_ __-___ -~aonT MICHIGIANsS AIL~Y-_ Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifiel 106 '& Co. EAST HURON ST. BEST STOCK OF C G.AR.S IN THE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120) E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALARnI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Al' elstiaks and frilly gassntedt MICHIGIAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Ispecorfors ths As Abr Raiload J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Brnch: 304 S. State St. Cigarettes Turkish and Egyptain ALL THE LEADINGo BRANDS CASH PRICES 15C Pkg. = =a2 for 25c 25c Pkcg - - 5Sfor $1.00 W. E. JOLLY '-lS. lATE T. MRS. J. R. IROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER H alr lods, Hairdrssig, Shampoig Maicuring, Face Massage a Specialy. 322 S. State St. i p Siairs) Bel Phone 359 BANKS1 THE FARMERIS AND MCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $50,000, Surplus ad Profits, $6,000 Geeral Basting Bsiness. 3 percet pal on Tisme and Svings Jeposts. Safety De-' posts Bases to ret at $2.00 and upwards I. KoEMFrFes. W. C. SEVNS. Vice-Fes F0. B. BEa:sais. Cash. H. A. WILLIAMtS Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank o itl stock, $50,000. Srplus, $200,000 4' Resources, $2,00,00 A iGeneral Bakinsg Bsiess Tasated OFIERSsa: Chas. E.Iiiscock, Pres.; W. I). Harrimnan, Vice Fes.: li. J. Frito. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jn. V. Sheehan Wm. Arnold Dr. V.. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Mills John ilaarer +jno. Koch Prof. B. S. Carhart Henry W. Dougls Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmnerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARORo, MICHn. la. D. KINNE, HiARIitSON SOjiLEl, Fees. Vice-Fees, S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital, $1i0,000. Surplus and Frofits, ยง150,000., IACIITY iMEN INVEST 1IN SUPPOSED 'SURE.THlING" Two slhresd ed troit ipromotliers, who to dioubt relietdss on t'etproverbial gtilli- bility of picaclies, woeni,tand college professors, particularly sloe latter, wehein tey 'sttung" eleven msembers of thocUni- v ersiy faculty for $3,950, are sow liav- ing it smsade hot for ibemt by thiee samte psrofessors ini the Anti Arbor coetrts of justice. Ties ca-c camoe iup Wednsdcay eritit Prof. Rolbert E. TBttiker as attorncy for thte plaintiffs, as.sisteud by Profs. Titosisi- soil antd Rood of lie lawi' tepartmeicti. Andrcew'J. Sawyeer. Sr., andi .\icbael .. Lehman ssrepresenltte tiefense. Itis i.clia~rgedthtia George I1.turcebase ansd Elitter C. G;ienno, of Det roit, casts here reprcsenstintg Iitote trofessors situ tonspecoipie tat they htdail sotretiitg, "gtisnonsi lstgruttdtiflcat' lpropsitioni. is: tile shsape of a lease oss sosie oil ianisl is, Ontatrio. Tisey obtsainecd aibouts $1,4675.j GliennisaistiPurchse sad it lease :of coo onisese iansds of a -Sir. Msiller., soedietsi. Thse stock swas sublscribses] foasumssusfiicint so cosver thsis letase andsi tie costi of sininsg oste wecll st .5.ooo. On is asis t h ie compan~sy coos f,,rmd Afsti lter tise cceiiwas1551tit down ''it] soit''thse oil sdiin't "shottl.' l1.'e itere-tedl tersn becamse stis- ss ills. Invsestigatihoss irovedi that tile tes ailcost GlennisainsiPusrchasebtl $2,200. seisie tey'hastrui ssedsiabout15 :i.5-I 00 'Mllbs isseis ir f tilee olsil re ';csset ill, for an as:scoistissg if tile pr'uperty. Tie wanis1t lte$8,ooo tidiiesisro: rata: 1-.o14teillsestors. AD)VERTISED lETTERS. A'stiArtbosr, .i11iclis., Sltr. 25.1908. llrrssiee Rasyssossdti 12rsnsss'.Sir Joe A.. Pii: silssjoults. Coirnetti \ireJoseph. Crio- fardcslrlss (latsit.ettuns oiskeIlj, Ilsstedl 11 S. Kes::ed:y Ailr Cha~rley, Grisierger C. A. Lastdtr 'seElizabeetli, .\cLatigisiiss \lEasrl, SicCisrilee C Sonsse. irls- sir J li) c F, Sretepen J iH. Sciiset lee PbFlossSprig 'ire 1iss, tU7S Fcss- s Agesnt. ;)ros : Brsss's 'l'soiiseri ii, Clisassser- I il issFlsoressce, Joselins IMressolien. 12seesierg M\r A :11, Steecisel Howisarsd, SIteeie Slies Estlis, Sssasck Rsobsrt, Sac'- a2 \(r S P, 'lsseisliCssrnelis, TDicer harry1 ',isewces ssay, Stes Josisn \V. 1.G. Preiteymani, P1 \I. SPRING VACATION WORK Apply Today and secure your home territory for the big Alumnus sub- scription campaign. We furnish a complete list of Graduates for any town, or city and pay a liberal com- mission to student representatives. Students who give this a trial during the holidaya found it snore renum. erative than the ordinary vacation proposition,.fHours today, 4 to 5 P. M., Alumni RZooms, University Hall. Il)ANQFETl.,1,. 'I,iCililIOSS (uso te i l ar.sgess sst bn es'1el I thisiss' 11,is tes' e t \set sig h a ist it)ss t isnety isgisseere anid professore were there so enjoy tehspiitlity' of the Unsions. The foloin g is lie list of toasesecalledsbytihle tostasti~er,'s' rerstt Sil. Simse "'hue Stoker"-DIltsiCoo~lev. '''lhe St'niors'andsi'omorrowss' angle "Goodisi ell si"ii (tiss .i. LDavsi. .;Tavese.-Prf.J.iR. Dais . "Hydriisitlis iteI:Day:1ofN::ls''-_ ii gcItilKnutson. W5ili slls. ''Ours Dhss to 'islsii:s'' l"l::syi .. So tlig-as~e ses' low'iiiiand:istlleblue..,ll :1 olist n.stios. site i na111tils foIs fl is:a 'l s shn i st i''litiwh iiIich al s u its ofi tel ier ssilyls lie tiip te m Feting shallibe sllsd ndi resde ef te:lst liltturdaylIII Mhilhl ofieachll eieti .tih candiidasute ms aif h usa lj Ilyrls s toie sis retilt orshla111r sissicuilsesesi oa ifth Cmmisit tliltif ile 11A111letic1Or- iaiian ,eidencisi: is:is liii iii :1 i lt aes' l' ssssocitio , lo teIsis of ctsi ns i hts'eillsfserspsviedfo. Sudntsii 'flit ris is sioso : tisse'ti sh lall sill prvet sueenttilisssisitisss, pro sils'Iislte fotrsansfiicit' all pr lesen~it to th: bordo elecion,1ntles' thansslt Sodas nstpr leingtet' of sle sc' tI(11 ai p etitinSi ed' by Ii t'sl (its) sluct- liseofiltesoition andiisi'approcv eb lee Commisisitte ll on-Ai\tlt'ic0-a- aiseof tlii Inivertyl . 324 Novetise ii ncitwerfr msiseissi1safes isy Alilteis.Maissn stre. .10-5 Hlennisng & Kochi for bicycle repa'irinog I issifsihig tackle setill indss. 231-la TH ESIS D-\TI 'sPILhzi. Maske a slate stll Joiliffe & Kitztiilier at ossce for typecwritig yussir thesis, itod insure getinsg ini osstume. Abosve Co-op. Bosihsphossse. cod-If 111.1 'TOl\N CANOE'S. Order's'vole-ti' e il sis' ittissf'rIs pr 55'ing se'Sa ~isusso 1T80 aosssoils hassd. rops psctal to Ws'. 11. i sI'Vll.t,604S~ . 'ilscs Si., for catasloguse. tf Colliege clthe str olesite sic::sale lie Alless, Miissst'seet. .o0, Spring 1908 CLOTHCRAFT (All Wool) Society anid College Brand Clothes NOW ON SALE Eagle Shirt from Loom to Wearer $1.'00 to $2.50 Fine Line of Negligee Shirts at 50c and 75c Full line of EXTRAGOOD Children's Cloth=. ing. All kinds of Underwear, Union and Two- piece. All the spring styles of Hats Staebler Q~ Wuerth Co. 211 S. MAIN STREET NEVER0 * OUT OF STYLE r The man who buys 2 /-Cnv~her, shoes each season is never out of style because 2( a&-~tCover shoes keep abreast i of shoe fashion. Every de- I sirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can be found in G/ l4ies shoes and the other essentials of satisfactory shoes,. comfort and service, are contain- t. te shoes. TEE ACME OP EASE Walk-O~ver Shoe Co. I ISMSOUTRAIESRET I Hart, Schiaffner & Marxn All Wool-Hanid Tailored SPRING CLOTHING The Clothier. Ready whven. you are. ,,, i I i Spring Hats The Newest Shades and Styles At Wadhamns (QCO. See Our Show Window I THE Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS From Every Country German American Savings Dank 0 .M ri FUNERAL .Y'a~n.a Coesumei-ca.1 a~h Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent leather Belts made wisth uses H ot Lunch Sav~~ngs Renidet baek532 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 matchynarslcirt or hlouse, tbn os STst.a.38S ~t AMBULANCE ON CALL piers sf the dress goods whesen ding. arder.__________________ Cov'. Madsn asndi Llbarty Strsets THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. ST UDIO-R-ENTSCHFIER, 319 East Huron Street ,A