The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MTICHIGA-, WEDNESDAY, APRIL z, 1908. No. 13 . ROWE CALLS FOR OUTDOOR RUNNERS Hiaskins Praises Cross Country Course-Wet Grounds Hinder Baseball Practice. The cros contry course is in ex- cellent conitiois for early rtns atd yes- terdays a large nttmtler of rn were ot. Thie recent rain nde te grontd alittle sticky-ottside of tosit so the mnch ae coteitedltlemseles witlthGe curls tracks' on the sie streets. GuryIHaskins, wo recently rart agaist ('or in the gyrr, was tost favorably ,trurek:swithrMihigan's cotrse. "I loiretnever seett a better stretch of country- for cross cottntry turposes tan that aota Anti Arbor. With a little ateiti on it conl e toote to strplass the famous ciitrse at Corell. Any edistatteecoultI le tkentcare of. "Anid note that yut are giigtoli seiti cross country teatts dowri east you ouightr to hae at least twiibundreitiers out for eerctrn." Director Fittatrick will continue the policy of excusing first-year menr from gynt worki if they oin the sqad. "Fast anti slow squads will e sent oiut as usual," said Capt. Rowe'nit they will e unier the directon of sue- sity arid CCC nmen. We don't want any roan to kill himself, and each mats till receive careful attention. "tf the first-year mcii will rcinse (st ad work they will e given every op portunity to win not only the tlti htot- ors anti awards, btt trw pries wriicr are planned" Hlaskins is of the opitioti that Crell ail always e oe leading riatl itcrs cotutry runirnitg atred that tttly throgi the cultivatin f tunercassmnetciiiis- hoape o illis-tinxtt o fall. Coe, Ruote nit Dltisill rot be attic to replresent is, tnt it is riporanrt that the mren tirnttilt i ooputt mtbriers. ItIItai-ry cdosetnmatch, ii s-hicithte Ieut wsin doubirli ttil lie lasttirutert, I~l andutitWalusit wonttie right to tiet IHoa~g ardidiuy ii tiefitrals if it doubrlles hantdbaiull toirrurncuen. As tite scoerwiill inicte, iatseunitndLefing- s-lI futrishedlti iery goossctulest. tn fact at oie tie ditriglte secstrdgtrmr ims htadltheir titpttitets liiithe rtts Rultby- smntevery fast plyig LoeP unit Waulshn succeededliicuttirg doter the leadt,strictesetuly wtott te gtme r; to 1. The first gamte wsils nt s closete fittal soerbeinig ISto io The fitals soldip roe irtersitg Ic itsch, though accriiitg to doe Loel antu \Walsht shiould itinth~e sittch. Wals defesated IHoug ii singles, nit toell hat it tier rLeidy, butt ini dotbles i bags fasisaigmyustth oe.W aee the resul,rie plty sold e fast aisd close. Hansen ad Leffingell hartenaaddterbbn o hr lc stnd the first ard second ribboni wil le decided by the final match whict till proably be played Thursday after oot. t- iiiWrsATERPt1 euViN1iCaM. Twentty-fie Itaselli catdidates p tetredi for ptrctice at the fair grounrds yesterdasy. Nittractice gareste5pl5~taye switirthenthrus, owirg to tie ad cot- diionsi of the groutnsds. The fair groundsd siltle usei until tie new Ferry fiel diamondiit is free fromr frost ans sbiiee rolled. It is expected that by the midde of ext week tie field will le read' fr use. Ornly ligt work was idtlgedinit yes terdaty. Tire cult of the ight before saking the field very soft, hidereti fas play ntl it tess cilly abtite grounds Fislditig airdibhatting practice occupie tire greater ptrt of the timse. 'ihepitci- ers worked ut in sweaters. The scrib tat ittart appearance, bitt Coach Mc- Allister, ini order to avoid any inj Pries cefursed to start a gaine. GtRtLS DISPLAY 'PROWESS IN A THLSETIC CARNIVAL Lst night Barbourr gymnsiumsrrrrsias tire scene of tn atletic exibitiorsgerr for tie ertertainmencrt of tie facty-a-ntl friendis of tie pariciats. Tieroie- gramt beganuirthlarsigrand miarcinrswicr alt the girls took part. 'iTe secorid rnumrsber was aesthetic dancing, cnisist- ing of tie Wildlid istzurka ainsdte Sylhiette polka series, ly tie secodi sndtrithirdi year girls. Te freshsmsar "days orier" followed, aid ter camae fenscinsg ty tietnipperlass girls. 'Tiws freshsmart gamres ard it garse of "zig- zag- al" by tie seriors clseithte lro- grant proper. Thiern followedetarsiirite Ibasebal gamre ibetweentthecjunirsor nit sopomror girls, restultirrg ii aivictry for te for- mser, t16 to 14. Itt the fills ard last irrirng lite batting y tie sophromoroe girls ealy titled ot a victory. Tie Mlisses Spertcer ard Cohsraresere c- slotsiblse fr tie giod soiwirg tmadit by thse sophromtores. Miss Stone played is-clt fr tie jtrniors. Follinirg is tie linrerup:Jnriors-Stonse, p.; Sletor, c.; Hiendeersonr, i. ; I-odge, al. Pee, 31.; Pledger, s.; H-eith, fied. Sohtomrors --Cochrranre p.; Siencer, c.; ossner, i.; Parry, al. ; Higgirns, 31. ; Wisi- ttnitt. s ind irieberg,fil. ICERCLE ISSUES SOUVENIR EDITfION FOR "LAVARE' 1 soriernir eiditit f Moliere's "Lt'Av-are" will le pits tn sale at thei tSlate' street btostk stores tdeay, tie ries beirg fifty cents. 'lThe edititoir sas tre' tiared for te Cerce tDrtmirtiqte ratt 'ecais, whiose miembters are 1o present the lay ott 5bay 81 at tie Newe Witttiy. Tire ook, sich was printed by'tie - Arrr Arbotr Press, liss a coer of Strt- t mrecptiler ptinted itt brownriarsdtre. iTe t128 ages arc of iruff, delckle-egi stiler, swithisunctrtpages. A potogra virec tortait of Mire fosrs the t frontispiece of tie bok. An etcig of V'iliere s iHarpagon, tie title rle of -L'Avre," listsbeerrrncudted. In tie frot a re sprit lttie ms of thiotie' rmerrber of tie Cerc eirho siill cmpsios: tthis cast. 'ivn nunduntretd tnru fifty coies havte' libitnirepsaretd. Of tis sirmber Soo wisli ie usentbyithe studrters of tfrenchiit tire diferenti dearrmentts of the Uri- e ersiy200oisillte lit ott sies soe- ntis, ani fifty- colies siill ie exchanitgd, by the Creceswithr promsinetirahttrins's iicthrughtoiut tihi'corntry. SHIAKESPEAREAN CLASS PRESENTIS RICHIARDIIlIi IProf. Trueblood's class in Shakes- spetireant reading preserthedl"RichardlHI" Iott Mndnay anu'Itesday evenings. Prof. r Trieblood gas-c a short talk irtodurcitg I the ply atnd acors. There were se- eerutl players for each part, lute the aimr ewas o give each niember of tie class 1 ant equal amount of irk to do. Ins nseveral of tie scenes only the girls par- -ticipated. Despite the fact that the actors had little scenery, a creditahle presentation -wuas given. In the cltsing scene of the splaty, whrent King Richaurdu shouts "A I honse, a hrune, sy kingdom nfnr a -hIrnic!" his well known wrds swee c- swarded, for a toy horse cune flying I thrroiugh the air frons the gallery. Both apresentations were attenduedl by utppre- s ciautie audniences. y itR. toI314 Attaugsci SOCAISS - DIr. Williani E. Buh of the rhetoric departnment spoke inn Detroit Sunday It afternnoons on "Utopia antI Eoution." . tHe adresseud a large sciaist auience d t Schwankosky's hal "Tie socialist -is tot a reoutionist," slud 1). Bohn, s"bhie elieves that the working class -should gel hold of the raw nmaterial and ;, mreanns of production, and use them for tire benefit of the whole country." COUNTY FAIR BILLS STELLAR FEATURES Concessions Granted to Old Fa- vorites-Vaudeville Tryouts to be Held Saturday. 'Fle We~strnuSalson.elys Sie, anil this-Radum anatsc- will aginrt ic ton poupulaiuty st this yrsrCo unsty Fu. Conscesssions were grantiedhfuse these it traciosnsiatsianmeting'fthu ee rcsuive commnnitee Sundsay- afernoon.s rivtileges to opesrateimoing ptiueiicture souw- swe-e- Thurcomitteennhar lstsdeciedi t Isser agenrasl shuts-.ctenraly lcteuiniitie gymsnnasiumintotswihiichinoetr -ha admuissioun willi uheuhagedn. 'lie fensing int, saut -ucties fromunshue-ariuns booissts still issue ticipsate- i thill uss rciosn. Setlssinret he pacedi sns theuruntningtruck tushwislit he resersvediflute smsual Ie. A lprizeuof tInn dollrs i gldlwsell he awssarded lfuse tie est Cussnty-hlittl raster subimrie. ismemeruof rie cummitstere muirsuippoitedlt sisit IDe- tit, hun geu-Isuggestiosns fous tt till ie givnunsirpries. (lne sifthese wilitgo t hislie is-I decoefloat isueinn line paraenndi.nit tehus ehrnto tine'orgatuni zationn makuinng thes t usrnnonsry- 'lie commuritee- inill turn stntsffbe iitie AunsArelon- Pressihudiulng inn anfIisnitys ars n ill keeps fficshustrom to 5hu run. y The psusinsuins itults filtthei stii- sille eshowuarusto be hedironhSiturdalunluy monisu uns, Apinl 4 iRoiosms IC.As tnt sunusualiiuamouun if nulity lists cnei c-i shrncesdithis vearnunthur mutny dramanntic innsdutstns tiescommritee'ha-ig tihs show i-un chargne s evess-ry-reasuosnto be- liesve i tht tisurodulucioun wit-ll he gre- er,"tit grnerndtuhmorsse- hwsidering" iliun Allkinrds sitacts ae eiric-iru iuusiesl, sketceams, run ima inudosnnaus, itmons- loguistss hutch-faIed artelis, tmblters. truthlegitnia ults. htors- -iiyo-tissuiuisi A rsnrshurnnf rue-n tie' nuwswoining sn sui sories ntilcmpiis usoe s fisthlie pishedstidurslting the-Iain.It shoe thatt shersustnill sohhhn adthel t ir ner t tliis sst fcniisnlus A saif sill soon he' rmadse isiantruthblishied, f tst un-i nurses'snrtingflutehisatier. IFets- sitnstue tint s lstasnustisity shns"thus litre, sur nwiho luss aturns tnt ainI woul mauske ua gioudlCitaritoatlii 5souttldset' Johtns P. iVurz e Issit int.kRent, sitA.. . Rititeue-atnies. 'Those e ssn'ae so eldy his unfgges iesto taniy iwhlst te surer totwrite. Thur en'n-ih probahly hithrlien-cissnes' of tie Clarioin, sndsultie'manargemrent expsects ito sell st lest 1naoot curties sliing tie funr. DIGHi SCHOIOL GRAD\iUATES BA~NQUET'AfT'CUBHODUSE Forty-tiwo Unircsity men swhoushae graduauted fromurtlie Ansn Aror high Ischool held a bnquiuet at te cuhtouse Slast ight. L. P. Joceynt of tie high schsool Itoldi of thur death nofthe lit Mi- igan n nnrschnlsuic FootbaulIleagu' annu tine org-rulezatiennofaunewtars sgucehics contains Annit Arhors, Jacksosn, Basttle Creek, Adriaun, lDetroit Cnrl, Kalmua- izoo, GraindhRapidtus, Saginasw, ntilLan- -msig. 'lie-nsrnunsrsip f this league is to he on invittionnsly, ansIte chamnpionrship is Ins Inc determrinedhupon a percentage bhsis. snuenne us.i'iresttns nun G1it AmQuTi. TIhenclcinical tprfes ssosof thur mednictl depasrtmntiguns-c unquuqeut Monduay ngit at th l ncuhtsnse inhuono nf M. Gilmosrie, whon lar resignedu his psitionr in tire University honsptital. Regent Deal, lProfessors de Nanucredle, Dock, Peter- son, Barrett, Parker, Canfield, Breakey, Darling, Cowie and Camp were present. PRELIIsIINARV CUP DEBATE, WIfLBE HELl) SATURD)AY Tern corntesansnn for places ontunhe AlpihatiNun teamrnuwhichnsiill turet tie repirentaiveirs of thur Jffrsonian so- ciety- ins tiecupir detes swil mini a re- limuinruy- debate it the AlpuhatNun meet- tg Saurdanluy night. Thur final contests muill b heiletthe teektefollowing tie sprinrg svacatioun. The undestiont for de- iate is "Resolved, thast iriv-ate propety ipntthie ight seas shorul he exuip from capeturetinec ihm'of war." AD)AMS hXPLAINS MnE'T'HOS (IF CORPORATION CONTRO, Accousirsnneneedinn annuiour sy- tem rn escribuedhty tie governent acnd ni cunirr i nth by the reiseirs werecex plissinedl annultie advntunages f thie sys- len in srttech outiby Prof. Adasn innhiis lecturne yesterdsay. TChi claissificantint f oerturing x- pensersmutd tietextosithterexplnatonnshs usicini s-upruearediby Pena. Adass under tie directionrouf rte intrsate comrtnnece commnuissiosn, has reecurat- lucis-ect ty tie United Sates gus-cn- uent arndhisscums-eunrg discuscdby its originattor ibefore iniigutn studeents. Inn teter that a crrecivalrutiornf thin strmaindiruhelectric roadssof tieUnted Sissiesmay- he determninedupinusit ha. ben sunrdeed that tis systemnn Ie crriei out. 'A issance sheet," stict Prf Adamns, "muusihe trin ted si-hicr will cutser all itmus sit riuense' Instis'roadnl so alil ites ofs itincomrne,trust he' filledi out us scsusdlng ts thur systein prscribednd tic thu-it-ceci t ie governmnent.ItwitIlhe- necessary- nt am-c from 2nasato a2,o us- usry' accounts hun cutser compltuetely- tll he ilemsundrn te generalt heads Finn sisance,undrns hte mantrenancesof say- tru strucnnture,wi-ll he tplce tienitin- ternce of roadbedn, bidnugs, htunes, kinrg tie itrackiclearnndruhlile - ecstnts i. 'The nmainenance onut snimercnt selts i-t tie rolling ndfti hsnng stck of tin--nraisroahilm-tue rinoiler hads mesrsuitditonid accountns suggestedl hu 51.1IDOLIASt'ERS CLhU tEINS .\C'T'tViITIST'ODAY' 'h Michniigarn Snich ltrs club riseh gis iis for ty-tmirdsssionu todauy. 'lie clical confeence mwilhbegin its met- nun" sirn tie mrnring ti-tlProf .\arti 1. 13'Ooge s hpresiding officer. Au in us'clock trust Sanders sill lecueoni thus Ireer M\lunscriptcsafthetineh, rnSin tinahCaswelcl Angell IIall Thie afttenrnnusill tbr 'occptidl mwiii au muittsession osithelIuc ntrdenomnina- tional Conferetire of Church ard Gilis Worknlers. lresident Angel swill residec. IThe 'ModiernnLasnguage Confeence trillasio intet st 2 :30 P u. rofs FreickulsLithe of Albionicollg, mil nt isehairmtan. line Conference of Physics ard Cem- inyytill meet rum thur Physics laoratory lb2 ococwih Pen. N. . Smith, sit Oliet college, ad its chairman 'en 8 prnPont Knapp, of Coumrnbia, well lecture on "T'he Ronman Theater," before thie classical conference, whirls withlhetinrsnied sen rby Prof FN JUIr~O VESCNr noCs orICT;Res The Junior D~eutschier Verein adopted a conrstitutionu tandl elected nfices for thin ensuing year yesterday afternouon The officers are Lee A Whie, president; Miss Wilson, vice-president; Helen Jayne, secretary; and Hotrd ox, tresurner. S111H iJVSOli, hitWSCUtSS SMOKE. Inn trderhum arrange ft onsinestn nf arcclsentertainmnent Inn be given bsefosre tire spring eacatiomn, thresoph ils will told a, meeting 'T'hrsdany afternoon at 4 o'clock, in RnnuiC. A smuoker to be held at thre Union clubhouse is one of the plans under consideration. INDOOR ATHLETES AWARDED INSIGNIA Athletic Committee Announces List of Men Eligible to Wear Numerals-Rules Published. Wuithn thi:esompltriniu ofuittnduo rut- leics y tie carnnivalh nutlst Saturdsay- night, thie awa-srdilng of class numralcsh frtune tin rasckcaninthaskeistballhhathltes liar iene eidedi tuonThe'lernhs util regurlationssifthethurslisiicassoscitiosn sotisle fusethisesm-class isigia asicfol- 'Nummiierals shallhi he- awardnedrito tie memers cormosing mie nclass fooutbll, basusballit, trunk annulbasketball rth armuus mquiying fus te r'semin-finls y thur tunis qulifyingfo timehis snm-fnaiilsn, ins lihe seise nif miissaricles, arem-mmt those tems remarruirninng -ligileu-fum te lst-smrims precedsing lh iii l u ntil t Numensrals salli in- awrduestohumms scarious cas temuistaccording tam thur tush loialngrgultiosns: 'luack (rla ),snylommi sore'thin ixsetcsi; baskietbalul,trsttnirerthansevesi--tsus. Tire mnannges of thus'vsariours ams shallhe incudsedhin this nnsnien Cosntrstantns swiunninglpoits m ine un- uialftersh-sothindonuoruninet shatll b awardnued their clasus numraleus ('lassnmrnreals shatlhbe'mmorn mshume-- inaftprov unuide.(: Tranckiela ty) nnurasls sitl ibs worn tut shits nds rutamis; frsh-sopihutrck teamsunn itistususmihale' mliin suitshirt, jersey- sits tiltcas ; basksestall muners Classs whse teamusnrusviolte thiesr rueitershall 1cbe eelled romr trlandtss athltilc econtess." 'he ba~setballnhiseriesuresultedinmutint gnrntinng sitimumeraliss liii' followtinig 'mx) ini tgineurs (eiuarnisisns) -Wts I t, unsnnrse,Cl'arki, ('amupsbell Nor- mt, Wtis, ntil tiunigerTyler. 1(uo0 lass-H1sonsur, Spulduisnrg, turn inel, Luthrti, Latssme', Eliy, adMmmi aImsn- 19in its-Webtser, Haveys, inert, Esiasthtirin, htnsokmu-ssmu-m, W'isn-hs dmmiMn- ager Ritharsnit. itism nis-Pierces,, Frtame, IInnod )rslr, Elgharmt, andM anag.ehsgr P'ec t ics1to benostied thaltttierentry-sries resnuedsiin numenranls fist nearly lbsestord' teamus s sir thtiebasketltl series, tie rOulaums-reisay-teanmn tking miepmier sit thu Tr no hunt- ibasketballitemru. Nu- luotwlngrentry- nent r9m1uLills (champrtios).-CafigR an, lHorner, Goetz, , Ljiuenhnc, tatId Main- agereGreen. 1908 lhas-sCollins, onslire, Witin, IHarris, annulMatnagreD~uan. Parmnri-Scnr, Stoffel, init, Bri- renauntilManager Meloce 'Teste, Rrsrgi, Grahamind mlManaugr Tenu sophonmores and thiten fresh- in stuceeded in annexing points in the freshu-sophs mert annulavbureensrewrehd with thie following numralus: Sosphoores: 1910 Lits-Bolinsack, Arhur, Knapp, Smith, Sinffoth. 1910 Engineers-Legg, L~einsson, Myers, See, lAllerdice Freshmn:ri uit tLits-Saumer, hu- hatnhet, Ryain, Halnt 191tEnginees-- Deutunosk, Torrey, Wright, Flynn, Orsen. irpm Law-Keck 19io Dent; titzge- ell. t9to Pharnmi-Shrlu1911pumMed- ic-MctNair. In speaking of tbe awarding ot these nurals, Manager H ill of the boardl ot dietors sithtie athletic association aids "The comrnmitte front tie athletic aso-- ciatliosnnunsinsignia mmmladust nutmerals rutas exanineed thur reports of tin e c- spective class mnanagers andl has granrteed this list of nien permission to wear the numrals ot their respective chaises."