The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, M-\ICHIGAN. THURSDA.Y. MARCH 26, 1968. " No. T32. No. 132. SQUAD SIlVERlS AT OUTDOOR PRACTICE Weather Permits Only Batting Practice-Wrestling, Handball and Fencing Attract Interest. It's a shivering squad that assembles at the fair grounds these breezy clays frbaseball practise. Yesterday the pitcher likened his Spalding sphere to snowhall, antd the outfielders tweo- - !tped tibotut the fence posts to keep iront freeziag to death. The swind lew It ardl that every biati pitched was a curs-c, and the liners twisted around like I Booerangs. tint ttir men terre gamte. As they sail Monstay, anything hut the rage. Oln light hatting practice swill tbe in- dulged in till the seaither softens a little. Mtuscles are abtorsitis, from le limbering uip practice of the week. "No kick coniing t ll," says the coatch. It's is goidl onngweek as see es-er harl andi it inne ery. Sure tiey'l fintl it ather chillty, but it does thiemi good.i We'l wossrik outside esvry dlay the sunt shineis fiiiii lnt, till spintg, as long as tue ground~ii is in shiute. We'se got pileity if good itiieii but they tlt nieeu ttie practice. Worik i- the oniy tinig that caii iiake a srongiiie' Bly test weerk lie stqiaid isill lie able io go toi Frer fielid if Icy iseattier ru- tiniues, aiii thieii reali hard ptier isill biegin. is RIP i ,Nit SIAMtAsiNAiS TOAY. 'ths semui-tiat, in thr iirestiiig tiiur- iiaiiit w'ii l si-itcsre this tafternooni t 4 C'onsidecrabule class wa~ts showunn byi the s-muners ini Tuesdtay's preiminiaries, aiii tilay's miaticies ought to lie iiteresting. 'Tie iitSorioius wsrestlers sill ciiiipete for tie varsity- chamipionshuip t thie s-hetiucrniv-al Sat urduay inight. Somue very clever botiiis ivere tptileud off at tie -gymnasiumu yesterdas- after- non hn the treliinarires ini the fecn ouurnamenrt seers' comiipleteid. IReighuard shuosuseu tine forim ini his mnatch iwithi Wsilkints, whoii early ini lie iear a-oi the fall nioiiics' itiurinaimi'ut. touus-e also showesd'i abuiiy in his' muatches, si- inig both siithi coinparaive ease, though Kanter at our time' hail hinti 6 to ; Krfes anud Roseseater had i ex- ceruttugla- cliisse maut, the fiinrier witu- iig biy iinie point. 'Thlis buot isas to iecide a tie swhichl tad bieii fenceid the day biefore, at welichither tio foils terre biriiken iin the course iif a very fast bout. Fletcher easily idefeateid Keil, though, as iwas true' of till the matches, the loser iistilay-ed gooir formt andr at times fur- iishedl a good rotest. 'The prelhiinary boats resulted as fol- otws: Lovelee defeated Kanter, 14-8; Fletcher defeated Keil, t8-7; Reighard iefeated Wilkiis, 7-6; Kremers defeated Rosewater, 3-2; Fletcher defeated' Web- sir biy default; Los-lee defeated Lau- r'Ure, 15-7. 'The four sinners, Coveter, Reighard, Isrehters and Fletcher,. have now qual- iet for the finials. The uosers are note coiipetinig for the fifth place. Keil has iefeatedt Webster ia-a Wilkins defeated Btemits, Ti-4, and Ruipp and. Laurence tre byes. Botha these 'tournantents wilt tie ciomapleteid Fridty afternoon, and the tndeirs will nmeet Brereton amd Haines otf last year's trait for the championship of ithe Univiersity at the inert Satnrday eveinig. HAsNDBALL, 'ciiiNiAMrx'c. Owiing to the illness of onr of the ciintestants, the hbairlall toutrnameist hs bieei interrupted for soime imhe. How- ct-er, it is tprobabile that Litell aind Watch trill play Lefhingwell and H-ansrn thids afterunoot, and-that the winniers of this miatchs -ill play Hoag and Leidy, for the chamlpionship Friday or Saturday. Conisiiderahly less interest has been taken it the doubles handball tournamet thati in the singles, proably because te best singles players have all paired off to- gethier for the doblles, aiid the result uip toithe fials at seer bientivev isnchi inrdout.- MASS MEETING TONGHT; BENEFIT TOMORROW N IQ1T 'They're going to hver a goodl show. antI the house otght to e filled," sair Rheinschitl tenisasked aotitlheie- fit perfiormaaice to te gvru at the Ma- jestic Frirday afternaot atdiecning to raise funiids for the defeinse of larst- deits arrestedin i the recit distraanc. 'hle maagment is miakig special :rranugeimentus to ave asiiiaiy drasing carids as possible. Aside froimi nete fea- tures adderd for ltar ocason, the Unii- versity glee cli is oti the prgrmi aid -ter exra music til or furiisedi be aquartet. A prominiiet local tctor has offereid his services tn aid ii the cause. Dstite the fat that nearly all of the ifluietial mierchaits aiiitmniy stirets tail turchased seats t te dllar, lar sale uas tot prceediig briskly- eiouga toi assure a full house at bttlperformt- ances. 'lhe price has beeii reuiced to 'fifty cents fr both tfteritianaid ese-ut ing ini orier to enale etery- sttdet it tie 'nit-crity tsiprt themioeieit. Uter these coditins a large crit-i is assured. Alt those tiho at-c hue- :basedt seas at a dollar isill be giveit ani aidititoinal ticket. It is fearerd that there is siiiie-Iis- aitilsrsianitiig amng the stiiets ii re- grn to the ciinig terforiiaice- 'To tlear tiltall idoiut amass mieetig tiill behel littonigtiniviiuersity- Hatll. Re oits itillte tresetted iby tis'cotiiii- ccist-hohiate leeiirisig fidiis taind firthir-ptlas tiill le discusse. ''he ms-chug till legii rompmtily-at 7 2s1.' YF125T'VALTO 1(1 It GRA'ND)ER THJAN .EVER Plais for the fifteiit aiiiiial tlay' Festit-al re inotecitmitlete. iluy ft- inons itiisicta ait viie heeii secirel smi the chorus, which cosits of three ut- ureduvisies, is rtpily its's-opinuig. Amiong the artists tt'ioi sill apea'r -rem' it rs. Rider-Kelsey, 'Ilue. Schuimaiin- 'Ilenut, M's JanJtui Sprcer, Edwatrdl Johnmson, Ctaue Cunnumigham,IHr1isri Withuerspionm, tanidEarle Kileen. Thu rlUsInion is espectedl to citutul its fornmer successes by- giig I Isyrlns "Creation"'suit Giumuutu's "Faust." Re- huearstls of inlie chorus htve iben iui- dumicerdby- Eare Killenawiithinreiiitrktial' 'refect idiring the absence if Prof. Sati eywh i as tsehen iniiEuiroteesinter August. Prof. Stamley is epecet to retuirn to Annm Arbor about Aril r, ii irder to fiuishi off thur chorus timd to comndumct ther festivtal. After le has dis- charged this tduty lie till reurnm to his fanmily ini Europe, whence he till come ack ins tim-n for the oprtuang f school ini ther fall. There till e five concerts, beginnimg IWetdnesday, May 13, ad cotinuung unmti Saturday, with au afternoonu com- cet on Friday. A feattiure of thur festival will be a comncert out thur French hormn, by L. Dr Mare. This is au rare treat to umusic lovers, sas the Frentcha horut is gemeraly thought of tsinm a hanurtaul nt as a comncert instruumenmt. The orgami intUivutersiy [al will appear as it seldomushIas as it seldom tat opportnmity its thur comcerts, for it will be played by L. I. Rniwick. Few persons arc aware of thurexcellence of the great pipe-orgamiamd it is rarely thatt suchi a chamce is afforted to liear it in its fll effect. ThurFestialjournal will he ut i a week and comies will he sent to almost all thur towns of Michigan, as well as Toledo, Ceelamnd amd Chicago. Thur May Festival has beoonome of thur most inportant artistic events iii Michiganm and crowds of people front ousitde Annm Arbor attend year after year. EIVERICK IS BOUND TO CIRCUIT COURT Horse-Play in Justice Doty's Court Continues to Delay Ex- aminations-Comical Scenes. soryiof this heaisngiiof thusstuu riont ss uwotul his tutust iiirsuitule ou- a lYuck,'ori Iudtgs matgzninttuut ntspatpern, if tlt theinclienuts f thus risut st-eutishted. It is nothiitgbuti t icontiualu wutrtnghretandtshuablie te- tweeniithus oppoiising attosre ys tandhJu- ice IDoity- fromuuthisopein'iug f scour uutl thur clois. tniuuighs objectionus 'ares'mittsets-nduovesr- uue uigeeses siim u tiltti targe riwslstuer. 'Tle tersnlmuarrel~uus hbhe- urntiheatuturnsa"ree mucienijye )y tu'e iion loers muhoiiai'e'cnustnuty ntuuuuuiuunst tuandtthrestetsnus-t witi trres for conutemtuo f sour t y- justice tDoty. -'t thi nituniig sitcumin yeseray nrigAttornueuy Viii .Amer'ingenuasks-i hatt, s thie til wstsomnitgtist Cii- rush,-sumsly, this-omuteis--its-nduatis his'd;, htissd. Justice' Iioty susarl( agtaisut hiuminisaidtat autlt this' se- enmult mus tbitphis-esireivmesmuthought hie triatls tim-separteit. Thus-usJustic' holsy uoreredt this'e endatittotu s m-tau p sit he tusrumlIt w ts 'thusyasec tlt herei. sidtAttoruney- Kearnsy. "Iknw i,stidttheurt "Thenumthus-u dlont hlit'umstanuptt,' a l rIi. Karneye. "Ft is muttright tim Isaie teustn u mush theysytoot up. "You ave o h inas '-hire"sad htiruns tBrowntom hmCity- Atmrn weri woia hesni nicnamedicu 'D~umpy"us hutthusdfeis ngtitutortnuiies-. 'Just becuse S'oumiigutfiedilfrommiiicii 'eer ymiiusasuitoissruni te whuslmtsUhuivss' ht,uyoupobambly haduss rsereu Po limCiteIsApfelIwrs-mu d o- th tndissnd hums tstimytutu' ch wa't shu smsutuscstttthis smutsasttititsifthis'dstu tirst thuat hiassisedits tkigH1ric (ratutIage''m'irs thent(' lsmtthu s htand idthest ihIs stumny this'couruitus- mousne i-um-t mui azh. Il. \'sithuthis'openinu'ug if curt ii this' tfter noon A .ttorney Cava'au-tghtmadesaut'im- suon thatsm erminick hen discarsgd,, amu Prossciutr Stawy er askedthttlihe he 'roundutmis-r hthurleecircuit court. Sh. Cavanutgh iniat hestedt taddress stirthat there titsno eidencue to wa'srrat the hinduing, oivs'r (f thur defendatnuts amd that Eumoerirts hatdsdstrue ustigagaugsist the peace f thin sateHe saidh it sould be ama outrage on the ciiens of Washs- inmate counuty smit thast thirstmoight just as weltlhastse arrestens ay- fir hudrerd citizenus. Me. Saswyenqutedtnudsecisins shosing that it was rioterun tohi he with sus a crowdh; he said thatu it ws his dtny to ask the udefenduantito he hounduover. J ustie Doty therm nl Mr. Emueek fuse the circuit couuri nditrequtirtea $ moon hond. 't'unitasshurt agumntu arosehbewenmijusice Douty sandshAttor- ney Browinoas t h s-h ouldma tke out the londr. Attoruney hBrownemsirthatulhe hasd irea doing Jusie DoyhIs sork lonug eoughi atnrIaskedt lis t e trgut tha n -uty- feve remt fee fr. Justice IDoty replieud that than fee tests for accepting thur hsondu, and refused 'to mauske itmutiwheireuptosnAttorneuy- Bron wruote sui tihuesouth.AMn. St. Jasmess and Mr. Wahr signedr it, and Eluserick teas disnmissed. 'Thte next case called wats that of C. Roy- Funk, 'g engiuneer, and Patrolmnan Schuanutias thur first switess. "'sshast threasiwuer msaetousthur off- ccsvs "ri-cut JsMr. Stawyer. "Thnny yelled sutKill thanpoicie retulieud Schsanut. At ihisjuncture mnuchi ylping wsi heuardlinn thincoriridors ndt oim'seor-f r dog fightarowtnn edmsuthu rsusof ru - attornneys. .'In TBorstu rased hus uice abve than must 'stout ximusly ashetif "Dumnpy"' sontumltlhers. tOilt I amnsall eniglt"hpipedupthin a sstat prsue tor. Schantzsird thatsihe idtchmalidentify- aily sitthus defendants as havuigthrowno snsthingmunriimmg thec riot. Sreuny'Striff Kelsey iwas et utu sn it tsand.uite tsrgan ittnitmosny by sgiving u conmtnuedsrytslicof thin riot Attorntey-Pronos-obshjeced, ut Justice Douty overre him tt, sying'thast i mwas stasiets take i udowsni tat waty. "I, ctaughu t e mintsuihlhe gut twy," swsudt1Klses. ''Anth sittheni siu grsabbedst i lusy- ist You" ' interriiuted Atorneiy Csaasnaugh. A\ heatedl discussionttthus-mufollowuseu s to whethue Southi Msali street uasustsp 'shumiti every- twenty mtutiue- sto -rir Cussntutight'i woul muoie thitt thit-eurti adjulmtrn, giving ss a reason thiat thur jus- icr'siasisorsking titushaud. P'atrnolmsanuSchantewhle o nste stnd wass asked, "Did yuu see ma ny-sr muuri out thur sreenuring thernt,"' "Ni" Its r'eplid. "T'hen uyouwetienchiisatsing lipi girls thatumnight?"sil t1 orhunery Keartny. lie asos tesifiedshaItut there mmce auos-tudents iithur obinsut ut hast too mu themutwireearmedn. tim oring 'I ' S insRE hEING 'sADE' FOlR '11112 SPRING CONTEI 's suedsock stunut'isusth h ny- tnic moIf thes'fourmsp trint-;contesn s hdoptehhs's Yeariagotati hias bhnum s 115515 Th 'osnsuitsofopstinitonuthrughosut this Uiviersity is thast i is unfi'asmithaItm ties ires'efndsing thur cumpaus hsntiomi stinceter isiit.'The ug of ita,relss v-ues, nit ush binlsultsts-mauchmctn -uuuand farer'rtests mf strenugthm andu tratuesy-havie niy'coutedl o'Its'inut.i wuhilethei ro nck 'stuntm" fr sicmist tk11usu-mresn as cotius nted'mu twoh oiss s. hut inus'ositthese facts, thur Sudmet C'ouniie ppitedlhrha omnuuluee 1to furn nishamcotstsitssubsituterfr tie nck "stumt." J. IK. Watkin-s o n sy' Sudntt 's'tiouis annulatils roinutny studesm, anduthe cosmmuittee desires cmmunuica- tiunstoiibhm'scullthrum tat onc' us thin matusuer mutst he seledl before sringvs-t T'etindshrtof asioesst rdesirdt is one tnt tihichi alt thesudents an paticitate andshpreferabhly-onsithat souldrttake place at night. Our reasona for tie failure of the rck "stunt" tas hast the ide defend- ithe camnpus ad too much grund to guardnu. last year they lessened the sthrip is he ataked, but still the defedrs tad ns chance ot keeping the rock off. A rhanmg estas suggested for this year, if mussmen- suntuncounl te found. Mark tiff a sututh square in the middle of thur camuus andr let our side try to keep the rock tiff fromunthat square. Th'is would enasble ihecdefendrers to rehel thei op poiuiemuts mitch soe easily. LI'h'ERARY SO)CETES WIL GiVE MOCK CONVENTION A mouck unatioalshrepubicaniconeunm- ion isill he thorerectalorutitejoint net- mug sit thur Websters anad the Alpha Nu sehichs willbehuelrd inn thurWebuster rooms sit 7 :45 Saturday. Everythlinag, from nmnatinmg speeches to the report of thur tulatform comsmittee, anud the minority report, with be reprodhuced as it will he, on at leaust shuoulhd he, in, the real con- venation, ADAMS TALKS ON TRANSPORTATION Economics Professor Begins a Series of Ten LecturesDis- cusses Corporation Supervision P1-st. IHenry C. Adasihe ash of Mich- ' gai'sueiparntu of politial econmuy- mmml finanuce began is series of letslher tues its.'TappanHauIllhysteday after- loot, is sujetlbeng "''lie Workseh of lie 1Intestate Coommoerr Coumumissioni titmr ce mmT'wnstiethm Sectison of thur Act." humyesterday's lctrte roPnf. dasittoo uk utuespeially- thin tuoblems mA adtminuistrativ'e supisinsionmovuercori- xiie'tiisithlat shosmul he subject to gov- 'emmunmurconutrolsewhichn he sa, is the prbmui of polin issiticalt uorgniza~stionuanmmd les's'suiumunt. '''Inhee trn titu wayis," stuidtProf. 'siluuis, 'itswichmicti is vossil oIsr a )umlic tiniy such s si commerceu om- u mussisumstinsexert tutuinfluenmc itu thin itse s ittnmuwshichm ralwa-ys shoualbere- Arictedl; fume inassmumnch as they tre not subject tin formalsshcontrln6nfsoeiionsm, lie mnitd governmenucmt trea-tsmenmt. "''le fist wsyissy- asuseoul-judicialt mutho spoclI usedhure., The resles of cn- mien as sexpres'ssedulini ts' sue antthis 'sums mum s-mm tissons sin'e m'exp eedtin applhy these rules. 'Thi sscuondulmeu-lstho s admnlmumistrative niiliensisiuuu, whulich ginss tinsheintermm- mlsue counmmereom's nmiissuin, thrmumghi te' twentmierthm mection ofuIthus'itesatencom itm's'ehunts' thin right hum prescrie'fuse account s , anummitcSm h s cals for Smthemm hullpit artis-is. ''Thtselhangs ii thin twentieh iusetionm are duemic hum Slm'Irntu tilmt, swhics gust- tlim federalutcourtus tinussnofthis-mam- Ismumus tinsensabs lete rscommission uto rme dtslcari'irsmu to msspr ties 's, a mmli'. "'Thueer thresiteimtanat fma-s mu sinthi n ded actsh'u s. Muontihlys'and eisl reporsiarserovnuided' mr, swhinieh ,it's tereenue a-siund xpenses of lne nsmmt impornutant iutruieis. 'T'Is'e minmly' reporits havtue uctnispecially i- mereshumug' immthe lastsfuss Mnthts tils-i Sunn eaninigs5f thlir' uiernshesutsnfallen illi so menormousmsy.'t'his sientsifluence ds aro s Itespsieultive nmrgns :u thatutthu sptec'ulauIto nws'sthis'real titus'o ilwats'uy'stucks' nItbondms. 'A lpresribedl system o acscuntums is liii tprovidedIfus,wiclstslustsembraescc n1l trnsportanelstionu agencie s. Juiseidictiosn is obtinmedmh tuor'ughth ~e co-opueaton of lie state auth feealgoverients.mmu IThe thirs t siure u i Isordl 'f x- iuuminsuiumm. It sesould he futile to give o thincominission tthin rightl Is prscibe acontms, ithIlere seer noway o en- shle thoenm t idhurlsit wheterr no mt mtnute accountus were kept orrecly." Prof. Adanms then told of thurgnera structlure of the acroumnting systenm. "Acrountss divide thenmselves intistwo arts:uoeraingr accounts tihich have tim sdu with the manaufacutre of the ting sold, and capital accounts which ae Sum ro with the treatmntm of the proprty T'heroperatinag acounts may be lookd at tfromo three viewpoins. First the manager's intrest to oprate eronomnic- slly, tet ti hec ires minIthe inesor, atar finaly thec interest of the public." >MF tI)RIAL TABLET WILL thE DDIMCATED l7TONIGHT'i 'Fle IConugregatiina Board of. Missuins will hlduulexciestconightnt 8 ocloc in SarashlaCaswsell AngellH lall, for the purpoinse f deduicatinmg sandshuneili memeoial tablet to Mrs. Angel, for work inshlinmg tim hbuild a schom Chinese girls in Pekinm, Chsina. Mrs. Angellwith beho inorerd t lir ti-rinmuhutsrountrly a(I li Mrs. ihhstehhuonu, of Chicago, smut lher'tablhetamid IDr. Anlre dept it in the nanae of the- The public is invited Is at 4