THlE.MICHIIGAN DAILY F " ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G 7 .. Wild Coilpan ll 11 'grog ditor -ARCi ER F. RI 'CHIE Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. ils eOf fine ISto "la s' I . tides all th hratest Ni S51 hades andtilpo-Da.te Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, 1'e ather .$hade, G.rays and Fancy IBlues. Your patroinage resptctfully solicited. G. H. Wild Coumpany 311 South State Street The Bali Sl~iits--C.loves-Balls-Btats- itdfact eveirythinig needed for itsgtiiie'.cati 1)0had of ts. 't"ti irestire that the price, theiquality, andt the design is oust if tttocomes ftrom Sheehan & Co's. Student Bookstores A. G. SPALDJINS &AK yBR OS. MR Tie L tegesirVlano.acurer in the World a' iMfd t hic Supplies ,efI 0 t.l (jolf, Lawn 5 ., ,' , it es , 13atti- EDITORS N otts....... Hiraim S. Cody athletics.. .......Lee A White. Exchangr.... I.. . John WVambold' Music oand Droaa...Ruoy D. W~elch W~omenfs Editor. ... Louise Vats Voorhtis EDITORIAL STAFF J. W. McCandlesu Elmer C. Adorns NIGHT EDITORS George 11. Hubart Leoniard C. Reid Chauoncey Boocher B. G. R. Williams Raymtntd Visschier REPORTERS ii. 13. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Corr Donald L. Kitnney Walter K. ''owvers Louis ralft Lewis . 1 Kiskerit Robten Moreloand Patti Gree Samuel 11. Moreis Onto 'l agel Fred E. Gooding,; Theroit F. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wure Carl H. Adam Hlaroldl P. Gould Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : I-s p. in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Bulb phones 96o" t thlisimeth en iu 1thee is'.stoimuch >nt a toots light ''iuosletlts'osithle fail t' eneunflair,lbut crjitismat wih wet atel'botutndi1to tay, at' artnout sill- picthe site tpleasedto iipulilish tlii; e io ilIfromithItoDI lttttl K's-t'rilitiie. >resi~t b()h sdes n ajust.llight. wr.eliing if atheaoster stSitn Sri tr Ity te stdent'. Sit probbly elve'ti-')'titis wrierwit I t bodedtinidtigniontt wli iii li been liti ite iddfile of tlii Ine1.' si;iiad lit's'iniof tlics'studenttbtdt. "'Iit walit a11 icelt'. oper nor11111 tl ie isti f r t teo s'todo.i t ist'nsee atetctdini.sancsswhltes'eicolle'ge' ho-, tav's' iniderisikenithle jol thaist they- di inthae osuiffthe,ts'penaltiy. alwat '1iinig toi footi liii'bills.. 'Ithey tii --etististuhtinoseu oet' t sthils st111 iplttt rats' it5 asickelissipee.'lhsy and teete it t rthiier ito see the stpidtmintg picetires's.lisentotiaiicrstkedo pianorat a futued vic'e. ~It ws'i buiilt for studiett trtdet, m'aitainsiedl by sudtitrsdeis'. tutuetrtdilmiottlstwislttl' "Yeri selti a1stdetiliituislel to loud1 ly or gveo t etolege yelilout fe- quetly,'.acceonts idiffeasi'.to uwiht, ad sinterferediiiit ue highly i'tleta disctitrse of te getilemanitierpeter lie was invte toioleae te all. Ite hPut iwhtet lie gt lio the tdor lie rat digntionttigel te 1getier iiihis judtgietii slspd isie'ndsittn iireurithail his scaup lidtioie11011 ai'speciali'ilpolicemat. 'Te'riotretuliesi audlboth idttes lutivt hadithliir le-situ. Itis to blelotei t bothill p1ofit byit. "'It is strange ltia t ieitiwil lieinla. college' twutsthei'espens'.o e li's- titl, wichie s sislactlytitiofll oiler tutuant beigs b1out'tito tgehilllasirtgs' aire i t 'esesi't clss iill s' itwodto i handle iyitt'exrseofgood guilt1 d patete.undthat 'tilyimsiltsioul Is lise'par tt" to ehut'. p Satrons. eIndeed its everymerchant isnoisitlits tutu t trilt s uccess I inu' si nile'si iote sg -1'11csc.young fllow, 0a'tiltsArot tiljts iilill cl''legeiboysandt'sha1t i mean: j'.sit ike italltothersioithe~iattght lorsn nistury and (isuicill o rights ini ii th i ltilt il wiith titeap ltetesr sti iich Panaiitititistffirwih. w 'indmi it'l ll'ls.t i lpil'ilt disatisges..VTestdetlts sill gt ss'hati more whle nn Abot asagotoilwilesl loo oiesiu0nAtstude.srtiirostesiaild'tril Uivrs'ity'iii ll iic'soin 'iii''sitinu tg indiiout) menll'wgh'ot)'ilii edy otrepfond111toi' 1111111'R.AT 10F {'1 JI0'10001. 'The fortrhcoming1f1.bisneft trfitrmtaceos at ilhs Majstice iacsittsditbyie a t' iiitiisrstsniiigiiof tl ii'stuaiion sittirer spnsbiiies is'fsthe st utudyiirla tio t tel i ot asesiss. Simet'slf sits 'tintidtand isinform'ed'.'cIasiuists sa 111.1 i tlst' unidi's''arr'esit itlst 11y 'their tilt coI'lst.his' tesy' silldog th lnuht nsh ti'listr'sitfromithsitu-ie dsis t la1isrgs'mit esss te L'nisersits' see ills'wee'l's' epbl''icaii tn es)I antdt siti sus r'sis'ansdi sill sdo sibtless bei sitw t o its ,is'.' istltes s s toere these f ristids ,hs'ats.'sstioslyttsat hmie. Ilti thast facti sill snt exemtithem itotfrso sayetf isasyrs feet.fThe guilt ath tilerettsosiboilitysisit i i woplces- ontill ilsn151ili i lt iss Itated h toblse atit sh urdugtyllos iniststotusttle. ath oni tit' 'ss 'tm, thussructuretof our ills't, sieausy oilitsototti fores. tillts' fe'low=ssfselingiiithieve oso itsi' moi"stuinustsandidestrtutitlit manifest- tinitheit'vsrs'bestathintg to le foutid ths itlef lootadise55W0 100y itosure t i t te lesaders twill nol psy. 11 is ithere- fire sur duty adour priilege to 11011 besrthe afflictiontof itotreituallytutuo- ce1n1 but lss fortute fellows. Vii piy afew t Iittreil tdtllars ii troo of itt- tuitils'fromsitu fets assssabl uder a certaiut lats is mituyioor u. SMor- suer, te harcer of the Utiesiy is in 1011way compromised ly such n a. bOt the, eontrary, iativclity i suci ou 'utirgenyswold btt dverise our lck f symupty. We feel sure, if these factssroecotsiterei, te Maiclewil le lasgegly' patronized. lustY GtbetiT TIlO'51t'HAt5T. We'sasieplelasd to 'ie thait . Geet is asait cabsisluy tdisposed toiwartlthe Ui- v'er'ity asithiteL'niv'ersity' is twasrd tutm. Hotwe'v'r liemaytav iie iprooket uu- Sesu'oalie mtiti ithetil rgie plaes of Julins tCaesar, his comiedy outSstura night pits i' 'eery' reprtiof iisitiu lisa Romeo1 tiandiulJuliet wssprttobbtl bte- le ihanis st'hstall sieraaitt oesa gooi manylt)' 5054". ntitineltserl-still o 0011 pantuseteisits ts list attuthesuctig. ir e.Greet''.sfe t Iasit titpayiicIsis unexpecitedlyii5but i i i i uiea tmony' uwit ou know '.usutldosi~f hischartuter1an'd'the mtiss of hitsartislitleusrsu. I ieire Iurns ateritse singt hswod la'nd'pla'sul'w'e w'shtutt moret opt' a JU'NIO)RGIRtLS T'I' VEtl utsu U ii \tLPLAYi :\PfiII lTe lstastesuofuthe annua f ils juir gls lit'o isrt t hsttaint of1111the1 fseAri 8, st 8 p. I111111n'Sarah CisitohAttech sll. Reheasas a its sitstanssiltesso gssudrtheudiet titusf Is's. S'i- lim issofuuusuu, whois i.ssitso usate sue s'iutttuisis'tthighly fvbsu'sile restlts. Thus nature f thIto ertai'nmieth ow steeti, is wsithldl fromtthe press.asiti i ii- tndasiasisureuri'se tt this'seiors'.. Sosilliesthe lestitg terformeres ae Siss''. ititLeosniarit,.Itelent tBrale,. Grsace Jeffries tRuthitGreole e lout Gables'11a111RhodatSt-ir. 'hecas, loix- situ, icludue'. a larges'numbetilts't' herIsi.ttt 'llT'e'omituitteetitcaeittur'get al5tht io is ila' their ue5 atiosuet. 'The Uiserits' brnciof the .. t E. I. ill ueteitigt i tomitutol. Neut'Entgineerinug builtig tug h7:5i. 'hits lust'c for isusionlil tli le '' letti SIa'giticeIndtiion." 'rise IoladSanuford rlay'teamst brke tieuolsrecrdetorlte lftilmuile re- lay~ Ssatsuay isuautmetwi'ihlthut' Olymtpis chili o SsanFaicisco. 'T.he itte wsa n :32 2-5. Coone,.ItHussey Redl andu It~a cuttu -h om osdtthe temu. ,LST'-Smualruwstamp~uued poese- bousiokithiutouey adh stmptis. Rturt tut Da~ils' office. Retrard. Fraternity House foe Rent-Large houe suitable for fraterisiy or club, out Noris Ditisionustsret; itspetiousivit- ed. til. A. J Hall, Laureise Bldg., ccrier Fourth aensue and Annstreet lll phoue 758. oul Nuitelltii uekwer flutenuteonstssale by Alen, Main stret. 30-5 Globe Wernicke Book Cases The kind that gros with youir lirat-tbat will fit practically any space -that. can he moved 01n0 unit at a time by oie person without disturbiing the book-that is practical, artistic, ound the oly perfect sectional ook case nmade. Fitted with nonbind- ing roller-bearing doors: hse onits furnished with or with- out drawers; aind all itade ii a variety of woods and finishes adapted to any surroundigs. Call and see thent or send for catalog ii o itt inte for views' showiiig arraingement ho li- brary, parlor, etc. Price per section $2.50 and up. .WAHR' S University Bookstore SCRAP DOOI(S Now is the right timew to fix ip that Scrap Book youve been talkinig aott s loug. My inew (smooths cover) 66M"' Book is best andt largest eer. $1.75 With photo PesAigell. Also -Slecial Picture R a te s~itlihiook. LYN DON [BFAILEY & EDMUNDS Zporting Gooa'6 121 EASI' LIBERTY STREET [YEGLASSES Fss'.assstutleavebeuies-11 a necesosaynuliic ithiiilitudetsiltiof situ' luau theyrwalitteit'ome nue or- glasthat ,noes. toturt atilsertise. tlare 3'111' pticatlttwork dtue.tu ARNOLD'S antd iuhe i l t sitscn - turtabir andh guarant''e'u'tfs. iQuikl Repnairs.. Louse tI'rond. EMIL H. ARNOLD Optictal Seiis~t whl WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220 soth main striet . o 'f °oixt That We have the Assortment The CoO MAY FESTIVAL Fl'.'.Coraoorts May 13-14-15-16 THlE THOM1AS ORCIHESTRlA Frederick A. Stock, fConduictor CHORAL UNION (300 VOICes) Atlbert A. Stanley, Conuctor P.-lraclPeO. Choral Work "Creation" - Htaydnt Faust" - Oausuuuuu Artists Mirs.tCoiinne IRider-ifeisry Thtursday atud Satuirday ' intugs lMau. Ernestine Schumuuan-Itint. Contraito Wed. and Frit. Eventinigs Miss Janet Snencer, C.ontralto Fri. Afternoon and Sat Eventig Mr. Edward Johnuson, Tenor Thur, Fri. anit Sat. Evenings Mr. Claude Cuninigham, Baritone Saturdtay Erening Mr. Eaole 0. IKilleet. Baritone Saturday tEvening Mr. herbert Withuerspoon, Bass Thursday and Saturday Eventngs Me. L. Dr Mare, Frencht Horn Friday Afternoon Mtr. L. L. Rtenwick, Or-anist Wedinesdlay Eveaing Season Ticbets (unreserv'ed) $3, Season Tickets (reserved)l $4, $5, $6 For Sate at Sohool of Mtualo l The Students' lecture Association Brander. Matthews, April 6 Single Adrmission - - 50c Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30 Single Admi~ssion - - 50c The Students' Lecture Association j 121 Washington Ei. The Ranzdall Studio, ,Randall .& Pack, Props. Phone 598