A if -1 C 41 T C, Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Bur clfiekl LX C .EAT106 & Co.EASTHURON ST. BEST STOCK OF C I GARWS IN THE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-Iots of 'ems at low prices. ALARFICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Allthe t~ be taes atd uly-> .0. I lollc ' Mait street:. 01,l)it3" lier ousi -isll; f.o iiisal5t5\VI >:. t i atai I- tilt- - cloth - it<1 l'1115.' ) cii Jtlt ii; ist\itriller ywn- - ani iii t O Nieitig-inE wratectifor tie yr-ar, Jewtlry Str tiP16 5- tid 55N C;101S shoes and the other essentials of satisfactory shoes, comfort and service, are contain-{ shoes. THE ACME OF EASE Walk-wOver Shoe Co. 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET 4 .d iir 7 Hart, Schaffner & Marx , 17Z UAll Wool-Han~d Tailorecd i isSPRING CLOTHING Thy Clothier. '"Ready when you are. t BANK'S- THE[ FARMERS AND MEICHANICS BANKI MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profita, $60,000 GeneatBankicngtBasiness. 3 percent pati as Time sod Savngs Dieposits. Safety .De- pasiteBases to soot at $2a0a and upwards It. Kazmss, Fees. W. C. STEVENaS. Vices-Pros F. B. BacLooo. Cash. H. A. WotLtIts Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stoek, $50,000. Surplas, $200,00i Resources, $2tt00,t0t A tUeneral Bankiag Basiness Transacted OFFICESt Chas. E. Hisenek, Pres. W. D. Harrimean. Vtee Fees.:t M. J. FritzClashier The Newest Shades and Styles At wadhars- Co. STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jo. V. Sheehan 1 Win. Arnoald Dr. V. C. Vaughan 1 Tas. B. Wade E. Mills JohnoHBasses Jna. Koeh eaot. B. S. Carhart Henry W. Dotas ChritianoMartitn Dan F. Zimmermano FIRST NATIONAL BANK OR ANN AROR, MICHt. f. Dn. KINNE, HARRISON SOULE, Pres. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSctN, Cashtier Csait, $tn,ntt. Saspins and ProFtstt5tt00an German American Savings Dank Com meuarcilnIand Sav,vlis Co..Mwae w rd K~ber-ty Streets THE Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS Fronm Every Country See Our Show Window 0.I fartiu -- --i e"x~yfYousP. ,n het 8 Office 209 S. 4th A-vs. Phone 98. Ptetoeahe Bltunchtit Rbesidenee 3f2 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 match yurusitk ttirts or -45. 5- t At 1Tuatla's, 338 S. State AMBULANCE ON CALL piece ofttheyudtess