THE MIC.ITIC N DArILY __ _. ..... Sam Burcilfield's Fine Tailoring, Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfiel & . EAST HURON ST. BEST STOCK OF Cr AK CIN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALARFI CLOCKS $1..00 .$1.50 -$1.75 All the btest makesat6-fully guaranteedtt. MICHIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPEKIALTY. Watch Iaspector for the Ann Arbor railroad J.; L. HAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. B Iranch: 304 S. State St. Cigart"4tes Turkish and Egyptain ALL THE LEADING BRANDS CASH PRICES 15c Pkg.- - 2 for25c 25c Pkg. _ - 5 for $1.00- ;W, E. JOLLY 30It". STATEF ST. MRS. J. R, TROJANOWSII FASH1IONABLE -HAIRDRESSER lair Goods, Hlairdressing, Shampooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 322 S. State St. l'p DStirs Belt Phone 359 r l t W MICHIGAN ALUMNUIS MEETS EMPEROR Edwin Neville, '07,,Tells of Ex- perience in Japanese Capitals Language Is Difficult. IEditFtt,. Nevilie, 07, poputlarly knot in tihe Utieityttsoy It"Dutke," Itho is a ttudent interpreter at lte Attericetttm- liatse)at Tokyo.,lils wrill ttenaninterest- ig letter to iatry Hill otfhits expteri- exattminatlitttfor Iis lpostiotnbeittg tite it te fetesttcressfttiratttidattes. "At yet I[ttate nt tItaikenthie itmtbassa- mtyself ithtaltlkintg abttttt teweaiter. interestlitng if lmty'explerietces wIasttIll tretttiotttoItt ettperotr (thothtt eil vulgatr etll tile liktteh) , atndI otilde sotte thtree ttt fottr mitaktes itt etiqette, 'teat's tday at tegratttimptietiatltece- tttttt where tee tailed ittti t mattewit t'th itttttts, ttttil it teas litte ttgo tettttterfttl itaee,.terettert' teopie there tstetkinitt tvervlttttgutage ttttrth ie 11t ,e ei l trtr'thlugthrtets rottohm ,ife t'lut ttere stultanigoitt ttiat. Next, 1eetlt . itttte. A sntth'te utit"e'111 t'her"ae tee rettetitedttttote ltteatoe vIxhshotitethantsi tthte.Attethtw etint tetbustittt,ere wt'rt hetdisomelitctc.a and ottit ater ioltel ti e wie Itho e itigeftteuttts.f t. tte weeprsntdwtttttelaqe lteJu'h itttetastttayt e itt«ietller, lie evtetim-IllontthestttAt a atsrliter ffate 'i Ie trsime attI b it untiontiter is (g'fcaue Itaifto unitftor n.hett'ot.t reitttyt ti tt 'l ecet it itheselut ri ithfewaiers at atutbile)'faittotthir roten ittiet) tIshoultimagtie trhett itttrai ete alt tifficlt jlilTheil wat ite eti el dli ff'eenhtt ordefo1 it. til)' its he r incipt' iffitultytllgl tee r Iiterill otfwtitint viil mtt blit'erudt itiItittetiltetitlt so 'badetfor.ttetu are lTtle orls- p ol t el fic.t" ' ie. I ofthllel0ymiiiiiititle" tobe lldtiilit Itno i'''iti'er 11'ise'liiet titAeri it tal lwtrl I tutu i I lc wilb 11111 iiilett lti 147. 1A00 illicli alt a diats il m ot1i C'11111g0. The ntrie «il 1clos111 a 18. FC.111o1112;Mcign1 cnc I qcgc, i i t i l h reOftc ct hlt et- in teil iii m 11a11 liillill av New' York1 it out utieilst otill -11il Ii 'res Iii'." ls" 'lii Iers arSttet' ilpI te inlto' 1t6t.E l/alet Re p,0tirngoesfttt ttrottget arsrt. haidler's37.tetirn Str, 216 narS Main itr t tlls i;O ll lilt (broad 'ii Pit'" I l' ld 1 tie'g'. Ollitti elli S. b 27d ump 111, fobo and iho t l- tetiilcrt. Ilaler's t'e wery t clS cf estorel ,. a stt tr t td Order "nitlill' ewtiit e ae itn eld s iitl titisti qotello t ott lit atleDrl s<. tul l eot foi. rpletnt.heal lterli 11t t fur eatkog Il t eate rn Ifee Spring 1908 CLO TH CR AFT (All1 Wool) Society arvd College Brand Clothes NOW ON SALE Eagle Shirt from Loom to Wearer $1o00 to $2.50, Fine Line of Negligee Shirts at 50c and 75c Full line of EXTRAGOOD Children's Cloth= ing. All kinds of Underwear, Union and Two= piece. All the spring styles of Hats Staebler Q uerth Co. 4. 211 S. MAIN STREET " U F S T YEThe man who buys 2 lz{ -Gtvte, shoes each season is never out of style because l.1aii-Cce, shoes keep abreast of shoe fashion. Every de- I 'sirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can be found in shoes and the other essentials of satisfactory shoes, comfort asnd service, are contain-pi e d in all W~d-" shoes. T~IE ACME OF EASil ,Walk-mOver Shoe Co. 115 SOUTH MAIN STREE s I Hart, Schaiffner & Mari All Wool-Harid Tailored U SPRING CLOTHING The clothier, Ready when ,youx are. 'F THE FARMER~S AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON. STREEBTS Captal, $50,000, SurpiuanadProfits, $65,000 General Banking Business. 3 percent paid un Time and Savings Deposits. Safety Der' posit Boats to tent at 1.00 and upwaeds R. KRastr. Pees. W. Ci. STEVENS. Vicee-Pres F. B. BztLsOR. Cash.' H. A. WILLIAms Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank_ Capital stock, $50000. Surplus. $l00,000 Resources, $2,200,000 A Geaeral Banking Businesa Tranaacted Oreactast Chas. E. Hiscock, Pees.; W. Dt, tHarriman, Vice Prea.:I M. J, Pritc.Ciaahiee STATE SAVINGS BANK, W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wino Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tia. H. Wade EF. Mills John Haarer Jnu. Koch P'ruf. H. S. Carhart Haney W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. "Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANNe ARsOR, MICH. F. D. KtNNE, HARCRISON 5OCT51, Frees. ' S. W. CLAHRKSON, Cshier. Capital,.$100,000. Surplus ansofeats; §150,000, , . r l l I' Spring Ht The Newest Shades and Styles At ' Wadhamrs Q Co. See Our Show Windowr 4 THE Palai~s Rya 209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS Froot Every Country i :I German American Savings Bank 0. M. Mar till DIRECTR.x. yt ,Commrercial ald Office 2095S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. . Patent Leather Belts etude with a eelt- H ot IL unch SabVingjs- Residenxce 302,I$. 5thAve. Phone 314 vta match your skirt atrblose, 35e-.fSend us'a At Tr ttle'a. 338 S. State AMBULANCE -ON -CALL t place o the freon goods when seodieg ord e ________________ Cor. Matsu iand 1Liberty streets THE DELTCRAIFT CO.. BOSTON. MASS. STUDORNTCFLR, 319 IEast Huron Street