folloss: Parqetel $1.oo, 75 cets; balcoiny, $i.oo, 50 cecil:; gallery, 35 cents; hoxts, $1.50. In prcparation for Ibis annual play Ike nemobers of lb0 Dstutscber Verein swho lake parts have been rehearsing since Febroary, under the dirction of Prof. John Dietcrle. Since rehearsals havc heen held daily for thc last tirer weeks atnd ill so conntiuetuntil April 24, a finishedl produ~ction: is assured. In ortder itat every detil in te staging of ite play ma:ylie correct for te Fnal presentin thle :memb:ers of thle casI will remain in Ann Arhor doring the: 1Faster vactc:ion. Great enlthusiasm hs been displayed lby the membhers of Ike ca:st. 1ileto::ny interresing situations, lbth amusinig an:d xerious. aic heing ii, nanglaly developed. Bu in:e ipersons1:compose th ecalt of "'iim::: son: iarnltelnt." Sinice noreally inor :chiaracters toake parl. excellent It~plauniiics are afforesd far inidividu:al origina:litin t:acting andl Ike elimntg (If m:oolonous: cl:r::clre:in. (In: tis accont "inna v on Viarnlhlto'i" h:as d ways3:proved poputlar, far it is rnilhttsias- hecal1: sselconmed ot the score of varice ats well as for its sparkle, its peculiar Gelarcolorinig, anid its entertinin~g The presetationt (f "'.1 na v: on liar::- tem axslben platedinittcharge ofa commuitteecom:poseid of Dcin R. Egge- manl, getieral chtairmnan, Florene Baker, J. Fred Woodruff, atid Prof. J. A. Ci. 1-11 hiter. 'I'lir pubilicity anid butsitness par of te perfort:atice swill hrelhandled bv, RoheritMotiltisier. Roherti latrac is t. lmmager of cositmes attd propecrtis. 'tecas.yt, whichis taketietirely fro:mi membiers of ile. e Tc: ser Verei::,i com posed of Ihe folloswiungstidents: ao vjoen 'illlici:......P iii Grass: .\limiia vat: Varnhlirk::.Filfrirda (Veilz Gaf rain lrael::all.... .V. Chuarch .ru ik . . .. . .. . .GraceVialser . lat..... ...... Stepheicti iceler Paul \ ern:es.l...ie::R.F. Ecetta: Drer tl........Stoddard iSlare 16cat l 1:: larlitiler:'...EV. W. lBaien: t_ f l. SEN IDS ateeuetedcto 1 leveulicir measure for ca~ps anid gownts th is week weihouti fail, in order thatlhe get 1hemini litte fort lie witl-(l t 'Ml ck & Cto. 38-20 SF 110 lfl,!\A 'i ,RS IiEGINSSSIN iCottitnued froms Page One.) oflicer. lie ( will lbe six sneakers. The secaondl todert: langugtse etonfer- ence w sill lie telid at a o'clock ill IRoomi: The College. G, U'tiveroity lo1ll, with Prof. AlarileStna I,evi as chialen. 'Ikhe faar addresses wicih: will he delivered xwiii all deal swith methoids of tea(chingimodsernln gages.conife retice (if phlysie:s01(1:'liet- Ihysicalilbor5atry. Vital. N. 11. Smith.k, of OivSet, seill againi le chiranit:., 1 hetc will lhe leei addresses an li l(:((Sitl. plce at 2 ao'clck ainRottiC3 If lie high school. Thichelairmtant willlbe Mrs. Coiritelia 111(1:1. (f GrandiRpids(11. Prof. F. N. Scoti, (if ike 1Universutys, and(4Miss Aii;ail Pearce, (If lie N'ormal clee GIRlS 1111 ThiF"L. Just E Tlitc I ((tlg-felt 151(1 ant ora purlli ter-( _______________ (1111socity ha( ls en ptiall filled Ibo -ne gir ls'I organ1izaionclled((I 1 adtnhllt gr~llae irs. \Ieh ga, ra uae tt- T h e n ew in rhtoricand iterande theyehaar for metnher i ((I AltCandidtsaeug In-haand 1 11)11 thefaclly \l I -s «11b nd i a lt hel dueyto wcieeks.(( Prof hug ott isigeately O iieetdiltl h e or 11 11(1 1ffAt it 61 Ii h ~eld:at adh y a p( emsof fi(,Rsian Iauthor.it. itt: lii11.Hats Ct ette " Th 'leeRlroa-l: ldIt IIna 1::n iell hnown 6 Naalmegl. atn iii i 1t B rorIi'nsi m n a- R l 1 corin t th rpots f hecomitee eect. 5, g11oints o th soial na fnan Conklin's Self -Fillind Fountain Pen ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS Sold in Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES ,..ANDS... SHEEHAN & COMPANY i Touch of Spring Spring Scarf as a special introduc. spring, we are offering a special beautiful new Spring French four=. new correct shapes with open ends he handsome spring coloring. r Spring Shirts make their first bow re beauties. The new spring styles lCap are here for your inspection. e, Conlin .&Fiegel )UR CAPS AND GOWNS 'RE THJE CAP AND GOWN BUSINESS IS BEING D)ONE Nfoa Atystt of-(m:ihi a i::: mmf IO~tI p.io Priss.. $3.00 tup MACK (ft Co. III /UI~I F'i 1,1 Ciasst.t.hattrt anid Ct' ,::i ti e c, oppoite co:urtouse. City Y. M. C'. A. W. J. LOUVRIM[ Blue Surges in plain and fancy weaves are very good this season. Fnish, quality and color considered we can give you " GA SUY AMSRowes Laundry EL E CTRWI C ITY GAS S UDY AMPS THOMAS ROWE, Prop. ____________________________________________________326 N. Fifth Ave. In~r tay otgo.New Phone 45t ell Pone 457-L Supplied to College Meru a..nd Insureacsteady,_oftglow Womuern for All P~zrposesV!St SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY 336 Souti: State Street WAHEA IH O E O Easy on the eyes. Moderate in price. cl S ast v 10, < A. M. ansdLIH PO E C. Cheaper than Oil or Electricity. Asemly o'loP.M.OOE atW shrtoLSet WAI KING LOO KEE;P YOUR DATES Get the best from the largest assortment. Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant ty carrying a copy of the MICIIGJAN Daily Subscriptions Now Due Chinese Fancy Dises, AmerconLnc'hesf iANIDli00h in yorpocet. Spu c e m-_ein- allinds. Everything berstclass fnr sada, caendr, secii events, University TheANNARB R AS OMP NYlades ndgenlemn. Calendar is thit. 1a0 page ok. Given away Sbsripions taen y m i, ceckel, drsft nr ThCANiRB ReASCO PA Y adTese Bicasra. to students at the Univerity V. iM. CA. Mc- moniey orde. ..lp Stairs, one dosr S. Busto Bros, 3145S. State St. Millan Hall. S TUDIO--RENSCULL". R, 319.East Huron Street