The MichiganDail ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SA\TURDAY. MARCH 28, 1908. VTOL. XVIII. No. T34. CARNIVAL OFFERS EXCITING EVENTS Championship Basketball (tame Between '09 Engineers and '10 Laws. Tlonigits atltic carnival offers an interesting conglomeration of coitests botht fromthtlceewptoint of te spectator and p Iarticiant. Nearly ifty men will conmpete for the arios athletic honors, antd there will le no tragging of the prugrans front start to finish. T1e nost skilled fencers anti wrestlers, the fastest relay tinth ie tmost stectactlar gymts- tic terfornmers, andth ie est tggregaion, of baskettalt layers ithle .Uiersity, wsilt furnish the cntrtainmntit Contrary to the stattemet itt yster- ay's Daily, te cotestats for the bas- kcetal ctattpionsship f the University are the 'op cenginers antI the 'q laws. Th~e 'o engineers swere last year's iter- class cianpions. This tans has at lest two mnewhoeontltd tsake a varsit' ise if sl ciigans hati oe. Iite fecisg cintestts Breretons aic yeas campsins, will te fed hir titles agist the switiers if teseml ina tosrnamssest. Amothgle asiraits forse tile are ltecer, wh'so wsea ct5iiveiste chlslasstear Loe le, who so sownsesp ieciasilistoficiecy withist' foils tisisspring; situ[ remsers, th einsero f sitsexceptionasely fast andi csely cntsitd tl ticswstils 'l"sToy" Rs-e tter. Isit wisrtling msssties, Ctmtbssanti Noisttssswill cotet for fethterwsegit hoos;Hctf ros, iwhoissosesleer- nesin lt'elightwerigt class Ilast yeas, tiill tme t e w firthte rchampstinsshp; [iaotgtt siill mteti sie iwsines of te Ii asess-'aiks nmatc, wichiewsill le heit tsay. f''rssi'tsle'igt htiiss Bln Andesit-tton ssndSteh iill cossipee isthr is-cterwissgt caitssi: and iWelscs till gise Ksisys Iis secndtitchisotfiite eve- ing fr te ies-eciglt title. The 'oil ltisssatdt '1isTistsiill esompet firts-esit seclss rety csasmpioship. 'lise fre-smeaesttictsmewhalt thesiticte f the argumsiesthavin sg lt-eesmei able to cirlee i ltrsok i 3 25, issilCaig is-lt'hlstsclnse 13 r-,,cnisistety. 'Ilsi is eiualit lt'etcrd fits- assisgle' lp onlt'e gysmittack Al Iiifthesiscalss to 3 2-5wt stismtedtetikree tf cusistecey. 'The folloingeiisste pogrm for slit e\i-stssg: . \Vretlisig Iigliisseiglts. 2.or1 iztotatl batr t.sibiinby iegm-t- nastice temt. 3. \Wsretlintg-F~eathierweigts. Wr i~estling-'lileieigits. 6. Fencing. 7. Firtsstl bisksletiall gssme. 8. \'Wrstlng-Wcterieigits. g. Fencisg. t o. Wrestling--eays-igts. i. Seconissilfsailiesketblsl gane. s2. Relay race-s s fits vs. 'M8lews The offiis siill e: Referee of basss ' keha ll g ne ntl starter tf relay Mr Cirseal; iters, Schulz asilWiting scorer, Cesiistacker; jdtge f eesi lD. May. JUNIOR DEUTSCIIER VEREIN ELECTS TEMPORARY OFICRl Lce A 'White ws elected tenporar chairaneiessof Ithe mistoneorgasization o te juioisr sectis of telDestscer Ver eiii at their Perst seeing heli in Uni ersiy Hll yesterday. Miss Jayne wa elected temsptrary secretry. '~ls or gasizaition is aionssiis of ill the isnin seetions of Ie Verein. A cissstitssiona cosmmsitee wes aplointee which will re port 'Tusesday st p o'clock, whsest a smeet- isig of all te imembiers will lie held is RoostsG, University Hall. Commnittee fosr te reception aind moasagemenst o' thse play which is In he given the weep afier i-oration were also appointed. SPIRIT OF ENGINEERS SPELLIS MICHIGAN'S SUCCSS "IPlut soes our esgineerisg deprt- miensi comipare witih others its this cout- try'" iswes askedlAir. Baker last ight. ".Of course" le asets-re, "ose canisot msakse aisysdeisie conparisons,. isisthere is io doubslt tints your school litre is amsosngIte s-ry foremiost of te con- try. Yost av-esine bhildinsg, spledidsly equipped, its fact. some branches f it are etter fitedl ossithinsanssy oter school's is this constry. Yuisos h ae as faculty eee shal ranks high, adtin i addiiitintoi thsyou hiave autuestrit te cortis amsosg the student oy that stels sucecess for the twholesdepartmnst. It is tiis last thaet relly msakes as school what i is isid Michigansis stteifor thsis." PROF. ADIAMS DISCUSSES CONTROL OF SYSrEMS "Tot control he systens, nttolieci- force comspetitio." This was itte of te remedies for transportatiois evils suggested by Prof. Adamis in the thire of Iis series tf lectures yesterday after- nooin TaeppansiFlall. IBeginnig bty statinig the imotives for itegraion,. le traced te roaedis trouighlthle arioust msetodseof etosolidatisg tiltoIthe hold- lug cmptlasies. Th'le lsle r ill le liii sisbject f Ithe lecture iii ext 'Soituly. Auniteresisg it ofinsforimaion st-i brougtiglousst itsconnsectisosswis- i stisrial Iraliroadis. "'Tere tre etween 24,OitO aititl2,ioo tf these idstisrial railtoaus ansilprisat'trcs," satei Prf. Ada.tlii "Thet' teististinthle jurisdicionst of lite commssissionsssunless they paeteicite ini through rates. They iterfere withs the wotrk asd havse a great ifluenes ott the accunssts. 'Many of thens will le incoroirated asd otiherwise cotrll. t"Osiesf ite srosg isoies fr or- ganizsatin is seth ite riassmay- sonte businitess. especially the through traffic. *Is is this that is Ihammseriig lherod itoisasisystemt. The lpreset siuationt results fromistle efforts of thic goen- m sent toi cnforce coimpletiioi. It is not ieal lut it is the nasrl result of tht r stsggtstif le rads toi attinlth lei Irof. Aidasms srelihe goisthlsof it- t egratioss through three stages. First acaeethe hliellg egecmteis; tentheis corporatioii partershipls wh~ichs ssre lst firt Poristof tensts, adsiall tihe lt'sittis- lio t ruessltisiglfros the sistrcmi court interpretailon f te SherssnsAnsti- 'Trust act, ithattrailroasiscossld its'enite an sisyagreemeti'ss eet though titex- pressed. "'Te fasct f cosstrol is importasn, cislonnedl Prof. Aams. "'Tese proper tiesIsse to le cotrolled. 'ie stolk- hoilers givec peothsiile irctors in these intustnto1s the officials. 'T'he cor- poations iaeunsit luys thsticks sitd ai ew- largc sysemus rslt. There art three c sselois of control. First cotro os-r te proery of which te corore- toshasatitl; scond ctntrol ovr prop- -ery leasetd fril oiler corporationssobh contsracs givinglpossessiont of the prop -erty; third, cossrol throgh owsershiti of scuriies of other corporations. 'Thi last is te imporant one. t is exer cisedl among oher ways by the right t exercise te voting rightssansd te righ S In anme te major part of ue oarts o directors. Trustees eslso ply iecrb yisanportassi role." if The lecture was closedh y poisstisg oti -the dfficltihes arssng from nirect cuss i- trl of seral conpasies. Several ctiss rsgressiosal docmenits were lpassetout tc -the class antI these till letusedl i con ,r sectioun with Mosday's lecture. tl - risesH-ODi tRiujjMNAtv ifts. t-The preimoinaries for the girls' mec ns take place this afternoost eginnisg a s2 o'clock sharp. The events will hi dVaulting, swing jusmp, stationary rings lc high jiump, ropes, traveling rings, an( shotpust. BENNETT PSRAISES MANSFIELD THE MAN Dramatic Critic Characterizes Mansfield as Having Displayed Dazzling Versatility. ''Richardtil'Mianstieltwould huhasse lit-ci grests its e-very "wailks fife0. 'Itt stutsite 'if lie- had bel h'su bru ick la erli W ul tlscaatrth oo is' c u hates a'stil sids ther'scteilietyJ ss ' us 'SIe-is Seintr osdued hit-Js lusie on hsu Aslals- ued s 'Artist a dtutu . i S ra C';S ti-c Al'ngell Ilall Ias-tutu-Ilt ''1Fr'oimitheus- rtiu w shue-us disl Forrisits-i first trodtulthshe oautilutu yeatitsagoi saili 'it - litittt "'thes' 'sits'sit--lsitas~ge ties-er Ius'laced tasled r. 's'Whue-isForretst Iis plauce;'wheiltsushutol's ditedtehe lter shit Nvitu tostishhetilts Itruh iaus'' tRich- s-d 'slsil, h eits' for us fift'esi ns uss uetic w ichhae ruslueh this'Ameruticant la eitn hit sts r f s5555j i. He ttas suie ofi th55se whito s 's\\ ag Idte gret ilisttl- till of this'stage'' tush lf:it eies ta i fo n it tle' asulrtshineat pbi c pu's' I sssssu es' whs' i ali l Iteus's. "N]l1 tshi t ispIssuesa1dazlting ver-i sa siity ihis . it I lis carueer astocsr f and tt'ti't'5si's'ti'''cre st ests u suit, sts- ueat1 the beginsning of presparaions for anotuher lie Isadia long eandh usoie uippr lip. atistg of greatcaleuto ass actor, adh asiticecf extraordiary compsues. flit upiriesie gift was iltfacity for illumiu- natsitson ~ t H sacinig was graphi tush usid tshouuuught iiache-sIn eus ipoilis' tus iuscscauthsies. "AS a ismit he was ussusiue as as ass urtsts. Ilehaoi the tastes of a mass of ivealth. His irascibility amuunstedh al- mousst tesaudisease its Iis leter pears. tHeI cosul sut enulre a sloth sr disorer. 'Theure'wesnosuit eiosnsswhichs wouul Iae satisfiedsimttu except thast of absolt kigsushsip; std lie' wouud sooun hasve tircd f sliet. Yset lic halsl a e et straits of tendsernesits Iis ear. Helovtsser chi- sreus andshreliesed distress. althouusglhe iledite siter tos le sdramateic. lHe hast a upassionssfousussic aust the fue arts. Its yoth ishe ashknouwnswhat it wsttit lie' hsusgry tash its taturiy he tlice'lsts ifortunue, andusaesmsridludsreadulof pv es-up'csug ts himisasll iltlilt. As, a theatricalisasager he wtis au astsutes'busisesssmalls. Hilsusmehosdsosi dealinug iwithsthecsyndicaes tastpeculir. Ii one sut'case liue threateed o lpresenst tutn Shaskesparani plays isindheCiciagos .\ussitsuriuusuatusfifty cests easeat if le usshustit of anyp of thur sydsicae Iseters. 'Thec theatricalt smana sgrs usi- uatlly' let itu seserey alone. le e- lievedi ands autcthonitthurprincipe that notitng stas inn good for the ubilsic. lie idsttshcrecforithe c riticismus of tis'( dasily Isess; thec rcognitionshe' cravsed'sh usthast iswhichs rduces statis. "Onus SMarhi 23, p907htluietppearduIfuse tuhestti ttu' sitsnystassge is t se roleshi' lieha irus stons himsfae i- s shiet f Baeron Clesria. t±rom itast tisse tutu he-decisuedtraspidly andsed hiutottthe 3ouh f August." 'ir.tesiset tes usroceete xpsi lastinu 'lnsusiluis delrineationss of thseec itShiss gets caeracters -Barons thuvrira'o. tBe 'uuusssusi, andslRichrdsuIIIl. ]IiENNICI'' sAND) l.-'KER ,N'fER'SAINEI)A'S'UNIOIN 'fiec tressclishatdshesersuiro 5f 'Slu IDPaily'stasff entertauuindJamues O0onl~s clh Benuet utd susre s's, .Bike st out informas sl sreeptuusitnadsmokeiiir it thus Cno silu housuuse afee thei uspelsctivec ecstures hest snlist Duing ss heueeingu bohA'ir. Bthetustushdits hiBaseregas's sotau slss fronts ushsch unity svaualesc hitus serdersiusvedsi It speaintg sitye- lustsjosurnaulism hater situshatei alugsu hi slsu uti s sit any uba suoins, itt thossughutstt sht itu tissueone age- amo sit fgoodst it bringing tprmssientsl beflor lt'e pubilic facsswhici teresuts lie-lire' apptreciaut. 'St. Bennsiet urisedt thur sork thast hso bens donec' by thur Uiersit sramsatic soties during their -ttu' sa tithaitu they lutistgosotdcaus to ft's-i prud tof! it-lits te haduaccmplsishesds.tHctispts soe ie usndiscussing'te Londcon's nessrs'spesrs frostskowsldg thichlets obtausiedl twhile svisting its Europe ash, 'Slurotuter profesors wo responstedul ts tossuwerr Effluger, Straus, Sadler, andsutlotrr. TDr. Fhire outlind he worsk of tir Dttutscher Verin and Prof. Strausspstoke'suitthur sork of tir Cmn- edyy cis. JUNIOIR ITS WIL.L HOLD INFOSRMVALSUPPER I)ANCE 's insformsal supper and satter with he giret-onsightrib-yte jusine its in ar- bosiur gymnasssiums at P6:3. James Wat- kinsswsill sut as toastmaster, and Prof. 'S. P. TSily, Heens Gahle, Marguerie ltch,asghslau, Rachel Sinclair, A. J. Al- suit,i. Eggrn, S. Dewey asti . . Veddeir will anwertohIis cl, Dlurinug thur suipper, us well s for thur lettce followusing-, Fischer's orchestra will fsurnish music. 'Tir affair is to he thor- osughliy inftornmal, and for those of the chats fhoo ntnasce ganmes have heen piroidedh. STUDENTS WAIVE EXAMINATIONS Burning Invective Between Jus- tice and Attorneys Brings Trial to Close. I-ot wsi- ndtuustinging'isinutioniust betweens the'attorineys for this fifteessas- restedt studuenstushdjustice holy brught ther examsinastiosuiofiithis'defrenants to out abtrupit coses this afternuon sfter a se- sint ofiort'-ce minus . Auth itter- nss wtas onluyesllaypedi Ibp'thus-commssont waving f shirexamuiatis onttute sat' f thu stsudsents. 'this 5505 oly tfter S. It. 'itrisser Ihads'bsectsboundss user fits'trilsSitsthe is'ctiuut cura- shosuugh' s itIsct h sdbeen swn hit es'Sister isi takinuug situptet'inSiout ']thatshiehu wass sitl n loe-i-' risii uiiu. IU' thisthis tties'neitrhad thi s' cuu'titipg ator- icy intimsatedtht ls ie-s inuiig' toscon- ither te muayour's leter utf We-dneusday situ lutit le listimtedtht e as essgoig ts disemandsthiettl iifthur lifteess sut teits behssuubisundetsslurcircuit cosurt whuetherethei hdsep-i enuiIen sggdtithlet rit ote sut. Upothe pensing iupofcorst hus afer nuson thur irst wtnuess fuserte defensse, itdsintheexc'amiinattioni, tress cli thu rso 'r0 ofR. 1. 1)ill, a rshtlat. Although he testifiedthatshie hut'lutstitsru talkisngwstlshseisters'austlistisse sof til tau'rir u hest itd tilt'hesde ean ha tesi stlsu suipt tuhitstheus' tssul tes''.theus- cm'-s' ttu' demandetissi haet heue hs'bosuslso'ver. 'hss- ti55ce cqutisis'cdi tutuas quickly' calledtthirnetie' 'shenusChief sal Police Atafel utsittiut tut the stand ads 'sked-utIs'tell f Ihe arresthoit Malurie Myepres, Attruey Cvanughsuissai sial thur- sadmuittedt lltaI peimsiuary e- ttittttii tush saidtu ht usouser tt ex- psedite'smaters twisltdithis prsosecutor wuuldlelimsu inatethuaittutist if thr x- -ttuinastioti. "I dlustSomistnostinitg," sal tir prosesutr andulthurjussic'esllwseds sltimt gouontuTu hur teopllehsuer se manedtiithese examinusatitsns," cnutissud thie rissesust uto d Isit lire' t it's 'e 'ru mts'cssIs'suiots11vfuss tlt statthese mentst tere' usrestedi. 1t'suiotsasupfsushI Seth it-phe srehsunu pt511frus theslir uwotuk. I iseuu uintn t s hiet tll thitssit'n he loutsuts tsu-esuupus v." IHItru' S. J. Wisetrick, assscir Issue trusts-anitaddruessingupheIucrssltund trosecutosr 'site ssltateenSteof Sfacs hutatroved'stost ue' issasttin suPfithe sday's inset."S huvee insises," Its'its-ass. ''sits yspruelimtinarysp' examsiaionu to u this staeginIthelst'hope lutS S miptle releaitiIsed trintuhitssourt'S st' sYour Ioo hadsu sse herdt the statseentof lfacts us Ilyst e.stButtSi youur honosur is t binidhoser esery mnass et this' trsesutor astilsp-ru to u, il)(dif yousasre isa igore thur rights ittass Asse'rictus ciien tsle on he street shens and where he sishs, thunt S say, Your Ioloris].thMr. Prose- cutor, I wisht wisue ussrexamtinastions inthiis court." "sAccording sotoly intrpretations of the law,"rerpliedl thu rhuosecutor, 'evry manttiwhu otas uun hiet crow n itute night sit'SMarhs up is lableto arrest undsser the charge sit rioting. Thre- fore, although S hare knuons Mr. W- trick toe tse past theetyars, S shalt demndstthat he, tooehabhouudover Sn thur circuit courte." I dnit," saidh'Wettrick, "that t was near she croswd suauswatesre that iigt." 5,1usctheproseutitng attoreuy is not ere fr fuethche l tuose sof carrying sit at smaliciuous prosecutions. Just le- cause thur officers have massd an arrest iS itsuiot his stle duty t puss a prose- cutions. Fuse S say t you, your hnsor, that if thur prosecuting atorney at a reasonsabile dosubt as to msy guil, it-is much ht Iis uty to shieldltnussrsitotnptese- Ieuse ussr. I twouldt hike ts knowv, your honuor, that if thur prosecuting attornuey Continued on Page Fane.) it-iistswihicliipresetied twsentu-et ifl- 'ii .lhueuitdhe-tus'sussfhishhexsperiis's withes. ulitaste:s hees s atlliprlsisit "tush eartsu hi Is att sipuieuslencsitut ini iui't'e-isit Iis htpls hi'essumusedtthur rule sit royaulpy." 'r.She nett tlhue-nltstlutist-isspee- sonasl frienship iiast hesisis1wst-sirPst formetdl.thrughsupis'aSltieitIi'sts-usnstis of apprscdiatliiion 'S Irs. Ihussusst's indusly critieisnissoflhi suk. A .sinugle sets tensce fIntsIisistier sos hIis pratiltudei andustimatessu ofl' iii'St. ls-sssss''s abiilitp. ''H-liw thay is-ulhI ihbe if till under-cs stoodtias yoiusthu.'' Mu'. Bneenns-i surussuuil sit-i sss-lists' acterizathiosit tsf'SMansfild. ''le swousl exercise asdcompeusllinugussr sonl tt rac s ti onis whells ie h sets, althosugh hue- swalkedl bluty, Iis ge'stures werse uncuisuih, tash Iis rye's a-ueu' defctesu. I hretits smarkedt ty as passionusflutex'ellenucoustdea csupu- city fur wvork. it r couultics-cr uder- standstwhy teveryonsetress sut udoinug settee than Iis hurst. Life has tst maniisuy deter- free hoaurs lute huts.(lue sesonsu's close