Ice Cream'Soda 5 cents t All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate Soda, l1c with douible portion of Ice Cream -E, E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. 'rill MICN!&AN VAiLV CALENDAR z Mlar 23-Ben Greet company in "Ro- men and Juliet." Mar. 24-Junior, engineer tdanice t Ilarbot' gymnasium. Mar. '2g--Atcoeney-iGenerai Wade ElI-ia addiess -at Taft Republicans club free meeting. 8 p. in.. Scott's dancin-g acatd- emi.4 Mar. 26--Henrietta Crosnian int "The New MIrs. Lnring." Mar. 2ff--Jan Knheliek, vinlinist, New Wltitiiey theater. Mar. 28-Junior lit sapper aitd latnce, infnomal, at.B~arbourt gymi,.7 :3n p. in. Mlar. 27-James O'Dnnnell Bennett, dratmatie eritie for the Chieagn Recnrd- Herald, will leeture nn "Richard Mans- fieltd, the Aetnr and the Man," in Sarah Caswell; Angell Hall. Mrar. 30-April 3-Ferry lectnres. Hugh Black, I).D. .Mar. 27-Lecture nn "The Making of Lteratutre," by Charles Whiting Baker, ntanaging editnr nf Engineering Newt. . .._ ., ., .:. ;. _ _ rTw 'HATS HATS 'HANS' Every -ashionable effect, every, col&' of the-'season. CAPS CAPS CAPS The nattiest and most approved. fash- ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable.- I Stein-BlockClothi ng Every Garment a :fashion plate,' THE ACME OF STYL E STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCLIMITT, AP FEL & CO. ,. t AMUSFIME NT S MAJESTI C Always a Refined Entertainment for the Entire Family SELECTED ACTS FOR THIS WEEK Mysteriouis Crucible You have hteaid of the Magic Kettle-You will see him hull water on a cake of ice, itake snow and snow hall the audience, etc., etc., truly a wonderful creation, 6--Other Fuxn; Making Numbers- 6 Also Edward Kelliev of "Are You A Mason," fame. A $i.5o Star at Majestic prices supported hy Sidonne, DixonM Remzember the Elk's Benefit Turesday Night, March 24 RESERVE YOUR SEATS BY PHONE PKICIEenis 13c5, 230,03033e. feats 30c. Matinees Wednesday a niStrrday's at :0. Afdmtsston Adualts 23e, Ccittrenn130. New Whitney BELL PHONE 480 Theatare HIOME PHONE .200 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Ptrelimsiaries in feneigMnday atd Wediesday at 4 p. it. ii feiting eoi' Breretoni, Presideneit. Al caididates for fresh lit baseball teais report ii trpfy rootm of the gyis -t 7:-is Wednesday. Craig, Mgr. F'irtsiottdoor basetall tratice Mo- diay at fair giititds. All cadidates re- prt gym at Inoclock. SlivaiCat. All persots iiterestedin i the fonmation of i Saisht dutii tre retiestel to nieet ini Horni5 I T aiin Nlal, 'Moindray after- notn at 4 0'lok. Pitssial exaiminationis'for fresitmien tking gym nwirk will be held fron 2 toi 4diiyteginingt loiiday, ii the direc- tors offie. Thle list fr the time f examnartioti soldtlibte signel as soni s tpssibli. OLD) TOWVN CANOES. Oreder your cao i timie for sring seasoii ,8oo canes oii hani. Drop postal toi W.IH. 'Triplet. 604 S. Tayer S.. for catalogue. 29 M~audie Miller Bissel-Voie Placiig aind Song Itterpretation, 1,en The Ct- ting; bothi photnes 428. Sat-ti H-eninitg & Koch for bicycle repairing and fishitg tackle of all kinds. 23-f See our complete line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. Haler's Jewelry Store, 26 S. Main street. od Fiaternity 1-ouse for Rent-arge house sitable for fraternity or club, ot North Division street; inspection invit- ed. Dr. A. J. Hall, Laurence Bldg., coriner Forth avene and Ann street Yell phone 758. ed SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. If a $2 per day guarantee itterests you see Mr. Phelps at Jolliffe & Kitmiller's, over Co-p, State street. tf THESIS DATE APRIL i5. Make a dlate with Jolliffe &Kitmiller at once for typewriting your thesis, and isuregetting in on time. Above Co-op. Both phones. e d-tf Alarm clocks warranted for one year, $.oo. Haler's Jewelry Store, 26 S. Main street. cod Little things will tell. For ex- ample, the best ealk costsdu- ble and treble the poor grades. We use the best only-B. B. Mahattan" and "Italian." Si1klLJ4RBS..BOWLI6NG, "lt'fLU '3. CIGARIS, CANDIES, TOACO. -12 S. state p $11 Msst~d MOE'S IARSER P leg North avrsty Ae. Fora limited time Iwe ,,offer a good, stem wilid and stem set Nh _ watch at "' Warranted entirely 4 4, satisfactory. H0UI'S IIOM[SUPPLY STORE BRIGHTO Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. Thu newest shades and designs of one piece, pure silk FIAT web. All metal parts heavy nickel- CLASPCLASP SILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLASP SILK all dealers or by mail. PIONVEEIR SUSPENDER CO., 718 market street Philadelpila Mkeof PioneerSsaners- You Cannot Get Strength from BOWILING unless you supply m,- terial for repairing i muscular waste- for replenishing the energy . expended. The human engine must have fuel. srnt oisfo a nitrogenous food t1- that is easily digested. t SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT is rich in the proteids that repair the daily waste of tissue and nerve force.: It .contains all the body-building ele- m.eats in the whole-wheat grain, made , digestible by steam-cooking, shrcd- ding and baking. No proceso hss ever heen devised that will make oats or corn as nutritious or at eatily, degeited as t whole wheat-the food of the human race for 4,000 years.j A -brkkfaat of SHJR,9 DDWHCAT BIS- CUIT with hot or cold milk or cream will supply -the enorgy, for a whole day'sa work.A . TRt-St5JJT.6theaame asthea Biaoutveacapt that it is compressed Into a wafar anidis used a a TOAST for .y moal, Inatead of 1k w~hite. lour bread.: Atoll grocers. The, Natural Food,,Co. IIA1RA FALLS, N., Y.' "ITSltifISRES Thusrsday, March 2 6 CH ENR IE TT A N &s 05 MAN "6Peggy" The Country Ciri A Comedy in Three Acts Produced hy David Garrick, Augustin Daly and Played with Great Success at DALY'S Theatre. Prices, .$.50, $1.00, 75c, $Oc, 25,c SEATS ON SALE TUESDAY Webb's, For High Grade Candies Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punohus, Sherbets;Fozen- Liquid Favors for all Occasions." Fancy Napk'nsand Doiliesashed Nut Cases. Webb's Chocolates are- Unsrpassed. 109 S. Main, St. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STY"L ES' -: jA~ q BLOR THIINO N TAL1O7RINO