TIII MrCHIfGAWIDAILY' _ ice Cream Soda' 5 cents All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate Soda 10c with double portion of Ice Creamn E. E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMUSEMENTS Always a Refined Entertainment for the Entire Family SELECFTED ACTS FOR THIS WEEK Iysterioxs Crucible Yo ith rdc of the Magie Kettle -You will see ii bilea1iser on a cake of icc', iake snow and strow ball the aii cc i etc.,detc.c truly a wonteerful creation. 6-- Other Furn Making Ntmbers-6 Also Edward Kellie, of Are Vosi A i Nlson, famre. A $1.50 Star at Majestic prices r.,ee ber the Elk's Benefit Tttcsday Night, March 24 R 3BRVE YOUR SEATS BY P'HONE P ICES: i --sI1ae, 25C, 3O0C, 3$i. tBox5Sieais Soc..Mtineies~ ly m .:10i. Arlri'ix'rroniAiut25c.Chlreni Ise. CALENDAR. l~r 5Atrnrre-Geeral Wiade Ellisi addres aI ft Retublicani clilife metiing" 8 p 111., Scott's danrcig rad- Mar. 26-1eiriero Cromtanr in "Te \ciw Mrs Loring" Mai r6-Settir egineer aqtatxi iciga li Urniroir cubhouirse, 6:30 p. Ii. liar. 27-Jaries ODonniell Bennett, drarmartic critic for te Chicago Record- H1craldixwiiilecture xiii"Richard M~as- fiedtire Actor andthtieSar," ii Sarah Ca swel Anigell Hall. "dat. 27-1Lectre errl'fie Mkig of Iitraturrc"ty Charles Wh~litig Baker, mainat~gintg editor of Engineering News. Mitric28-Juiorii banqxuet andnca! r 1arbur gymniasiumrt. Mar28-J tt Kaeliek, violinist, Nei WitneIiiy theater. Miar. 28-Juniioreit iisuer antIdarte, inora, ai Barbrour gymr, 79:30 p. Il. kila. 3-Atpril 3--Frry leturies. Hutgi Black,tD.D. UNIVERSITY NOTICES rrunior r i ii Scctini1illmet nii Room itiC, Uivrityi Ha ll at 5 ro'lic The tirn of teliorii i l iitre rs lciixchanged fromi7:30 t71)Pi, -ii tth re ill he 'a meeingii"oif tiejno grstoday at- + p. . i nix iRomtC, lii- i x, 1 x llal L itstc tc i l lx J ,cisiiiCoruintyicbhil u n r seening :It 32 EastJefferxonistreet'xxai,Ir'. Jr lx cxxiii xbanqeturn.iI F ir~ia t8 . mi. \'icig Unii ion iriirxclbthouse. 'Iicket irxis c hadxfi I iN tier,IlRhoxadeis,GCnritand Al canidairiticslfo' runtpheenginecer hase~- l llterunmeet i n t ip-yroomrr of te gnlsu tis ieveingit at 7 o'clok. Therecwill b ie axieturing f tie 'I- peraniice lRsrc lubit hunt''irday'night /_to7: - t NciNiilixiriHIlli. Alrdesirig toi ciiierthe catiit g contesitmusit le Clasis-ide'iiirinntso fxiedri iiigt benefi tics to diitiuteyeterdaxrs wxi llisecllaWarsi-xi b Nxie tweenriccit8 surd o ai. oi.nr lbetweenittand 2 piim. cANOl",S-._-rp ipostal irephoneIwott-l~ C'. KII, 1371"F.il11am. anrdisxrrrxe hy Inian Girl ircanos iare best. 120J. Sitter 1858 we ave made r t-a h Re- pairinig one of our strongest fneatres. I-aller's Jewelry Store, 216 S ain street. ed Ii inning & Koche foe rievelr repairing lishinrg tackle of aiii kindrs. 23tf See our comrpete ling of Michigan pins four arid soveirs. I-aler's jeiwery Store, 216 S. Main street. eod Yountgs hats-"none etie riadi"- iii sale hr Alien, Main street. 30- 'ley the 00013 BOARD at Mrs. LauraxiHones', 61r Churrchi St. 27-32 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT If a $ per day guarantee interests you1 ee M. Phelps at Jolliffe & Kizriler's over Co-op, Stale street. f Undrer anti hosiery fire rntott sal bl lcn in Viiistreet 305 * I JNCPI S DE1LIVEYRED Phlone Bell 892 or Home 951" 101-LIARDOS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, ICrARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. :2 S. State - 31t Maynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 706 North University Ave. O. A. MOE. HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS 1 y',' = Y.:'.=fit G' : ,- : K. " ,t '., r :' } - i ewWhitney Theatre SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 28 iCVR'AIN - _-__-------_ ----:00 P. M. Sbisr-p DANIEL lF'ROHMAN PRESENTS TH'E EMINEGNT VIOLINIST ASSISTED BY M' li. Berthe Roy, Herr Ludwick Schwab, SOL.O PIANIST ACCOMPANIST PRICES The nattiest and most approved fash= ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. Stein-Rio ckClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THE ACME OF STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL & CO. For a limited time we offer a good stem wind and stem set Warranted entirely \ t rsatisfactory. - __ 11A'S HOME SUPPLY W flxt-theiittiyxtsni- Tire ateros ae lae t laaspigarer , unexelusre-;rr ithe hrigirtoi. 3li i- 'i' 2" ripy noughr in siii is there, anthiey cas stlya r t ec I -oure dele un't sppy ,rr ta a pair. Remoember it. parc'nr II bsntcii onirptcenipiof pii ii PIlOiNEERSUPEDE CI 7tt MAKET ST., PIMtA.. N EXTRA CHARGEFIt HADSMtE HOLIAY BOtES MEaRS OF PINEt SUSPENEtS You Cannot Get Strength from unless you supply ma- terial for repairing~ muscular waste-for replenishing the energy / expended. The human engine must have fuel. Strength comes from ' a nitrogenous food $t that is easily digested. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT ts mch in the proteids that repair the daily waste of tissue and nerve force. It contains all the body-building ele-( ments in the whole-wheat grain, made digestible by steam-cooking, shred- ding and baking. No process has ever een devised that v, il1 make oata or Corn as nutriios or as easily degesed as whole wheat-the food of te homan race for 4,000 years.L A breakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT BI- CUIT with ht rcoald milk or cream wilt supply the energytfor a whole day's wrk- TRISCUITi sthe same asthe Biscuit, ecept that it is compressed into a wafer atd is used as a TOAST for ay meal, Instead of The Natural Food Co. NIAGARA FALLS, N. . "ITS ALL IN THE SHREDS" I lPARQ VET 1st 4 Rotwa ------------------------------ Netleawa- - - - Non eats- - -- - BALCONY tt4 Rat---wa$1.50--- Next 3 Roars---- Las 6 Rows-T----?5---- --------GALLERY------ Seats go ont sate Thursay .toratlag, 10o'clock $2.00 .$1.00 _$1.50 _$1.00 _$1.00 -__500 s s . BENEFIT *PERFORMANCE TO AID STUDENTS CHARGED WITH RIOT TCESNOW ON SALE MAJESTIC THEATRE FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1908. Price $1.00 GET BUSY Webb's For High Grade Candies Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favot's for alt Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Net Gases, Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 s. Maim St. I I .i i __ . - ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIWRTHE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THIING IN TAILORINO