THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchifidd's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclified & C.EST HURON ST. BEST STOCK OF C IGAKS IN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 Ei. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALAPIn CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All thelabest l and fuly-gearanleed. MICHIGAN PINS AND) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. Cigarettes Turkish and Egyptain ALL THE LEADING BRANDS C.ASH PRICES 15c Pkgs.-- - 2 for 25c 25cPkg. - - 5Sfor $1.00 W. E. JOLLY 30 -TIEST MlRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Bair Hoodis,tHairdressing, Shatmpooing Manicu-ing, Face Matsage.a Specialty. 322 S. State St. (( p1 Stairs) Belt Phone 359 mEusic ana Trama file heanty and the marvecl of Kube- 11k{ siplayinlg vie -witih each oth~er for foremost plice ill the listeiner's attention The extrlaordiniary iperfectiollad all lity of the tone are accompntlliedi iitli s11ch flentatnd11(d(iverse incedIibiliies (f tech- nliqeichall Iili,, layinigibecoesll-stapefy- lng. Paginini'slieairers ileciareil that the devil1 heiped int in p lainig, in return for thesile].i of the Violini. Were oulr genleration neadrer tilue Irstitiousi-.age (If Paginini ire wxouldlteasily lieliexve tie llle (If Kubielik, for i woiiiiiseen]sic 1 (tiler ageller thanonIly twoli handsb. 1ust le proiiiciiig the (mIll/cof 11111'-. Kubielikl i-rodu1111. The conceert wils enlthiasoltieatly re- ei. Tie auilencewas1 not1larg11 1110oleores vce given, the secondli 1111 after the cell of tile programi. Milie. Riiy is. a eaalte (andi promiingi, iiiliigii -llieivati mma11111iitire, piaite. Lullig Schiibvahccompiiianiedlin111 (1oost Cr1:1di111ble mne.rlicil-.oevai. C. XWhitiiey and 1 Sr. Si. Joiiii are itak- filg spiltefforts 1o eetire el-enlibetter attractlionsl-fo~r lie New Wh iiitey tihan thi-. shoIlrt seasono. l oiiiing-]laireLl -)sagg caried 1111toIprocueles111oenicf the bI .1 companliies initue east. Acontraclte fiir.tieiappeaane (f Sa\ilgesf iigtis.t C rand Opera Co. ini Ann Arbor ill-ee il~de. Itits suheba muil litrellat is(his itat lo11vers oif musee ici liiArbolr (hire 1( 11g desiredl. "l ieular. whlich will lie stauged uxitl tmsti i1111expensive1eelry aIIi id properrifesthat ire requiiredi for its tli role1i( in "Sis.Hokins" has-. 10(matde ti p- lily tile worldlerfiiulirucesIltlat it h11111proie10to1be,1-. oil1tile litothose11 -. r" 11 lsoitlie -.11ge1 at tile Nel V 111111 B ew te'- ilifli- (liiill . f( r n iitiyea (li"B le 111111"111(1 added features ilt-telotile(amIlill. it~ lilt 11 IitheXXulil ((n11(1 li~i V ,°t bult Sootiln, iiwil ppain11a111nw oper witten((expriiilyfo lelir at aVtieu- - 111111r, lo has lecomite so w1eli 1k1(wn a-nd(1 ill-. beenli lgiuivipraisedl liv d1r(1matiecoriic.sibecause- (f hill gri a pea b~ l efoereian Ann Arbrinau~iiene-for ilhe ierr XWido,a lithlitgilprIeleded( bi s ". Xerry XVidox"l tz, ils Xlerry XI iildl- - nie. c aniil"Merry- Xidow~-1 liesses, u-ill lace tll its (originall fresh-u aconitfiluousllrun( i11NexxYiork awl lilicalgo( thisi season, has i rovedl the moItil 1 pl fth'. veilrdutinsgi. ((.(1eter((11P ile l s lt e i ven earl, il (((lil t the1(1 -I ( Il i t I-I">r~t t' Mi1l1ons" andt"I1ll1 iII ((((((11 Mouse" iii ifollow1clotill-after. The muia llIyvcter(is u of towIprfo ma ce as t till.. i - XIII.IRo hlt ((ndoiIandIl clb arestongths yarandth it JetiI- 1il ((((11 to4 (i rat exent1n th(suc -Spring 1908 CLOTHCRAFT (All Wool) Society and College Brand Clothes NOW ON SALE Eagle Shirt from Loom to Wearer $1.00 to $2.50 Fine Line of Negligee Shirts at 50c and 75c Full line of EXTRAGOOD Children's Cloth- ing. All kinds of Underwear, Union and Two=. piece. All the spring styles of Hats Staelbler f~ Wuerth Co. 211 S. MAIN STREET * OUT OF STYLE The man who buysar-Cve shoes each season i's never out of style because u1Wr6w shoes keep abreast of shoe fashion. Every de- O 1(1(1 InI 1?nicricl 1.1 e 11.1 s" ts ll. °asIII 1111 XI (ian : ll t , 1 s 0 110TS, 7: J11111()1.5, .4,1111 sII 1C)1" 1 . --)l' ill (I T 111 11 1 f l 11t 1(11 1111 el 1;'1 1 S.(1(11 ISl ike111111 110SO f r tll c(/1111 1If A )1-11 7 CA Aj NI CiXX N\ 7l1 X7II'ICX '- and -1 -I-own(at ant,1time ( n(1 11 1 lel aIc of this 1(11e1k11 rear are 11(11 tel try calliand (1(1(11 it lr lll (1rI for 14 Illii will tif< d1 sb- of at el Sinie 1858 xwe have nmadeic1Vat °h Re- Pciring oine of oar -stront fu itures. FliallerosJexwelry Store, 2 ifS, lain stireet. Cl Id Nox 11(. 1,1(1(11. 111) street. 01ii) 'IXXW CXNI)14z-. fable feature that fashion ictates or fancy desires can efound in ioes and the other essentiala Esatisfactory shoes, comfort td service, are contain- d in all W -Our,.k4 foes. THlE ACME OF EASE Walk-wOver Shoe Co. 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET I 4 St. for ctaelllgi.t All Wool=--Hand Trailored I 1.L College c/lfllOO for /lt/ll eolo ,Il oe S R N L T I GThe Clothier II i l IIil-tei 0Ready when~ yo~z are.. i( YHE FARMELRS AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Captal, $50,000, Srptu8 and Profits, $65,000 General tBanking Business. 3 per cent paid an Time and Savings hDeposits. Safety lDe- poasis Bases to cost at $.00 and upwards I. KoEeP, Prea. W. C. STEVENS. Vice-Fees F. B. BESER, Cash. B1. A. WILLIAMS Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Caspital stock, $50,000. Surplus, $2060,06 Rdesources, h2,20i,000 A tGeneral Banktng Busitness Transacted OFeeIERSu:Chas. E.BHsech, Fees.; W. D. Barriman, Vice Fees.: M. J. Frits. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Moth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. B. Wade E. F. Mills Jabs Baarer Jno. Koeh P'rof. B. S. Carhart Benry W. Douflas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARses, MICE. E. CD. KINNE, HARIIISON SOULE, Poes. Vice-res. S. WI. CLARSON, Cushier. - Capitah, $10a,000. Surplus and Profits, §150,n00.- German American Savings Bank 0 Commxera~al tantd C Cor. MeIm i sd Liberty Streets Fverything for Spring A complete display of the new and fashionable ida nSuits, Top Coats and Rin' Coats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings At Wadhamns n( Co. FASHION ,STORE 121-123 S. (U~atn $t. See Our Show Window I I THE I -i Palais Royal 209 1E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS From Every Country OUVT MAY- i5 FUNERAL M. Martin DIRECTOR.l )ffice 209 S.4th Ave. Phone 9$. PtntLate aBlselcwth u-el- Hot J unclh aidene 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 match year shirt or blause, 35c. Send, us a At Tsuttle'e. 338 s. SMate AMBULANCE ON CALL P ete of the dross goods wihen sending order. ________________ TEBELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS. J, I SAVE YOUR P1ENNIES The Michiganensian has gone'to Press