The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. A-NN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARC 27, 19. NO. 133. CHIAMIONSHIPS WILL BE DECIDED '10 Engineers and '10 Laws will Fight for Basketball Honors- Finals in Other Sports. The annala championship athletic car- nival is schetitted for tomorrow ight. Plhc rogramt iitles the final fencitg anti wrestling tmatles,lbasletialganes, n relay races. atdigtmtnastic exercises. 'PTeconttests till einiatie8Sococh, atd te.atlttissiott fee is =5 cetts. (Oie Of tie features of tie eetitg ill le the clasltetweenth ie ciattttitt ' to ctgiier tbsasktltendaoPte't ltis. Thela~stter tra, after titttitg thedeartmentasl hoios, edefetedth ie phlarmtics tdecisit-lyin te ltst tf te semii-fiuals. Te mtarelous tentm wori of theten~tgiects is madue temthtuts fat itttf1tispenal.Tiefits ibs eutena- tcitgconstanttysatdl trtttkliexects to caryof te ttlet'again. Thec fteshmenit Iowttves. ae a c- utariktilyg-' eamtctttOpposedi to Peck. the thst gua-ri Otheinttercass series. lt-lous itetted i ftssu bassets, at te samti mettpfreienititg ttcitharmuic5 frott cig a lit kt excettt ot foatlsod sofresh cntr is-san-s'-gm-sstu-s'pliye and soti set tll Tt gatttcs certain to be ttltdid umne. Coachs'is llisr atd aptainutlStli- vant"csliet-p"iyestsrsyfor the first gmtttoiffthei seasoin. liee isitteeteat fast.t- retl-siundier "Sully'siniing out. The bai ttetltr isstereSitch ittnd ifuizes-tirtu fr ts cs-ol-rs, tatud Dotua- lue auts Ic\llisr fiithtetscus SF ii FINALiSPhOtF RECSTING; fif' 1\. XXI F\T [ULLII fOFF Thesei-fnas o tt(,eiistlig turt- namtit ofi ftoutu exclhltnttbouts tt-r pull ittff ystirda yattrnoon.iT he 'is althougithlutst sf t mmmii rs-nois - t tse gau1e it is slt ei(t ttit itinit I te featherwceigt t (12 his.) R. I ('ombls ticfestedl J- F. Rot ii t:07 iby stctring a haslf-netlsttntiholltnthifs o- 11111 (3.F.011 om wh hs lsreay won11 two1 treliminartisi i ts, sirw lirbe adi c ns t ly w imiet C ottb's iite liii tiltttisitu tilt-scitntifi ot of the aftesrnttnswts it i esecn C. A. Hanttsit itdiD. f .Ialistfbott hesvy- wi--h'lts Forefulls at itttte otitsrtg- g'ledto secure a1 11ol11 iiithe other. Filty Hatisit s sccesfulin is- cuiitg a half-nitsositbut tiesgile Parks likthtsle "c-sp.For tie renaiitg fec mintettsiitter srugg'"i enses, the tmcu being"so e-ciii tatided tieither secturcd a deciedladvstaitge dutrig le six minutttes alotedl to each cecii. 'fTedrawstillt iicoitff Sa-trday sfter- S Kstiisgss iholessitu trw -tby, ii the F. XV.tWeschtdefeftedtE. ataga ii the hesvywreighties-ct (158 his.) iii 41,35, by toptling his opoent oni his basck lilt atleg holii std a haf-nesoi. Kaiiagsi etered i twociates. Kanaga eiteredl two c-ssesAtogt defeatedl ioe ciisle will its in te Fnal eent of the hevweihtsthis to the destiing f a by. In the lightweight bott (135 I.) G. F. eyfroit won oee C.X1. eining by a qtarter ielsoninitt1i4.eyfon will niet . RILti, who luckily dfrew a lire, ini the finaals. F. WV. Welscht will tiet J. R. Roigers, tlso a tdrsiwer of a btye, ini the middle- wveighti class (158Slhi.). G). A. Andere- stat failed to make aii appearance anid coniseqenttly lost 0111 hy default.. 13. Andierson aindlC. F. Stahl trill lie the tutu-l cottestantts ittthe welew eit ee-cte (145tlii) 'Ttefistenwresling ibitnts sheledticf ot Satiurdasywill le cl-ss. Ittsotic i- stnces the miens ittic beei at the Ogam - for ai itteuttit the muost cssc lc arc newcItnttspite ofills fit thatissomls noicttes arc ettees, ticsecators silt he asissired of high-class wr ithei part of the contestnts '1Tle mel sill teighini Saturday afttrnootn at 3 o'clod. GLEE CLUBS WILL APPEAR AT BENEFIT PERFORM\-ANCE 'Ts'eglee cluth, atnsipossiblye tiem iaitto- liii aindl bsatjo clths, will aptpere t the performtattee to le gitent this eetitg at the 'Majestic thester fr teletefit of the studientsi wlii sre itterearrest, chargedl with riot. There tillle n betefit tmatittee a sitlntbetnatihoutiitcc. Es-cry- cffot is being madise by tie st- sdetts ini charge of te sffair inoitiske it asi successfulsi tieforiminccasitosi tie. 'Pie regular Majestic acts for this iteek ls be11itsitersetsrcl isedwh slits by' the glee clisidthis tandintiand111 hsatjoi clus.ThtePitsjestic ill i tutu tossediof Iirstlt \Mereit.the"hppyit mitrelt" wiihumsentiertained liii Iaft clubiwith ittiy'soies tie othe it ht;"ii tihe Wa -ll-ce sisters mum theisitgitg'anii Fitrs hotmttComuiing;tRointsandtil liii toi, it tjoitiss isispictrs wiitiltheii strintitiiim uitsic-11111 1Tle Mytstrios Cruibhls. Inordrt-cha ter-ttin itmybitsblil to seccitestickets wicuh itsve beetires duedi to ffty etst ey aveie-i-tchenctisis- tributedi attotig tmte muinal hiscldsss an atsity itbescrtedifrth11il ort suat the liiixsoffic. 'Tesitistmeetig i thati-s scedultedi for list ight wis ca lledl tff emnuaccuntmm of ccrtin11otitlist rasetm'cuent s hain Ali cilits presituus andmiiipetsonstlav- mg lists emftmos itwlii itit-cplegtes muoeyshouldtleav thit eliilists ithtiltli pay, iniThe its chiigtn aly- offic fume WaslteriRiteitscimii MERBI FlD IT'AfLESSN MI- SION.ARY WOfRK IN JI'fifN I'meiiiMsrrifetdsh tuduentpasaior f ts Baptuist curutch, gust su iniformaltasllls out Jatan1anduultiem issiary wit-e rues beforec tie YV XV CA. hum Newbierry Dalilst itvsuing Mr Merrifild'iwatst ini thu stitotnsetics ii Japanmfisth1mes' y-e'rs aind haitmlisuinmteresing expeei- mues to relats hisehbganm by- compmar- lug tmeittel-uiedhnotons of Japanmpreva- lmtsum thitss cuntry titu tie actual sem- ditios.s"Ihutoutrs,"its' si, "isa desert, conmparedl to Amenic. There sre heaintifuli spotslimt out aithoe n s extremtely "1Theitsnfluseneof -a foreignm scholar l s ser gre-t Such mitsu as General, Booths 'smith.XV .3Bryain nhd uuimmese' infufeceuwhie tisiting Japan, y-ery- force of harater. Exaumpe is ont-i of tie most effiientimeunls of convtersion. 'Phe euumasis of all swise missionay- work should b e out life, nt outfont or creed." NEW MEMBER WILL BE ADDEDS TO BOARD OF REGENTS This stats superintendenst of phblc hu- structionut aill hbeoneanutex-offii tmetm- her of the oard of regents of tie Utni- vesty upoun the adoptiont of te net stte cntstiuttion. 'h'is additionm ts tie hoard is provided fr ini Secion 5 of ArtilserXI The purpose tas to give this superintlendntth ie salue reaitin te University as lemum bears to oiler state institntionsIlh-s till e ;pllowed a voice int tll diseussions lhtmlomityue. Ssctionu to of the tatte article nuakes it mndtouury uponthmie legislatture to supptort the University an othsiler stale educaioiunalinmstitutions., ADAMS DISCUSSES CORPORATIONS Outlines Structure of Accounting System- Lecture Interrupted by Small Boys. mmillshesecondsofh ishutesils f 1dmir- utestPrfmitlitmusvsC fishmitsditscuseh the.iscm amsumm ccount oh f this crpourtionus iwns sielulcedemuisiw smmiethoseitsn this cstitm-sioasotahtmustsribms ilsbei- sums pursent.ITmsec ithemisctc--it mlcosf this itlesureuroomi times ts hisarsthi speakerthtbecut-eisosf t-ic s shuts' ugslut-sg shdithesomustsin1g of this sumsall botsittpltsyiin thisuaitdhbe- Tr-atingt- rl stt fromss thelint-t if viewm-Of sitcounting; Pro's-f -dasittut-th scied sithis organizaestiositofstthie-accosunuts f thur tcomumons sastris ifist purposet5sf s-ait n mu wuem uhich ishe- lust cinishiss w-suk s statistisianitotuthemlintestshts com- mere cmntssin. issoutinedultie stmcituresitthis istmtiituu-systemmta-mit todus he thrisese ct sets f accounuts wic tsnakeiii suithis annuast-1atttts. In stitidtitg"thes'ciititttsicrierts intot of thiselti lstts-it', rescmptinmg tiit tie sitttew iradsthusmajoitsta re still doingm ais local uumun~s s humNw P1 ghud thus-s-esbingmum"1ghm- t umthi st-eam rod isehus e usteis feeiesm mchsiteelopmenutilo01raiii tansporta-15 ton ily stamiiiwticuhiitcame tiedoui- ussnt fetutiresabosut 180 as rced ily taking au hypthtiltshsipillimibtweestni tituspmitsinIs smiho-liissmgmmiiiit hbecame acompm~le x ssteImmisthitrltmd m dhel i- pedis. T e- he growsthu f upopulaitinm anmithei ttiiiim mitsuientiof thi sersclstne- csitaut'thti-suioth lihie tteeopmentllfitthrugss-sh eight its'trougti-lit s emhas-izuedi a botsh alsumprtantm t gituthiand tdiffuii- cutllobmtshtuuaddh5ing tts'comlxiy sit this-ccuntmitnsu-- iis tlistsdseelph- mitmichmlthumas-si tote isressmgard'iof stitbounaielsilT he a umutditit sli- odi of cisuiti" ani quitahm ivisin cit-i-i'singtoend-cemste seriseusisits si-siuisinototiositheit poatiosia i- sisis-u- reatrpssitititisofst 5 r f thus act smmw--it-i'ave iihetcommmissonu this mandmi uls muhtmthsded gmuaty to its multir," sid Proelfishsms. This tmeasr wasu titu smusam t icsumsus-shiswemi- sth mirme tuunten ltmus nnrst cn issl(sumit sssetftfacititis anmuhstrs makssigr-i-til- fistrssscono lm t mmliiito thus'comttpextys ofthis itrstllsmll twhichm Irf ciii afshut-hast fitsein piinhg i unimform sy 1st f acittingmmu. "hit esommonsust f cars iislee- sar," ai ith tspakr It s ot d- iral s tcmu rehanmsle this cnes.-s The'li strrictrusng thus sue usfsanoter 1com- musts pnys fifts enscul lsasy s lisng s mt is otuts tack s'Wheinithu raifsfitwse dese tiestuid mmo semsthis srs of tilthes Now thai t bhsinssis idshll tey eneavos'ssr humgeltusid f tsmi hecssse of itardc tumesitihmemitite s rcently scemnureuieelmton-msty-ieretts "To gt econoummy mum rairad iopera- tion"lh urimlthr remrkedciti smises- stry tspecusiaimic Cxiiissmaitluiant seepingcars re specialtutu seicsc. All thits itroducs furtercsmsetpia- tiosutsIt i necssaiy to semuemethsios of eq~uitamiicedistribmuton.u3Tmc iem sshsee f acusts imis trs tti ltse th tireoblum em ithout emuplustssm Prof Aash'tsirlu e cetutuecwill its tic hutvecil tiis afternoonuuwseheiswill eis- ttss The1t frgansiteatmusnlime lustpsescof Control."i 'Thus PhiiBtaisiKappan chaptiersit Chi- cilgotrecentlhy initiautedh ighit stuens1 ilts of twhomut siredwmn ANGELL MEMORIAL. TuBLETC UNVEILED LAST NIGHT3 Time Anigel merumoialtablet tas mm- ceihemi last uightl it SarauhmCastwell Ang- ell lall, hbefoeca large audmietce. Mrs. ;. XW. Blatlifored, mf Chiscago, cre sipontig secetreluy of te Womttan's hBsssem of Miissionms of the Inuterior,-swhichm hitatsesninmmsssuonu stse fuse te tiast two eaysprsetedultie taleht mumaptie- siationumof sihatmlXIls Angelha ud done fist thusmitssionariy cuenls "Efight years ago" thu spseakr sie,mu mit this Angelli Bie scthooeliwes es- tablhiussd ittPskin, China. sIt wss timrouughm ts efforts offMrs.iAngel-itsui this schooltwhicuhm hus dohe muto e furtie tsithis bestesrment f ltheChiese. meas established. "nhummluf of myfmmvilmy mand umysef I thanmk smut fortintitus stuisminy"s-imi Psestidt tAgell, out -usepi-ngutik ii hunz mussabilet. Next 1 ito sXAmugll mieetihe ms- amm ieu tutuhe5fottueighttits stiioary 1wk soodu tftrsmithndI scannomt thtik sitamnu ites inmmg mpla'esufo l ths meoil thain mutthits11me1maltll IPrecediing mispsienutasinsmtof this tilt letsmtciitiu addeses ier smae y Miss Ciii tcnu mmliifm Ing lots ChumaansMith lut Mrthuan W ideysit Fists ow,(hus limit hiss Chiuttndeispoke ofsssitthus outdi- msion sitthiswmmentitantelchi sumnmum Cinat aut this:present tist. Simsolof whtu ha eenclone mcfor thus isomencu sumitof thus cast amumnt ou f wsm ell stohe starni- edi. Miss XWiley hit t s onneced w siths tie FoeFloutimnimuvestiy wthihnout thur musrelsthoatsiasemingdomist mmthur interest of tiemenste HIUGH BLACK WILL TMLK AT DIVINITV CLUBi BANQUtET 'lie tDisvinity sut oill its-i banuetiui Mol a nmuisimght t this iNlit"igasUniion. r Frenchsmsill-act s tins utsastran thlt site--i-etsill he H uguh l Bl, of tie CnimiTsumi l mogsal idemitnaiysumDPnMt-s Kie, remmcsuident mof tie 15rtfordlsmi- mliii, smith hrm Iaton, oftisii city hT he issmiiycub us t Ia1ntw or- ganztion tuutlimi m s foredsuhlure summis escsago mo itung Tilie differecntt suduets traint- to en hs uter theolol m'histit- minsint thi st. 1Tliis cumlistses- deavosrmedi tuoinake this ilaitsof inlie hues- losgicalthirmwhmiii itetinmcuitgll adh b~sti thmslsholimtlsummitave sendeavo et fosundmin ii ie Uiveersity- All studenet smhumsaset iteresed iniithes workl osf mie sutsums in-uted-tosetheus-tu- slitmminital ite miisers i ilt- its sill sattsuend s u es ts. XXWHO -hSA llTECO-11DS XVPRI NOT FRIVOLOUS? 'heittsiudiousiomistereredsat 01is i inlie swest seumary rooms uti lthetcge- teethlibraery. Otis ilonem-sehbarriaded bhind mia svsty mg svolumeun ut"Some- ithing" mees mmml awy mum a ornue;thud restiisee-nonnot oeesut-girls Auth they mes relly wokng. "Lin Chasuon ede Rolsanc" tv-s pushinmg Lucre- tius' "De Rerumu Namesa"hred for flsh place5, in1poit toef inedusty and teI smatciniguof pmistscotldie tseuardl aoe thus umuncingm Of peasummit ttle. Thus slosk strikssfour!I Hurry, scf-: lit, shuflesi, sumem go hamrsooks arc droppme to thusfloeor-smithnots fogoteti mu mmmc grouch rush forte iihg west swin- mussy.I'Thee they scurryall xcept mc of the ibarisade ndelshrilly raisstheir voices imsries of "Let me see, to," "Cli, you muesuus dot-t tke tip thus wloe wviedowtc etcitsc Faut you guess wehat it'-ll saout? Aim engineeingclssttlintjust een edis- mtisscd fronthtie physical lahoratory, ande eniginetsre all of themcisuline gcn- der! TC)NIGHT-8 :15. 1 Special bentefit performn ceis th is evtening at :Majestic tiheatcer for a fundsto letlfend studenmts nowmuuner anneal. Admission 50 scm-its. EXAMINATION MAY END IN AFTERNOON Mayor Henderson Asks for Ad- journment to See if Amicable Agreement Could Not be Made. Wiit Msyur J. CIeiicit'soil aper- mg hum thue'role of eaenvrmssy this pro losngedl exauminastionm f telie tts stint dets inns sudenly' brosughttohueclsie yesterday- sftsernimon umJuisices Doy courmt sfteria setssoneof fistty-fItsecmone- utes. L~uring lthe day Meuviti 1Hsmmer som t l ad mwrien-ua emfuumatett elsinto Prousecutinug iAttourty Saswymue ihih lin askedshasm let sum suij ittitimit siftenii misy-sicr inicesuse us: se i tilt am1151icablegemt tmigut--ltnsit itt reacede-miwues-en the us: hitie'ms andmihis studen~tsllowmming iu this reuest, Aittorneydl-Cavauu-usughs musemoi-i stitns hu thus mosrnigsssiluion ght ac tilitiiue of tie cases fumetwom-emst-tshe sallowed. At this timits-theus-utoritis'objct'edi, liut saidshamtuhut'mightagsignthties afternoo s esssion. mu lutotui iles heums~ had a rsautll itu-ilsthins: matyor-anii saiedthast lie' swotuld ee tils um otiu- suitedif thisemmii may tswoldioitder ithhipse- s cuiutions itnei se s timuliwlimT Ihisthe matiyorn ctuild notit nths he afitiltIlsoon1 session mthu scutorsum ntnlymitbjectd thi lie'sumtmmmminc si smfstwoweksi lit streuusmly osuiute to t an I I i ulusm en umut unlta2o'clthudshis tfenoseo suthuat tie edefenus mimgt seing inst witss it tie casc fS 'es.JtstssehDoty ovecrruldm ismlin bjeutctuinhoweversindsit tie exatmmiatin umult smth mitt lt in ut untisaioulk this -afte'rnoon.m (iituti sitstint-teys ftuthemiss se m~ an([thtmneseeutiat or uiuney isalichiad a confernmci, smdit is udstimli odlusuthinat wencouutntv1e1nils tils af~testson this pusrosutors sill aukhJ3tilis tysssto tunde thes reintmitIiuhirenstuen t.tu tverxtt naetion.m Ihis wsill bhi accords ithuss uthus wishm f thinsilattltsrney s adJsice DIohts sinces'thc formeruttased l me lirst tm in-i adsince I Jsuts istictIDluty ha~s espressedu thlii sh mtho clear iithe casst-u sil q u'lkly as possile. summithie-s wats huund usovermigottuecircuitI court fis trmmil humnlthe afternotuultthes itterest ini this trinsaltias011theis' ems andi mileu tilt sity h limfes hushs itritslus thuslueiesay iothis little cutttroosmmitfewmu students emsoult i he-stems S H.I tit et it-is themnsexauumndhndmsithhumsicassiv stilluteforecthes'cosurt tim-mmen it was ad- joured.emiIfittejustice: linch ll lilt mueum over to tie circuit court ths afinsri noonsu, theirtil i humcmusermt cnnouut taCs misue bmoelthie Mfay terms SENIOR LAWS PRFT'ARING~ PO-hAPRiI, POOL1 DAN CE Thie seniorlasmsre maksuhing geaet preparatnsiumusfuserteir annsualsiApri fool partsy tmm he givenmam Ganiger's, Fridaey, April 3. As usuaollsthissesssill stil- p11ena1 t-eis ladey'friends,aninththe liits honoedh "Crease" swililet:kethe uplce of prtigrans Althoghs gisvenm y tie settorleraos class, lhimiteane is for sll mnsmbers of tile law- deparmuent asmithem~ic frieds WE.NLEV tiWILL LECTURE ON SOSCIAL TRADITION ANtS CIURC Thle fomurthm of thuseisris f saddresses deiverecd lby professors of li-isUniver- sity at mie lentens services of S. An- srew's churcshi will e given- y Prof. Rdobert M. Wenley, is Ii turs hllhismi aftcrnoontumat 5 o'ltock 'Prof Weney will spcak ems "Sosial 'Tradhitionm andith ie Church."