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October 08, 1907 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-10-08

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QUARRY'S I SUCCESSIN UT1 NION We respectfully request that prowling
Ii er al Ceam cutiund en Pge Oe.) aroud the outsidle of our residence andI
Sop which are rivent utp to the Stuttents' academy and climbing titp to the wina-Co k i sSe
anad Representative Council. This shows dows cease. The neighbors object, and _h ColgPok i-sS l- iln
thttetnvrt ttoiisretfieit is very upesn.W ilntb h olg
Q ARRY'S ta h nvriyatoiisrcgieQ it officiatty. 'The Council is composed responsible foe wehat happens if the rce. StandardFo n a n F rn
pof members from all departments, coil- quest is not complied witht. This is not TI PC
BDermal Cream sistig in all of aisotit oite hundred meii. a threat, but an hottest, friendly warn- ADVERTISED IN THSSAEON
Maeacmiainueul "The Sttudents Council is a tdirest intg. Sincerely. USASADSTRASI
Maecmiainueul means of conununication between the Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger. TUSASLN.AURASI
when using hard or soft students aiid faculty in mallers. concern- -- Sold in Ann Arbor by
water. ing the class room1 and swork. So far For the past few days the Thealorium iEnW U ST OB OKSO E
aI could fint out, tihe Sttudents' Repre- has had a very' interesting fitm showingGE .W H ST OB OR T R S
Qu / R S sentative Cuilhas not takeiitup niat- a oto ftesuetqatri ai.... AND...
1iters of general ordier andl discipline in This has been tiuite an attraiction to re- SHE EHAN & COMPANY
Cuornt Mat fi. ana N. Univ. Asve. the studenit hodly. The exlanmiatioin of cr1n11h returised tourists.
tis is tielt ack of anmy regolar otmthirst
of clas.s spirit s.uch- as we have in Ami-
___________________________ ricanu colleges and( universities." LOST-About two weeks ago, a tan-
______________________________________ _________________________ colored suitcase willh customls stam111 on1
0 e oane RUSIAN STUDENT EXPRESSES one end. Pllone 8o.
On______imod, a Bos Portrait frames at Fouler's. If
(or otier perion al piupetty. 'Tilefresh-sophl rush1 is. accordiiig to)
'Watches and Jewelry repaired. Vladiniec tielohoradofi. te Rutssiass stit- Two dollars insures you against all W OA 3
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds odeost who1 eistereod tile Clisersity this lois by fire. Geo. J. Huller & Co.. W '4 FAIL ADY
Ofc ---- lull, distinctly anl Atnerican institution,. Real Esat anddnc 3n3iaice E.f SouthyS
Offic a steAbori. Liut 1 "While ill s0o1 Euroisean countries," Mai street. tf
Bears: 81 ti1130 a. mn., 1toi 4:30 and t tu he said, "tiiere arc culstomos swhichi 111
ALiI~N.$CNIETA ereec correspontioo tile ruish, 111 wviere ANNOUNCEMENT,.
J0SEPH1 C. WATTS Is tile Haziiig of tilt freshmen carried9
oil so fairly anti inl such a whlesome Four of our eight howling alleys are,
mannerl' an11( enteredl iiito withl suhl a nowu opein and ready for buisiness. haus-
spirit (If gootd nastutre as at MIichiigait. toil Brothers. 3i1 iMayinard St., seconid
"In te Unliversity of Glaosgooc, wchere floor. ii-i4
1 wts last s-car, lie said, "they have - - -Thi ntew fijui liite of college goods is now complete with the
-aod r ear aon elecion of ail htoinorary Studrists wishing tot sell Choral Unions
B n e s resiodent (of tile tiiir riy to tile unider- 1a10 May- Festival cooicert tikt pes ch ocest atid niost varied ntew things ever shown. RuLg, CoNutN
,roor.Tt eodr(fhccisraull at liversiy Schtool of Music. F - cr , drawv your particular attention to their superb display
ices or te lihor-als ii tile house of iberaol commlissionl allowed. Agents of tnew designs ill Manhattan Shirts.
ouosis ustully c-ihoseni. Ai lie tuime .oots bring rtferencte fromo shoe "e-
AT' .f this elechitonthilert is alwayls si great 'Poitibtr persons. 10-15 Men's New Fall Gloves of nil leading makes -r
ight at the 10o11s bewe esi ltm-oers -- Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear
DARLING & MALLEAUX if tir risval factions. There is lout a JACKET SWEATERS---Juist re-______
224-225 ~ ~ ~ ~ cr n.aae 1 O)irrow oroar leaodinig to the btmhiot- -riced. Wagiier & Co.. State St. iu-i6s
log he. whiichm boils pasrties try to) A tall variety of new styles of these world-famous hats to
s_______________ old forcibly iso oroder too keep teir ri- FOR RENT-Two large houses suiit- select from- Stetson. Carlton, Hiowards.
olsfrois osssuig ltrosgli Thi i able for clubhouses. George J. Halter
Colleg! e ac allr rlike sloe rtssn ithanm rugtinig I ht aei & oC, real estate antI insurance, at16 Mut's Fall Caps, prices from 5oc up.
o o s lonte Germian uniovcrsities S. Main. If
S teins lbe odifferent dlubs base reaol battles Al -aebosfrrn tFstrsi o l n ( i ~ 1
HALLR'SJEWLRYSTOE, 16 .Min t c fiendol) shirit schel eltarcterias
IIALLUR'S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ah ruL~YSO~L2bSMliS.~ shes hero'." 0. H. Lute, Alarm Clocks, $t.oo. 205 __________________________________
rMb. Reloortoooff owenl(t 1( stoa toat East Wtashington. If
ihouogit lt-e rtusi wsanot excellent
AHANDY 9DRUG STOREL lstoo. lHe himiself 100(01palooas a Hanmod hamtmered jewelry at Foster's. 'lE A .I .O O
Stadto'os ruooin otn t sl-t sid f -e-omolo of time sotphtooreda tsh, ill wich
theo- ilcorsloy willind lioSuo'st-i- e is emmtereti. Tue purty derfeonoiig the KOLLAUF, THE TAILOR.
a Osandy ptac to~ buhy thto-or ole loE t til triy o ettlesno t . Huron St. tf- 2
Drugs, Toilet Articles le s h e st o harltostgan e ltol chate Fo3i~ s C~ii~
Stationery, Candies opToor orc crlo loiilsy 'ry Eruspe's home-made candies. 615S r ed ~ a ~ t
anPias rangrd. East William street. 1-18_____________________
W~e aioo to ktoep iroorytltitog nmedeod in _________________
ou 'ie rico-s tiict.
Try ourSda The Best in the city. Sitiotlemts wishltio, PIANOS TO RENT at Schaeberle
n t sel S. L. &Son. All musical supplies. New lo- P ic sM s Re ou bl. AC & CO
East University Pharmacy A. seeosoold t itkets otnto o-belin cation, tto S. Malin street. tf PrcsM t e oasb . MA H & O
0)10 5 tboiri'sty o rto li t office, iTnivertsift' Haill, chtile
fromt 4 to 6. Htwllrt, 'Cremts. PIANOS FOR RENT-A number of
V. Of M.l u esmoslofoi chsoice new pians at Root's Mus'i -
h udWl h esnwofudthat I louse on easy terms. Free tuning tf / Ott Watches, Diatmonuds, Jewelr~t ad nit
Barber Shop and Bath Rooms Btotni NO. Easatn Koodak oethor N'1NIY LOANE i-ClschteanGoaer aeu-
llrowti Il III \\\ Butr. siness strictly conidential.
(lock~sa aittnle tse U. of M. booathouise, Sunodtsy If you want the best fountain pen in el c si.st tense Hours: u:e it - its), lu si.
LagstSo i h Ct ftrooi. pisease reitrno itit 1107 N. toe city, go to Cttshing's, 336 South Tw or otno iyY 1c .W. J. LOU7R.IM
J. R. TROJANOWSHI, Prop. Stole St. Reosardl. State street. tf

announce their fall and winter line of woolens for mn -The line is high grade and comprises
many exclusive patterns in suitings at $30.00 and up.
New and dressy effects in overcoatings.
Importing Tailors
303-305 So. Sate S.
The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry Lamps
444 South State Street THIOMAS ROWE, Prop. G as Stuidy1a p
Sew Phone 457 Bell Phone 45-L Inur> e a steady, soft glow.
Introduction to the Study of New Testament
Open under new tmanagement
This course will be given at 12 o'clock, noon, each Sunday, beginning CaseopnStry,1a.m Easy on the eyes.
OCTOBER 6ClseopnStra,1a.m
Th ujcsfrtefrtfo udy ilbs olw:Assemblies, Wednesdays f loderate in price.
Th sbjcs orth irt or unay il b a olow:and Saturdays, 9 to 12 Cheaper than oil or electricity.
1. From the Old Testament to the New Oct. 0
2. Preparation of the World for Christianity Oct. 13 wAl KING Loo
3. Messianic Expectations Oct. 20
4. The World as Jesus Found It Oct. 27 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Got the bet fromx the 1ar~et assortment.
STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED. Chinese Fancy Dishes, American Lnches uf
hl ind. IEveryhing Sa-ls o
ladeses and gentlemen
Other subjects will be announced later. Opportunity for questions and Chinese and Japanse Bric-a-brac. A i' r o a o
conference will be given. Upesairs, ao door S. Basiao rs, 314. Stae St.
Will Soon Open - MICHIGAN UNION CAF-W tch Fonlt

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