-. TI1t MtCHIGANst tALY If your hair is a bother,* or you have any trouble with it, buy a good Hlair Drush AT QUARRY"' and get relief. Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds, Law Booksa, or ether personal property. Watehes and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watchea & Diamonds Office aa residence 331 E. Liberty St Aaa Arber. Hears : 8to11:~30a. am.. Ittei4:30ad 7te 9 P. M JOSEPH C. WATTS Ion all stamped goods, including MICIIAN PILLOW TOPS AT DARLING & MALOLEAUX 224-226 S. State at. College HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Min St Ivoel adtoyuC o n yoete yon otneto by pst~tc, tamp. dtth; cias evapreei i rto c Ist1a telehon, or wecom toyou is just East University Pharmacy 129S ~vriyAvue H. M. ROYS, Pharmacist V. ofM. Barber Shop and Bath Rooms LIevgest Shon ttthe City J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. SCHOOLMASTERS MEET TOMORROW Learned Convention Opens with Classical Conference-Ilistory Discussion Is Feature. The "Nlichtigan Schoolmatoers, clilb xwi mect oi setlnesdaty.iTthursday, TFri- tiny and11Saltrdayoyfithis wecic. rhe following is the plogram o limeetings and1 co111ferences Classical Conference. \VcclllsrlnyAp~ril 1, 8:45 a. itt. Presidling offcr-Prof. Jiartint L.. 1 )'Oogc. Cxix crsiir of t!Michiganx. i. Th Roma Forim litCicero's Time. IProt.\Valter Dienisotn,Univier- sity (If \Michigan. 2. Qui11111 Quia1:1aDifferenttioni~t. !1ir. IO.1 0. Nrits,5lIiiga111St1at1Nor- n1111 Colilege. (General Sessions1. 111111sd11.10 'itining. Aipril 2. Generailtopic:.orPlo 111Discipline ~ill t''i Light If i\loclet 1Psych~ology. '.lbheBeaingt of General Psyciho- lgical P1rinciple.s 1p)111t1110Docriile If I'rnalDisciplinet. Prof. James R 1. _.n)gell Univstsy lo f Ciciago. '.Fff0010 (IfGener0111Trainling upon11 101111115 Prof. W. B.liillbury, Uil versitlof111Michligan. 31. Trining11 ill 1Special11 Sub1jects os Pelated1 toIGeneral1Int1111lligee 1a1111Ca- 11igh 8111111ool ilorilln. MitscaIl proIgram111 by lmemblersIIof ihe fIrlilts 01f1111e"Shool of11 Moxie. 1i. i 1.111101oolAuditolriumlI. '5111 s1111oryand Geolgraphly. 'rof. IGcor"e 111'itltBurnr. Cornilll. 11111y,5Ap11011,9 a. ill. 1110h1Sch11101 AuditIoium~. "c 1ralsubjet:i Hilstory (If SrilIis. i. lbs I lisiot I P1olemi tfrolll-tte P oint ofiew ofx IltIll Puilc High tettral 1Ii cit ol. ?. Hilstory ftrolmIls thePit of11Visor of theisI 11 sIem llar lSchoOl.Pincripl in:g Schlool. OFcigh o11 111s1tory1)illtie lem101t'll1y1 iS'hollls. P1111 J.A.lJlmes. Notilxesl- 001i UniverOsity (chiranrlltloxf 111e51111- 4. Discss on pnt edlll' byt Prolf. lRichx ardt-Jusont, U'niversiyolIf \Micixigatn. ;.ibusine~s's meeting. Fritty, 4:45 1. M. Friday Sl). Ill11. Srahl CatwciiAn-Halgl111. DRINKS ,INK -- -itub press the Crescent-Fitter and oree1it ilits owxx Ol.olll.1C:10'l .TeCollege tank like a camel slaktng it0 thirst. That's all tteon Ci~sstO:I Contferenlce. Standard is tn it! Iso dropper-no mes--no bother. Do it all1 sessionlldl1011ill Sarah l.'lsxx il ll g-anywhere-any ttme. ell Il1fall. SLF 1 ene( y2,tlsI AIhiol 15: t. Ill. CONKiLI S ILIG E "THE PEN WI1TH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" 2 13. 111. can be itled instaintly n ihoot the least inconvenience. Y00 Joint1sssion of11lt'e ClassicConfe111100couttdIil it wvith white kid gloves on wvith ot danger of 011c1 and11 Iternationa1 lll oferenceof sotltng. Besitdes itscc tsettienoe, to the splenIdd writi11g Ch xxrclix andxI Giuil Vrkes ill S1a111'qualities of the Conklin--thte peifect fccd. Uriv",rsiticll. Leng delershandle thsConslin. Iyous loes ntnrer Prt'sidiinlg xfficeor-Pre sid'ent 1a1m's 13. dirensics $3.00adlup. lid asine for hitdsmenecaaog. .\iigeii1. The Conklin Pen Co., U1O Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio 8 P. Ill. Pre0sidlinlg xfficr 1101o. Fredti Stt.1 1111l n sdlil, 111-11 2, 1r p . 111 ModertnLltnilgvC' (Io l ice Wedlne'sday, 1 11. 111. Room1 C Gc~. Uiest ll hio111 '11ene. I h 111sd ts2 . 111. 111111 Room1G.1s11o rs' 1 all. Friay 2 x.ln. Ch irlan-Prof.1111a,\ 1111 1 r I lllll l 1 :11 2 ). lM Culsa ' 2p. 111. 1 1111111 l Iscora' 11111 11111 ix a, I 3op11 Che icl 111 IstrY 11111111 -Prf.H.\V Pet.M c1 Iapnhalhetll 111 m 8111111: 1 1h 3 1 ridgy,11: p. 1 11 11 Poil ShooI Ai tori um11 111011 1-ro.1larl1 W Ci" l ll -r s.iCao.c8 f 1t11. 1(;Ian [. - ., The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc- tory of the spring, we. re offering a special purchase of beautiful new Spring French four= in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ends and in all the handsome spring coloring. The new Spring Shirts make their first bow and they are beauties. The new spring styles in Hats and Cap are here for your inspection. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel At MACK'S 8priug Neckwear For r [en Newest, Nattiest, Line in the City MACK (ft Co. lE ii-hClass I atten d laid trl etr N'1ON[tLOANuUinesls stitly onibdetnial. Two doorsnsothtfCity V. M. C.A. W J-LOURIM GAS ST U D Y LA M Sur owe'sn la n aundya e L E C T R I C I TYgoo . Finishqual32y n. cilorAc.ieedw a gv o SCG AIOTS ANCING ACADEM illNSoatli State Street ASy onTeDye. odrainPrie. SlOaWaMSsaun~,1 A ~dry WASLTENAW LIGHTI POWERT CO W,6SuSateIN treetKEWASHOVENATES HT&P WE O Get the best from the largest assortment. Chinese Chop-Sey Restaurant tBy carrying a copy ot the MCtttlAN Daily Subscriptions NOW Due Chinese Fancy Dishs, American LaIces otHANDBIOOK tn yer poke. Spae o e et- all ktnds. Fverything firs-class let randa, calendar, special eents, Univesity The ANN ARDBOR3 GA~S COMPANY4X ladies and gentile. Calendar in this 10 page book. Given away St bseipiinatabcny mal, cec, raft o Chinese and J'apese Brit-a-bra. tn stdens at the Univerity Y. IM. C. A. Mc.m Iey cder lp Stairs, one dor S. Hstn Beta,, 314. State St. Milan Hall. I STUDIO.,-RENTSCILER, 319 Last Huron Street