Tf4ft A 00kf vT71K E ater Is onsly four weeks off. Better \ Look at the half thousand "" patterns we show. Don't wait for P c , the last grand rush-and then be p-p dissapoizted. Our policy sit AbsolutelyBes, afinsasin onaslt:lar ship in G$15.*00 up -U0 I 1C Always- a Refined Entertainment for the Entire Family SELE11C TED ACTS FOR THIS WEEK ! ,I M ri olus Crucile oulsciasd of the Magic Kettle -You will see b211n boil o iter on a cake of ice, snake snow and snow hgall the 0(11(1iene t.,setc.,truly a wonderful creation. 6.~-&te 'Fun Makinig Numbers--6 ,r l dwad Kele, of mfr '. t _ lass(i a e. A : 11.50i Star at Majestic prices .sdonneDixon Remember the Elk's Benefit Thsay Nieht, March 24 - .ESERVE YOUR SEATS BY PHONE P I, CES: -v 5 us 15a. 25C. 30c, 35.o x ls eals 50c. Maties a iio s sy 55 siiiiys at. Siil XiAdis sio d s25c~. Childreisi a. CALENDAR. lars 21-Junio5r egiseer idassec a Blasrbourigymium~iii. lir. a5--Assirssey-frseel WacrEllis asddress a Taft Republicass luba free mseetuing, 8 p. .. Scott's sdascisg acad- Mar. aS -Hlesrietta Crossasar in "The Ness'Mrs. Loring." M~ar. s6-Sessiorenegieerbasqset at Al1icfigass IUnsions cllsuiose, f6:30 p. iss Mar. 27- asies O'lDosssell Besset, dfrasmaic critic for te Cicago Record- Ilterald, will leture on "Rihard Mass- field, he Actor ansi.Ite Mas," in Sarah Caswell Angell ifall. Mar. 27--,cctsrc oss"The Making of Literature," Iby Carles Whiisg Baker, smaisaging editor of Esgiseerisg News. \fw r.28-Juisir banquiiset ansdldaise' at sayrhossssymsiss. Mar. 28-)an Kusbelic, violinist, New Whliney theater. Masr. a--Its isr lit ssspster assdldasce, ifusrmsal, ast fBsarbou5r gyss, 7:30 p. s. Malsr. 3-April 3--Ferry lectures. Husgh fishk, 1.D UNIVERSITY NOTICES Juio iisgirs'Isclass meseting\edsesslay ati- . m. iiinBarblossr gymnsiumsstn. Fesscisngclubilslim inarsieiss will le cs- tiud esdayssl sast is'lsc. Fissls, "atrda sissinight Prl' iisaies'sfsr the girls idiooss msit w sill lbe runiisff Stsrsday, Msrcs 28, It2ococ.Altieis imust le i before Fsisayli \'s ill ll cls s presidents cll ist \Vihr's hookif sltorestisornsins g lesweensisissd 12st get ticets for tire Mjestic Iee- lit ipe555oismance. \\Wslter Rhiniischild, Chasirman. Acmaaielist is 1beig smsise f all studensts swhos 5'xpecs iisto slspe tir smme~ilresroid. 'll such ssests ire sited o sak soit a statsmet osf the conti.s they istend to iiisit, sndslashie i'illoneiof IThe Dail hisles tdiayi. fle reigilr meeting f the V. W. C. A. it Newberriy Haslliwilile hedstoda at p ujc, ."Airs. tGrundyianasd leliin."Laiers : Seirs.Flresice C'sieye: Juioir, .\lsrg-ars 5.McLasclan:s sophsomore, Csrnelia 'sclnisihtli:frsh- man. isBlancheSe rswood t~sess s crisis isos se1: is:ursc. Virgil \If. Kimse, iisstructor iii aditisg and cunssting, wis ismiririe Sstrday t~ig ito iNliss Casrri IB. Lycamsssat he hioneirof sthse bridfe's parets issPfris, Ill. Uponitirissreturnsito this city iey re- ceives1 asswsirmi selomise. Sissislsecvci- ig by AMr. Kisme's isany friensds. 'fhey wxill imaketheir homsie st i SuisSsatr stree. P'rof. C. L,. eart,sf the Uiversiy (f Vermsosit, ssis recestly elected presi- strntiof Cisisnecticit Agriultura college. Blrowsniunsiversity- has set aside $,ooo asnssiall, t e isedt as pries for su- deints swho excel issisahesataics. Try the GOOD BOARD at Mrs. basica Hosnes', 61s1 Church St. 27-32 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. If a $2 per day guarantee interests you see Mr. Phelps a Jolliffe & Kitmiller's, oser Coop, State stree. t Undstersear assithosiery- forsmessnsn sale by Alles, Main sret. 30- Stisdenslasre always welcome at our sires. Read the papers, use phones, Ireat yous right. BILLIARDS, BOWLING,. LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. 12 S. State - 311 mtynsrd MVOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North Unlverslty Aire. 0. A. MO0E. HENRY (l CO. TARIRSEt MATTE 1oM de High Class Merchandise Popular Prices{ Latest styles-Regal Shoes-See OXIr $$ Boot Directly North of Law Buildinig 700-711 NORTH UNIVERWSITY AV ENUE :Made uf Clupeco Shrunk Fahrics 15c each; 2 for 25c SUSPENDERS three pairs of ordinary sspensders. s3 Webing insmitable. Quality. unvaryifg Buttonlels destrusctible. Easia ste.sle id es hodast Everygenuine pui snoie " ex- o, .oO'STyAMsPED HsRISet~arr ,or o s by mal posfaoh hiOSTHEIMES, BROTHERS 5/ 10 HETU T EE PRILsELs.e :(s FR0 YOUR CONSIDEBRATION We offer our new line of woolens for Spa'isp aetd S'iiussses L b0,' consisting of a complete assortment of the many shades of nrwi tones, niodes ansd tans-the very latest is pattern. We inieyour early attenstion to these chsoice fahrics, although your slcions can he made up later at your pleasure. To our regular cutmers we express our thanks for constant patronage, and to ne riends we promise fit, fahric and price on made-to-mseasure grents that will satisfy absolutely. V'ery trulyyours. FRED W. GROSS 123 E. LIBERTY ST. THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. vitis she comspletionssoftiesnew builinigs, swhichi iere deicastedSeembser 5.5. lOfs. liiis schioolnowihas faellitiessiandieuipmenst forliteachingsaidlresearciiste vri- 001sliranchies stofsedis inprobablyibunequalied in thsisiuotry. 0f the fvbuiaiild- insis.four are devsited enitireltolabsuratory leoci'iiiuasnd researeh. Nsmouis hspiiatlts frd abunantoolsportunities for cltiial tostrauinini medisisie andi siurgery COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF B. D. Afur'yeasouarse',openoto basels sitart. 5liteare, piioisoplsyueorsiee anudliolicrsnusaof equiv-alentstanidinigleidsliiolthe degresei'iifsiN. D Tstuardiesaof tir fourthi year use sihollty reetiss's slerysiinlelabioratory-subijects. gesneral miediies.generassurgeryssndthiespeciiaeciiiicailisras-iiss. 'lfsnexstschlisyear extenids fromsiOtiobr 1. 590,.x:l,st Juiei*s4.. The diplomsa of the Univeresity of ilichlgess is accsepteid to.radmisson. o.. iridetl- ediannsoiueent andiiaaloguigaddiess HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boste. Mass. 1 LEARN TO DANCE CORRECTLY. JOIN THE CLASSES IN D ANC IN G at Graniuer'. Arudesii, grousnd floosr iMayssasri Stsrt, onse blockiwist ofs Osiss reerst Stores. Tuition, payabie ini advansce $3 00 term o f tooer lessonsss. No a r5.isemsieitvisitorssaresinotsaditted durinig clsshurs. You Cannot Get Strength from uless you supply ma- terial for repairing muscular waste-for ; .$ <: , ;, ";i: . J3a , +. 'w.. . , ' ... d - . q A. ac4;. . ew Whaitnaey Theatre SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 28 CURTAIN . . . . . . ..------+--------------8:00 P. M. Sharp DANIEL FROHMAN PRESENTS 4F EU. LIK TIHE EMINENT VIOLINIST ASSISTED BY M'lle. Berthe Roy, Herr Ludwick Schwab, SOLO PIANIST ACCOMPANIST KNABE PIANO USED PRXICES .: BO X ES-------------- ---- ---------------------$ P ARQUVET t 4 Rose-------------------------------- I 6.. Next10 Rows----- - -------- ... Next 7Ros~------ -- --------------I BAL.CONY let 4 Rowse---$1.50--Next 3 RLOWSe--- Laet Roews------75o----------G0ALL1ER.Y.----- Seas tgos o" ae Thusday rssorn~ie, 10'clock 12.00 $1.00 $1.80 $1.00 $1140 -50.o replenishing, the energy TS expended. The human engine must have fuel. Strength comes from a nitrogenous food that is easily digested. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT is rich in the proteids that repair the daily waste of tissue and nerve force. It contains all the body-building ele- ments in the whole-wheat grain', made digestible by steam-cooking, shred- ding and baking. No process hes ever been devised shut Nil mahe oats or corn as nutritious or asa easily degessed as wihoe wheat-the food of tse human race far 4,000 years.r A breakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT PIS- CULT with hat or cold milk or creams will iupoly thne tnery for a whele day's worle. TR I SQIJT is the same aths Biscuit, ecp that It Is compressed Into a wafer an'd 1S uhselouradASTlloroymalsra d /1' whse asou radOAStagr ealrstedo The Natural Food Co. f ., Webb's For High Grade Candies See Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favors for all Oecasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 5. Main t. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. ITS ALL IN THE SH1REDS " . ...., ALWAYS AHTE2AD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THIING IN TAILORINO