'1'PE MICI4IOAN r5AIlY ., ..-.. . _.. :. _ -.-_ - - .,: _«,._--.X'ra:CS: ilitii :+__ __"___". ...,..'L'_1:: ;. :. : ' - --, - :-...fr1GiD3ti: +'L,' -m.r ._ _____ ._ - _._. - _- +F __.... __. _.. - . _. __ rr r r s- a .: w : r: " ..w :. r r. i r r 6. IH. Wild Comfpanly Our Spring ctjoi line of fine Imported aind Domestic I W" OO"L E NS Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-IBate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. "ITHlE MICHIGAN DAILY. J 1 Souh IL teStreet j .Get Your Tennis Rackets Bdeforeth ie season opens I11) inlstead of waiting for the good weather to reinitd yottI of it. \VWe havethe svork clone by ont of thte best firms in ihec outryi antIf its good. Sheeahan & Co,. Student Bookstores S .-- A. G. 1 1 f:AD SPALDIN &, MR:6 WBROS. MR 'The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic SnMpTples Base Ball, Foot Ball, i, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Imptemenets for Track and Field Sports Uniforems for alt Sports. Spatding's Hdandsomsely Illustrated Catatogue of all sports conetains nu- merrous suegestions. Seed for it-It's free. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Oicago, St. Loots, San Francisco, Mtinneapolts, Dever, Buffaeta, Syracuse, FPits- barg, Phittadetpkia, Boston, Ctecnnati, Balti- more, Washktngton, Kansas City, Cleveland, New Orteans, Detroit, Montreal, Canada. Mtanacging IEdiicc--ACcttc F. RIcTCIE, Business Maager-C. E. WNS'TAD. tDITORS ?dewts.....-....Hiram S. Cody. Athletics ..........Lee A Whit. Exchange...... I-. John Wambod, Nlucsic and Drama.....Roy D. Welch Wonmen's Ifeitor.... Locise Van Vooris EITOIA TFFP J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams NIGBT tEDITORS George I. Hobart Leonard C. Rfeii Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymotid Vissher REPTRS M,. B. McHugh J I. Preset A. L. Hainline Robert Mountier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Lousraft eiis T1. Kniskern Robert Moreland Paul Greet Samuel H. Morrb Dtto Engel Fred H. fGooding - Theron P. Cooper BUSINESS TAFP John F. Wrz Carl H. Ada Htarold . ocld Address : MtCHIGANc DtLY, Press Bldg. Maynard Street. Manager's Hors: I-a p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phone 1lTESDiAYc, \lRCI I 31. 1Q0. IF 'to r xv+ , -anies! iii ttwhnlclarsh.i itotestoicteich- igncal tnd iitlt'eoleder.. Thei ,idns l heeseni opta ni, oilcurretcecliistivear. bttangelyiinough aerarlthe ii'"grnt'. f tli lssihit stn ts fit'rditaIyitllctal cibe. i soi coistently s '''1011 i he lradutes P.i sctools, iweitetatltosnaketithe it gmai'f 1iiii.iciia liA n irb r ciihifr iity., s.iintgtt '.di'fer t iine td i ' t e t c alm thelt mad. ood,"ijfoxrciiieii hedaaie c'thus ec.tithe titicetigotosittet ci'- ltitli iilheri ticesing str lengh lroie stuhy.Juogetraryb hecer aru-i ite firttiistall itp rtialscool.iti tt iri ticItit ct~v A eL'. xetttc. ll is wiceekx we relcomterthesewitnlice' ticsecial lctreotietlg deorectti ictre osubjetcitsnot ici in tseeg itar exatietitolpracielaincrnedtit thesr statet,,1111 alttf those whto expect to it'in tcii'ettishiouldlcaiiilcemselve of this ociitict fiii itoiecomte familiar wihhelilaws gilt tintg tmtunig andii- RAIDiiJAfRGON811 t'NT'i' L:111 itC[ifLkUCEKR 'T.ALK tic'highhrowedtGlot who outixciiti ctllt et it t iit it' gabfet'tartccts Th 'ugIdea htaitisii'lt'lleared'htwtu isn't wise t il ictt' m . \fii'i chiame is lie Grt'asy' Grindiiniit''iaix v'i tiiile toct i uutir fslam ttigif le talc- laitetmitgai ltithitchen iiigeciii Wha t omplcitescattgscstilemoe sort11of ting.ii iTe iargonit ofiyeterday Righi t rin is tlintg distancice of til'he tit Pieianspingticthitntuthe stacce of tnyasqet slang haicyecicorn lied it lay n ited. ii iy 1111 is Aii popuilarttutterinteetly ietiescl, for anyone wit is eysyih tlwts prion'iti "sl." Andttci'.tecaiswerito thci lilt ap lt 'tii tosy" u'lltit'io ltte. og' The somwhatcubersomeexpugsionil - d gone-tipicisI " wit ei vaiticltt to "ai n," andcii t o "et oine'sxccolile-i"ittice mean togetones jst esets.iToit"goit we av spplmtdlith "goithe iilimitit Toblirt aii'tele glangiof'ire yt ''lit its 'di id. :iuchiofit hasit' oiettro beii'otittit cita''itesiiei 't'ite t c t1 i lt 'er st ooi i 1' lei 'balled-u" ~it 'co-e\'i.cumpI."ciihtxktictndisic on iill ntis tutuliefrritttnt atdayi. The we li Wenicci t y ears1 agoxa111111 et.ti' ''ci ii itcoq ill iem for ia"flunk ini' rectale tion.Ftwif gel''snlnertn theem oa..tlutcitotttlof trli fol iglitonexrondxtwisi"ciiiste dcc" In '. irdgt c t'tttilt ct uponic ol c- lefe slng sbictteitfoi',c'Prof.cott iiltisuchirrevl.eretturc to "siirroccot 'lateit-oi lfeldRely ml. Wesom- timesiareCorrespdectfclenSchltooksaot caig.iteitriApty a oniche ouse.a3n," SPANISH ICtUB AD)OPTS NAccIl ANDI t RNIS CONSTIQ'tN "It. Scciiniact Fsptanob" is the nmne is fountided i ut the pucroe of creainig xxwider iterestatd kowliedgein i Span 'sit atfair'. and ibose of tie Saish-ii 'pthtCountries of America. St iet f Spnish li il t'nvesty, xtcthe fautie tiand cc iseoiue tic' eligibleinto .1cotiittin tutu iy-iccws''wcire aotcit- cii acithe mceeicg yesterdayct. Atticiatie tmtetnt f a sml fee cthich giet admitti- ii tothe cvarius'.lectures tatu ecitals' to le ivencin i the cttre of the ttil. Dr. ftcaiiiercr"as.eletedl direccr. 'Ihe fcloititcatre lihe'otiter offcer, twiti cili'tud cfice ututitl eyercrom tut ii. tar, Francist'.c Lnzitr etsure,'A. i0. PRI)F. SMiIifT(OF fC'ICA...GO LFEC'iURIKS HE RE, FRIDliAt recr iof die general andcphyic leit- caii laborai'tries. ccindcein f the Juiorit Cleige' ofite Uiveistiytof Cicg. ' I . 'ilec tue is c'en tic te piili'. 'oct' Prf.Sithi ils oe theccmosIt picitti- ti'tr. His tixt-hoops'cari l t'. tativet wl glt ticcubjct:. I'tiltadretsft'cwillt bivet atig 2 iiitltc Fiii y iternil'oon,'. lilhewet' limplittile f hePysc ff11.1, i:ISSUEDI ISillIN 'f'10tutati annoIucuemutentutforthetit het ix~tetl atiuutt tidcle ol' if net wek. A5 prelimttinr ucuiuuuucc'uutIhs l adv been prtepatet,'ul. ciligisest'. iatettti of til'he n hu'i umbr tfcu'sesitheil'cuui'i'u- tut. 'lucre ciiw i'e turticundredtti cnutentyive ci'ourut's. ufred thiii' yetar. 'hue faclty ini chatrge tf tilt' tut- tutr schluillcpii thile'tuitaibo t utonhu- iie 'ti 'idctfifteen. Hd' c tsice speciul dvcertisling i.beng use itis.yet'ri, espueillyin thtit'south.lt Pro'uf. Kraius, wccliii isi' mah t tein Itharge,.hit o'.farloureceivedovr'tre hunttdredilelicitsof iqutir BI1RD)CtIA i CCIRSlt)NS BIRING OUlh' ENl'TUSIASTiS 'flit rte swallt'he house cwreiiliii wcoodcctck, the sonig tsparrowcs, iie grett hut'eterccin, a n aothciter fethileed micgrattscare ciwit it cagin. Amost (very tdty NormanicA. fW'odsic li utie of lilt co-workier"s iithe tBid cciibditcoers lie presnce of aitewlyp reurticudmemt- ber of the colonty of smie oe hunduredt andt fifty species whlichi tre foundin iithis c icinity. GlbeW ernicke BokCases The kintd that growso with your thbrary -that w i ll fit practically any space -that can he nmoved one unit at a time by one personti wthout disturbtng the bok-that is practtal, artitic, atid the oly perfect sectional book case niade. Fitted with 1101bittd- tug roller-heartng doors base units furnished withb or with- out drawers;attd all muade 111 a vartety of woods anid finishes adapted to any surroundigs Call 'cud see thent or send for catalog t o6 withinteior views showintg arratngenment to It. brary, parlor. etc. Price per section $2.50 and up. WAHR' S University Bookstore t.F. DARIUMI Law ad Medical Bokeller IMPORTANT LAW ANI) MEDICAL BOOKS IDicyc Ilttfori'of t'tutuwiof tiealProptcurty - $3.00 ii Oa uttct ucutEitiniof Wliam'useucl Pnperty - $3.00 Potysist. - - - $1.00 tBistlop's".Diretinstandthms tiinuiaAutittt, - - $6.00 vol.-° - - $2.00 ielunntu".Tiueyiof Fxdu'cnu, $2 00 N 'ii ifuitun".,idiite.,-- - $3.00 la al" 's .urotiiir.i,.. - $6.00 To ccii'noummay iofthu Law o'fiCoporationsu. - - $2.0 Wettlmanct". o Cicten.' -~ai ain - $2.50 i ~wietti Luwye, Mtatiiac.$60 tiu'i'.p"c- Abbt'.t's.m . - $00 Rt1i5i'".t'uactiuug'.. irau'ii' udct - - : "v-s - $.00 tutu'w' Coeurmsi. l.,ch.$1S200 MEDICAL BOOKS lia's Prcntiah 'teatpentites, $000 ltttktiacu". Opeativ Uisu Steert. $6.00 nattiuui-g. - - - - $50 otrotaMiinturttn'Attautnd 'I r i tutu, itt ,\ ntuc y :3 tut. . 0 ccusons iseuuate'. uf Ti1uotueti.$6.00 Ctu"l'.tuDit'ert''tialDni osisi andTreuatmuent, - -$65 Digoss - - $.0 Gol' ti.- - - -$aiui oO Ditionaries,.Conitciuiuudd t.i. C. E. BARTHLL Law ad Medical Bokseller Tel 161. 326 S. Stae S. [YEGL ASSE[S t'cu'.aucu' Lavecmin uch i ta nccissay ntcouisa nc itt studientit'ofi hutstat theyi'wilt wecomeu.dci'act et- gtass tthat gites ctfort andu servceu. ttaveuopta l wortxi uik'dn iitra ARNOLD'S and It ic'lciilit yputtcutu- ftortably'andilguarantete'reultst. Qtictk tRupaic"s.LenssG0ritud. EMIL Hi. ARNOLD Oticial Spcaitit WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler u20 South Main Strt fte Dollar New Spring. Monarch IIRTrS Co-Op Store I I MAY FESTIVAL May 13-14-13-16 THE THIOMAS ORCHESTRA Frederick A. Stocic,Coneductor CHORAL UNION (300 VOICCS) Albert A. Stanley, Conductor Pe'lracipl ,.iClhos~s l Work "Creation" - Haydun "Facust" - GOunnu Arfists M~rs.Conrinune iRider-Kfelsey Thursday and Saturday Oinruisgs Mmnt. Ernestine Ocanan-Heittk, Cuectraltoc Wed. anid Frt. Evenisngs Miss Janet Spencer ,'ontralto tFri. Afternn and Sat Evenicig Sir. Edward Jhcnson, Tenor Ttcur, Fri. and Sat. Evenings Mr. Chaotic Cunntincgham, Baritonne Saturday Evening SMr. Earce (I. Killeent, Baritne Satnurtay Evening Mr. Heurbert Wittherspoon, Bass 'OTursday atnd Saturday Eventngs Mhr. L. tDe Mare, French Hon Friday Afternoon Mr. L.. L. Renwick, Organist WIetlesfday Etening Seasont Tickets (unreserve'd) $3. Seatuen'tickets (resred)ct$4. $5, $6 Fnr Sate at School of Music Ihe Students' lecture Association Brander Matthews, April 6 Sirs~1e Admatssion - 1 Oc Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30 Sizngle Adrxiisslon -W -00C The students' Lecture Association I 121 Washington E~. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598