The Michis an Daily ANN NARBOR, \AITCITOAN, XVEDi T);SI).kY. MJARCH 25, 5908. VOL. XVIII. No. 1Ts. OLYMPIC TRYOUTS ARE MERELY GUIDES American Committee Will Use Discretion in Selecting Team to Compete in London. The Detroit News prints the follow- ing anonscenent fronm Ness York re- garding the coitdltct of the tryouts for te Anmericani Olympttts eant: Tliat the Amsericant comitstte cslih is charged swith selecting the aios teas tos represent this contry at the Olymici gases in Londoit ext Jly' itens to ts Ise its tiscretion iinang the mntwshio shall retresett te United States is eisest frott the ansosncemetsst snt out from Newe York. Tis ani- nottncenent is to te effect ttat the three eliminaittionitmeets ii tis city, Ciscags andsiSass Fesuiscsesatre tssserec imeet isides for tte commsitte. assdltat le commiitieshall btuessrs so obliga totoc csve-c itnnisse r f irst Itie fos te teas. i']'esfifiaI statseent fori this is as fillos: risr coctisrrscossitee swill Ise gr'ealy ifltsesscedlis tseselectissn ofts Amrcnteam b ty te performancise ofs tisse esisip ling ii le risists. Tse iysits arc.,lhowerrer, sisesel' gidsisnds ir eisisiiti cc masrselect as sa inlic' of the tamastnssy stlete is-Ias nabl to omessslete ii ts, trouts, if iith oiiosisof te risittie, Ihis sainglii andsilaility so swarait. Thlecommiitiite is nhu nd toisssiielect fr the teamivrce sr aisystletewho wsis oissr comsipts- in te tryousts.''- Thisislrobably is doeinuoirer slits if ineressary the ecsssmsittee cats keet fetaial thee tdesudsrs- tle sr whoise performanscscr, swhile ter ia s o nuht isi h ro a tir trost, would hInst bisis suiieniimernsitio es'rie'a lce os thetireaas.This is quiit likel- to le li ase in ic ousrsf the es iiilliits' Cii s-,'io 'sui Sass Facis smeests'I, -iwhens is'esicompting slilst" rei's'ertains to h inferio s-issIa ruleso, th si thes'hla- 'heifolloiiairls st'oiier issts~ Ths hldlhao esentyu ill1he open to lsll regiseredil asis athlete--'oft' Mtosplians assiarstio .\liddleil'Atlanticasissociationi. Ni-srhug lasndslassociationt.Sosutshtatic asselia it ision lndSiits sci Assciations of sli Amateu :thii \lets'is'Uliionssf tlieU'stil 'Tir. ChicagoioruseCntrasitr-ousi'.sii be openusstoiialt resgistred aiiatisi als ts'sof l t- Cnrilassociatisn. Vestec assssciatiuonsasiu Rockly Moluntait ssocias tississif te l-\tatriA)tletic Uion n te Usitedl S~tates. 'Te Sass Frsicisci or Pacifi Cost tryousiswsill le ontori iall egistere. amateials stlees'sosf te Pacifecassocias tonsanu te Pcifc Nisesiest assoia tionissf te Amtateure Ath.letic Usiots te Uiitdl Sates. Thle followsing is te programitsfr ts tryouts: 'rscks eents-roo iseters fat (og. ya oo) 00isetes flats 2i.Osyads) 400 mters flt (437s.tsyars);lgoo mstrc fit 8744 yards) ; 500 is eters fls 1,6i39,5p yarids) ;in seters hurdle (in. yarcds); 400 iseters hsirle (437.2 yards) 3200oo imeters steplechasse (,47, yards) ie siles rnut(8Iiloetes). Field eeits-Stansdinsg broad, stasis itg high jumipt,.rninihg broadi isina rinnnsg high jumsp hop, step atd jumsp pole junsp, throw-ig the hansmer, pts tiiig the weight, disuss , free style, II as at Athens; javelin I., with lhe avne lini held in te maidle. I regsrd to te Marathiotsnuthcmittls roie ha n these shall le heldin t coniections wit earls of the tryouts, though probably tnr sit the same day. The plaits for ths Marathn runs. are to lae anussce later. Every comspetisg athllee musts pay i registrastions fee f $2. Enitries close as follos:Es asstrns trisals, May 25swihi Jamssc1;. Sllivani, 21 W'tarrfiistreet, New- Forks.N. . Ceitral swest trialsiMasy 1, istils F C. Browns, Chisgo A -sA, 125 Miehigsn as-nuse. Chicaigo. Piacific Coast tials, Msy - it-iS S. Piexottis. 458 Gero street. Sass Frasscisco, Calif. The commsaittee till nt holdtia sls ii the wsalks, jsselins free style, three-smile tramtsracesinsilreaysraee. 'Teamis fr relsay races still le selected liy the essis- isittec fromithesithltes s-Isisqualify il tse uher es-nts. Noslrciers till le sat-sredcwis-nuers of tes-s-ests int he eliminatsiis ion e-s, ut thisesissmsittees-sill gie O.lymptiic diplo- mtois heis n hiso si-s it-is uhlist. s'sonsd The ipsrteitiy mstsseisf tsewst-s ling s'tssurnament is--i's'hiesd ristresis tsafternoon atss st hes'gyms. 'i''s-ise f this-ins lssses (f mst sisits, le fcttisrsseiglis, wieltsesrwightsissid lena-stwights, pt onis isirsgodisotsotssiserisg thast the miaority (f this'msnsisri's'osiues'at th p r. 'seti e t'limsssit vs i -'i Is this'feathesrsigt es-ss-itG. F. eNosss ssis-ariedsill'this'onrsissIn-' h I sto i wo sisses-sfslhoosle dowtnsedshIis oponntsbss an itmInass seriy- iints-s-It-co'nudss. Inhis li'scod I ls lewts-ssfront H I. 1), lavein'i ai hiy atsl it-ittcl ch. This lisissis ights fitrnish''led-iths exhiitions wiIsetsress'this'aptlusecc f st lisecIautsss. R.V. XWelsshlwon from I . Ieisticki seuntensecods,''sss i ~~u-igthis'srsus clincehswsichitswt-sssfr Ni iseshirtseightsboutsistwelscR.sAndersIn sssid I?. J. 'Waslsh. 'fits- furmuers's uuses- s-edi n foingsssshiss opponentiion his ht k 'i 37 secons.i e W F.Ilhaa shdiJ. i-lRll, fethsls'' -fouighst io the is'hustAtisslf hulaoter Rothssutsu do nhdhiss mtastitt a seeonash s-l in hss thun usohisu sustses. Own l to i" i this'f-sett 110su isisest-sanus s IvywighsussolconteI stsissesthitcasur' (is hld, huh dtush ut sts- sir uthis's'casui suust is rheaitsyihonorssipear, this'tisi Wisnuwill westle Stura-eenn o F- WXX XX'hh. Pait. R U deso t usmid s. liarlistss'hisdichslitessftthes stiesesers this vear. "W e hisses isees I sltly tsshisd iiicae,' siiParksss'by theusall numbsters' ofcestansits issthis It fildt i 's'a ,it thtisc w his h ie site 1 ash owncss'.''c ff'rlue semui-fials tiillhe uits tff TtIs liyafternoonassas 4 olocki. ITle hiswu 'tsucceessfulh sunsfrom sesalchls will a-- sh er is thefsnls Sstssrday igh. t- 'F'le summauusris: 1- Festereigt-G. F. Noisomsuwo'us IffromusH. C. Randolulphs.r2 seesunuds;12. L Comsss wontrssfroams X. S. Usalsme,5:5 is. F. HIant fromussJ. C.Roth (irlsttoit drsaw), ses-d otu sat, 1t:6; G. F. Noisomsu .3 fros tI. P. Msayec.,s1:55. Weltereigt-C. F. Stahl fromussP. is Isaker, 2:u; I.,'snsereson sfromss I. J- at alsh, 37 sceonds. .2 Heayweigt-. IR. Wish fruitsI.. I . Heitrick, 17 seconsds; fG. A ..XAsdersons "6fromus X. 1E Dastis, 3 :27. C M. Jesstnings andsaRi .I. Just. light- us- eights, tillsmseh Tsusdasy tJUNIOIR ENGINEEIRS GIVEF r.,"DNCt, AT GYMNASIUM Thec junsiumr eungineers gasie a sutccess- e fisuldanacinug party last erensing at Bar- if hour gymsnasium. Fully serenty-five is Cosuplstai en'ujoyedluse excellenst programs )t furnishsedl hy Fischser's orchestra. Mr. .e anad Mrs. H. B. Merrick anad Mr. and d Mrirs. Grciffithi acted at chaperonas. Sove HO Lcuss Iss toths Star thueater, and I1wntu tihsre sndlasked ste liiis to disperse'" SHOULDHAVE EEN lhe sid.s-E'ry tissestemuadle antan- isst sushe hul be sa rush stud they SHOT, AY SWYR uldtrylts get the mrisontersaa. I Attorneys for Defense Condemn Sanguinary Sfentimients; Chief Tangled on Cross Examination. i'tstit~i itg tlt - ',,wv r d rn thue trlil if (hi s lt ui t cs-e-'s sterdav aifters-us sus tatedth ainthe po5liceust shottuld O11 of the-u. litoney lusuu n ws crosts-s-siniuu i st lists I tushand its hum 'ourt'se if 111s 5 ics ussus'' lie s k d lus1 t~ ,: h t thus poice listsunttheur us tutir u'awv] it tihitcd Itsa d ifl 1111 thas t --Itttmi- lit tutuc ciby i ietathu1cvsthouls lihuh fo he - ustit l ic\s ft he- lt's'' s Cavanalie. ,'ti Is lus t -aum ' usth rml\< slut - shard u iii illthe coure 1 li--u ttu il ii 5. w ic55 s s i i, sire '-sit h's b n a(led le ussr.: titu. hush t: 1 u h no , lesepu liat' stsu i '5ii m I recors . tary Mith, 1 nccr hdt it- suitlceted i I ss I ut ul huh (le mitt r w1 u it stu ensIl slon. "I sst ttusesinwa coedt h th h ae,\.s thus ii i 5 \- tutu s led' "If vole \\el'c 1 ~in tsdf ral ai a ;e, w uld oilht \ il ll" t) a tetuhe (suilusrts s its p sonc o this lhatst uh s wers ths wiithoug th mus h ulestn w gistto Annststreet tter antsouhre-Nvosodeheu ortes across ths f f r t Y' n c 'f 1 t- 5 t 1 , 1 i C << i wal usail nms the sails to sthe jail n-nt bloceds. I hueamrd the crowrd sasy 'Rush 's-si, sill 'elmi'"- "Thlentsksled if hue sasharrestedl Oct-lfe G.. hViierics, lie repalied: "I idi. lie hadml cntered ste theaster'. flie lh smutnuseercoaut miserIsis arni and hue sashd sesheddt msussic onr smethiniig ts thauteffiet iii Iis (mucket. 1-ecinns hs-sisceuffedsanstu ak ess hisjail. I told hthe pols's'ehto goslies e mushmrrmst all offenudrs thief 'spfeluwuas tsnsasked if lhu e c- olizes-seltcsitf(lie phlaintiffs ustpersnssuu 1arrestedl thuat niglut fis taekinigtpart ill ths' disturbance.s h sisireliedl"I seent