THE MICHIGAN DAILY I 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. h. Wild Comfpany Oulr Spring 198 line of fine imported and Domestic WONES Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Youir patronage respectfully solicited. G. . Wild Comfpaly 311 South State Street The New Base Ball Goods Mits--Glove-Balls-Bats- in fact everylthing needed for the gamte can e had of tus. You ae sre that the price, the (duality, and the design is good if it conlis front Sheehan & Co's. Student Bookstores - A. G. / < SPALDI1NG ( firlNC5 & BROS. The Largest Manufacturers to the World of Official Athletic So pplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, (Gol, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Oticia Implments oe Track ad Field Sport Ooiormssfor all Sports. Spadig's Hadsoely Ilustrated Ctaoeue ot all sports cotansn- msrostsugestions. Sedor it.-Itsfre. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, stlago, St. Loos, SsntFraocisco, Sttuneaois, Dnve. Buenieo, Syracuse, Pts- brg, Phiadepthia, Boston, Cloecnni, at- more, Washintgto, Kansas City, Cleveland, Now Orleans, Detrot, Montreal, Caada. Mooaginsg IEditor-ACHER F. Rrrcun. Business Mnoacr-C. E. WtsEA. EDITOS News .... I....iramt S. Coiy, Athletics........ ee A White. Ekxchsange.......t. Jono WVoobold islsic atid Drama.....Roy D.\elcls WomenssEditor. ... Louise Yoat Vooris EITOIAL STAFF J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams NIGHT EtDITOS George 1=1. Hobart- Leoard C. Reid Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Visscher REPORTES M~. i. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsirr Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kiney Walter K. Towers Louis Krat Lewis TI Kniskern Robert Moreland Patti Greer Sasuiel H. Mrri Otto Engel Fred E. Goodigs Theroti P. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wrn Carl H. Adam IHarold P. Gould Address : MICHtGANo DALY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. iManagrs Hours: I-2 P. i., 7-8 p. ot. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96" TIi icti i, I -u. si-ii26-.ii The pospet,, friaeia if Atich- gcriticatie aion aii rei tcttactives. It the ope5ra becacrrie d itsthe greater asdImore infuniltows of teltalt.. forthesalc f te godimpiresioi misht issofor iality. 1k ets. ii test c isitavei saseis reniiowe ati titsesids of ithiiestrhtfor ht s-rc liii N 'hees tilt -rum-s roosm. hw cv i , t ssissisi -ateithaitit ii sisac. deepe s isIt caayin iwais- tor icsreasting-55-alie ,to te pri- itee and i tsoI i tespesciator. Its-face sushiascor s-oulstIle speicialy appro- -cac 111s teircs1 , rif tileii c. ilItcl onsssnb -.rpla e essoeye t 'Thtcocsllg pofsIsor-sc-.ecisc-wesi sitl kiss, kit usc.Our profl-essrsire in ronst-cit dsui sslso-giesexprisgt opiin:; itt-ial-isties- sflthis iractciclt csbilic istis-woit:Ilslcing cri--cr iedo t prsnt ic Prof,. Ihe-ts-iC. A-ksheadoftth depa-tet o f spoliicatec-nomys and inneinthticliterarycepar-ssstent.i ia entestaisticciaof teitr-ic saecosmmttercsomisssi. istSinceics ots til s i c,-,, bee -seggdl itsts,- 0-srh sf deviingtiuniormstsemsifsoc tirecac- ouut;tndrecords, ofiasltcorporations iube ,tt te- iterr-stt- Cismmsecc sct. Tes, ii siilsitic ssinnecedIwistilt sce isn I ts isoitS ts:ih -aiworktrsuiesittc bts t itisrstsasts I icactice fssc is, isislpciot -i. It is tn ssa i toatpc - ii tesry ihostiractier icsssal- a fiil lire. It i the combnatin tstt-s silth sas ousis prsofsss theisfor- motins tslielils of sciei-is-,. that sP. Aias ilsillss e ssfcsts netse. setcThoiu slt se -ithaetakIshis coursic-s is-sicpstthve senitprssediiby isl- silhv t-stc Iisditinslinsthe .,sitneitssi hit isicturscc-workl. Wie sdousnot is-ant ci si-Ie s llc-essgs-generactionsto pass w~ithtt kstF.CIt"1Sitilitis, GItsEci Ill 1/1kCntit s of the. ermanIrench Rt-ncus havie-sexpessedttfi-cicsilling ness to -1.uSitettslentccsi oif sstir organi- zat is i -i t s-n lcting sf Itsest sigisiof Mleo ih otiinas-titittstaille preentr) i telandss,lfossin it atciilis sc tti-si lnsguascssw-sill Ie soks-en. Th sIeils I erislissepttha~t it listsdyiibsIasht ske-ictch it lecifisr the s11 sit li. ThssDutsischerV-lsts-eits-i sitheFrncilubadIthe SiiiiCotsoitans ci itssit ei slit exprienceiii intse ti clsti isind w 5i in hi -.bin ticnshoIwsc-thirsss ual s-sisi-i c hi Sit anishriande Scan..~ sxpieit.ce inthi sss lnc, ciiihavshownisssrs greati n s- t issst i tetsmeitg i stci is stlcu cisss iof iacis. The clubisiheitua i swilisiti til sw- caatrsiso MIAJEkSTIC STARS ACT AT TA FT CIVIl RAktLLY \V itres t sirodthettssssits antso 5 ticlps1 ssoom tings ts- Tafitfi-epublicsn cbhits dt tst 5 ic-isl r ll last ight it Scitscademslity. Ts,-prinstcipal lseker wasc Judige Newiikcof AntiActbstr. trath Lonisgmianitsitst . Imnmig- alosokwileit W. \Vi\,ssW-deme-ye- preide. Aoutfssurihuiteslictudn st-i-c seincit. Assctoe-Genracl Wadse 1ItElis- o Oio hadss tbesenii ec-cttes to addrslsth it rally,- sits i leihasteleoe d lalsstecTueIss-s dayirnight itatic essoul e cospells ti cattessid t, e pisscnicnvettrisonsali Naslsti sshvll. en lt rsvenig- itsstedi. sotati te rsommsitte swls forcestos chanisge te ,irssstcsst(kiss ernorc 1Keley promsetoittkeistheible. liuts cit is clsurtilsts ight heialsite l- shonssitat iclie i-iisld nost btshrei. Jug ssls-Newkirk ws sctnSe-I CdM arransigmenrticsissseifist-aintio ctsii of tireSlajetic liogramssedsihestireeceh masskintg. Ak \VtRITR:R IS INIlGNAN'T AT SIA ND) figTI t 1E lRtkSS hdtrssf heichrligansiDaity: I cannttisrefriniifrsomt xres ngI indsignatsissnsatithei ssn hsichirsbck-h wososcpaplert andthesltplressastlarge lace saks-sc spostte insignificanst stide-t outbucstiii a fete days iago. Its there schtiassearth of setscits ther countsiry-ss abod -h t sring editos.ha15-cis oice" a t'is? Ititpossilesthtinitst cisisi nd nd supsedlys.sii Chisianis :onr f'usithestrei souillibe Isounds sunschia losws (f asuctssignorantss. smsal- iciolu tshnd ypsc riitialgatll' Wihti Isi irrs-psissie issshiculsl .wo hapcpurcns t iss the manattigert-if 'a tisf-cettnt s citiescist siso csinsu- suthns ts chltenge. -th s tudsentbsody iifsits ofous its,-ssc respi-ctesh snduit ghest intitushtis iof lanlansuchsie tgsisd. innsisntri-sS- spitscrs-sitosrcross tiheselsc an Itu es- ittoait tirehsswfulise ssi Atts-rsciseds-sis it isneccse- thcat cstdetlbodssyirse-s lie chllenge.-astihalcif-joisscnglytirisesnt, ts,- ssfI ts-fisv--cens tstwtitil adzn rsofiechs seg shnd iaus, iscedtrip ispec BlsWshai iitae itlig- -s.rios and trsns-fssrmedsthesite sb-instoss-a tragi-c-ssit-s1 is tsearm5esdfssrie- this nosleucs. s o f tsite srssectr5- sof te itizenrs ris ights. Ii mesd5 ts-ekssiks- issbsor ipo elc sswis.isis trmrusdhelmehtri. uts cndshhsc,-fill upnteirniterersed bstandeirs, el tesd som555asitumancleduriieno-iughi of this-ittoi uslti -s-c-oildussMake555 Saitshtirishiss-c icees. scof the idduiuule.-cgesoblshsfsor Vihsresitisisths.-uis-usof ts-eiiwirldh (tilte jitonlists.1I sits-listhisseromuis this wod iisis Ic vies l c-citImtshss-cus, ibe-asistisquote Siunsday scshol sorie adhmalthur slrtiu 5 f5ii 5tau- kiissiits general nst sf ich rigan-indis i piscuarsls. lhey c sis-sitd howsigooid thie-ithirss-citves r. by ptinstinig suits thus ssiscsedcne ksssA kitArorsti udessii soicI! propisudor !s i mosres-f0 ssournalism! Is oussresrtscistarinigtics-ittic-- comer isssotankrupt, thaiut ihas tc i an Globe Wernicke Book Cases The ktind that grows with yonurlsray-that will fit piacit ally ansy space- that cost he utoved one uniii at a flutehb- one person without dishtriniglie ook-that is practical, at isti, and the only perfect setiotnal hbook case mtade. Fitted wills not-rind- ing roller-hi Snug doors: hse uniths furnishsed wills or will- ont drawners; andh all msade ins a variety of woods and fitishes adaped to aity surroundinsgs. Call aid ee thenm or scnd for catalog c6 with it hleiorview s showintg arransgemnett in i- hrary, parlor. etc. Price per section $2.50 and up. WAHR'S University Bookstore (;. [. DARTN[[[ Law and Medcl Bokeller IMPORTANT LAW AND MEICAL BOOKS Digby ttsuy sitfthetLawsi ItesmProperty - $300 tcn uas tc-tin. tFiltIt'm sit Wvi itu's-elct rs srty,'- $3.00 515ssstit u uiuiti i tituSa Propert-ri - - - - $1.00 Bitshop's httii-iututantush'tons- CrinsaltActiost - - $6.00 vols. - $12.00 Ryl ' sttTlsssrY(us Evid sui,,$2 00 Ftipetts i..tiusssitIticuuse. $.00 its isuieys Esistruses - - $3.tO ¢taithallic s orpuorations-. - $6.00 hut i'sSumisar ofst hus uut5,ufetiuit05t55oii. - ,- $2.50 tweiusstss Art ou(Ttos $25 Buusiwisc Isawyrissunucut $6.50 lirittie-. Aisiot tForus-, - $600 For s- vls-- $1800 tvituslots ode Ftoirist eols. $12.0 MEDICAL BOOKS I iroacical T'ki-i-ostitts-.$4.00 ttikiais. tprativesurgery;S$6.0 Eiusdatt' urSielotio ttsousisi-$6.50 is Psy.--111 $5.00 Oitui,~uii-TrtctturrieiscAtla s nt tutr Bluftuiiaiiistytsvols. $1.00 COiite'srtitieses iaigosss -$6.50f teiesseith e dsiat isni tset 5 - - $6-S0 U ou S" igai Ci itnic" .,vls, - - $5Ps-s C. E. BARTHELL Lawan Medical Beokelle Tel 761. 326 S. State S. [Y[6G[ASSE[S e-.gasists sit 5eess, l ua sisy o iiithusel tudietn ts- La tENtaLhosuilltsr srthu St es- ttavserk ,ii-i-optria wrdoea EMIL H. ARNOLD siptils-ciaisilt WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler t2O0$otthMatn Stret I to, this stirs of ssthsu«s 1siutfur feru Adonetts thiOhisistancs-car sit-, I Cyot he emo !( oe!iJustcerantus Fair Plat- Pr.CuI(harne. Knapptti of tusiuuti isit- s-cesitt-willIsctuss,-uscxt \ls-sdasucy s\-sci -iug its Sascuis CaiswellkAnge-ll Ill onu thur RosmancTifheattr"'ubsure thur P~tuhsioguitclscis-ts- oitheUs. iusiii. Theulehuri s tousbreilstutrht- y-tsre- opionsidr trof.I Knatptulecturs Iu sd sicisWsisng uatiutheis-u sit \Iit uU if krt-. Y. us-C.rAt iNstA ELsFsuNEWitu 5I i ist Thur folloswinug Y.\V. C.k.ioffcrs usc-us-itaslldfusor s coingiteass at Newryicc lfalil, Tuesdayslufternoons at j oclck: tres-intRuithi Andesont; sire-presidhent, Gratc Hi us c tres-crer, Hensrietta Ihis; screruy, Ghouls, Peartson. How About That New Spring Shirt SWe have the Assortment The Co-Op MAY FESTIVAL VIVrO Coraceats May 13.14-13-16 Tilt THOM1AS ORCHESTRA Frederck A. SockConductur CHORAL UNION (300 VOICeS) Alliest A. Stasnley, Conductor Ps-IraleipA 1Choral Work "Creation" - taydns t-sasst" - Gilnoss Artists it-s. Corinne }cider-K-elsey Thursday and Sotorutay 5 etis Ame.NEtnestie Sstuusean-tit. Contratos Wed. andletri.Ev-sins Muss Janet Spsencer, Conetralto Frt. Afternoon soul at. Evenntg Mr. Edward Johnson, Tenor Ttsne -Fret and Sut.Eenings Mr. Claude Cunninl,,gham, Barttonse SaturdoyREening Mr Earue Gtiltuee,.Barttone SaturdayEening iMl. Herbert Wtlitterspoon, Boss Tthorsdtay and Sotueday Eventngs Mtr. L.Dr More, Preset, Born Frtday Afternoon, Mr L.L Renwick, Organist W~edniesdayEvesning Sea-so,,Tic-kets (nnreservesd) $3. Season Tiictsrruth) $4, $5, $6 For Sate at School of Muosio ANNUAL Nom at ingConvention Open to all studetits to cltoose cardidates for the following S. L. A. OFFICES President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Trustees SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908 at 1:30 P. MV. UNIVERSITY HALL NOTrICE-All prospective candidates should read Art. 2, Sec. 3, of the hy-laws of the Studenlts',Lecture Association, printed elsewl crc ini this issue. i' The Randall Studio, Randall &PacProps. Phone 598