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March 26, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-26

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If your hair is a L t ati itnl a (Mlusic ait) Tarna
bother, or you have have taonc of their own. i eitett.klnA 1gA
planIhavte een formed and tempo ry t Cli
any trouble with it, officers elected It i epeted that" e
buy a good coons tvaill he secured in the Pret huild ;SadrEF u ti
Thecpntiposes o ilhrPrescluarHa Brn oirod csnufrsuetsilt HSSAEO
AT ,lle tainng n g tlittt iitic lie
QUARRY 9S ily holdnag, scan puhi it~s sat aSi nAmAbrb
QU R YS itch told eel
and get relief. ecnreii iit itltrest t olctte jora-enAV).
is ndt reetl efrc itt socity .
c tica tettmtnt isof certaini llatct f i ]{ O P N
Any persont etroledl intaty depat-
ttett f t h t i ersity. tro ied hi s . i _________________________
etgged itt joutraisitc wtrotasat ive
oMoney Loaned smlci cirretttitttcttiteittay iertittono -
is astceetetggedm iii t niatit
On tNatelIct titatm ttds. Lawt tt;otks itetiier lti b 1 lth frJ s ® } oohepronlrprymc t i. cteihtmitieti iii
VITtchcrn tnd Jewelry repaired. a litiel ii to tty-licrcntt.
Bargain: tn Watches & Diamonds FlT.e restchtbtriotts II li t.
-iced itetitil. riday eening' f (flit a l. in I ( l Iool
Offie I residence 33tIE. Lierty St l cet ti el he etlub attd The IDaily ta ff i ./~ t ___________________________________________
'i. ~~Ann Arhor. f"ir' l ctfr Io ilt
Hors:toC11tin a. i.. ttoCite0tnd 1toIn iill tttder a - rcptiott ittdlsttkerr t __________ _____
A LBnStNSS CONFItENTtAL IndChrei W Bke, ilpom let INI i ti
JOSEPHI C. WATTS lilItitt .Boer ltlt=,tittntt io i ro
,orast whotli lectire hlietht diait The new Spring Scanf as a special introduc=
:littrelitsltpurposes being fnt inic tr iiiilitttfd diiall he mdeL tory of the spring, we are offering a special
hih t ornlitic actiiniti matilmetill %06,11 a ich ll iiiil ts purchase of beautiful new Spring French four=
O fA7te ihl 1:vlalildofcilis
I - ., ERf kltk. ;IAT ISECcr lz s I-ii n~ hll h b e lii iland tilt;dl in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ends
TODIAY t)N ItOL VClUT11. ,.elitytepic t l 11 Iiisl citilti and in all the handsome spring coloring.'
on all stamped goods, including nttc atStra nMmc fec
itrif ttire eufi te iotdt till.1 a ccii The new Spring Shirts make their first bow
ctirettOtil giae reatitgifrm or liiiete.te"ic tt ili. ilst tSfhetic and they are beauties. The new spring styles
AT cfIile. Poyccutte" this fiterooitti i litt ibiltityiruI ,ailt ahs rcr
o'e-l i Ror ; Tppn al. hi ±,rsccia~hi, nn <cne haaproal in Hats and Cap are here for your inspection.
DARLING & MALLEALIX ,tctc n ittir Tpit ii thi t o toit) iirn( if t.tt lic Or-i
DARLINGtt is giigti eet nite Pr osf ilat.o o teln
224-226 S. State S. .a h etiett ntot Iii iicliit L tili titi itti re-i
retichlmtierpieces. ii it ista e, till li i i iiIisio ll po
at I achtieement inif aC tcic a lto -rc c In a pos i ts ir. iStudtuIsin~
C o l g u iti Chisiitten t it ma ttt i t tilt Iciit ilt i ilililli it wict h(iSit -goills
ittpr tf Citristiatt tttrtyrdcottt Sotmtu I ctii ii t i lciti rhl l t11 he c1lit. gi
IIALLR'S JEWLIRY STORE, 216 S Main St. LCotteile, ttnd at the smte ttime tte ciiiet issqttic mi ationi.1lls 11111
cif i'ccrc" itf Crit it i t il tragdy and i iii any ipersist ide iring t icimeta
I ItihecFretchtehieatre. . tdidtiti fori anii , fi 11c shll presciii il
W elco m e_____---iiiit o f laiii ills, r 11a11 theiAt1MACK'
__________________________________ N tdet in nechwear fr itii tt on slet. itti "t ti c cegthcll da te oi f icic- A A C L
bCriAletAlawnstrtt.d3-ltatas pitlioI gnldc bl tel ilI o)iiilct li
ncP s ua oyoutitin ,yoisenter tic Lilttciin i o usYt.I ou ' atrwbtr.\hililitic lttt S jringi
iuo eo u cas t re t rtteiti r STUDENTS ii ils it tc l'iiccit. ,
caslaea prscititt or itinte Who wish to represent the Michigan Il le
cc pineor wloetyuislts itt Alumnus during the spring vacation (lt 1I10\\N\cForllis.
as s; ncere.in their home towns and cities are --
East University Pharmac euse omk plcto o tie hrciiciili csiii Newest, Nattiest, Line in the City
Ii M ROYS Aentit. later than SATURDAY, MARCH! 28. silt; 1.81111cnoeilin indtii~. iDroiM C C
If you intend to go home, here is an I cii lio W. T I. 'Iil d, lilt S. II1 ci
opportunity to pay your expenses £ tir catalioguet.t
V. of M. I many times over y a few days work -___-_-
Babramong Michigan Graduates. Cliletl htic elc cuen niii ~Watetet. tuiamn cttolryititt:ill
BabrShop and Bath Rooms Call at the Alumni Rooms, Uni. \1,r, \, ii iii ct1ON[Y [OANED t iii. tis Gilatt diolItO to ciiur
Ea-hOsFo-toaas versity Hall, TODAY at 4 to S P. M , t Esc ticttti di untal
Larnesot Shop in sthe City FIDAYat 4to 5P. M. orSATURDAY, 1n ireGODy nA I l:. Todos ott atofdjcy l'.M I.AW. J. LOURIM aR.TaAOSIPrp 3to4.M.fruthratilrs 1araon',oiCurc w 7-_
3 . ROAOW~t P p. 3t4P . orfuterpatiuar. tc 1ii cliidlI l S. ______________________________________

NoieRowe's Laundry'E L E CTRI C IT Y
N {i THOMAS ROW, Prop.
326 N. Fifth Ae.
NewPhoe 4i 1ebPhoe 47-I pplled to College Mernx ri
New"hnetnt tel ttine4n-LWonxmen for All Px.rposesaf'S
Booth space for Union County Fair Carnival SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY
now being reserved. Appliactions and also 3ii6 Snth State Sreet AHEN WLGT& O E O
ideas of attractions contemplated should be cloases Stsa-day, to A. M. aind WAHE WLI T&PO RC.
submitted as soon as possible to the Chairman. 7:30 P. M. 200 EMast Wa.shirsgtorz Street
of the Arrangement Committee. Atembily 9_________.______o________.__
R. L. BOUGHTON, Room 7 Cutting Flats Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant ,y crryng a enpy it the MICIGAN Daily Subscriptions Now Due
_ Otinese F acy tishes Amercat Lttehes nf IAN5i~tC1ttin yer pctet. Space forinin- ___
D O- IT N W allci tnds Ilterytunt.firticlcast for oranda caendr speaevents, Univesty
- --lades ad ele Ici tt Cait.ndr n ths 15 page hek Given away Sttiscritioins taten ty iai, chet, drat oe
Chnese and Japacesettttc- a. to stdets at the University . M.C A Mc. mney cder,
Up Stairs, one dor SHto n oirs 34 S State SttMila a iatt
STUDIO- RLNTSCULE ,R, 319 East Huron Street

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