THE~ MICHIGSAN DAILY Ice Cream Soda 53 cents All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate Soda 10c with double portion of Ice Cream 13. E. CALK INS, Druggist. 324 tSuth State Street.' AMU5E-ME NTS Benefit Performances ]Friday Afternxoon and Everninsg To Raise Fees Defense of Students BUY A TICKET IF THE MAN ASKS' YOU Matinee starts at 3:15 RESERVE SALE NOW ON AT BOX OFFICE CALENDAR. llar. 27-James O'IDonnell Bennett, bvmtic critic for teCiicago Record- Heat, ill lcture ott"Rchasrd1Mas- icit, the Actor ad teha," in Saralt CaswelliAngllllt. A1ft. 27-lecture tt "Tie Making of l.itrature," by Charles Whititg Baker, tttatnagittg tdit orttof tgiteeritg News. ir. t2t---R lotit tI ot oltIciat s' lot oh ttttt it the auspices othtioCerce t tttty toatrt Alart.'2s-Juorso itt supper atttd tnce, -iatt 30 ptl -Perrv lectres Hugh Bltack1)1D UNIVERSITY NOTICES Fehlit "toocot Otglobo, } oclok itt oo Csitt ritHll tono thili -at 1 t:t;today', t )T i angltet tlubrottts. too o sottilo totl ~omedy tttcttttttast willbt 1t a ti llt biitdt lmetltjait e itt it edIto ttlof ttt \11 te ite o lfo utb00 itt., tttott hito sl lit ttf bate '7t()clookt nosmtin ttss Iostponet sotlahoolatir for tic Ctitomentttne ostri ttt ( iad at ,Iio losHighito mpc'ortantsossosgo al ooas 'o ato reg.itstotrewt tttii apoin tttt bore ist idsolditt avel thi tphototgttitthtolinttty thndorf tlos ofek. a it O . Dvs.s tS tl o Frthe efott aeoeigmaeIob Seei ott complete linte oftMchin pinsxpctfoltspanth sumenrs.airos naland tcloueanted foryneyear. $ist io.Theails JesryStre, 216 S.e mantrecaet. ut Te andpndt aeettityi loayseflor ens,-tnargt iftatt ttllfre safraetdtyor abaioyt Prostdet Eiiot ofeetItspecrionainvi- ed.l IpoinA.ed.igrandaoretce Bldg.. Oreollfoste C758. f eod bKng VitrEmmaue toel" See or complete line of Michigan pins, fobs and sovenirs. Hallers jewery Store, 216 S. Main street. od Biltiarois is t fate pamte-ask sitsho s iho play. Yost seed B somsecreereathots and wihat is bettes titan tis? 3ILLIAREIS, DOWLING, LUNCHES, -OIOARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. 'S . State 311 Mayard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. HATS HATS HATS Livery fashionable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS The nattiest and most approved fash= ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and r seasonable. Stein-BlockClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THE ACME OF STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCHMITI, APFEL & CO. - For a limited time we offer a good stem t , wind and stem set ;Warranted entirely T j . satisfactory. HOAG'S IIOMEI surrtv y BRIGHTONI Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. Tho newest shades and designs of one piecd, pure sil/k t FLT " ALL web. All metal parts heavy nickel= SIK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLASP st all dealers or by mail PIONEER SUSPENDER CO.., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Makers"cf Pit,. onee upenders You Cannot Get Strength from uless you hsupply 1110- S terial for repairing muscular waste-for :;.: : : ,: . +,qgt . . V y ,,, ': :. , Y : r , x 5:"..[r :yb r Y l ew Whitney Theatre STUR2DAY NIGHT, MARCH 28 (CVRTAIN --- --------5___.-------------_:00 P. M. Shsnrp DANIEL FROBMAN PRESENTS U iELIK TIME EMINENT VIOLINIST ASSISTED BY Milec. Berthe Roy, Herr Ludwick Schwab, SOLO PIANIST ACCOMPANIST KNABE PIANO USED PRICES B3O X ES3----------- --------------------..I PARQ VET 1.54 Rows ------------------------------ ., N ext 10 R ow s----------------- ------- ... Next 7 Rows----------------------------4 BALCONY Ist4 Rowss---$1.50---- -Next 3 RXosr----- Lust 6 Rtows--------75c------------. GALLERY ------ Seats gao om sale Tksarsday mso.-mimĀ¢. 10 o'clock .2.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 ___50a replenishing the energy '~7 expended. The human engine must have fuel. . Strength comes from a nitrogenous food that is easily digested. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT is rich in the proteids that repair the daily waste of tissue and nerve force. It contains all the body-building ele- ments in the whole-wheat grain, maade digestible by steam-cooking, shred- ding and baking. No process has ever been devised that ',s "l naake oats or earn as natritions or as easily degested as whole wheat-the fond of the human race far 4,000 years.1 A breakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- CUIT with hot or cold milk or cream will supply the energyfor a whole day's work. TRISCU IT is the same asthe Bisouit, except that It is oompressed into a wafer and is used as a TOAST for any meal, Instead of whita flour broad. Atoall groces. The Natural Food Co+ NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "ITS ALL G5I THSE SHREDS " W b's For High GradeCade tce Cream, Fruit tees, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favors for all Occasions. Faney Napkins and Doiiies Salted Not Canes. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 5. Maim, St. i ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WAR B, THE TAILOR TH E BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING