TT-lr MICH-IGAN DAILY G H. Wild Compally Our Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns it Moose Brown, Caribou Ta, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. HI Wild Comfpally 31I Sutth State Street Get Your Tennis Rackets Restrung Before the season opens ip, istead of waitng for the good weater to remittd you of it. We have the work done by one of the best firms inth tbcoiltry an its good Siheelhall & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. c -l SPALDING __ & BROS. GIT The Largest Manufacturers in the World f Oficiat Athetic Sppies Base Bal, Foot Ball, Golof, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey Officiat Iplentsetfo Track and Field Sprt Usiformnt tor ati Sprt. Spadis's Hadsomey ittustrated Catatngeofallt ttsprt contains n- nmerous sgeetions. Sed tr it.-It's ree. A. O. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, ieatogo, St. Lous, San Fracso, Minttneapolis, t)ever, tutaio, Syracuse, Ptts- burg, Phiadelpitica, Boston, Cictnant,Batit more, Washington, tanssesCity, Ceveand, New Orens, Dtirt, Montrea, Canada. THE 1MICHIGAN 4 DAILY. cric tielifiti-hirneced. tIf tihen they itt--.- ie*of the I.IIiirstty,seiwhichthotigh If taitogic , ditot -AnCtoERF. RItxctcEi nti,ii ilypa irate orr- realty conitrolledl Btustnessc Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. andiifiosit-redl Iy ilie-schl, and int tso --far a pat of ihecurricu~lu, whicy-sthould EnrTORS _tey ite den-iethe pli rivilege? Itiis to Nes..s- ....:--Hiram S. Cody ieth-temItt the best part of their eftica- !athletics-------------....Lee A White ittn.It is to force them into distosie- Exchange-.....H. Johtn 'Vambold fliistuiels. lecattse- the schtol is too Muttsic and Drain-i -...Roy D. \Vrlch ticrirow ;ii(],boastintg-iititnate but tot Womeet's Editor.... Louise Van Voorhcis liecelite-cer ofi a trite uiversity, still EDtITORIAL. STAF itotffer cottgeniial1courses ito everyotie. J. W. MclCandless Elmer C. Adams Tis sirep ittietactmuenti reminds its to f tie counttry high schooil wsih require- NIGHT EaITORS latugutage iw-tch iatdI offersinotiniigbit George H. Hohart Leoniard C. Reid tatt. Wutldiitttittielittier to ele- Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams mtiti tieis-rk tdcsireid tip the "special" Raymond Visselser intto atirieiciuiiniisuitjecittuantotiro- scribett-i? the tie newcituleitasaplied to REPORTERS tiolitical otices aidtoi iiathletics is cx- M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott ctei iiiisiiielitiiex-~ii A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsieritietiiisicltisii-tiiytoc Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney citttii-ii spiiiaretisi t ni slikescltotite Walter K. Towers Louis Krafi ld rt eadne h ilivk Lewis T. Kniskcerit Rohert Moreland tice. -itsiiiitetii-ci-til Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris li e g(tfatiii claimutais ter suits. Otto Engel Fred E. Glooding Theron P. Cooper CjktPSCilltlf IT t hI,;I>lI S ----- SEEK ltOt,tItICAI, IINOBRS BUSINESS STAFF -- - John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam Ts-ati-,,its- mitmters i wt ipiose ielh Harold P. Gould iot-eriiinth- sti-uggit- for aiic-iuiittc Address: MICHIGoAN DAILY, Press Bldg., -too ntesxt ad rf .W Maynard Street..IGliiiccthieidt oftctheisturanuce dunirt- Managers Hours : I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m. cc-;iiic ticket. ie-i,, T. Sitht, cprofessor daily, except Snnday. Both phones of clintical itegery in i, i tut eitiic uHav AecIn the -sivithuiiairi.IFrtuk itichie. tu--sitintdiretor oif tetthletic asso- ciitci.Litti ~ ditatis.dtedCItoll t(borldema itil'inew ftacutitcrute swhich, fotriits ill NQUEFT A' i. IlE0R fPP MUetSoT cii stee;GFte irSWi iMI-Jtr6. Charhes P.I-ktistacd. tom,till com- pte nt- ilte swi-uniing crivc at to te hiel ytiphe Nets EnglandiLifefurs 1 tstotiPay 30. ,bast yeiar PItstattiwosi-othiittthe ihalf-milie swimitattu diing cotess, tatd is cofi- denittercutrpeat the peformance this veeir. HI-i lrepreseiti Rhode Islad il the contest, has-lngbtent swiminig intsictcor at Neswport for several ya-ic t iusti d till use Detroit posStr tre- liinary-iw-ork,.andtaits on a15sethter permtits stitt usete it unilStr lontge swi-tnd-itispietipractice. te cllatenge atny tutn initheUniversity- toi race front too tardstoive lit-lsies. XTts-i}'iAsUs- sititieocsi-uitLttsttt-t:is. At tie regslar iseetitg f te Aco-' lt-s iii Pitrris setinsary rosm lst ightEProf. R I. P Wenley reat a pater on "Paul andi Ithe Helenistice Pilosophyc of Rfeligiont." A1ti secil tmeeting tast itek e Pi.residientStewsarison sof Hbtihtc cillege r eadtatipaper itni"Feeling." fI ueic WaDama Iiettitifttl sceeryctandugIgeop-uts ris- opeca. te-le-t ifRi-rdariUiet- ha-.s-i-c wriittn i.eT'Ma-oPlop-t-cf Tokio," tutu ittiitesen t thle Newi-isituethea-lt ter Saturdaity aft-rnoottandoet1 inttg. lh in k tatd whiti- ptrtsoltofii pi japatntneier--eemsto ilue i-ispot-i of chstig ights iiiei-iatcouple Iheii,,s of (acitte-.dilotgues-atnilstitg. Jthn,1'. st-i-y, iitiithpoular-t-i.tceia, Willelit i in cttile ittosedsand-titi rl. Cs.the tin-I ager,.lis trcdci ts Ciclago,. Plc. Sauter.tie ts-ter, is oss-netgtiatinitg isitt, seetal astesn-thieatrictal cmiestiii tie manttagemien t iof te hiouse. It, is untcertinisust whentithe ittiptitit-istitt open s-irip-utt-wheniitdeiti ili o icACie.T iCOCTis ittSuTisci. Pie- Facultys-oert tadv-trtise-dlfr out- iseeik. .Iis. Stmuel PI,ck-ts-t, is one of a tiseries f iiccs beiig itnlip the Schtoultiofi AtusPicnutyli-n Highc School hltl. \ttp-orlestslt-acocitlstheduit.dtftr licitig pilled-fog fit-Ply;. }.RAIERNT PP IiOlSE OtR RENTt Amt tireet. Bfell phtisie 711. 37-41 T- i s tdutuhty tist of Isittitut,.20 for 25 cntis cletidt-pos-.ttacds (tll iiiw viewis. t-ta See our complete line of Michigan pins, fohs and souvenirs. Haler's jeswelry Store, 216 S. Main street. od Globe Wernicke Book Cases Thte kind that grois with yonr library-that will fit practically any space -that can he moved one utnit at a tinme by one person without disturbing the books-that is practical, artistic, and the only perfect sectional book case nmade. Fitted with nonbind- lng rollerhearing doors; base units furnished with or with- otut drawers; and all made in a variety of woods and finishes adapted to any surroundbngs. Call and see thenm or send for cataloug I of with inteior views sbowinug arrangement in li- brary, parlor, etc. Price per section $2.50 and up. WAHR S University Bookstore Just Received 30 Brand new (never pub- lisded before) Views in col- ored Postal Cards. Among them are-. May Festival Concert New Squirrel Card A Beautiful Night Winter Scene Push Ball Contest Tug of War Swing Out--and 24 others See the new set of 20 New Colored Cards that 1 am selling for 25c per set. LYNDON4 PHOTOOKtAPHER IBFAILEY & EDMUDS 1 Zporting Goos 121 EAsr' LIBERTY STREETj [EYEGL ASSE[S Citosels,.s r ote us, h ia tuuasty ntisani-tihi- siuiiti-te ts iof lii- lut this-p.will witt-it- a ll eytti-t- glu4"thuuat Neseisnfortandhservici. taveyurteoptictal work sduts-at ARNOLD's ant[u itlluti tinouputt, ftruly anditgutautntic reuts.Qt i ck~tit ipain. tinstes Gro iundu. EMIL H. ARNOLD OticautlSpiit thst WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 0 thS SaiMeeStre speciial shtuetus ht totkelullt iniverun- sits atctivtt tuti ilisn ts-novecriticismu.It us vaitutuoiisheuate i s-iitot i itfticuut- ic~ i d ut het tilttins if tuur stntuponuu tissertot : t ,us. siweli us t rtniolo: tplstseciPWeconjecture tut th utuuus-i1utt u n-th ix. ut i-ia itaog has tuu eet n dlt isoveredi iftutun ahleicsstandtiltherspeciltiies ittmut ue au lames ote. -'Io exscludenstuecitalitth- li-tic stuths-tts fromtan initstittutlion ti portuinu. to furniushutuit n ithiteleta ds it-iisswill situtugit , tut t an stdetsi dattttics, journalttiismt, dtutu, up-tue kindrueduraucthtes. is s incg fright fullyp netru deryuuuu. Plc titus-in indltens-ughicss-to luciuse that spiatl studensuts -ire-ofutnliii tmo ist atnst iniiineltual pitursuits.,tutu th it-tutigiftedlif tllushotiruesitu, lirt. 'the~ir fauult is thtu tt-pykn h attsstututhey wan to doh , li.andthatius-couraitgieenouughu ht despiise -I univeti sptyidgreetwicilthis-i c ultobtainuonlypbhientutuIrtitugtugeseuf tutu t tht dulnssc, and.mutautlicsuof tuatitericalulednu totu obhtructuus. This sit uii-ttoudmsttf its I ttuatiweaitt-tu deucidedulas to uwhattwie-preifier, tutu co hutte.uInuouruopiihn, if this Uivericsit could ts sucuedit, cuuuusstiuug us tll it steiatl"cstudents, this-probhlemtutu edu ctutiton suuwo ut- becolvedu. litut twttu uen tasspeials, sit ctalled dositbectauseito lute of. stork undtuer thus I''is cratuuutui-cltubiuntl tibaueu~ut at Barur tu,, iat till s eelutu httitcccng. Fredersickt J. Mengerateas-utits tmtas- ti-c. -tutdIPrtuf.h Walter IDenisotut.MPss L~uesltl iis-utnp. u G-ennu1I. hBritton, C. A. PeIrscp- I cutup Ph. (ttsitiiantutu ei We'i khutig crcliotutudItohutohitss O f spianitertuuestin ilethustudenomi-uuu PWttIttrs iii Shts t it ites, st-his-h ticsn t lda, are theadress. locantl utucttisis iof the aut n - tn utu-uthiso f theuCotut renit At q o'click hi tts morning Proliuf. I WI. Keseycientts thinsiession illii Hatrris huTll swithithuspaert s i tl uco- t i 11 i ast t, ic shts."The Is- J. \t'.tCoitritsecretaup if thin Ires- lip-te-ctittnIhtituid cf educti, wsilt give "ThusClimtutuofthut liutistutultuthue Utuvesitu :liii.- lhis tafternoon at i It30 itnl uSarait illwtll tutu lthu-1,1uot, Prof itt sut ttu hvitsaShutstTlieSholi OPtitheus uussusuuutof its stuuutn,, ccniiicii Juts 17, lIhtut colle-tgs- utill ittonfit thin honoraryuucdetic-e f Dotoriiof Letstc upn irf. I. M.I -VIlslt. tic. lntlep usill go itftut (duidia, N. P.,ito klein- Itla ht givethis uuuuuuuuuussuuuuultiuaddress lthere J ttus up9 iet a Kodakt , Tt OC atiay.Ltup npdon.tiif O n o lrNew Spring Monarch SHIRTS Co-Op Store MAY FESTIVAL Flve Cornoorta May 13-14-15-16 THE THOMAS ORCHE[STRA Ftredertck A. Stotc,Coneductor CHORAL UNION (300 Voices) Albers A. Stanley, Conuctor Ps-rnolpnc.I Choral Work "Creation" - Itayulut "Faust" - Gonoud Artlis Met. tCorinne Ritder-Kelisey Ttusarday and Saturdae Fvenings Mine. Ernesttite Schuman-Ileink, Coantralto Wed. atid Fri. Eveninugs ists Janet Spencer, Contralto Frt. Alteration and Sat Evening Mr. Edward Jonson, Tenor Ttuar, Fet. tcnd Sat. Evenings Mr. Cliaude Cuanningham, Baritonne Saturday Ecenteg Mr. Earle GI.tKilteen, Barttone Saturday Eveing Mr. Hterbert iWthterspoon, Bass Tthursday and Saturday Eventngs Mr. L. Be Mere, Ftrenchu Horn Frtday Afternon Mr. L. L. Reewick, Organist Wednesday Evening Season Tletiets hunreservedh $3, Senson Ttekets (reserved)l $4, $5, $6 For Sate at School of Music Ihe Students' Lecture Association Brander Matthews, April 6 Singlie Admnission - - 50c Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30 Single Admnission - - 500 Die Students' lecture Associaition 121 Washington E~. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Prop's. Phone 598