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Ilainlisie RohertiAlsouitsier BUSINESS S'TAFF John F.U Worz ('sri I Adam Address MICIGAcN'DILY,'s'Pressldsg., Mtaynardl Street Mainager's tHours: 1-2 P.111n, 7-8 P51tc dlaily, except Sundlay. liBothphoies tenilog tse listrcd practice ill sltnts caiinot reacisoaiiilitbetcilledIbrutiality. :east. itcimust litfosicilysurgedt that she seinienilsif ouilside rs ire noiicri- terio ofi cocllege lile, and ssouldtalways hemistrsted. No fisreigis'srisnruider' .standtese.tMa ny ioIllsr adcitfsill- lent' pa~ssr hizasririf not sasage, to ouitsidlerss. llsmokerfssr inlstne, swould sem to an, to 1 ll saindtomChelsea ci v'eritabhle saturlia Ytinralit' it is harmess''assdl perhas saclustary. W's~ sulsplet ousr correspsonent',s alsung wsiths assscldtsassy sther's, is cllsosisng'himtself to sdriftintissthe siewr pointl sf5t'e mis- ( idrihes i 'essassot see tudisienstlift' excep'5t isrousghslt'ie iloy isaze' (f miis- reposrst. 'T'efrt'shmssesss'hosssere so fisrcely avsia-hssandsld sier ,s'ca'lsilt' gamelys iss tsessiritisf ti is' nssg sait _feill tisis evrs e amitth sensiors'is largel]'vi lte 'ightis t iiis. 't'hsere' sismusil gissglis, imuschskicbisng, musschs irongstsidssoe v ss'csy. 'Vr see- ondcis i hessas'rs'ily' in wsishsisngconsiisis Ietterd, iand 'ope sgitationss wililit' srcng-i og'h tos make is sle'fosrmsais ce sr- dev'selop to inertsill thec demnids touse uipons it. AndtIhie proidut, however crudle, swilt save for ius on intimuacy andu ai tcutlsswlich ssill lie more ptcasiing thanssanthiing a foreigns importation can offer in she nay of gtoss andtidnish. DAtILY'cANusuareS. I'hocse dlesiringg in do ssork for Tate DAsILYs'mnovcall as Tfute DAtis' office cany slay ibeisween S and y a. us. or betiweens a2:30 atnd 1:30 p.s. They wtill, should they desire it, as once lie put so work ott assigittmet. Ads'ancemsettwsillibe tiasie surely otc sihsbsissof merit. As- sisitnce intl instrutiots in the rutii- menits of joiurnaslisnm iill lie givets sll wthsio is'waptitusdce. he is ticcessarsy, howev'er, to staste thats thsert' is listle honor or profitiltoi Iesle- riseid froimiciillegetsewsipaiper swork, ex- cclii in lie 5w'ay if gissiexpslerietnce, sir frisisitse ssitisfactiots cflhavin'g donte huarilwocrk sell. 'lTse psetstasff cit'Mts:D~xstNiss comsposediof fiolk wshos sresdesoltig cots- sideleime us'ands thissghtl. iret'cly ori indiirectlrydtoitakitig the t-Uivesrsity (if Msichsigant tn espape r ratnk sigh as ci ciii- vesiy ewpaperN'. Allis'his thinkthsuey' Books Why pay full prices? GET THE DISCOUNT We allow 29 per cant discount on Drafting Supplies. t0 par cent discount on Drafting tnstrunments. 10 per cent discount on Univer- siteyTeat-Books. We bougnt a large stock of Second-hand Law Books and will cell at underprices. Writing Paper by the Pouad 20c 25c 35c Wahr's Special Fountain Pen. $1.00. IEvery one to guaranteed. Mate ousa sltres yotrbeastqsartlets Wahr's Book Stores Sestid-thsnsdiboatsIboghst auitsold FIs In [. AIIN[[[ 'cliTHE' S 5 i ccc''ciTHEco sssi "' cats assist inth lis effort, it'rs'housst'e - ~~Nosw thast the Issisin hlsssaid thers' hosnesity sillintoIs tsistinitsthisc'ffotis u~o ae ill hrecsc sssiecsl tcmedcl, ue sisy lay aire iselcomat ii'im: t).is'office, bo0y- ccior t'bs o iiojectusre sisndstcer- ally cioithePUnisversity cat sthowu-t it ltcissss1for teatccietss if asnothler'year. (Is;surety intihle csitu'calisiic field as ini 1'URSIAY. IOCTOBEli'R 8. sos. Wh lesnsiselthinsg is reailizedl beftiresitr ss ci i illl i ioy ev ssi'ir lisl,' enerigiessaec-iexhssaustd __________________ 15 TE t' 5 ( i 's s ini si '' : aIsy it wias inotloiie lie- I f llcthsmeuthatsildieid,ss'ere dead. I T ((5 hshnmiitions 5from "Sen i: ior,.i ssre- iynt (1 '551 s, Isardly stssisghss 5151hibured trio. the yelloswsheets wiould cs~lsissco 'slslcnsel~ il '. IIi i l i cse' Ifdriiiitheincisasves'dopeenoughitoiscsare 11s ofanijue muolis sltitusdlc. lisrithe'ir ss sel-tlnt- We5(5(lnsss't' I (tbeln5iessimists thigh andtishriosghi. timntsare strongenou~sghs.casdl sone scci and ccllsc' iesaog siou r lrhrs. _________________ enoghti cll sfosrii- Iscisi hoght o "n slthsc"'hIa pldce wsiswans~tig ofiheti Whycssnrtissthetooiih-puillers extraict the artof hosse t i areirepons'rtiible. ~'sl/te."Indt clillleiesi fsrisiniig, tht asi hl f tillioitsfrom lice leg'islastte, ini "We5ll('his's'--hat Isttu "'noul1