The Michigan Daily A-NAII3ORxM IC HIGAN ,TESDAY, OCTO)BER 8F, 1907. VOL. XVIII. No, 13. VALUABLE PLAYER COMES TO MICHIGAN Owens of Benton Harbor Enters University-The Team Begins Practice for Wabash (lame. ixnia\cd y ti" rigg(l vlhowig nmaderby thei.varxity againist .aixi'Satr- (liy Coach YoN as maippedi xxiia strenuiious priogramixnfor telxtwo weekh interveningihefre lthe gmne with N'a oah. C'xxiixcie'iit ssxig1h'spratxitev was thehrdestllandxlonget il te sea- wxithitheiscrubs llow ings two hours ofxiiix lxxxivtuiesxi xiii xi ill(' 'xxvIi xhiftin ithe Ixlxinplxst xxvnigh adiis ikiixu thati thei newxxiii v i ll beii iithei xxxe xMuchxi xxill opposeiihxx li iaxxi Nxgii'x Saud.Cae tessie. toleft txf ckxlein iii lxxx i. xxxi xxx lxxir and ililg rxiweal xii at lft (And, ip-xx hasi xxiiixii i ido i i iing x x w xkxi l the of ifll in xjuxryx to (xaipxin Niigxiiiixeas! reurexxdx eredfrx lxi lxi xgoii ingxi in ati righlt cud.ii e l ternated k x iii hxxii I x i- Sxlk heix' lx aein tillie pi lilix i v'ithatiCoachxiii ix'is oing to xi i xit ow, xiforxthemselvexiiior il ii lxliii 'xix lxix xii hixiMier xis xii' p l ati vind, andi asi thii scrappy iliileix 111 ik1-vlthat he ill bel flxiiherexregn-i iiiiiig goodiworkiitii uarter, althoug 'ixilixiihsi x lii i ii i th cllil i -~i mliv lx l fiivi xix lx ill nl 'oeii ll ofx tie id h iri i i o ii wereifx i eiiii xxxrv iii xlii vii lsoni ofithexrelar whoiiiid ntgtit inlpatc weeikxsilhistancexxCoaxxxviPNstixreal-i ies hat sxniiridii tridexsiixmustii xbl madexi ithe tea if a iii xliii how lug i is o e xxx Wbahisxmxx- xxuiii% st xroxxx xthi year, if newspape accouts ar to h conideerlabe xndi i c igan'iix eemxi toxxxbxlxx xx' xxii lii inxxxroundxiinxg i ii fout, sitx isixno mlxxix lxh r'i of psiblxxiit that the l'oixxxxirx ii i giv YsNadxxiiisxi rx'x ax fiiih lght It is xilly lxxx, xtt th haiirt ii wiiae olie xxixxoni thx' 60( atxIndiixi~iiii iil xianpoisml.supoteib llyxi rooerx saitevxx i ltiii i iixilixig iIn x- dianix is.xi irectorivi ird ihas bienlxinii succeessulinx hili isefixitixlto xeurex ratiis for the gmadtedsac ae itimpiatiiab leiitoi attexxxii io irui an ieirizithx iitheiixra xi elarixgx fliifaxre. lThe thirdl of tii'exgalme; xibetwen liii varsiy' axidthe rrerv'esxxwilxie xplae tomorowavfxleirnoonxxxndithefouirth- wiciisrally the posxtponiirimentiiof liii liitxine--iii e iv eix xxiec wee laer Practicallyi allxxiflth xxviinviwho wee xxii of the gamie Saturdaiy 're runing-iiixgnix condxriiin,xdxithxxiiliiheexcpionxiiolf Captainxi igfihixalii 're ilieviii lx il the pr'cixcege xiiimorx. ihiga'i xfootiallxreru' isreceied a noxtableaddxiiitonx yestvrday'in theieir soin of lFviiiOwexnsx vaptliii adxfulxii hack onixlaxxi yexrsiniterxchuolasieeham-x pionshixTeitni ror -lxitexmi. iOiwn wvas a staribohx xxixoffense xxidi defeixs( axid owas geixerally ceed xthe positio falsaeflbc mn h i school ixlayers.Clxxii lxhediyffy ipx xitartiing for '.Nichxigni, le lxxxintixiened toxent erthle Univeriy' f Ciciago,lit. ati the lxix xxix l is omn e cae his indiixr andi deiein iifavrxo f NMihigaxn. Ie wiii le ineliiib l t i year,' hlx iii lliic oe in hiixxxixvinext xseasoni whenv tliiitieim chidGrlimIlrr l uniixix Llll eiind Schu xx lxilz.xxxxxii xxi xxxiiiI~ MEiNlxtii xxquxxd. Noting x eiiiteihias'lixeeniicliiixi iii" tile riing'xiof ia 'fundiiitoi ensurxe thei Underiithe. proposedi arranxgxemen'xt the ix xxiiwill ll eati at oneiplace and x illxvi lieiund.Tli e'ax''xlxtwillixfxcourse ve Theii Conference x xiiirbids xxxiii xi iii lxii of aitiningli tableisupportedx bi heAtleiciassitionliiori xthe x itiliix xIIiii x 1ix l xxx '' lxi iii xl l x i " :n addresslatxMcillan Ba IlxixSindaii "Aproah t,"beaddd."asxii vli-x Xx en ithxiopenlxminds.Ixil inotxxxgo' ,e xit xor p xyix xi xruthix. XWlh xi xxii anbiloical''xtruthxidon'txxiturnxitoxithe :ook of xxxiii ioitoiou b xoksio 'I ogt liii ,v11"11 -voteii axlxitiruthx abou hn Ssi itua l xiion I't , o o rII o i ;ice toiebook tht deal kih i riu ltuh t I ii r ivine i ghtI'' to iknowxxiiall _ irbout pyslx i ixil.Ixix eliioxrryxfor he xanihii' i n an iixintllii ctuaiii i iiiii- liii lxli ieith isibut iis n t iof xt. xBu mows, x'how xmliy 'i liii liiisihe has n i; headli but lIii xx maiixii'Sipherex'x xf xix ixc ix' he 1 has xxxe x xx inr tixil .x lohha ixgraspl ofii nglxxxs lixli Iii'i'i - elkxi p imerxi strengtheniiid, xis ix xiliix oiruleicreased:i " iiiekxto knowi theitruthl abouixt Jeus' Chistibecaselyou ire bornt xxiiie _ lDoiyoux i nkliiix r ixul ii iga hisiaxix xxi 21onotgo ogeher inoxlking lxxxhiitlihe imaniwhoihingsil heix ules, or xl 'xlois proudilofiis off xiiex, or xwhoiigi' - lced r.,,but ibouttheliii xxii hoil reallyii inluncsxterp xlii len.i sy toxie 'higsb i"g equlx that i tht than rH les i theimostxwiio lxxxtlevrightiii-'xi tudie lxiiiaxii xxiii lxxix d reeene t, towrd x xll -smpathyandi srvice xi ixixxx-him elf, huil xitiyx 'xxiixrespet. lxxiiallupon ,onto beitre ulln:it t le ltree lxto xxiiur xxiiwn xxii itionxix toilii true lxtox'lhat yo'xiii is truth.xxxiiDo not be mulilllshxandxxxii se toi iii li s rue; id i notxbe lxi xlxi''x andii xxxii i t~l i xxxixr yo blieve'xx'iisix i lxxi I ild ii a i to iheioiti s l youi hxii elxxi lii gil xe iisi'methig elixr. loiit rev ect someth pixixingh xo ae giexi e t far tral.Hav vcler-cexinionsxxx xl , i u do rejet vor acepti 'xxii le Texitxxvipxxakerxxinle YX itNiCA xxxiis ilxv 1 Pr ". ghnx xi l xiov 3 therx whxl xaippeariare vyir lxxxi ,f Johnson oxxf Clexvelndxanxxxishopiii xt Y x M rC. A.ililil xBUxxEAU. This yer theiii\v Mc x iHl labor xii 'xxiisxdhing lthe gratxliiiorkiiits i i ixioy. tis hopxxiedi lxiecipsxe lxii ya's svecord, whxen ix liihundrxxiedxapxicients e were givuenimploymienti. 'liieregular nxweekxly discioenix imeting' xviiilibe hldi hi iiiliixflxalhiThxiidayeveing at s IN:45 o'cleck. RUSH WAS BRUTAL,y SAYS A SENIOR Fresh-Soph Mixup Arouses Re-V sentment in Uppercass Circles -Reform Agitated. The 'folloinxx'xg cemmnxiionxi rittenvxi' lby a vsenior, xandireceiiveilyysieriday' byt 1'111 liii i I is ii loxexpreis the ati lxxxi ofi a lrg numberxio f uppxerxass- nxxx towar 'xxd ' last Pixyxvruisi: THE lily Iitix l~t~' liiis excontesitivi bewxeinth ifeeix- men andi sophomorxexixnxFrivday'night vasite ail sucicessiii asxregardis te rixsh xxor maxkinig xiii cntesti more eiu . but txdoxnotxiareiiolisiciusix thi pinitiherev. lowa ii iiI doeltliitiiasiianxi upper- xxxi xxx I musti xelter iiimostxvix'grusii lxxxiii lto theimannexxiiin whvivi iichsc- xiiy inalxxi xx the xcontet xxxs ca rie x) ff. On iielxx did viiilxxdxxoxlalk lxbiii oi se ae o e axe nesti' xxvxxii stxxiiciw- xrli bulxxity.Iii v seeimedvx tht liii' :opus, s iiti lxxby th' lossof iherish, mustxneedsxxwrcekxaxxdoubilexi vnganIc tit xihe ixxi'lexx freshmenxi'who culd niioxii ,,caxpe hetiii. xgin andxxiiagaheniixi txixiai xxxiistxrtiplxx poilxe xov tre, ,ici wouii~ldxxxb iii lfieviiadxhldxxiiiixxi whxi liithe iiihersixvxt himixaxxiiurgdi xiii xup, orxall xwoxudxhelxvin jelrkiig xxit xiint loh ixhldxiii lxxxiii him faix lxli ,it thue 1h'rndigroundxx. Sevxal cxxiei ivry toted where lvicximlxxiwe' struckxoni ,acki )r shoxulders.x COneiimxxi.,tripped'x oi lithe x xi was, ia rinig lxx avoid liii ough" hlrki ofitiii'tree iheui axiophi :tuc hxim oxi xvrheholdies lxioixxake litlxix"g iii'eltree uxmore coelyci. lx- xtliii nee xnot xexmulipiexd.i WiC il saw it Noti oni xlyidosucxi ions i oix fixnd all xIiis fxtre prix but thlxiii feiii it haslii ,ni viitorsi i tel i ty i si not xiiliiaianii o xxcontexxiiieianxxiiiyxliii ilyii arei toti hei lflto the l epuationi ofxii ithlii luiv xxitx' -Xxsxaxn iiitaxliii mictxxal nan w' iixiiliii xxui in h yatn ig xxanvoe- uio lxi i xi iin n fte h italsx.h i e is i hims liiigildxhu i'il1 bultiii lover of lviii xport'iandxa truiiisporsmian.I le lixixi" lthelirushxia gghatiaffaix xxniic- .vdi ivery muchvl lxiiiltrixntheii 'vi xxiibiecae'iso x'axngr' xver ithc xviii abouhinthtl f inllxyxxxi seeixg xxii xii lI xdxxd C hit ii iof brutxxithi, ix iiix companiuld xxhardii ly restriimiii 'txn ing (xlii thexiiimvslxid.xiiisli lxxixhii beeni the liii tl brxii lxxx iaxdi mosit axkgin axxxigitutionsixxxfxiay I xaxexevr i txesid xxiii ty judgmenctx xix ibeen xsustaie ylxx ithxxiiihilmlii. xe iii cussiediithexiimaitter iii enthe upperclassmenxxx xiiixeidxxf xxyingito xiii a steadiy'ig inhiuienc iy ixumore idignifixcdidemexanorvicollectciii in xxxix exixaxxii paradxedi abouotthe strets, rivig elxsx yxviiandxaxiinxxxglxx thic ;'cieri 1 confusionxxandxibyxxtirixactioni sancii utii th og lrthnxessibiing pray' liiii. Soimei ofithii mosti prominentixt mvi ,f thehir lsses wxcre'ringleadxierx.xSuch lbuttingxx xxi in"l ppercaseinxvn xder- lass ivyns slihly inapproxxvpxiiieto 'ax xiii xviii ay leteriii xlley woxuilxxviiimisquadsi of isuffiivn ize xtolx lakxiir lxxvexeniceivfhlt, axidiat as ref- rce, iseig thaxt everyonev xmigtiave xair plax. It i iunpileaant to write sucx xwvrxds asithese,.andiiquiaspe xxiiiiaat 'ix rexdiheibtixliisrely-'someting hxixxx beICdonexc lxxarouexxstiudeixt sentix 'i.enti:xagxist isichi sxalxmeannxes ax ,axsxrexhiitd the oiler iight,xandithe lxviitxvay isemxsiiibethroxghxpuxicity. if youxicoudxive uythi ominxxyour co- 'uxxiixi xxiiithereby arouxic a dscusion orv a moivxent towxardI beter thinixg, i ixrvip will h lxlxviworth te rohle. siThere is opiporinuxity here for the Siu- ridext Coxxincil to effect a very necexsary 1refoirmx. A certaxinifacuxity miembher has t suxggesitvx hat the Student Couxicil ap- poixnt a numher of uppercasisxen, ax xaxxy ax arc neceary providixg theta ith consxpicxxousx badges of office and in'xg themiauthhoriy to iterfere in H-opellxiy, -OMNii XWI~L BEIN CROSS i.CUNiTRNY XX iKINi 'TODiAYi Iarh aselxAgllHi-al wax crowd- Ax laxtinightiatithexigirls'xxxiiistmeetixg iel hude thexxlii auspiix icsothe WXoman's vihhvi xxxoiaiiolx.iTa liiiswee gienxi ')y tile gyx-ixi' xiiriiecor anxdthe xaxxix'xofIliith xvprs relatixg to te iheicx lplxxl iii heyixv.iThree ci- hu lidat lxxxo ixfrehmanxxireprisentative xv nominatedx:xii ssesixc Marion NWak- r Xiargarxviitiihi andiBrtiiaxBalr. Miss Stliewart opened thheximeeting y welxce address to heri esii ii xihmxen,fo- owixedi uy someucgexieral ifxrmaion e- tardingx tiii'gymxiwxxii. iis Perrin lxen gaxi i.v ii liii o xthexpxxpoeIout- loxoi sportxsx xxxv announxcd that te xv sliu crossii xxountixri wlkixg wilxe- ,i todah'y' at4 pxxm.xxind xxwi xecxx- bitedreguxrly ieieryxMndayxhr Tuxedy issi Xiaxgareti iurnerxiprxsidxent of le xxii assoc in cxhe xivitdxhte freshix xxxixo oin111tie orgxnizatxini axiiigave lxxibieoutlineiioiifihitxoraxxiipit- Loxexiimphiiz xinxg the goodxiellowsihip lvihitxipromoxxtdiiamoxgthe gils. ['is xwaxs folowxed b lks fiix rvmi ssix ix- i 'xSti.kx xasketxballtimanager; Misshi lhnxiJaciutenisuxmxaxagr; axd iss~ix Irsa Thompsonvxix xix sebialli imaager, xlii v exlined lthex rquixrmentshxaxd xx xgraxiiifiithei spovtsuhichiheiiy'are ox direct.iisXisStlviixvitilven expaiedI lie natiue ofithe gir'intxerclassindiooixr secit x xxiixwihichishedeery witer, ad he meetxx ing cid w iii te xomixxaionsx. -nxelectionxii will xxxvi lxv ield for tix xxxxixuxxofxichoosxing xxiiiof te three iris nxxinaxxi'tedh andvalsox toidecie te xcsi xxoiiaxciige inxtie cnstititionx xxxixixx faux ol en i~'xuiiviad collegiate xluixxxxx to lxbeximecmberx of te asocia- xii xion he hevxmeeting cloxcid the ithlt xxxixso iati entrineidci tie vishe x xviat axaning ipxrty. 'RhIS INSxTITU.TE(ALUheiNt lOlRMX A UNIVihi'SITY iCLUB The aluminuxi fFrrititutexuinxiexthe - xiveii) lxxvxorganixied iacluh axd 'ihivil loxhaxvc x viguiarxmeeitng place it liii liar fuxtre. ThIylxixllxi hoxl jint Telxlxiin xg offiices are eleceil : Vie-presidenlxiiisshli lxxxxacxtr. vicretary-1,.Mciartrug -'xvxx-xxxvii hyen Ain' xxIIJAi cAMux. Iliisifrixihmenx xxlxixe brokexi all -tiles andii desxcrated theiiisanctityirofthe xxixrsixiy- iaxmpusix by cxvxinxg the iigti vatxieii andx pintingxxxuxtxhexir caxxs xx- )rank. iig rexened byl xvtxv older [inxoix xstuents Iuwuaxixxtvevolegexii Anex has en- coildumoreituxentvahishxfxlxiiithaix ever uclfore ix is ixstory. Ai presext te xxrxlxxxexxii 140Ioi xixadace if last year. xiixixxIx ABOISHxxxxvxRUSHEnSc. Ax a rextlt of iiuestionale forxi of hazinxg, Willihaims has aolished this iracicec vitirvly ax well ax the class rushxes. This will meaxi the prohiition ofi thefresihmanx iarade anxdlte iistoi- cl senxior ceeibrationx axlalowevi. xNOiivxxgcNFn'ILLuIIiCxUi. fihixiu niversity hxii fvormed a Scan- dvlixvanx xxix coxmpoised of studexts who hxavv a knowledxe of' at least one of the Scandxinavianx langumages. EDINBURGH HAS A SUCCESSFUL UNION Walter T. Fishleigh Tells of the Student Clubhouse of a Scot- tish University. Whixie abroad this summer, Walter T. Fixiheigi,an insrucr in the enginerx ing departmient axnd former champion pole-vauter of the University, spen t- soxmie time in stiudyinglie Uniiomi and Stuxdents' Representative Counxxci at the Univiersity of Edimnhrgh, iii order to comipare theta withx the Michigan Union andi our Sudent Council. Mr. Fish- ieigh gives the following accountx of hi observationus: 'Whiien I arrived at the 'Univeriy of Edimiburghx I tat tie secretary of the CUnioni andi several prvminenxt students, who covuiced me tirogh the cubx husue xxxiitalkedi lixme xxf their organ-- iatons. Their ciubhhotie is a large stonxe struxcture siuaed near the main bxuildinxg of the unxiveriy. Ax we cxxx tered the mnail was hing diiitrihuted to the stuxdents who were in atendanec duintg the summer. "The huxiding is a genxra clbhouve for all ttudents, for in it arc a gymnax iumn, baths, lockers, reading rooms, il- liard rooms, parior with grill roni and rextaurant atached. ]iere the sildexl, uwhv all come froxa the city and its xubuxxrbs, take tieir nvoonxmexas and lunches. Aftera special inquiry, I iearneid that only firs-cas.sivahi are ervedi-andl yet tie restxaurxantimxxxi ihani pays. "Uipstairs is a large deaing hal, whicix contains galleries for the geeral pxulic. There are roomsi which the Union relts to unxieriy socieies whose tmetmber s are affiliated with it. This nexus practically the enire body of so- cieties, for all studentsixwvho pretetid io keepi ip with the affairs of their uni- vrsyity are members of te Uniont. "During the college year the club-i house is what its nmate sigifes-a gah-u erinug piace for studetts, for recraion,. tudxy, or sociaility. Thus the termu Lionvi becomes practically a synxonymn for the s tudientttbody. "H-owever, the comditions al Edin- bxurgih are far different froni ours. Te stuidents live scatered all over the city. The Uniotn with is clubhouse presens the opportuity of their neeting togethr asx a coximon hotly, at meals andl durixng thxe day. "I wiai5ssurpried tox find thxt student hlxxiinx mass meetitigs before their ath- letic gatmex and matches. They do no econcerted rooting and have no college yell. The students who accompanied me did not know what I meant whetiI asked them wnat their yell was. "Time Union has the regular officers of an organization atd oard of diret- or composed of students, memb~rs of the faculty, and prominent alumnti. Tie Utniversity of Edinhurgh claims to have the oldlest mnion of studetnts and one of the first student councils. Unlike our conditions here, the Edinhuryg Unmion wax an ougrowth of the Slu- dents Representative Council.. Here te Michigan Union proceeded the Sudeni Counicil. "As I walked into the mn building of the LUniversity of Edinburgh, I tno- ticed, just within the entrance, rooms (Continued on Page Three) CHESS AND CHECKERS CLUB PLANS AMBITIOUS SCHEDULE The University Chess amd Checkers club will try to arrange games with te clibs of Chicago and Northwestern mni- versities and the Detroit Chess and Checkers clib. Newell Banks, thie chai- pion of Michigan, and one of the fore, uxost players of the Unxited Stales, is a member of the last named organiza- t ion.