T~rIMM!CHIGAN DAILY . w . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . x Gs HI Wild Oomupany Our Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic I WOOLENSI Is now ready-. It inclndes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G, H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street Jersey Vest Bittora or V Neck Is list the garmient to wear these days Ours fit well, look gooud and wear well and the price is iiodeirate.Glad tos show ihen yui ( any5i)timie. S e h n&Student Bookstores 11 THlE MICIHGAN DA[I LY. I i i ' t ., .. . Managing IEditsr-ACHE F. RITeIE. Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD News-.........Hirams S. Cody Athletics...... ....Lee A White Exchange.,....H. John aimbold Music and Drama.Roy D. Welch Women's Editor.... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAFF J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams NIGHT CDITORS George H. Hobart Leonard C. Reid Chauncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vissher REPOTRS . B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Mailine Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K., Towers Loos Kratt Lewis T. Kniskerii Robert Morelandl Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding Theron P. Coopr BUSINES STAF John F. Wre Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address : MICHIOAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : I-2 p. i., 9-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones THUR~tSDAY, AtPRLt, , 10. Thie rsle 1baiing sieil sudeitsisfroms pi~iaion lii~nianily fsrm of sussesst acivsity illussiraiess the mo55siiuplorseii feasturesof Amiaesesisicteiiss,. Thef rssinsg Ilstsadet-.sic 11111t1 so, is siret cousesciest by.sssssssisr f susetsr who eroll is secias. T'tssi h Sstei-sil dent silll"iih mic ss retouht tisil1d1o5)asltteeissswr s ssble 111111ill sit'e st ffaisis swecit .1111011sills 111ect 1nocedii111o11the Lsivesiy.G 1till srikig at1tiese cises oIrodI a5 s"orsi isas ben edthsstusit hissscIII ino tli e ii fsitusissesst aetivitie Sg , i t bad,1andindiiffeent.TJilleseiing siswss-s proicess is ieree atissssk-heisesf not th s issse ssf Aserscanssossieges and if ssies l stues becomell sroiiynentiss teishsvessssee tie at1thici spsals tisassssegssiars'. Itiisecesthieyseve-i esfiiesty iintecaactisisheyfil and sisi ihiavsesquaiis ofieadieshisi-sessetiais t sof suIccs s s sd seissiness ill ihsswossdisi siiss i e sespises, sasniisasesiabily sck- iilg ill tiesmajitys ofly ollCsege1men1. Nsst all, isust m1any, seiaisisdentss we1haCit kon aessmenl is cnviionllI~s toiti shoi sss esist lhe sf .\.I. soslssisi ois asI i t litl s eaCs a i festh whs e esso siaisaigl n.is )j feiills expectltoihonssin aftill leife s seisssom swho iste i isreucs epcte reCtCtinsgs areC usn1to swiosmsallsA.t s-ieisgaisned iiy gssing osecr seid gessusi e wih isiistisbie trael-cediissget thissioubt-siss i 1 i T t L t C' 1 l ;J I1 C I7 f' l 1 l 1 >' < P I fsul pizie,swouldsibiesa iposiiesstssascle. Buiisomseis stuen isasoie truses ith-il tue pivsiege-siswhicis a seciia corsee _gs-s. Conseqetly'eiy e-sisithssrisenss siw toi-s hi is apciilsisiy! Andtisnso5 sisng srike outsparsiks sif siginaisiys adinitiativeithuesshosse suentissosy. F si swi lisisruesi e ssT hie specisai suetis isteesesiniiisosselie of lok ie isascs edsto itaske ishise- linas iss sssk his inisastsifeeig- wihu i qsssusesioinsssg. lHe isssgroups ofsllliisls crr~ying oniii aciiis- dirssasisse.jsursnalisms, issusic, yes, sans Oen athslic'is-iieionesu ely exprecs his inteess. Bissifrossi tieselie is barsed sassdsihe' siiilesssseusetly g ses- sees 'issues i e lre ris of a fess sissesiresee serisi, tso, f someo she ssitasiniedsssensit ha sibieess ouse goodsifsseissse is knssss. Thiere isssusdsousbtedly, sosmsesisace io siesssthe inueonsitudsentss giig thiri t smsessewisk11o1 csssisnsesinilltue liCa- deisi surriss, bissrlyseeiy sesicissl- istsissii sou llno ie tissssisgedi sut foe tpunissimsenst.VWe cnesssesihatiapries ressiissit-(Cs partiipioin isaisy sslege acilitiies is sirecessesireeefomsiosst- stisssisg condiionussoas-ilsuires. I sioisis semss tiesi. tissiastusssent issvig fsl- 'ild htseqieetsoussgist nst to ie iareds ifrom ssoutsise11oeik sf iisschicsee isiiy ecauellsse eis a55peiasudssesst. spcaitmyhes isgitissselsseipitsonsst of atlis e ou55gisinot ie ssepiesi of tisheiseneitss sssssy giseasn fsrsit itletapusuitisslescillege hut. Onc litssgsaiss itsase painesg ue hist os lte croswsisdsf eiucator s-isiss wo a esoiss tospariipeiin tllhis' Iswentythisi esi et- isle ssiuse MichiiganssScioolssssitse's clssi, ain Cseaizslationslwsisiei sias te ioseert sfits isndssssnsssstilmintu55s5ose of tlist foretsin thi isecesuntrly. Iss te assesu-I Isisgssf ilseces sissiexets-modsesly forseinusgsmentsionisos sur sssse stalwartisse epese taies-asssi tise s'sntissiasi 11111ise sif gsssde sssiiigi scsesssileci- essisssre ill inssg te varssios cosfe-I Seissislililsilis' cissb 1111w1lislibiirodI if ustsesra f tIlenss i sgrasissrsee presentling. Anisshi ailiyiisishses toI' roc theilli of use 5Univtsity itfisi 555155 i' iest welcomssse sandihsiswsistsforsac- Sit essissi sessionl.o It isiisisinitis ovemetntifillrtasicncen- a [raion sillikue' iisrestssasditheli t inigg ;,f opportitssssssiiesfr t sillnformal siinter- impetuss is-sgiven-sito ansy-groupssandsini ikiceassings feiiosh-ssu s ip ss hegeow-s-- sit sensse of co-peaion whisllisiici spreing lio tese m etings se masy exiedt si sisisia lidseresulsiischiseiwilli en oadteimprovs~emntsi andi su ci atiiii ssisccionossrsat dcstinsystei.5' 'ihicsignifice-so f scih foregathisc-d is sihoslidielicit 5morec iihss a11me1CiC pas- nggisascei-freossmlthesapsarentcarleseist usniersgradsuatsei.Wei'v er esta god is ousssii 5toseepensilthesese of a- 5 is-t wiscih tiese oldi geaduats sissdN eiiiiiiiisies-whoisinastusesliy ilookisuior h sle tivuesle aslthefocssif al hir intieressests-ledy posssess, sasdl ly sitesiig theiele)-yiheiipwiichs seecas, fs ihow ihesstsial we asecissterese is ii i t t 1 i i 1 t 1 I : s r i 0 Ct 7 _ i t _' i t 4 c i. thiciesossk, sissil eeceosgsie isasis assd'sswosldt fainsmsake tile msstosi il1 Thsens.tiss.peehaps, is-Io knsows, hi ouseussifoesm coresy ad issnoenice is sidemeanoriie macyiiserv e-coiiallaiy swia -Crsspiiciosithueys-ayavsse formses iss oseunssdeegesradute ody- feisstus sais ot eotofnru ttes;ssaiihconsvince temsesthai uesill identisbody is o formsedi of wiids, esai- sigeos-s atteile aiisiiany goipii siohi isaiec ihemssu ippose. uses llfveniss terpotntieiasAl'frmuul educsatiion sre sll iihst iane desires,.'and the faislt is ali osr )scs if use sadvsaiiage int 151 tiei. iDR. iLACK I)ISCL'SSES "TtHE ''ESTS O)F TRUTH'"it "Rligioss faiithstsissnds ass fals wiih all isser faihs" u-rc the srikisgswordss weihswhich hDr. Higii Blassk begsanthii hirdch fsit sisseries oflectusses atthe Cosngreg-ationassihrcsrhslast igh. Iis subjieci less"Te 'Tess of Trusih" "I ssicvunospitieene s-iithe religios skec~si.I is nsosesse o say Sluthrecu- ;inis faiths. sciesnce is fsct. Why sush ')e aiphiloisphicalesksepstic sanduigos ll thut way' Youissican'tinduuge a fsc ly utse lure fceiing thatsit is s. 'We feel hust lie sesrthigeissarounssd tlist iss, ustisw- 'eieethato it dosesn't, jusst ue same.t iin experiescee f realnssss is 550 gnuas ue fisealsusitoy. esuslssessis i )resenst. huhteenitis cannsot le whlloy~ ecees'.fus teure slushle fixedshaiucsis- Aiiiis. Soswu-canii' indugethess'reaiiy f sasyhisisg by.is pemsaence. "sA sciesstifisisw- is estishiedi only 6y expserimuensls.ndi it ise bseluas- sush al simuilsur experimsentis. Hosw- sfensisein- ifc las-asre tarnssto his ibycriticismsss Evesslthegeomeitry of Euclidhhas ees proenefaksie hby skepticis sehiohave gone all tseiway. Bus h ue verage miniilih say, Eidhi is goodsenossusgh for ue I isi abse thistusruc sy iworb siccore- ighy., lie simly askss. Does i oe? liles i isi s l e- to usthe ork 1Tisis- to his? if it udues i is goodhenousigh. hI religionit i is justhe ssamesehinig. hi religious u-chiss-cthese religiosie x- si-nes n w c eted Iilue self siame Cwa~y hisfaith,. faiths i esli, i ehiinusGush. IDoes i i-ris? 1)1oes itgistesasmanisshi s t uey osu its missef, lie'r lieThasti isthu e is. i is slus h er sonasl testhubut s soo sus amus tl ihis fsaitihe' spupies i. to soestys Aiid sociey asks, 'Diss iiswork ?' Eli- sense._ sissshes sappliids. louisre shel uoisssthisget salvatuions by aisy quest slie hle' ahsoslute. 'NIassuevses-ssneeedurligisonumsose ithans toay;ans ues-ehknews-less iiprpors- isis isous-lau heC migtkwt i-hansistoidasy. B ig tiunksr'06011911sgyusilliithe iiggs isuusght hatslus ay h )s uH ink iisthe Kis- hsusu of IHesaven.' "Faiths is lush soleyah e l sigioiusidoie rinesistaisirkig principle sitlifs'" HXClI'RSII)N-Sundahsy Apileui 5'via I iigsssuCentrasl.thiseIit-i0i cehis si oun stip. 'Trainlehes's1:45 5a. im. Ilest sue t' sbiausy saseof hyuishss's 2i or25 ceints cledss-s o stislscarsius(sll eI'm views), t-isa L, 1T i >f t- Q c. c - i- d d t T" 1' S I S f t it Globe VWernicke IfBook Cases ' The knd that grows with your lihrary- that w ill1 fit practically any space - tat t can he moved one unit at a time hy one person without r1 disturbing the ooks-that is t practical, artistic, and tie only r perfect sectional ook case miade. Fitted with 1101-bind log roller-earing doors; ase units furnished with or with- out drawers; and all made ill a variety of woods and finishes t adapted to any surroundings. s Call and see thenm or send for catalog 106 with intelior views showinug arrangement in i hrary, parlor, etc. Price per section $2.50 and up. WAHR'S r University Bookstore C. [. BARTJN[L Laws ansdMeita Bookseller IMPORTANT LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS Diibys tislory ofithels;,i1slif Iesl.Propuety - '$3.00 Dean , luteiin's Ediutonus sf ilia's Ristesis Propery - $3.00 )Iinlig's iiusiiosfsiReal Propertl-y - ' - '$1.00 Biihopu'iresctionsi la nd rms Criminsal Atiosu- - $6.00t ishosp's eCriminalsProedrers vols.° - -$12.00 tReynoldi's Theory f tEidece,'$2 00 )Ieeioi-iy'i Eidence.- -'-$3511 Mashsal 'S rporationsus - $6.00 Tsompi'siSu saryiofihes Law of ('ssetusetionls. - - $2.50 wolheasIOiArlttofCuoss Es-sauiusseiusus. - ' $2.50 IotsicssLaw syes Maiuls. $6.50 irdseys,"..Abts Frss,- $6.00 Bteu's Pesadiusgs trsetis'isads 1Fs1rssis.3tiuis'. - - $18010 inislsisCodsse t-ormsss, : iols., $120 N SICAL BOOKS li-ees Practicli'herapelutis, $4.00 iickiams's uiiul'iti' Su:gry. $6.tl0 Eisendrahsu rgicaliDiaignosssi. $6.50 I'tii -sY. - - $5.0 Seuiia-\Ius')u ii'h'is Ali ss sndi i'Te iiiooksof Ansaom'col sss. $1.00 Cosssei's Disaseso f iWomsi-n, $6.00t an Tuii'reaostment. - '-$65 tiagiiis. ' - - $.0 u 'sis.. -'-' - $5.00 Diionar5551is, cusspendsis i'll C. E. BARTHELL Lao- ansdMedial Bokelle Tel 76. 326 S. State St. [Y[6LASS[S litglasseis havibeoesuhtia illssay nisance wsiths ansiul ofusi late ' 5555 tisy will swelcomsiss'oss'ex- glass tSisa!"fies's s'iussi l s ervo""s'rii usaes yourilopticasl wissule lsi'as ARNOLD'Ssandl le sill fill Yu 1515 for~tably andlgiaantei'resuts Quis EMIL H. ARNOLD 51twi Secial51iist isth11 WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler '20 Suthimain, Sret V V 3pL~'SPALDI1NG 0- MAK & BROS. NAR 'Fhe Largest Manufacturers in the World of Offitctal Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Offical Impiemoents toe Trauk aid Field Sports Uoiformssfoe ali Sports. Spalding's Handisomsely Illostrated Caaloguee otfol sports sontaisso- merousosugestlios. Send toe it.-It's fre. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Ohicago, St. Lasts, San Francisca, MisneoissDenouer. HufaloaSyracuse, Pitts- burg. Philadtelhia, Hostun, Cncitnasti, Haiti- uore,Washiungtos, Kansas City, Cleveland, Now Orleans, Dotrait, Motreal, Clanada. Mgri's Furllishillgs The Highest In Quality The Lowest In Price CoOp Store 1 _... I I .._._ : MAY FESTIVAL IrlweConcernts May 13-14-15-16 THE THOM1AS ORCHElSTRA Fredertck A. Stuck, Cosductur CHORAL UNION (300 Voices) Albert A. Stasiry, Cunductor Prissoipek1 Choral Work "Creatian" - Hasydnl "Faiust" - osunoad Artists tMrs.orione iRider-Kelisey Thursday anad Saturday Esventngs Mose. Ernsttne Scthosan-1leisii, Cotralto Wed. and Fri. Evenings Miss JanetiSpenoer, Costralto Fri. Afternoon and Sat FEvening Mr. Edward Jothnson, Tenor Ttsor, Fi.n and Sat. Esvrnins Mr. Claude Cunntnghams, Haritone Saturday Evening Mr. Faorle 0. Killeen, Haritoune Saturday Evening Mr. Htertbert Wtlherspuon Hass Ttuorsday ad Satuesloy Eventngs Mr. L. De Mare, Frenchu Hors Frtday Aftersuon Mr. L. L. Rtenwti, Organit Wednesday Evening Season Tickets isonreved) $3, Seasos Tieckets lees eld $4, $5, $6 For Saie at Sohool of Mu~sic i IThe Students' Lecture Association I Brander Matthews, April' 6 Siie Admi~fson - - 50C Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30 *inmgi. Adgmissfin - - SOc fi Ibe Students'- Lecture Association I m i. 121 WashIngton F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598