THE MICHIGAN DAILY jIf your hairj s a bother, or you have any trouble with it, buy a good Hlair Brush aAT QUARRY'S, and get relief, Money Loaned OsnSWatelies, itamonds. Law Books. or othier personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at. residence 331 IL Liberty St Ann Arbor. Houorsr: 8to11:30 a. m.. 1to 4:3and 7to 9 p. en. ALL BUSINESS COsrttsnwwIALo JOSEPH C. WATTS I1e4 Off on all stamped goods, including MICHIGtAN PILLOW TOPS AT DARLING & MALLEAUX 224-226 5. State St. college 4x Steins H1ALLRS J[W[LR1Y STORE; 216 S. Msain St. Wet coim e 'thir s aoatrd Iwiirr, we wait you to teet is sald to yottoMien you entr oursore. 11 dorlstsr'mattertwhether yonocome tobony ostaoostawnps, droco. ti;rs eave a prsriptionsor to usea trelephone.or weob ursto you is ;jost East University Pharmacy i-l)S. tUniversity Avenuse. Hi. M. ROYS, Pharmacist v oJM. Barber Shop and Bath Roomus Laet Shag irzsthe City J R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. MANY P5ROFESSORS WILT. SlRE EUROPE TI-uS SUMME] R: Severol mrttrtrhrsc of 'tire faculty are preparing io spendi tire sttmrtt :aor oad. Prof. anrd A\irs. DOoge soil Jetre 27 si the Cartopic of thse Witite Star lute, directly to Gihraltar. Fromnthlis poit they wtill go itlo Spoatn; atd by rosy stages tisrougih southlertn Frane to Mo- telh, Germany. Theecxpect to retutrn froms Antiserp isy the Vateriandi of tire Red talintte rinttg tireltter tart sri lire smmr. [ro thtie geological udepartmtssigoi Prof. Hbus, Mr. Scott asid Air. Ilissiri. Proif. IHiibbs letaves itnjtulle, goinsg oirthie ILiverpool to Scotlanur After dosing sobsi wris tereslies swilismeet itis fatntily ontt hr cotinntc:s Inr comrpany w it Vitttk LvrtU .golo st, tteplity tdill climbsi ti Sri tzcs 1-istri.Messrs. Scott trndI iittwtiltrisveiltogethter,ginitg directly tsr Sicily, thtence tsp thiout I tale.Leavsinrg itereiteyswill steel Prof. I l ost stiecItrnastional tG (eographtlical stilsventitottat Getncsva.F[ticetremactint- t ee of tirestttrcAr. Scotit expccts ts treuist Ale.Levecrett. Iro.nn. ]itriAls.ruebliiidstill sipetnd ittie timte at Natples. Tiren they will tursill SswitoerlandthIlroiughtgrFrne.atnd trotigis soutilertnEunglantdi. Prorf. arid Irs. Denrisont twill accomtpansty ttemitas f~as Napites, whiere thte party septarteis. irrf. Skiusecrstwustsexittc ts to make atortnwit list studentts.,still Ieaie fist Protf,.\ lcarttc is te firstitots gr. i~e Iltas restretelk for Iitle isetee wil- u.-trek durrintg tite rest oftrtie sptringan part osf tire stummiser. O iters srihtt sill seeltecontintter e r 'rfsrsilemuaus. Tstitci. Godardis, sri 1 Dr.Stttiiet-. , :ii'1 i. i .sCLL-115 IAVII [FOR SAfI'i\AW NEXT Sir'L'.R11 IY nl sthl iss ekinc tcotempslittiniftse c Ime ittsoire isti Saiturdasy eselIltrg ill Sasgsiw iattire IIisoitc temple.sIc ill s'luiir Stgttttss -reItskirgth ie mttier )ilistall etntuistie irannser nd assure th e citus agoodilreceprtion.t Forts- nest iil makt cie thet actirsti tten itsI iri isilleen, ditrectort ofitirle icclulls-lire Ii n:o, sitire Aischiganitt kitttil sits ssrg tsr Atnn IArborstS tunas sssstssing it lire mtintroth erip il tieahiewae inna Tre tsiteessilofti iams collegestirnd- intrcollegtiagte tinttest slts sng ills-ait yerhve r ilddttatltc aeh- adpsdarsionsstscallitngsnlthtie ftc- unts tore5strset conrtests 5to the I teritsr sAitii 200o mties sriWiltitmstsowns s 5td test ric irhe relin tll si ntse sollege ins eachltsilt ex ceprt illcae ofsrit its PP.ESENT T\WO 1.1,AYDRINKS INK its tdts(ilrroirtlie trte-rac stedyr LIKE A CAMEL gcnsnniW let~r11x th ]tuiarTo load a Conklin Founstain Pen, jult1clitp it in any i)eisisciier NS ereis sisp1e-teririg tsr lre- ink, press the Crescent-F iler ansi sec itilli its own srent Rlosents [lii Knopf," rwith tire fol- The Coltege. tak ltke a camel slaking its Itist. Ohat's all threre lowring caist: Gatiriele, Miss Jennie lifar- Standard is to it!l No dropper-no mess-no hother. Do it ris; Berthasi Miss Rebtecca Shrelley; Dr. anywherec-any lime. izusiolii iiigess, A le. PrralDe. Etarl Blatt isr. eseis in- Both aysria. ebi -ONdt1' I.11)FILLINGPE tsr reseltedhe sa vlln.'bs st e thfitiperas rane of the "THE PEN iWITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" ,luisrress-iit it drmtriclis. can he filled instantly ssithout the least inconvenirence. You ~ t could fill it with white kid gloves on without dlanger of 11Hitt otitshe c r NVI.,tireACsit. soiling. Besidies its cc-nvenienrce, is the spilerndidi swrirrg lie. I (ugh lactkl sill deitver the see- qualities of the Conklin-thte perfect feed. (Adsr i e o .f [esr ectsres oinl Neissterr eslc dcrs lost toCrkts tsre trstrt r e EC all, hregisisii g A rris I t e isMrc .10, tutudirett. Priorcue s00adup. Rcod sit oce trforrsomeae w ass sr s:silrserir rl i'ere trts. I uens sefstirtsThe Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bird, Toledo, Ohio il re. 1In ittoha rslbeoes ners f e ir ts.' es.fectierho I ersrss paceresi atae ti I a irr-trl.I e ha rr te almorrst allrof tes rrits rsi IUatb.LU ]:s al ilal~(I.IIINIv61 us a Touch ofdntSpring itars teen isn illuth rity n hes isor oilessru'(ied atirsirs tll ir a stir lga The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc-. s~ret at1.2:0 Sudaynight Ir:1e s;tir 555 1111, 1t11" rtealer 5155 si tory of the spring, we 1are offering a special as en wltt toandrrssirrrs to5"Is purchase of beautiful new Spring French four- r ta, al~l ( Is strisith int lt h in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ends 1 ,t mdetl(,11ai(l11w ll trirbeten and in all the handsome spring coloring. siserils -The new Spring Shirts make their first bow it(rT TO t srssrss " errirtie I and they are beauties. The new spring styles is u 1Setcilhriros st, tse trultes o ] olar cl]-- ,~il 1)1r1iirtll rrr ithil in Hats and Cap are here for your inspection. ti rig f r t ir sc rtc 5 irl s5rt si V,011et1 I.'e I-ft o i$47 ,000o fsri IIilliti Sit ,tvoha rce ant 1 fo n earssrritaints e Siith I se55 ,titty Reule5 Fiege Mi v r ofrr sthserlatres t citti, 5it)a jclt its gc it akfr se5pring vacarsti. At MAx ticre -tre ornter rioy a ne ot1111 to Sprig ttkwea 1st ~For fien i h 0stile birs llii 'si. tret 3 ;Newest, Nattiest, Ln nteCity OIJ,) Y'l'VX s(i SMACK (ft Co. I OIrer isr rneein ie o sor strsr; I intso()alri olses ltl psital irsNV. 11. litrili fish .t5. St., fr r ettlogric. l" >1"111£; '[ Iar On ~ h~I El~~ ~ltWatches. tiramorntds, lt wlry, atnd l MONUEY q/~[[u lthClass Chatteland nfersr re 1aa e it I U JI Uite teiiesstrictly csouridruri it, 104 5Fourthi Avrenuse;ppos ite ciot htoust. Ror:B3t 130 or oS a In a O we douors struthi of City Y. M. C'A. W. J. LOURIM =Men's Hats H A T T ER S Notice Rowe's Laundry E L E CTRIi.CIT Y THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 32 N. Fith Ae. NewPhne tit ellliat e tr-LSupplied to College Mere mrnd New_______5___llP___e__5_- Womlten~ for All Purposes.V.V Booth space for Union County Fair Carnival SCT'DAINAAEM now being reserved. Appliactions and also SCOTTSoDANCNGsAaDeSteMY ideas of attractions contemplated sol e Cassstrdy 0A .e" AHEA IH O E O submitted as soon as possible to the Chairman 7:30 P. M. 200 1&ast Wshirzgtorx, Street of the Arrangements Committee. Asssbly 0 olock________________________ R. . OUGTO, oom7 utingFltsWAh KNG L00O KEEP YOVR DATES R. . OUI-TON Rom7 uttngFlts Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Iy carrying a copy ot the MICHIGAN Daily Subscriptions Now Due - --Chinese Fancy Disis, AmeriuLaunches atf ttANI ROK inyur pockeL. Space o em-nn-___ _ all inds. tverything fisct class tr ornda, calendar, special eetts, Uniersity - D O , iIT N V W* . adis and gentemen. Calendar in this 150 page boo. Given away Subsrptins taen by maiil, ceekl, rft oe Cinese and JapnseeBri-a-ra. to students at the University V. M. C. A. Mc-~ money order. Up Stir, ontedoorS. Hustnerot,, 314. State StMilian Nail. STDRNSCUE,319 East Huron Street