THH MICHIGSAN DAILY 6. IH. Wild Comlpally Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENS]I Is now ready It includes all the latest Novecties Shades and UptoIDate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Gfrays and Fancy Blues Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comfpanly 311 South Sae Stree Get Your Tennis Rackets Restrung Before the season opens tip, instead ofiisating for the good weathecr to reindc you of it We have the work don bei l one of the best firis illtile illiitI s and its good. Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. r- a! "SPALDING _____~s & BROS. The Largest Manufacturers in he World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Otficia Impeetfor o Trakad Field Spurt, Uniformst for all Sport. Spadigs Hadseley Itustratedt Catloue ot alt sports contains nu- meros sugesrtions. Sed or it.-Itsfre. A. C. SPALDING & BRO. New' York, ohivuo, St. Louis, SasFrnceisc, bitinceapois, tenver, Bufalo, Syracuse, Pilts- burg, Ph laviip i, tBoso, Ciecinnat,Balt sore, Wasingon, Kansas City, Cleveland New Orleans, Detroi. Monrea, Canada. i THlE MICHM~AN DAILY, thive upn ci ocrxnpnusceleratexsis birthiday.lihecliii, ilhougi verylimited xi sope and astipiratoinsx.foirms << ,laagixog dditor-Actiuxi .RITCH~I nclet i liolilil ihixchi ceniiersthe iter- Business Manager-C. R. WuINrTEA. cxlofxthlemen whovlook tupion he' nile- ilivatthir ttntix an o i nlife. EotTOeS .Xitixxigix stch interestsxlhave inever Nexts.................H-irai S. Codi hld axprmineniitx'i place in our univxersity Athletics ..............Lee A Whit' life, buingt l liy eclipsedi liptil emci- Exchange....i.. f. olhn Wambold,.hici la1 i id nte nore'ecivciialschools. xintsic oind Dranma.. eRy D. \Welclx seivra attemptsj have blen ade ito i Xomen's Edlitor. . . Louise Von Voorisicfounxxixi tholgic xialtieptartmnin x eix EnITOetAt STAFFPnecion xiithlithe xvcampusxi. lBishop WX~il- J. Wii. McCandless Elmer C. Adams iiii haslxixvercivil strenuoitsxeffixrtx to- wardiitlxxiietnxi. 'ndiii ex iwithitronx'xg ell- NIGHT ETPORS couraexgemxvem lxiixv xi v vqarexs, lxiiieacti George It. Hobart Leonaord C. Reiditu'timete planixhasxfxailed-asxhave state Chauncry Boucher B. G. R. Williams xxxlxrxvworthy projects'-becauseivof lxxvi RayoyntdVisxchrr xf fuxxiids. Itivis xthouxghtxthe xxiire libi- RZPORTERS Mt. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewsis T. Knixskerin Robert Morelandl Poat treer Somuel H. Meorel Otto Engel Fred E. G~oodiing 'Teron P. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF Jobn F. Wore Carl H. Adanm Hiarold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. Managers Hours : I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. mn. daily, except Sunday. Both phones St'i I.XV. M.RCII 29. i9o8. XX'iixxi permantxxigain ixs ilixigani to rexalizv'fromxithlivlative misfoirtuxxiv? III ouri oxpinixi i'ionth teavyprlive xwii lvheti'iiow'i xcivxuxiii lx xeivffecive'xforc'v' trisesx to obia sii ilaii'riivccurrencvexsii iv hefutuxre. The istde'tibodiiycxcnlxreatea repre sv'taiii'v iitiveconil, wxielinxg xunliiteid'x lxowix of'x r'e'traintiixxxii of v'vensure'x, xand lexadiig dev'fensivetacticxslxxx' iscxxsi- tuentsi. Xxpower ful cabixv xiiine cn echo-x sen, wxihosev influencevx' xilcviv'eventxfixi- xxxi acilnx'ontheipat of lii'existud.'ntx. anxxiii. stc acxi txxi xxi~lxxiion ocr'cxpressx disppov lxxmore v'everex as a p li- mcltihaxte ot'xi"i ciitiiv xii lxxxiii- axxiii xw'eni a xitdenit l i' rixxtedxixcv ithax hev rec''e''xivestefxair' andiicourvvteoxslxveat xxx,'xxxof onei' ivixix xv' cxxxiii xxiilvimsxi x him xii xxwill ight forx his crights. lThe ;student'iii t xci.lx ielv s a b d f tha 'nture'v xxixexxxi. XXVexisuggest'-and lxiv thev presen'xt v'onittiourselvesicx ithi xxxggx'xxixxg--ttutuxxx'xxxxxxlxvIbe Lviienxiii' me tlxitoimakixvisxoxiiinreliy.lvir hxapsxiteesawcnt iciixx xi'vxxituxtion,. p'xrihxps ax larger 'iitii libex'xiiii orx perh'apsiixxxxiy' pa xsvmeetig toxx'vxxiit'c' it axxiitell 1it tox gxix xi xvxxxi xxii gil lxxx-.i \tx111iv'ev'ntx liii t'ouncxvi xixix lxxhinclxxxiiitxkexhldii ofi thxiigx, in thesC'risx,,,xwhosxcouxiii is of iviitl iiiimportance:vIt is forxxxtilythli lboxiy'exixtsx.nox fori tel deterinatio ofxth dliametxerx'ivx'of lthe .''bxaxrrelsixh lv''xl'xxph bstclexxacev '1111F, ixDIV I'IY cxcix. IIlex annuaxxxxx Iixxxxc l b n ue xl h iv' ii'ixii clxxi. xscheduxixlxxx'orioittixy inight,. oniv'of thei manyx i xxiiicst xxxgxIii/ti1ixii wxhich'i ourxivxxxvrxity woulxxd xgive:' axdisinctxvtlvii per to suchii axdepartmelxxvii:ttitisli influi lxpracticaxxapiaionxxi ofiixxre'ligiousix in- now licy'fron ite lxii lxxxixxx'wouldxxxbexrap- illy ii''xx'inrae. andxi axixong stepi lxvtxakeni tlhe coxxxmandxxxing xignxificaxncev ol xxxi pxresevnt sxituaionx. Withibexvii xuicceediig year'ixmore' 'andiimorex' xxviicomixe hexre' to taexhirx'.. t.egree,' c vxpeinvxg ixater tox entrxi e fth r exxv'x xi' x' xlxxr theoloixgicxal goit xxi xisvunexaxonaxble xxxsupposxe xht sili lix'lexfuture day ii' vie xxv'e xa sco l of 'xtolgytab'xtixlihed uponiir lii Th lbinivextendiiing xa xvry'gc'nx'raxl invxition tox llxx meni x vi i rt elx y' i n-- i tetvvin'x thi discuissxixiiiIxvx'ionoftes lpo- lxlens h xsixckn the'firt'xtelviniienlaxxrginxg ixs fiild fxluentxc'xce: xaxdi as twoxofxitls linixg xspeakersv,'1111ixig1xBlaxck xxnii lDr. jexix, tliv'occaioxxil l v' xe igniicatin i xxxxrv'^xxwis ixthnxone. Inx its laxsi c'x'vixxg'x vedition-theixNexwx- .XArgus txlls us lthat -Richaxrdi:Maxnsfievild bxelieveinx walk xing."' XXell, atx xxxl'rate, \vc xii siltixfnc txbelive ini ghts. DEMOCRAt'iT.lItC tLxtilI 1,l, t1.XN lT'i.fGOV. JOiHINSO)N Goyx. JohliiiS. Johnsonix. xfx.Minnesotxxa, liv lxxxh democvratii lv'iipossiliti es foriix thy tUxxivcxxixtyater lhis S. IL. ..lctuxrve xxil tliv evenxxiinofApril 30. 'Thxc clx iiis Harveyi Ginnerxxxixhislx'privatexixxxseretary 'xnilii ' . " It iis iprobablexix tlxaxi Prof.l xl lltillx actxasi Xixit'il t'xxx.xx Ax 11x01.0, verxiiilx ii111 Chicaigox.lie xxxix iresenti ati xiian xxx allixxanqutxi in iltixtburg laxt 'Thursdaxy.'x'nighit xxxiidxviii xfromx there directlythcxagoi. Ilev xiiilxritxxiiito Xxxi1xAXxirxis' mornxx'inxg. PROtFi. tiUNKE'R'S SPEECIH XWINS CASTEtOR PI.AINTIFFS 'lhex iuy'illix'fv lcxtyoeli ce, ri- lxi'ay ii evenng, flteiashort cnsxierx- tlio, lxxxiidxlolithexlain tttffsx iinxiiallxxue- tiosx bi ttdxtoxxicixx iit. i l'heoor Masi xxisi nomiiinallb the paxiiff, the fxxvi lng ofi tlv' jury meansix axsemachx toxtie case m equvxlxiy, helindingxi~ cmerv'el ad- visor"'. lbutias xhi ns lsxxii nxxxiitill- perx exx' xlveryiiliiely thatxlCaxxxcelor l'iixiv'x"ill awa 'rdl ax decree'fori'the ipli- tiff. The ' ippirt xl thyvquextionsxx.xvhic tile jui nsweired cxinxthy ffimtive wsx to inqulxir xvheher the xdefendaxnxlxts oil flsexlreiprveeedxlie proptyr ii elies tiontu bi le iof agrexter vaxle thau it rexally xvxs, xaindiwhethexr reling upoin theve the plaitiffs ivextedlteir lfuints andi itherebyxi'losti'iioxy tEvideince' cos prodcedxl xxichx' proe tte h xi loe Ixacti membexxrs xwhoxxhaxI tiein caxrgd'ithvi xccpting monxxey iandllxavoxrsx lxxiteret othxer prifesxorsxaxxxiii A .rboxr tvns- peoptl le iv'he xfxxudulenv'txcxxxiplnyiii'xxxi 'utieareitfor liii'plaintiff,xsuccededin x showtiig fiaudin theCxalolegedi ipurcaxsx of telease fxroImiixi"Miiller axxxvis lsoxxv laes"Itmintinxedi thaxtlthey cxuli li the'xxxsameltie. x. xM. v . FItECxvTIoftv'icii. ol the genera'xi lxudents' Citian axit xsso- cixationxxFidaylxx evning. Theic ion for lix Ptresidentx. .I. Reynovx'xlsx ; vic-rei xlviii.FloydiOlds;x :rcoxrig seretxrx, S. PaxxxxiSitixixenxtrexaxxurr, C. . Shixx. AXfter tliv'electhionxaxsialxsesscionii wasx heldtandlight refreshmntsxwerex erxxx vii' d. 'lieyStdentis' Ateiclxsoxciexy lxsixset isxt xiiv'lraiiixxeixi fr iAy . lDr. Wa'xler tCxxrtiney, chief xl the Northrxvnx Pacviivc rairoad',viwill be,' the prinixcipaxl xspeakeriiftheoccasion. j nteicollegiat. Notes. j tieam xi '.lastyea, hsibenixappinxtedvcchxi lxxxixfreihmenxatitheiii' uxxeixixox Xic liii re ltoixwecr gren skuill capsi withxpnkxxxxxnstater tie Fateriiviac- utetxxx ofixv'lxi'xy xenxhxinixthe xseaxli isui xxieriy girs chin' xlflhvr xxiise,.as lviii terrier. lOne Liii r sxle ceauv o d txv ? Ii ix'xxx. Globe Wernicke Book Cases The kind' that grows with your libray-that w i ll fit Ii activally any spae - tat catn he moved one unit at a tinme by otie persoti without disturbing the ooks-that is practical, atistic, atid the otly perfect sectional book case niade. Fitted with non' bnd- ing roller-hearitig doors; base units furiished wiith or with- out drawers; atid all nade in a variety of woods and finishes adapted to any surrounditngs. Call and see them or send for catalog ino6 with intetifor views showing arrangement in li brary, parlor, etc. Price per section '$2.50 and up. WAHR'S University Bookstore Just Received 30 Brand new (never pub- lisded before) Views in col- ored'Postal Cards. Among them are- May Festival Concert New Squirrel Card A Beautiful Night Winter Scene Push Bali Contest Tug of War Swing Out--and 24 others See the new set of 20 New Colored Cards that I am selling for 25c per set. LYN DON PHOTOGRAPHER IBAILEY & EDMUNDS 1 !Bporttng Goos 121 EAsFr LIBERTY STREETj [Y[G[ASS[S tix'igxxxxti xav ii 1lxa' tiltsar nxi iiuic it'i ,1ii xxdxitxxof latex lxhai lily will sicix'xxixx'ani ipx- g di l i t oxx'xxxr andxlxrxix. Have yoi ueoticaitl iworkx donex'at ARNOLD'S a d i ix l xlitxxyouxxcom- fortbli xly n guarnereixlx xtx. luixcix Reipair.nes. t Gxx'xcrouind. EMIL H. ARNOLD OipitilSpecilitiwithx WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 120i Stih Main sruet One Dollar New Spring Monarch' uSHIRTS Co-Op Store MAY FESTIVAL FI ve Corzoets. May 13-14-15-16 lTlE THOMAS ORCHESTRA Frederick A. Stock, Conductor CHORAL UNION (300 VOICCeS) Albert A. Stanley, Csnductor Preieipeol Chorsd Work "Creatiin" - Htaydin "Faoust" - Gonod Artists Mrs.Cocrinne tider-Kelsey Thursday suit Saturday tEveinigs Mlme. Ernestine Schxuma-uHeink, Coiitralto Wedt. andFti. Evenings Miss Jani'tSpiencer, Contralton Fri. Afternonn and Sal Erening Mr. Edward Johinson, Tenor Thxur, Fri. and Sal. Evenitoes Mr. Claude Cunntnghami, Baritone Saturday Evening Mr. Earle 0. Kitleen. Baritone Saturday Evening, Mr. Herbert Witherspoon, Bass Thursday and Saturday Eventngs Mr. L. Dr Mare, Frenchx Horn Friday Afternoon Mr. L L. Renwlik, Organitt wednesday Evening Season Tickets {unreservedi$x3, Season Ttckets (reserved) $A, $5, $6 For Sale at School of Mssieol F J IL T. aots' Lecture Association .atthews, April 6 rl'Y1sSlo1i - 50SC Johnson, April 30 SSion, - 500~ Bra Gov. Si Tile Stu Lcture Association 121 Washington, F. The Randall Studio;, Randall-& P.,.a k 'cops. Phone 598